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1、莫言诺贝尔文学奖演讲中英文对照莫言诺贝尔文学奖演讲北京时间2012年12月8日0时30分,诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言在瑞典学院发表演讲,以下为演讲实录,英文由Howard Goldblatt翻译:尊敬的瑞典学院各位院士,女士们、先生们:Distinguished members of the Swedish Academy, Ladies and Gentlemen:通过电视或网络,我想在座的各位,对遥远的高密东北乡,已经有了或多或少的了解。你们也许看到了我的九十岁的老父亲,看到了我的哥哥姐姐我的妻子女儿和我的一岁零四个月的外孙子,但是有一个此刻我最想念的人,我的母亲,你们永远无法看到了。我获奖后

2、,很多人分享了我的光荣,但我的母亲却无法分享了。Through the mediums of television and the Internet, I imagine that everyone here has at least a nodding acquaintance with far-off Northeast Gaomi Township. You may have seen my ninety-year-old father, as well as my brothers, my sister, my wife and my daughter, even my grandda

3、ughter, now a year and four months old. But the person who is most on my mind at this moment, my mother, is someone you will never see. Many people have shared in the honor of winning this prize, everyone but her.我母亲生于1922年,卒于1994年。她的骨灰,埋葬在村庄东边的桃园里。去年,一条铁路要从那儿穿过,我们不得不将她的坟墓迁移到距离村子更远的地方。掘开坟墓后,我们看到,棺木已

4、经腐朽,母亲的骨殖,已经与泥土混为一体。我们只好象征性地挖起一些泥土,移到新的墓穴里。也就是从那一时刻起,我感到,我的母亲是大地的一部分,我站在大地上的诉说,就是对母亲的诉说。My mother was born in 1922 and died in 1994. We buried her in a peach orchard east of the village. Last year we were forced to move her grave farther away from the village in order to make room for a proposed rai

5、l line. When we dug up the grave, we saw that the coffin had rotted away and that her body had merged with the damp earth around it. So we dug up some of that soil, a symbolic act, and took it to the new gravesite. That was when I grasped the knowledge that my mother had become part of the earth, an

6、d that when I spoke to mother earth, I was really speaking to my mother.我是我母亲最小的孩子。I was my mothers youngest child.我记忆中最早的一件事,是提着家里唯一的一把热水壶去公共食堂打开水。因为饥饿无力,失手将热水瓶打碎,我吓得要命,钻进草垛,一天没敢出来。傍晚的时候我听到母亲呼唤我的乳名,我从草垛里钻出来,以为会受到打骂,但母亲没有打我也没有骂我,只是抚摸着我的头,口中发出长长的叹息。My earliest memory was of taking our only vacuum bot

7、tle to the public canteen for drinking water. Weakened by hunger, I dropped the bottle and broke it. Scared witless, I hid all that day in a haystack. Toward evening, I heard my mother calling my childhood name, so I crawled out of my hiding place, prepared to receive a beating or a scolding. But Mo

8、ther didnt hit me, didnt even scold me. She just rubbed my head and heaved a sigh.我记忆中最痛苦的一件事,就是跟着母亲去集体的地理拣麦穗,看守麦田的人来了,拣麦穗的人纷纷逃跑,我母亲是小脚,跑不快,被捉住,那个身材高大的看守人煽了她一个耳光,她摇晃着身体跌倒在地,看守人没收了我们拣到的麦穗,吹着口哨扬长而去。我母亲嘴角流血,坐在地上,脸上那种绝望的神情深我终生难忘。多年之后,当那个看守麦田的人成为一个白发苍苍的老人,在集市上与我相逢,我冲上去想找他报仇,母亲拉住了我,平静的对我说:“儿子,那个打我的人,与这个老人

9、,并不是一个人。”My most painful memory involved going out in the collectives field with Mother to glean ears of wheat. The gleaners scattered when they spotted the watchman. But Mother, who had bound feet, could not run; she was caught and slapped so hard by the watchman, a hulk of a man, that she fell to

10、the ground. The watchman confiscated the wheat wed gleaned and walked off whistling. As she sat on the ground, her lip bleeding, Mother wore a look of hopelessness Ill never forget. Years later, when I encountered the watchman, now a gray-haired old man, in the marketplace, Mother had to stop me fro

11、m going up to avenge her. “Son,” she said evenly, “the man who hit me and this man are not the same person.”我记得最深刻的一件事是一个中秋节的中午,我们家难得的包了一顿饺子,每人只有一碗。正当我们吃饺子时,一个乞讨的老人来到了我们家门口,我端起半碗红薯干打发他,他却愤愤不平地说:“我是一个老人,你们吃饺子,却让我吃红薯干。你们的心是怎么长的?”我气急败坏的说:“我们一年也吃不了几次饺子,一人一小碗,连半饱都吃不了!给你红薯干就不错了,你要就要,不要就滚!”母亲训斥了我,然后端起她那半碗饺

12、子,倒进了老人碗里。My clearest memory is of a Moon Festival day, at noontime, one of those rare occasions when we ate jiaozi at home, one bowl apiece. An aging beggar came to our door while we were at the table, and when I tried to send him away with half a bowlful of dried sweet potatoes, he reacted angrily

13、: “Im an old man,” he said. “You people are eating jiaozi, but want to feed me sweet potatoes. How heartless can you be?” I reacted just as angrily: “Were lucky if we eat jiaozi a couple of times a year, one small bowlful apiece, barely enough to get a taste! You should be thankful were giving you s

14、weet potatoes, and if you dont want them, you can get the hell out of here!” After (dressing me down) reprimanding me, Mother dumped her half bowlful of jiaozi into the old mans bowl.我最后悔的一件事,就是跟着母亲去卖白菜,有意无意的多算了一位买白菜的老人一毛钱。算完钱我就去了学校。当我放学回家时,看到很少流泪的母亲泪流满面。母亲并没有骂我,只是轻轻的说:“儿子,你让娘丢了脸。”My most remorseful

15、 memory involves helping Mother sell cabbages at market, and me overcharging an old villager one jiao intentionally or not, I cant recall before heading off to school. When I came home that afternoon, I saw that Mother was crying, something she rarely did. Instead of scolding me, she merely said sof

16、tly, “Son, you embarrassed your mother today.”我十几岁时,母亲患了严重的肺病,饥饿,病痛,劳累,使我们这个家庭陷入了困境,看不到光明和希望。我产生了一种强烈的不祥之兆,以为母亲随时都会自己寻短见。每当我劳动归来,一进大门就高喊母亲,听到她的回应,心中才感到一块石头落了地。如果一时听不到她的回应,我就心惊胆战,跑到厨房和磨坊里寻找。有一次找遍了所有的房间也没有见到母亲的身影,我便坐在了院子里大哭。这时母亲背着一捆柴草从外面走进来。她对我的哭很不满,但我又不能对她说出我的担忧。母亲看到我的心思,她说:“孩子你放心,尽管我活着没有一点乐趣,但只要阎王爷不

17、叫我,我是不会去的。”Mother contracted a serious lung disease when I was still in my teens. Hunger, disease, and too much work made things extremely hard on our family. The road ahead looked especially bleak, and I had a bad feeling about the future, worried that Mother might take her own life. Every day, the

18、 first thing I did when I walked in the door after a day of hard labor was call out for Mother. Hearing her voice was like giving my heart a new lease on life. But not hearing her threw me into a panic. Id go looking for her in the side building and in the mill. One day, after searching everywhere a

19、nd not finding her, I sat down in the yard and cried like a baby. That is how she found me when she walked into the yard carrying a bundle of firewood on her back. She was very unhappy with me, but I could not tell her what I was afraid of. She knew anyway. “Son,” she said, “dont worry, there may be

20、 no joy in my life, but I wont leave you till the God of the Underworld calls me.”我生来相貌丑陋,村子里很多人当面嘲笑我,学校里有几个性格霸蛮的同学甚至为此打我。我回家痛苦,母亲对我说:“儿子,你不丑,你不缺鼻子不缺眼,四肢健全,丑在哪里?而且只要你心存善良,多做好事,即便是丑也能变美。”后来我进入城市,有一些很有文化的人依然在背后甚至当面嘲弄我的相貌,我想起了母亲的话,便心平气和地向他们道歉。I was born ugly. Villagers often laughed in my face, and sch

21、ool bullies sometimes beat me up because of it. Id run home crying, where my mother would say, “Youre not ugly, Son. Youve got a nose and two eyes, and theres nothing wrong with your arms and legs, so how could you be ugly? If you have a good heart and always do the right thing, what is considered u

22、gly becomes beautiful.” Later on, when I moved to the city, there were educated people who laughed at me behind my back, some even to my face; but when I recalled what Mother had said, I just calmly offered my apologies.我母亲不识字,但对识字的人十分敬重。我们家生活困难,经常吃了上顿没下顿。但只要我对她提出买书买文具的要求,她总是会满足我。她是个勤劳的人,讨厌懒惰的孩子,但只要

23、是我因为看书耽误了干活,她从来没批评过我。My illiterate mother held people who could read in high regard. We were so poor we often did not know where our next meal was coming from, yet she never denied my request to buy a book or something to write with. By nature hard working, she had no use for lazy children, yet I co

24、uld skip my chores as long as I had my nose in a book.有一段时间,集市上来了一个说书人。我偷偷地跑去听书,忘记了她分配给我的活儿。为此,母亲批评了我,晚上当她就着一盏小油灯为家人赶制棉衣时,我忍不住把白天从说书人听来的故事复述给她听,起初她有些不耐烦,因为在她心目中说书人都是油嘴滑舌,不务正业的人,从他们嘴里冒不出好话来。但我复述的故事渐渐的吸引了她,以后每逢集日她便不再给我排活,默许我去集上听书。为了报答母亲的恩情,也为了向她炫耀我的记忆力,我会把白天听到的故事,绘声绘色地讲给她听。A storyteller once came to t

25、he marketplace, and I sneaked off to listen to him. She was unhappy with me for forgetting my chores. But that night, while she was stitching padded clothes for us under the weak light of a kerosene lamp, I couldnt keep from retelling stories Id heard that day. She listened impatiently at first, sin

26、ce in her eyes professional storytellers were smooth-talking men in a dubious profession. Nothing good ever came out of their mouths. But slowly she was dragged into my retold stories, and from that day on, she never gave me chores on market day, unspoken permission to go to the marketplace and list

27、en to new stories. As repayment for Mothers kindness and a way to demonstrate my memory, Id retell the stories for her in vivid detail.很快的,我就不满足复述说书人讲的故事了,我在复述的过程中不断的添油加醋,我会投我母亲所好,编造一些情节,有时候甚至改变故事的结局。我的听众也不仅仅是我的母亲,连我的姐姐,我的婶婶,我的奶奶都成为我的听众。我母亲在听完我的故事后,有时会忧心忡忡地,像是对我说,又像是自言自语:“儿啊,你长大后会成为一个什么人呢?难道要靠耍贫嘴吃饭吗

28、?”It did not take long to find retelling someone elses stories unsatisfying, so I began embellishing my narration. Id say things I knew would please Mother, even changed the ending once in a while. And she wasnt the only member of my audience, which later included my older sisters, my aunts, even my

29、 maternal grandmother. Sometimes, after my mother had listened to one of my stories, shed ask in a care-laden voice, almost as if to herself: “What will you be like when you grow up, son? Might you wind up prattling for a living one day?”我理解母亲的担忧,因为在村子里,一个贫嘴的孩子,是招人厌烦的,有时候还会给自己和家庭带来麻烦。我在小说牛里所写的那个因为话多

30、被村子里厌恶的孩子,就有我童年时的影子。我母亲经常提醒我少说话,她希望我能做一个沉默寡言、安稳大方的孩子。但在我身上,却显露出极强的说话能力和极大的说话欲望,这无疑是极大的危险,但我说的故事的能力,又带给了她愉悦,这使他陷入深深的矛盾之中。I knew why she was worried. Talkative kids are not well thought of in our village, for they can bring trouble to themselves and to their families. There is a bit of a young me in t

31、he talkative boy who falls afoul of villagers in my story “Bulls.” Mother habitually cautioned me not to talk so much, wanting me to be a taciturn, smooth and steady youngster. Instead I was possessed of a dangerous combination remarkable speaking skills and the powerful desire that went with them.

32、My ability to tell stories brought her joy, but that created a dilemma for her.俗话说“江山易改、本性难移”,尽管我有父母亲的谆谆教导,但我并没有改掉我喜欢说话的天性,这使得我的名字“莫言”,很像对自己的讽刺。A popular saying goes “It is easier to change the course of a river than a persons nature.” Despite my parents tireless guidance, my natural desire to talk never went away, and that is what makes my name Mo Yan, or “dont speak” an ironic expression of self-mockery.我小学未毕业即辍学,因为年幼体弱,干不了重活,只好到荒草滩上去放牧牛羊。当我牵着牛羊从学校门前路过,看到昔日的同学在校园里打打闹闹,我心中充满悲凉,深深地体会到一个人,哪怕是一个孩子,离开群体后的痛苦。After dropping out of elementary school, I was too small for heavy labor, so I b

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