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1、人教版高一英语教案第十单元Unit 10 The world around us . 单元教学目标技能目标 Skill GoalsTalk about ways to protect the environmentTalk about wildlife endangermentReview Direct and Indirect SpeechWrite about causes and effectsMake a poster.目标语言Causes and effectsWhy?功 Because of . , I.能 As a result of .句 I will use .式 Becau

2、se/As/ Since .If . , then .It follows that .It will lead to .1四会词fur, Tibetan, lead, jungle, wolf, giraffe, environmental, act, measure, original, battery, devote, common, valuable, reduce, respond, amount, package,词 packaging, harmful, flat, material, poster, attractive, topic, organize, brief 2.认读

3、词汇antelope, endanger, hippo, kangaroo, Steve Jones, Birmingham, species, endangerment, habitat, adapt, Jennifer, Stevenson, ecosystem, soda, graph汇 3.词组in danger, die out, as a result of, lead to, take measure, adapt to, make a difference, devote .to, at present, setfree, in the wild, throw away , k

4、eep.from, first of all, end up as, do.without.4.重点词汇lead, measure,devote, reduce, jungle, tour, environment, act, devote, common, amount, harmful, material, package, topicReview Direct and Indirect Speech1. Reporting statements“ I am writing an article about animals in zoos, ” the reporter said.The

5、reporter said that he was writing an article about animals in zoos.2.Reporting yes-no questions“ Do you like living in the zoo? ” the reporter asked the kangaroo.语 The reporter asked the kangaroo if he liked living in the zoo.3.Reporting wh-questions法 “How long have you lived in the zoo? ” the repor

6、ter asked the hippo.The reporter asked the hippo how long he had lived in the zoo.4.Reporting commands and requests“Please tell me more about the advantagesand disadvantages of living in thezoo, ” the reporter said to the giraffe.The reporter asked the giraffe to tell him more about the advantages a

7、nddisadvantages of living in the zoo.5.Reporting general truth“ Human survival is dependent on the natural world, ” he said.He said that human survival is dependent on the natural world.1. We human beings could not survive without all the plants and animals around us.重 2. Many of the earths plants a

8、nd animals have already died out.点 3. If we know more about what causesendangerment, we may be able to take句 measures before it is too late.子 4. A species can become endangered for different reasons.5. When the habit of a species is changed or destroyed, the animal or plant has to either adapt to th

9、e change or find a new home.6. Professor Stevenson, who has devoted himself to protecting the milu deer.III. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以环境保护为中心话题, 内容涉及“野生动物保护” 、“污染的防止”、“生活的环保” 和“环保知识宣传” 等。 语言知识和语言活动的设计是围绕 “环境保护”这一中心话题展开的。1.1 WARMING UP 部分通过三图幅片导入本单元 , 引出有关动物保护的话题并使学生了解濒危动物,树立保护动物、保护环境的意识。1.2 LISTENING 部分是

10、有关“空气污染” 、“水污染”和“环境污染”等的话题。学生在听的过程中,要捕获信息,以提高听力的水平。另外,教材还设计了讨论题作为“听后”活动,在形式上,把“听”与“说”相结合,力求训练学生的综合语言运用能力。1.3 SPEAKING 安排一组采访活动。教材中提供了部分启发性的采访问题,帮助学生展开口语活动, 同时还要求学生自己设计问题, 发展自主能力。 活动具有趣味性,有助于学生亲近、关爱动物。1.4 PRE-READING 部分以提问的形式导入课文,是阅读课文前的热身。1.5 READING 分三部分叙述主题内容。 1、人与动物的关系。 2、动物灭绝的原因。 3、 补救措施。 文章语言简洁

11、,条理清晰。不仅有助于提高学生的阅读能力,而且在写作上也有所帮助。1.6 POST-READING 部分由两部分组成。第一部分通过回答问题的形式,进一步加深对课文的理解。 第二部分围绕课文展开一些环保教育活动, 要求学生列表说明每天要做的对环保有益的事, 以培养学生的环保的责任感, 调动他们参与环保行动的自觉性。1.7 LANGUAGE STUDY 部分分为词汇和语法两项。词汇学习涉及构词法和词组填空练习。 帮助学生扩大词汇量, 同时也指导学生掌握通过语境记忆词汇的方法。本单元的语法项目是复习直接引语和间接引语。1.8 INTEGRATING SKILLS 包括读写和写两部分。第一部分体现了读

12、是写的基础,写是读的发挥。第二部分写作的任务是学会制作一张宣传环保的海报。上述设计的目的是使学生能够边学边做,做到学用结合。1.9 TIPS 部分对怎样制作一幅成功的海报提出了一些建议,在语言方面具体指导学生完成制作海报的任务。1.10 CHECKPOINT 部分简要地总结了直接引语和间接引语的用法,并且通过两个问题引导学生对本单元所学的词汇作一小结。2. 教材重组2.1 将 WARMING UP, SPEAKING 和 Workbook 中的 TALKING 整合成一节“口语课 ”。2.2 LISTENING 和 Workbook 中的 LISTENING 整合在一起上一节 “听力课”。2.

13、3 将 PRE-READING, READING 和 POST-READING 整合成一节“阅读课”。2.4 将 LANGUAGE STUDY, CHECKPOINT 10 和 Workbook 中 的PRACTISING 整合成一节“语法课” 。2.5 将课本 INTEGRATING SKILLS 阅读部分及写作整合成一节综合阅读写作课。2.6 将 Workbook INTEGRA TING SKILLS 阅读部分及写作整合成一节综合阅读写作课。3. 课型设计与课时分配1st period2nd period3rd period4th period5th period6th periodSp

14、eakingListeningReadingGrammarExtensive Reading and writing (1)Extensive Reading and writing (2) .分课时教案The First PeriodSpeakingTeaching goals教学目标1.Target Language 目标语言a. 词汇fur, Tibetan, antelope, endanger, jungle, wolf, hippo, kangaroo, giraffeb. 短语use.for/ as/ to do; make sure; in danger; die out; t

15、ake turnsc. Useful expressions功能句式Talk about animals endangered:1). When . be cut down, .can no longer .2). Many . are killed by people who want to .3). . are hunted for (their) wool.4). There are few areas left where . can live.Talk about the reasons:1). Why do you think . ?2). How can you say . ?3

16、). Whatsthe reason for . ?4). Because/ Because of .5). As .6). The reason is .7). . , so .8). . so that .2. Ability goals 能力目标Make the students know about animals and factor of their endangering. Let them know importance and necessity of protecting wild animals. Establish the consciousness of enviro

17、nmental protection.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Let the students talk about the animals and the reasons of endangeringusing the useful expressions, and talk about the suggestion of protecting animal further.Teaching important points 教学重点Talk about wildlife endangered with the target language and us

18、eful expressions.Teaching difficult points 教学难点Using an interview format and the useful expressions to practise talking about animals and animal protection.Teaching methods教学方法1.Group work to discuss (cooperative learning);2.Pair work to make dialogues;3.Performance: act out the dialogues they make.

19、Teaching aids 教具准备1.A projector and some slides2.Some pictures of different animalsTeaching procedure & ways 教学过程及方式Step Greetings & Lead-inT: Good morning, everybody! Did you have a nice weekend?I went to the zoo with some friends. I saw a lot of animals and birds there. I like them very much. Do y

20、ou like animals? (Yes!) What kind of animal do you likemost?S1: I like the dog best.T: Good! What about you?S2: I like the monkey most. Itsclever and smart.T: Well done! OK, today we are going to talk about animals.Step Warming upT: Please look at the pictures on P.64. There are 3 kinds of animals.

21、Who can tell us what they are?S: They are tigers, pandas and Tibetan antelopes.T: Right. From picture 1, we can see 2 tigers. Theyre running happily and living a peaceful life in nature. But they are in danger now. Who can tell us why the tiger is in danger?S1: The forests they live in are destroyed

22、, they can no longer hide and hunt.S2: People kill tigers to sell their fur and use their bones for medicine.T: Very good! What about the panda? The pandas in picture are enjoying their meal. However, in fact, the number of the panda is getting smaller and smaller. What are the reasons?S: Let me try

23、. There are few areas left where pandas can live and some people kill them for their fur.T: Right! What do you know about the Tibetan antelopes?S: They are beautiful. But people hunt them for their fur.T: Thats right.T: Right. We know nowadays many of the world s animals and plants are in danger. Ca

24、n you name them as many as possible?S:Let me try. the Golden monkey, the Chinese alligator, the gorilla, the zebra, the pangolin, the elephant, the blue whale and so on.T:Good. Now, letsfinish the next two questions. Please discussthe questions on the screen in groups of four.(Show the following que

25、stions on the screen.)1. Why is it important to make sure that animals do not die out?2. What can we do to help endangered animals?Possible answers:2. If animals and plants die out, we will not be able to survive.All animals and plants are necessary if we want healthy ecosystems.Theyre important. We

26、 need them for medical and commercial purposes.3. Stop people cutting down too many trees and killing animals. Protect their habitat.Protect the environment from now on.Step SpeakingTask 1: Words of the animalsnamesT: We know that animals are friends of human beings. Look at the pictures on P.66.Her

27、e are some of them.Who can write down their names on the blackboard?(Ask one or two students to write these names on the blackboard.)Good! Go back to your seat, please.Task 2: InterviewingLet the Ss read the instructions carefully and make sure that they know what to do.T: I think most of you have s

28、een the animals in the zoo.Do you think they are happy in the zoo or they prefer to live in the wild? (Theremay be two kinds of answers among the students.) Now, lets play a game. Look at the Speaking part. Read the instructions and then finish the dialogue. Please work in pairs. A few minutes later

29、, Ill ask some pairs to act out your dialogues.(When pairs have finished, ask one or two pairs to repeat their interviews in front of the class.)Sample dialogues:Suggested dialogue 1A: a reporter B: a tigerA: Would you mind my asking you some questions?B: Of course not.A: Where did you live before t

30、hey brought you to the zoo?B: I lived in a forest in the south.A: How long have you lived in the zoo?B: About a year.A: Do you like living in the zoo?B: Yes, I like it.A: Can you tell us why?B: Yes. I neednt worry about food. I always have enough to eat. And its safer here.A: Do you mean that you pr

31、efer living in the zoo to living in the jungle?B: You are right.A: Do you have anything to say to all humans?B: Yes, I want to tell them to build bigger zoos for us. Then we will feel much more comfortable.Suggested dialogue 2A: a reporter B: an elephantA: Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.A: May I ask you some questions?B: Sure. Go ahead.A: Where did you live before they brought you here?B: I used to live in a great forest in South A

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