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1、届一轮复习人教版必修二Unit5Music单元学案20页word版2019届一轮复习人教版必修二Unit 5Music单元学案一 单元基础词汇搜索一、写其形1.roll vt.& vi.滚动;(使)摇摆n. 摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈2.jazz n. 爵士音乐3.musician n. 音乐家4.pretend vt. 假装;假扮5.attach vt.& vi. 系上;缚上;附加;连接6.form vt. (使)组成;形成;构成7.passerby n. 过路人;行人8.earn vt. 赚;挣得;获得9.extra adj. 额外的;外加的10.perform vt.& vi. 表演;履行

2、;执行11.performance n. 表演;演奏12.millionaire n. 百万富翁;富豪 n. 男演员;行动者14.rely vi. 依赖;依靠15.broadcast n. 广播;播放vi.& vt. (broadcast;broadcast) 广播;播放16.humorous adj. 幽默的;诙谐的17.familiar adj. 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的18.attractive adj. 吸引人的;有吸引力的19.addition n. 加;增加;加法20.excitement n. 兴奋;刺激21.confident adj. 自信的;确信的22.bri

3、ef adj. 简短的;简要的n. 摘要;大纲23.briefly adv. 简要地;短暂地24.devotion n. 投入;热爱25.afterwards adv. 然后;后来26.invitation n. 邀请;招待27.sensitive adj. 敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的28.painful adj. 痛苦的;疼痛的二、知其意1.classical adj. 古典的;古典文艺的2.folk adj. 民间的3.choral adj. 唱诗班的;合唱队的4.fame n. 名声;名望5.instrument n. 工具;器械;乐器 n. 酒馆;酒吧 n. 现金

4、 n. 工作室;演播室9.overnight adv. 在晚上;在夜里;(口)很快;一夜之间10.dip vt. 浸;蘸11.beard n. 胡须1.dream_of 梦见;梦想;设想2.to_be_honest 说实在地;实话说 认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接4.in_cash 用现金;有现钱5.play_jokes_on 戏弄6.rely_on 依赖;依靠 熟悉;与熟悉起来8.or_so 大约9.break_up 打碎;分裂;解体10.in_addition 另外;也11.sort_out 分类12.a

5、bove_all 最重要;首先1.They may start as a group of highschool students,for whom practicing_their_music_in_someones_house_is the first step to fame.他们开始可能是一组中学生,在某个人家里排练音乐是成名的第一步。2.Sometimes they may play to passersby in the street or subway so_that_they_can_earn_some_extra_money for themselves or to pay

6、for their instruments.有时他们可能在街上或地铁里为过路人演奏,这样他们可以为自己或自己要买的乐器多挣一些钱。3.The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music,most_of_which_was_based loosely on the Beatles.组成乐队的音乐人演奏音乐,还彼此打趣逗乐。这些玩笑和音乐大多都在模仿“甲壳虫”乐队。4.Freddy and his band could_not_go_out_anywhere_without_being_followed.弗雷迪和

7、他的乐队无论走到哪里都会有人跟随。5.Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked as_if_they_were_close_friends.一些不认识他们的人也在不断地讨论他们的私生活,而且就像是他们的密友一样在谈论他们。二 单元语言综合运用.阅读理解ABessie ColemanBorn in Texas, Coleman moved to Chicago to find a job, but she became interested in the stori

8、es she heard from pilots returning from World War .However, her race (种族) and her gender (性别) kept her out of flight schools in the US., so she made her way to France where she could learn flying.When she returned to Chicago, Coleman had difficulty finding jobs, so she chose to be a stunt (特技) pilot

9、.She was the first black female pilot in the US.and was an inspiration to early pilots and to African Americans and Native Americans.Bessica RaicheBessica Raiche drove a car, shot guns and practiced medicine.Besides, she was an accomplished artist and musician.But on Oct.13, 1910, Raiche became the

10、first American woman to make a flight in an aircraft by herself.Raiches aviation career (航空职业) was short, as she moved to Southern California to focus on her career in medicine, later becoming president of the Orange County Medical Association.Willa BrownWilla Brown was the first African American wo

11、man to earn both a pilots license (1938) and a commercial license (1939)As a former schoolteacher and social worker, Brown set up the Coffey School of Aeronautics at Chicagos Harlem Airport, which later became the first governmentapproved aviation training school for African Americans.Peggy WhitsonA

12、t 57, Peggy Whitson was the worlds oldest spacewoman.She has spent 500 days off Earth more than any other woman, and in 2008, she became the first female commander of the International Space Station (ISS)She made her eighth space walk on March 30, 2017 and she beat the current record for women of 50

13、 hours and 40 minutes of total spacewalking time.1Why did Bessie Coleman move to France?ATo acquire stunt skills.BTo find a wellpaid job.CTo take part in World War .DTo achieve her flying dream.解析:选D细节理解题。由第一段的“her race (种族) and her gender (性别) kept her out of flight schools in the US., so she made

14、her way to France where she could learn flying”可知,Bessie Coleman到法国是想实现自己成为飞行员的梦想。2Who made a contribution to aviation education?ABessie Coleman. BBessica Raiche.CWilla Brown. DPeggy Whitson.解析:选C细节理解题。由第三段的最后一句可知,Willa Brown创办了第一所政府支持的非裔美国人飞行训练学校。3Which of the following do the four share?AThey are

15、outstanding women pilots.BThey suffered discrimination at work.CThey never received good education.DThey have shown great creativity.解析:选A推理判断题。由第一段的最后一句、第二段的“Raiche became the first American woman to make a flight in an aircraft by herself”以及第三段和第四段的内容可推知,这四位都是杰出的女飞行员。BWhen Sarah Hansen first came to Bonnie Schlachtes ballet studio, she jokingly called herself a “weeblewobble”, telling her ballet teacher that she would fall when she tried to walk.“She couldnt walk across the room with

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