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1、北京高考英语语法填空代词精选试题12页北京2020高考英语语法填空代词精选试题考点一:不定代词任务一:both ,all, either, any, neither, none的用法 都任何(一者)都不两者botheitherneither三者或三者以上allanynone1.(朝阳期末) Why did you buy two pairs of shoes?It was so hard to choose which was the better, so I took them _.(易)2.(东城期末) I asked for some more cake, but there was _

2、 left.(易)3.(东城期末)I invited my parents to spend Christmas with us, but of them came.(易)4. (西城期末)-We have two seats free here. Which one would you like?- ! My mother is coming to see the film with me.(易)5.(西城二模)Both of the sofas they ordered online arrived, but fit through the doorway.(易)6. (朝阳期末)-Whi

3、ch T-shirt do you prefer? Blue or green?- will be OKI dont mind(易)7.(朝阳二模)She tried two different methods, yet _ of them seemed to work very well.(易)8.(东城期末)You may take _ half of the cake; theyre exactly the same.(易)9.(海淀期中)There you can see beautiful tall buildings on side of the square. 10.(东城期末)

4、To help myself get to sleep, I have tried several ways but it seems that _ works. (易)11.(北京高考)It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which _ of the parents spoke the language. (易)12.(北京高考)-Which driver was to blame?-Why! It was the childs fault, clear and simple. He suddenly came out b

5、etween two parked cars. (易)13.(北京高考)I invited Joe and Linda to dinner, but _ of them came. (易)14.(朝阳一模) The customer didnt choose _ of the coats and went away without looking at a third one.(中)15.(朝阳期末)The library bought three DVD copies of Avanta and now _ is left. Some people are on the waiting li

6、st.(中)16.(海淀一模)Susan was expecting her favorite singers,but to her disappointment, appeared.(中) 任务二:one, ones, the one, the ones, that, those 的区别 替代onea/an+单数名词 (替代表示泛指的单数名词)ones零冠词+复数名词the onethe+单数名词the onesthe+复数名词thatthe+单数名词或不可数名词(尤其是有后置定语时)thosethe+复数名词(尤其是有后置定语时)1.(西城期末)Being more realistic,

7、the elderly have learned to focus on things that make them happy and let go of _ that dont(易)2.(朝阳期末)Various summer camps being available, we can choose _ based on our own interest. (易)3.(东城联考)-You seem busy these days.-Yes. Im looking for a house. Its really not easy to find _ with a garden. 4.(东城3

8、月联考)-There is still a copy of the book in the library. Would you go and buy _?-No, Id rather buy _ in the bookstore. (易)5.(海淀一模) -You seem busy these days.-Yes. Im looking for a house. Its really not easy to find _ with a garden. 6.(西城一模)When Helen began looking for a job after college, she found th

9、at she couldnt get _without work experience(易)7.(海淀二模)- Have you got any books on English grammar? Id like to borrow .- Yes, here you are. But you must return it by Friday. (易)8.(北京高考)Being a parent is not always easy, and being the parent of a child with special needs often carries with _ extra str

10、ess. (中)A. it B. them C. one D. him9.(海淀期末)John has always wanted an Wad and he has just saved enough money to buy _.(中)10.(海淀二模)As the intelligence of robots increases to match _ of humans, we may use them to expand our frontiers(中).11.(西城一模)After looking at many new cars, I found _ which I would a

11、ccept just as suitable. (中)12.(东城一模)Weve been looking at houses but havent found _ we like yet. 任务三:one, another, the other, some, others, the others 的区别 一个/一些另一个/一些剩余的一个/一些单数oneanotherthe other复数someothersthe others(海淀二模)-Hurry up!Cant you drive faster, Jack?-No. If I got _ speeding ticket, my dad

12、would take away my car.(易)(东城二模)When Kerry and Sam met again two years later, each was pleased to see _. (海淀期末) -Hurry up! Theres a bus coming! -Why run? There will be _ one in two or three minutes. (易)(朝阳二模)-Did you watch the football match last night?-Yes, that s a most close one, and eventually n

13、either could defeat _.(易)(海淀期末)-Is he leaving tomorrow?-No. Hell continue to stay here for four or five days.(易)(西城一模)Naturally I will come to you for advice whenever I feel I need .(北京高考)Theres _ cooking oil left in the house. Would you go to the corner store and get _? (易) 任务四:复合不定代词none,nobody, (

14、no one), nothing 的用法和区别 指代特指/泛指用来回答none人或物特指How many/muchnobody(no one)人泛指whonothing物泛指whatnone +of-, 而其他却不能 与复合不定代词构成的习惯搭配,如:nothing but, anything but, or something1.(海淀一模)Low-carbon lifestyle is of great benefit to improve the world environment can be enjoyed from it until you have a deep under, s

15、tanding of it,however(易)2.(朝阳一模)- Wow, so many new houses! I cant believe that. It used to be a poor village.- Yes. has changed here.(易)3. (东城一模)The film is very humorous but _ can be enjoyed unless you understand English culture.(易)4.(朝阳期中)As soon as we find suitable,we will give you his personal i

16、nformation immediately(易)5.(东城一模)Music can be very enjoyable, but _ can be appreciated unless you like it.(易)6.(朝阳期中)I wanted to give you some bread, but _ was left.(易)7.(年东城期末)Health experts believe that even a little exercise is far better than _at all. (中) 任务五:其他不定代词的用法any, every, not any, not ev

17、ery的区别anyeverynot anynot every(三个或三个以上中的)任何(三个或三个以上中的)每一个任何人/物都不(全部否定)并非每个(部分否定) 1.(海淀期中)-Jack said you got a unique watch for your birthday.-Yes. Maybe it is not to the taste of , but I like it.(易)2.(海淀一模)Tom is a determined person. He never allows _ to lead him by the nose.(易)3.(朝阳期末)-Is _ prepare

18、d to vote on that at this point?-No, some are still discussing itPlease wait a moment(易)4.(朝阳期中)As soon as we find suitable,we will give you his personal information immediately(易)2. many, much, few, little, a few, a little的区别 多少复数名词概念manyfew不可数名词概念muchlittle 肯定否定复数名词概念a fewfew不可数名词概念a littlelittle1

19、.(北京高考)He has made a lot of films,but _ good ones.(易)2.(朝阳期中)When she saw the homeless cat enjoy the food very much, the kind lady put a little _on the plate(易)3.(朝阳一模)-Has anything new been discussed on that problem so far?-_, and more will follow, I think. (易)考点二: 反身代词,人称代词,物主代词,指示代词,it的用法任务一: (海淀

20、二模) Scientists have discovered remarkable evidence showing how the body rebuilds _while we sleep.(易)A. itself B. ourselves C. it D. us 任务二:人称代词1.(东城一模)The group of the aged are close companions, and many of _ have known each other for decades. (易)任务三:指示代词such的用法such修饰单数名词时,放于不定冠词a(an)之前,若名词前有one,no,

21、any,some,all, many等修饰时,such放在这些修饰词之后。1.(朝阳二模)Students shouldnt say Get out!” or rude mark.(中)Asuch any Ba such Csome such Dany such 任务四:IT的用法(1)指代前面提到的事物,事情,群体,想法,性别不明或者性别被认为不重要的人或物,也可指代为指明但谈话双方都明白的事情或情况1.(朝阳二模) If you have doubts about the attack, Mr. Brown can tell you the truth as he witnessed _.

22、(易)2.(北京高考)The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase_. (易)3.(朝阳一模)Music should be taught routinely in schools because of the benefits_ can have on the development of the brains of young children.(易)(2)人称代词IT的特殊用法:做形式宾语:1.(海淀期末)

23、 No matter how busy he is, Tom makes _ a rule to see his parents every week.2.(东城一模)Why dont you bring _ to his attention that youre too ill to go on working?(易)3.(朝阳一模)Id appreciate_if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.4.(海淀二模)-Can I ask you a few straightforward questions aboutyou

24、rself ?-No problemI like _ when people are open and direct?(易)5.(朝阳一模)Children who stay away from school do for different reasons(易)6.(东城二模)-A lovely day, isnt it?-Yes. I love _ when the weather is like this. Why not have our lunch outside?7.(东城期末)Flowers growing in a well-equipped greenhouse fine _ hard to survive in the wild.(难) 任务五:其他1.(朝阳二模)-How can I deal with such a situation?-Take measure you think best.(易)

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