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1、高考英语试题广东卷完整解析版2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 (广东卷) A卷英 语. 语言知识及应用(共两节。满分35分) 第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes. The 1 has been on the belief that in regular classes these childre

2、n are held back in their intellectual (智力的) growth by 2 situation that has designed for the 3 children.There can be little doubt that 4 classes can help the gifted children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner. However, to take these 5 out of the regular classes may create serious

3、 problems.I observed a number of 6 children who were taken out of a special class and placed in a 7 class. In the special class, they showed little ability to use their own judgment, relying 8 on their teachers directions. In the regular class, having no worry about keeping up, they began to reflect

4、 9 on many problems, some of which were not on the school program.Many are concerned that gifted children become 10 and lose interest in learning. However this 11 is more often from parents and teachers than from students, and some of these 12 simply conclude that special classes should be set up fo

5、r those who are 13 . Some top students do feel bored in class, but why they 14 so goes far beyond the work they have in school. Studies have shown that to be bored is to be anxious. The gifted child who is bored is an 15 child.1. A. principle B. theory C. arguments D. classification2. A. designing B

6、. grouping C. learning D. living3. A. smart B. curious C. mature D. average4. A. regular B. special C. small D. creative5. A. children B. programs C. graduates D. designs6. A. intelligent B. competent C. ordinary D. independent7. A. separate B. regular C. new D. boring8. A. specially B. slightly C.

7、wrongly D. heavily9. A, directly B. cleverly C. voluntarily D. quickly10. A. doubted B. bored C. worried D. tired11. A. concern B. conclusion C. reflection D. interest12. A. students B. adults C. scholars D. teachers13. A. talented B. worried C. learned D. interested14. A. believe B. think C. say D.

8、 feel15. A. outstanding B. intelligent C. anxious D. ordinary原文出处1.答案:C 解析:考查名词,运用原词重现方法。前一句提到了argued, 所以此处用argument. 2.答案:C解析:考查形容词,因为提到了regular class,说明这是和学习相关,所以此处用learning.3.答案:D解析:考查形容词,此句话的意思是“这个争论的依据是:在正常班级里,这些孩子的智力成长会受到这个专门为一般儿童设计的学习环境的影响。” average 此处意为一般的。4.答案:B 解析:考查形容词,此两句话的意思是“毫无疑问,天才儿童的

9、特别班可以帮助他们早点毕业,提前走向社会。但是,将这些学生从普通班里抽调出来,则可能对他们以及社会带来严重的问题。” special 意为特别的,与下文中的regular 相反。5.答案:A解析:考查名词,these children指代天才儿童。意思同上题。 6.答案:A解析:考查形容词,运用同义复现的方法。此处只有intelligent 与gifted 对应。7.答案:B解析:考查形容词,此处答案可以从下文中的In the special class 和In regular class 得出。8.答案:D解析:考查副词,heavily 意为过分地。此句意为“在为天才儿童组织的特别学校里,这

10、些孩子们很少有机会运用自己善于评论的判断力,相反,他们过分依赖老师的指导。” 9.答案:C解析:考查副词,voluntarily 意为自然地,此句意为“在步子较慢的学校里,这些学生不再为跟班犯愁,便很自然地对许多问题进行反复思考,有些甚至不属于学校课程之内。”10.答案:B解析:考查形容词,运用原词重现方法和同义重现方法。Lose interest 和bored 对应,以及后文中的” Some top students do feel bored”第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中

11、词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为1625的相应位置上。One Sunday morning in August I went to local music festival. I left it early because I had an appointment 16 (late) that day. My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me 17 the bus arrived. I got on the bus and found a seat near the back, and then I noti

12、ced a man 18 (sit) at the front. He 19 (pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice. He must be 20 (mental) disabled.Behind him were other people to 21 he was trying to talk, but after some minutes 22 walked away and sat near me, looking annoyed.I didnt want to be laughed at for talking

13、 to him but I didnt like leaving him 23 his own either.After a while I rose from my seat and walked to the front of the bus. I sat next to the man and introduced myself. We had 24 amazing conversation. He got off the bus before me and I felt very happy the rest of the way home.Im glad I made a choic

14、e. It made 25 of us feel good.原文出处:http:/www.inspirational-short-11.答案:later 解析:考查形容词,later 意为较晚的。此题易错填为lately 或latly.12.答案:until 解析:考查连词,until 直到才,此句意为“我的朋友和我一起走到汽车站,一直等到汽车到来。”13.答案:sitting 解析:考查非谓词动词中的分词,notice sb. doing sth. 注意到某人正在做某事。 此题易错填为siting .14.答案:was pretending 解析:考查谓语动词的时态。根据后面的giving

15、以及and 连接词类及用法的一致性,不难得出答案。15.答案:mentally解析:考查副词。Mentally 修饰形容词disabled.16.答案:who/whom解析:考查连词。此句是定语从句,who/whom 在定语从名中作介词to 的宾语。17.答案:they解析:考查代词。此处的they 指代other people,从后面的looking annoyed,可以看出应该是other people,而不是he. 此题易错填为he. 18.答案:on解析:考查介词。 On ones own 是固定搭配,意为“独自地”。此题易错题 by .19.答案:an解析:考查冠词。考查冠词的这个结

16、构”a/an+形容词+单数可数名词” ,因为amazing 是以元音发音开头的,所以用an。此题易错题为a.20.答案:both解析:考查代词,both of us 两者都。. 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIn the animal kingdom, weakness can bring about aggression in other animal. This sometimes happens with humans also. But I hav

17、e found that my weakness brings out the kindness in people. I see it every day when people hold doors for me, pour cream into my coffee, or help me to put on my coat. And I have discovered that it makes them happy.From my wheelchair experience, I see the best in people, but sometimes I feel sad beca

18、use those who appear independent miss the kindness I see daily. They dont get to see this soft side of others. Often, we try every way possible to avoid showing our weakness, which includes a lot of pretending. But only when we stop pretending were brave or strong do we allow people to show the kind

19、ness thats in them.Last month, when I was driving home on a busy highway, I began to feel unwell and drove more slowly than usual. People behind me began to get impatient and angry, with some speeding up alongside me, horning (按喇叭) or even shouting at me. At the moment I decided to do something I ha

20、d never done in twenty-four years of driving. I put on the car flashlights and drove on at a really low speed.No more angry shouts and no more horns!When I put on my flashlights, I was saying to other drivers, “I have a problem here. I am weak and doing the best I can.” And everyone understood. Seve

21、ral times, I saw drivers who wanted to pass. They couldnt get around me because of the stream of passing traffic. But instead of getting impatient and angry, they waited, knowing the driver in front of them was in some way weak.Sometimes situations call for us to act strong and brave even when we do

22、nt feel that way. But those are few and far between. More often, it would be better if we dont pretend we feel strong when we feel weak or pretend that we are brave when we are scared.26. The author has discovered that people will feel happy when _. A. they offer their help B. they receive others he

23、lp C. they feel others kindness D. they show their weakness27. The author feels sad sometimes because _. A. he has a soft heart B. he relies much on others C. some people pretend to be kind D. some people fail to see the kindness in others28. What did the other drivers do when they saw the flashligh

24、ts?A. They speed up to pass. B. They waited with patience. C. They tried their best to help. D. They put on their flashlights too.29. In this passage, the author advises us to _. A. handle problems by ourselves B. accept help from others C. admit our weakness D. show our bravery30. Which of the foll

25、owing is the best title for the passage? A. A Wheelchair Experience. B. Weakness and Kindness. C. Weakness and StrengthD. A Driving Experience本文是一篇记叙文,讲叙作者对weakness思考,建议我们应该承认自己的软弱的一面。原文出处:http:/

26、f 26. 答案:A 解析:细节理解题,根据第一段最后一句话“And I have discovered that it makes them happy.”及此句之前的内容可以得出答案。27. 答案:D 解析:细节理解题,根据第二段第一句话“but sometimes I feel sad because those who appear BCan dogs and cats live in perfect harmony in the same home? People who are thinking about adopting a dog as a friend for their

27、cats are worried that they will fight. A recent research has found a new recipe of success. According to the study, if the cat is adopted before the dog, and if they are introduced when still young (less than 6 months for cats, a year for dogs), it is highly probable that the two pets will get along

28、 swimmingly. Two-thirds of the homes interviewed reported a positive relationship between their cat and dog.However, it wasnt all sweetness and light. There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes, while aggression and fighting were observed in 10% of the homes. One reaso

29、n for this is probably that some of their body signals were just opposite. For example, when a cat turns its head away it signals aggression, while a dog doing the same signals submission.In homes with cats and dogs living peacefully, researchers observed a surprising behaviour. They are learning ho

30、w to talk each others language. It is a surprise that cats can learn how to talk dog, and dogs can learn how to talk Cat.Whats interesting is that both cats and dogs have appeared to develop their intelligence. They can learn how to read each others body signals, suggesting that the two may have mor

31、e in common than we previously suspected. Once familiar with each others presence and body language, cats and dogs can play together, greet each other nose to nose, and enjoy sleeping together on the sofa. They can easily share the same water bowl and in some cases groom (梳理) each other.The significance of the research on cats and dogs may go beyond pets-to people who dont get along, including neighbors, colleagues at work, and even world superpowers. If cats and dogs can learn to get along, surely people have a good chance.31. The

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