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版高中英语 Unit 6 Design Period Four Lesson 4 Dream Houses讲义 北师大版必修2.docx

1、版高中英语 Unit 6 Design Period Four Lesson 4 Dream Houses讲义 北师大版必修2Period FourLesson 4Dream Houses.重点单词1.cottage n.村舍,小屋 n.租金3.pipe n.管子4.mercy n.慈悲,怜悯,同情心5.damp adj.潮湿的6.bathe vi.洗澡;沐浴7.narrow adj.狭窄的8.dream n.& v.梦想;做梦9.garbage n.垃圾,废物10.apartment n.(美)公寓住宅11.downtown adv.在市区;往市区;adj.市区的12.lorry

2、 n.卡车,载重汽车13.curtain n.窗帘.重点短语 the time到的时候为止2.share.with.与分享3.even so即使这样,尽管如此 least至少5.hold ones breath屏住呼吸.重点句式1.what引导主语从句But what I remembered most is moving a lot.但我记得最多的是我们搬了很多次家。2.the way表“方式”,后跟定语从句But the house on Mango Street is not the way they described it at all.但是芒果街的房子根本不像他们描

3、述的那样。3.副词out位于句首引起的完全倒装Out back is a small garage for the car we dont own yet and a small yard that looks smaller between the two buildings on either side.房子后面有一间小车库,但现在我们还没有车,还有一个小院子,夹在路两边的高楼中显得更小了。.根据课文内容判断正(T)、误(F)1.We always lived on Paulina Street.(F)2.The house on Mango Street is our ideal hou

4、se.(F)3.We had to leave Loomis fast because the house was too old.(T)4.We thought we would have a real house with running water, pipes,real stairs,a basement and three washrooms.(T)5.Everybody shares a bedroom on Mango Street.(F).课文阅读理解1.How many places the writer lived in are mentioned in the text?

5、A.One.B.Two.C.Six.D.We dont know the exact number.答案D2.Which of the following statements about the house on Mango Street is TRUE?A.We need to pay rent to the landlord.B.The house is not a wanted house at all.C.We should share the garden with others.D.We cant make too much noise there.答案B3.A landlord

6、 is .A.a businessman B.a piece of owner of a house D.a cleaner答案C4.Why did they leave the flat on Loomis?A.Because the house was too old.B.Because water pipes broke and nobody would fix them.C.Because they should share the washroom with others and carry water by themselves.D.All of the abov

7、e.答案D5.The passage is mainly about .A.the place where they lived before moving to Mango StreetB.the life on Mango StreetC.a dream house and a real house on Mango StreetD.the reasons why they moved to Mango Street答案C.课文难句分析They always told us that one day we would move into a house,a real house that

8、would be ours so we wouldnt have to move each year.句式分析本句是一个复合句,其中第一个that引导宾语从句,第二个that引导定语从句。自主翻译他们(父母)总是告诉我们将来有一天我们将搬进一个真正属于我们自己的房子,这样我们就不必每年都搬家了。Talk about the house that you dream of:What type of house would you like best? And why?Write a short passage about your dream house, and share your opin

9、ions with your partners in your study team.重点词汇1.The house on Mango Street is ours,and we dont have to pay rent to anybody,or share the yard with the people downstairs,or be careful not to make too much noise,and worried about the landlord being angry.芒果街的房子是我们自己的,不用给任何人交房租,不用和楼下的住户共用一个院子,不用小心翼翼地不能大

10、声喧哗,也不用担心房东生气。rent n.租金;房租;vt.租用;出租pay rent to向付租金for rent出租;招租rent sth. out to sb. 把某物租给某人rent sth. from sb. 从某人那儿租借某物(1)Id rather have my own house than rent.我更想有自己的房子,不想租房。(2)There are no apartments in this building for rent.这幢大楼里没有公寓出租。(3)The old couple rent rooms to students nearby.那对老年夫妇将房子出租给

11、了附近的学生。(4)Who do you rent the land from?你从谁那里租用的土地?share sth. with sb. 与某人合用/分享某物share v.分享,共享;共用;n.该得、分配或参与部分,一份;股份share in分享,分担go shares with.与共享;与共同负担(5)As a kid hed never share his toys with other kids.他小时候从不肯与别的小朋友分享玩具。(6)I try to get the kids to share in the housework.我努力让孩子们分担家务活。(7)I have an

12、 office that I share with some other teachers.我有一间和其他老师们合用的办公室。(8)They divide the money into equal shares(share).他们把钱分成相等的份数。too much太多,修饰不可数名词或动词,也可用作名词词组,中心词为much。much too太;非常,作副词词组,修饰形容词或副词,中心词为too。(9)One time at a party,I drank too much alcohol and got so sick.有一次在聚会上我喝了太多酒,感觉很难受。(2017天津)(10)Slo

13、w down!Youre driving much too fast.减速!你开得太快了。单句改错(11)I am too much pleased to see you.2.He had no mercy so we had to leave fast.他没有一点同情心所以我们得快点离开。(1)mercy n.慈悲,同情心,怜悯at the mercy of受的支配;任由摆布Its a mercy that.幸运的是,幸亏show mercy tohave/take mercy on同情,可怜without mercy残忍地,毫不留情地(2)merciful adj.仁慈的,宽容的(1)Th

14、ey were lost at sea,at the mercy of wind and weather.他们在海上迷失了方向,任凭风和天气的摆布。(2)Its a mercy that the accident happened so near the hospital.幸亏事故发生在离医院很近的地方。(3)They asked her to be merciful(mercy) to the prisoners.他们让她对犯人仁慈一点。(4)The cruel man killed the injured dog without mercy.那个残暴的男人无情地杀死了那条受伤的狗。句型转换

15、(5)The judge showed little mercy to the drunk driver.The judge had/took little mercy on the drunk driver.3.And wed have a basement and at least three washrooms so when we wanted to bathe we wouldnt have to tell everybody.房子里还要有个地下室,有至少三个卫生间。这样我们想洗澡时就不必通知每个人。at least至少at the most至多,不超过not in the leas

16、tnot at all一点也不last but not least最后但同样重要的是(1)Im not in the least afraid of you any more.我现在一点都不怕你了。(2)The house still needed a lot of work,but at least the kitchen was finished.这房子还需要做很多工作,不过至少厨房已经完工了。(3)The railway will be completed in six months at (the) most.这条铁路至多再过六个月就会完工。(4)Last but not least,

17、let me introduce our new manager Mr Johnson.最后但同样重要的是,让我介绍一下我们的新经理约翰逊先生。4.This was the house Papa talked about when he dreamed of being rich and this was the house Mama dreamed up in the stories she told us before we went to bed.这是爸爸梦想富有时所谈到的房子,也是在我们睡觉前妈妈给我们讲的故事中所梦想的房子。dream n.梦,梦想;v.做梦;梦想dreamed/dr

18、eamt皆可过去式/过去分词dream/have a.dream做了一个梦realize ones dream实现某人的梦想dream of/about做梦,梦见;梦想dream up凭空想出dream that.梦见;想到注意:dream作及物动词时,后面常跟同源宾语。常接同源宾语的动词还有:smile,laugh,sing,live,sleep,fight,die等。如:sleep a sound sleep,fight a fight,die a glorious death。(1)Now Alia waited for the war to end and dreamed of/abo

19、ut peace and a new library.现在艾丽娅希望战争能够结束,梦想和平和一座新的图书馆。(2017浙江)(2)She dreamed that one day she would be famous.她梦想有一天能成名。(3)I had/dreamed a strange dream last night.我昨晚做了一个奇怪的梦。(4)He keeps dreaming up new ideas to enlarge the business.他不断想出新主意来扩大业务。(5)Dont miss the chance to realize your dream.不要错过这个

20、可以实现你的梦想的机会。5.Its small and red with narrow steps in front and windows so small that youd think they were holding their breath.房子很小,还是红色的,前面有狭窄的台阶,窗户小得让你觉得它们在屏住呼吸。hold ones breath屏住呼吸catch ones breath喘息lose ones breath喘不上气来out of breath气喘吁吁,上气不接下气take a deep breath深吸一口气(1)I need time to catch my bre

21、ath after running so long.跑了这么久我需要时间喘口气。(2)Take a deep breath,and then you may feel relaxed.深深地吸一口气,那样你会觉得轻松。(3)He held his breath while the results were read out.当宣读结果时他屏住了呼吸。(4)When getting to the top of the mountain,they almost lost their breath.当到达山顶时,他们几乎喘不过气来。单句改错(5)When I got to the finishing

22、 line,I was out of the breath.经典句式Out back is a small garage for the car we dont own yet and a small yard that looks smaller between the two buildings on either side.房子后面有一间小车库,但现在我们还没有车,还有一个小院子,夹在路两边的高楼中显得更小了。本句是一个倒装句,即Out back is a small garage.and a small yard.。句子的主语是a small garage and a small ya

23、rd,当地点状语位于句首时,所引导的句子应用完全倒装,即“地点状语谓语主语其他”。完全倒装的几种情形:(1)表示地点的介词短语位于句首且谓语为be,lie,stand,come 等不及物动词时(若主语是名词而不是代词时,句子倒装);(2)地点副词(here,there)、方向性副词(out,in,down)及时间副词(now,then)等位于句首且谓语为be,go,come等不及物动词时(若主语是名词而不是代词时,句子倒装);(3)一些表示祝愿的句子里主谓也常完全倒装;(4)为强调表语或保持句子平衡,形容词短语/分词短语提至句首时,句子的主谓常完全倒装。(1)There comes the t

24、axi.出租车来了。(2)Long live the Chinese Communist Party.中国共产党万岁。(3)Gone are the days when she was young.她年轻的日子一去不复返了。句型转换(4)The boy rushed out as soon as the class was over.Out rushed the boy as soon as the class was over.(5)Three pictures hang on the wall.On the wall hang three pictures.单句语法填空1.Bathed(b

25、athe) in the sunshine,we jumped and cheered with joy.2.We narrowly(narrow) missed hitting the other car.3.We never show mercy to bad people.4.We pay rent to the landlord 500 dollars every month.5.The retired worker likes getting up early.The air in the morning is good to breathe(breathe).6.If you ha

26、ve an umbrella,let me share it with you.7.Mike,would you like to join us in the game?Id love to,but I have too much homework to do(do).8.It was not the most exciting place,but even so,I had a good time.9.The phone was ringing,but by the time I got indoors,it had stopped(stop).10.I couldnt do my home

27、work with all that noise going on.完成句子11.窗户边坐着一个年轻人,手里拿着一本杂志。By the window sat a young man with a magazine in his hand.12.他没有像他的朋友那样去做此事。He did not do it the way (that/in which) his friend did.13.我遇到了交通堵塞,这就是我迟到的原因。I got stuck in the traffic jam,and thats why I was late.14.约翰打开门。那里站着一个他以前从未见过的小女孩。Jo

28、hn opened the door.There stood a girl he had never seen before.15.最让我们惊讶的是那里的美景。What surprised us most there was the beauty of the scenes.课文语法填空The House on Mango StreetWe didnt always live 16.on Mango Street.We moved a lot.The house on Mango Street is 17.ours(our),and we dont have to pay rent and w

29、orry about the landlord 18.being(be) angry.But even so,its not the house we thought wed get.We had to leave the flat on Loomis quick 19.because the water pipes broke and so on.We had to use the washroom next door and carried water over.Thats 20.why we moved into the house on Mango Street,far away,21

30、.on the other side of the town.My parents always told us that one day we would move into a house,22.a real house that would be ours.And we would have a basement,at least three washrooms,a big yard and grass 23.growing(grow) without a fence.This was the house Papa talked about when he dreamed of 24.b

31、eing(be) rich.But the house on Mango Street is not the way they 25.described(describe) it.Its small and red with narrow steps in front.Out back is a small garage for the car we dont own yet.阅读理解A(2017湖北孝感高中高一上期末)Last week I visited my friend Pete in the new home where he lives with his wife and daughter.Pete used to spend his holidays travelling around the world,visiting the pyramids in Egypt or scuba diving i

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