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1、八年级英语上册Unit5Doyouwanttowatchagameshow词汇篇试题新版人教新目标版Un it 5 词汇篇參大脑侮操)节作业至燕况)拿教学目标)学生通过本讲学习,能够掌握本单元的重点词汇句型,并在综合能力上有一定的拓展。李趣味引尺李知识梳画词组及句型grow up 成长; 长大 every day 每天be sure about 对 有把握 make sure 确信;务必sendto把 送至U be able to 能find out: 查出,查明be goi ng to+ 动词原形 打算做某事mi nd doing: 介意做什么practice doing 练习做某事不断地做

2、某事学会做某事做完某事许诺去做某事帮助某人做某事记住做某事keep on doing sth. learn to do sth. finish doing sth. promise to do sth. help sb. to do sth. remember to do sth.agree to do sth. 同意做某事love to do sth. 喜爱做某事want to do sth. 想要做某事李辅色讲解)1.- Do you mind my car here?-No,of course not.A. to park B. park C. park ing D. parked解析:

3、mind doing,故选 C。请选择合适的词填空look forfindfind out2.- What are you ?-My pen.3.- Did you your pen cil?-Yes, it was in my bag.4.Please how your father will go to Shan ghai.解析:look for: 表示寻找的动作;find表示寻找的结果,多表示找到某物; find out :表示查到,查明,多知查到结果,事实的真相,故第 2题为looking for ,第3题为find,第4题为find outexcit ing excited5.Wow

4、, just now Li Pi ng told me a piece of n ews.6.Wang Jun was to see his old friend at the supermarket.解析:exciting :使。感觉兴奋,多修饰物,excited :对。感到兴奋,多修饰人,故第 5题为exciting ,第 6 题为 excited。卑当堂冢可基础演练选词填空一、around the world lear n fromgo on sports showa lot1.- Do you know about Lilys family?-Yes, there are three

5、people in her family.2.Every year people come here and see the in teresti ng ani mals.3.him.Mike is very smart, so you should4.1 dont know what is outside the house.5.He likes sports and of course he wants to see a 1.a lot2.around the world3.lear n from4.going on5.sports show选词填空二successfularmy lose

6、 reas onbecome6.When did your sister an En glish teacher?7.I n 2009 his brother joined the .8.My father is a very busi nessma n.9.Yesterday morning she her pen.10.Tell me the why you dont like Mike.6.become7.army8.successful9.lost10.reas on巩固提高1.我最喜爱的电视节目是访谈节目和达人秀节目。 TV shows talk shows and tale nts

7、hows.2.约翰喜欢看新闻节目,因为他想了解世界各地在发生什么。John likes watching news to learnabout whats going on around the world.3.他计划今晚看一场足球赛。He a football match tonight.4.人们简直无法忍受这儿炎热的天气。People the hot weather here.5.请查明这趟火车什么时候到达。Please when the train will arrive.6.你认为我们的学校怎么样 ?What do you our school?7.他想看谈话节目。He wants t

8、o watch a .8.新闻节目比情景喜剧更具有教育意义。News is more sitcoms.9.吉姆想查明世界各地发生的事情。Jim wants to whats going on around the world.10.有一天我们会回到学校的。well go back to school.11.你最喜欢的卡通片是什么 ?What is your ?12.我仅知道其中一个主要原因。I only knew the main 13.谁长着一双比米奇的还有名的耳朵 ?Whohas ears tha n Mickeys?14.昨天我遇到许多问题,比如丢了钱和衣服。 losi ng money

9、 and clothesI had many problems yesterday.15.大家都愿意尽自己的最大努力。Every one is ready to 1.My favorite, are2.because he wants3.pla ns to watch4.cant sta nd5.find out6.thi nk show8.educati onal tha n9.find out10.One day11.favorite cart of; reas ons13.a pair of; more famous14.such as15.try

10、his/her best16.爭当堂检测2.- What do you think of the room?3.Lets a game show after dinner.4.Would you mi nd on the TV?5. The TV show is very,so I dont like it.A. excit ing B.bori teresti ngD.funny6. - Is your mother at home?-I dont kno w. I think shebe at home.A. need B.mustC.mayD.do7.I dont like

11、 carto ons because theyre8.12.Tom hasfive Chin ese books.-Yeah, three Chin ese books are on the desk and three Chin ese books are un der the desk.A. underB.overC.aboveD.on13. - What abouta rest?-OK! Lets go for a walk.A. to haveB.hadC.haveD.havi ng14. Its quite excit ingmethe In ternet.A. for; surfB

12、.for; to surfC. for; for surfDCABB CDAAA BBDB二、完形填空(2013-2014朝阳区期末考试)A school was n ear my home and I ofte n watched the kids from my win dow whe n they playedverybasketball. One day, I saw a little girl playing with boys. 16 playedpracticed by herself un til dark.One day I asked her 18 she practice

13、d so much. She said, I want togo to university. The only way I can go is to get a scholarship( 奖学金).1 like to playbasketball. If I play well, I can get a scholarship. My father told me that if the 19 is big eno ugh and I work hard for it, I can be successful. Then she smiledand ran to go practice.I

14、watched her through junior high and into high school. Every week, she and her school team won(赢)in the basketball matches.One day, I saw her 20 in the grass. I went over there and sat dow nbeside her. I asked her what was wrong. Oh, nothing, she answered, I am just too short.The coach( 教练)told her t

15、hat she would probably never play for a university team, so sheshould 21 her dream about un iversity.She was sad, but she told me that her father said those coaches were not _22 . They did not understand the power( 力量)of a dream. He told her that if shereally wan ted to play for a good uni versity,

16、and wan ted a scholarship, 23 could stop her.The n ext year, whe n she and her 24 went to the Norther n Califor niamatch, a university recruiter( 招生官员)noticed her and 25 her a fullscholarship. Her dream fin ally came true.16A.TheyB.SheC.HeD.It17A.slowlyB.happilyC.safelyD.alone18A.whyB.howC.whereD.wh

17、e n19A.dreamB.causeC.adviceD.matter20A.playi ngB.cryi ngC.sta ndingD.sitt ing21A.forgetB.leaveC.thi nkD.throw22A.happyB.stra ngeC.rightD.wrong23A.anythingB.someth ingC.nothingD.everyth ing24A.teacherB.motherC.teamD.father25A.boughtB.offeredC.foundD.brought17.B18.D19.A20.A21.D21. A22. D 23. C24. C25.

18、 B箏家庭作亚)一、单项选择1. - How is film you saw last ni ght?-You mean one. Lost in Thailand (泰囧)? Thats wonderful!2.1 dont like soap operas because theyreB. I enjoy themD. I dont agree8. - I like playing football.-I like it, too.5.- What do you think of carto ons? . But my brother likes them.A.I like themC.

19、I cant sta nd them10.- Whe n and where was your son born?-He was born October 26, 2002 Beiji ng.A. on; on B. in; in11.When Tom retired from the compa ny, PeterA. took B. got12.Whe n I turned on the radio, I heard the badA. pla nB.n ews13. My grandfather isforhisA. famousB.favoriteC.on;; onhis

20、 place.C.madeD.putof the war.C.actionD.jokehan dwrit ing, and many peopleask him for his worksC. strict D. seriousthose who are in trouble.14.Jack is always B. helps15.- your father-He does nt mind them.A. What do; th ink ofC. What does; think of二、完形填空Lin Hua has an in teresti ng hobby.

21、She is aartworks( 艺术品).She spends a lot of timeshe has already collected 18 help D. helpi ng game shows?B.How do; thi nkD.How does; thi nk16 of collect ing beautiful17 her collectio n after school. And_ artworks from all over the world. They are allLin Hua likes artworks with animals a

22、nd birds on them. In this way, she learns the names of many ani mals and birds. Sometimes she is 19 enough to make some artworks by herself. She gets 20 in it and lear ns many things about them.Sometimes Lin Hua has many artworks of the 21 kind. So do her frien ds. _22 her friends and she often have

23、 the _23 to change someartworks to each other.Lin Hua also writes to friends in many countries, not only middle school students, butalso some senior high school stude nts. She sends them artworks of her country. In retur n, they send her artworks of their coun tries. Lin is really a 24 collector.Man

24、y of Lin Huas friends collect other thin gs. Some collect coins and25 collect matchboxes. But all of them say that Lin Huas collecti on is the mostin teresti ng of all.professi onal、阅读理解(共 6小题;共12.0分)Tennis came from France it was popular there eighthundred years ago! It cameto Britain about six hun

25、dred yearsago and soon became very fashi on able. In those days it wasTenniscalled real tennis and it was played in doors.oBaseballBaseball, the n ati onal sport of the US, comes from anold English gamecalled rounders. Rounders is a very simplegame which childre n in En gla nd still play today, but

26、theAmerican game is more complex( 复杂的)and takes more time to play.aBilliardOver six hun dred years ago, people in En gla nd ofte n played bowls in doors whe n it was raining. The gree ns they used were smaller tha n the ones outside because there was less space. To make the game more difficult, hole

27、s were cutin the gree n and players started to use sticks to hit the balls. Fin ally, some one had the good idea of raisi ng the whole gree n onto a table and thats how the game ofbilliards started.A. 800 years ago.C. 400 years ago.B.600 years ago.D.200 years ago.26. When did tennis come to Brita in

28、?27. Which country has baseball as its n ati onal sport?There are many hobbies and hobby sites on the Internet. Camping and chess site are two of them. Although these two hobbies are very different, they both are very popular with young people. Why?One reas on camp ing is so popular is because its n

29、ot expe nsive. There are campgro unds around the world, and theyre all differe nt. Somehave in door swim ming pools, restaura nts,and game rooms. Others dont even have water! But the areas n ear campgro unds are almost always beautiful.Camp ing is relax ing. Campers can get up early in the morning and cook breakfast with their friends or family. They can spe nd the day swim ming, fi

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