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1、高一英语语法22动词的时态之一般过去时过去进行时和过去完成时高一英语语法(2-2):动词的时态之一般过去时、过去进行时和过去完成时一、 一般过去时(worked)(思考一般过去时与一般现在时的共同点和不同点)1. 表示过去某一特定时间发生的动作或所处的状态,常与yesterday, last year, in 2007, a few months ago等表示过去的时间状语连用。如:Where _ you _ (go) just now?2. 表示过去某一段时间内经常或反复发生的动作,通常与often, usually等表示频度的副词连用。如:When I _ (be) a child, I

2、often _ (play) football in the street.3. 表示事先不知道或不记得,但现在已经知道或记得的事情。如:Sorry, I _ (not know) you were here. 不好生意,我不知道你在这。(暗示现在已经知道)4. used to dobe used to dobe used to doing他以前常常每周都去看望他母亲一次。He _ his mother once a week.电扇是被用来给我们带来风的。Fans _ us wind.我习惯于晚饭后半小时外出散步。I _ out for a walk half an hour after di

3、nner. 5. 在时间、条件状语从句中用来代替过去将来时。如:Mary had left the keys in the classroom so she had to wait until her mother _ (come) home.二、 过去进行时(was / were working)(思考过去进行时与现在进行时的共同点和不同点)1. 表示在过去某一时间内正在进行的动作,常与at that time, then, the whole afternoon, at six yesterday, this time yesterday, last night等连用。如:What _ y

4、ou _ (do) this time yeasterday?2. 表示在过去某一段时间内进行的动作。如:I _ (tidy) my sitting room the whole morning.3. 表示一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在进行。如:When he _ (call) me yesterday, I _ (have) dinner.4. 表示过去将要发生的动作。如:He told me he _ (leave) for Shanghai the next day.5. 过去进行时与always,all the time,continually,constantly等副词连用,表示过去

5、重复的动作,并且也常常带有感叹、惊讶、赞许、厌恶等情感。如:When he worked here, John _ always _ (make) mistakes.(厌恶)三、 过去完成时(had worked)1. 表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经完成了的动作,即这个动作发生的时间是“过去的过去”,这一过去时间可用by, at, before等构成的短语以及由when, before, after, until等引导的从句或上下文来表示。如:By the end of last term, I _ already _ (learn) 5,000 words.By + 现在的时间点 + _

6、将来的时间点 + _ 过去的时间点 + _2. 用于表示与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句中。如:If he _ (see) you yesterday, he _ (ask) you about it.if条件状语从句主句与现在事实相反didbe-werewould, should, ought to, could, might + do与将来事实相反(暗示将来不可能发生)didbe-werewere to doshould dowould, should, ought to, could, might + do与过去事实相反had donewould, should, ought to, coul

7、d might + have done3. 用在间接引语或宾语从句中,置于said, told, asked, thought, wondered等过去时的动词后面,表示在这些动作发生之前已经发生了的事情。“过去的过去”如:She wondered who _ (leave) the door open.四、 一般过去时的特殊用法1. 用一般过去时的句子有时用地点状语暗示动作发生在过去。如:-Have you seen a pen? I _ (leave) here this morning-Is it a black one? I think I _ (see) it somewhere.2

8、. 有时句子的其他成分含有的时间也暗示动作发生在过去。如:The year 2002 _ (see) remarkable changes in Shanghais landscape. 2002年目睹了上海地貌的巨大变化。3. 表示过去未曾实现的意图或希望等,含有某种惋惜在很多情况下,一般过去时的时间都是通过具体上下文来体现的。如:Mike had given up smoking for three weeks, but soon _ (return) to his old ways.4. 本打算:(had) intended,(had) meant,(had) planned本期望:(h

9、ad) hoped,(had) wanted,(had) expected + to do 本以为:(had) supposed,(had) thought We thought to return early. 翻译: I meant to get up early, but forgot to set the alarm. 翻译: I wanted to see the exhibition, but the long queue put me off. 翻译:5. 在特定的语境中个,当要揭示某情况的真相时,我们习惯上用一般过去时。如:Its not as big as I _ (expe

10、ct). Youre older than I _ (think). You wont come? But you _ (promise). 五、 一般过去时表示的其他时间1. 现在。有时代替一般现在时,表示一种婉转、客气、礼貌或商量的语气。表示委婉语气的动词有want, hope, wonder, think, intend等(同四-4)及情态动词could, would。如:_ (will) you mind my sitting here? _ (can) you help me? _ (will) you like a cup of tea? (详见情态动词)2. 将来。一般过去时用在

11、虚拟语气中,表示现在或将来时间的动作或状态(详见虚拟语气)。常用的句型有:1) It is (high) time that sb. did sth.“时间已经迟了,某人早该做了” It is (high) time that sb. should do sth. (should不能省略)It is (high) time for sb. to do sth. (注意与It is the first time that sb. have done区分开来)It was (high) time that sb. had done sth. It was (high) time that sb.

12、should do sth. (should不能省略)It was (high) time for sb. to do sth. (注意与It was the first time that sb. had done区分开来)2) would rather sb. did sth.“宁愿某人做某事”had rather sb. did sth.六、 一般过去时和过去进行时的用法区别1. 强调点不同。一般过去时侧重于说明发生某动作的事实,过去进行时侧重于强调某动作的持续过程或动作持续的时间。如:It _ (rain) cats and dogs last night. 昨晚下了倾盆大雨。(强调下

13、过雨,并不强调持续多长时间)It _ (rain) cats and dogs last night. 昨晚整整一夜都在下倾盆大雨。(强调雨没停,一直在持续)。2. 动作的完成情况不同。一般过去时表示动作已完成,而过去进行时表示动作未完成。如:Alice _ (read) a science fiction story last night. Alice昨晚读了一本科幻小说。Alice _ (read) a science fiction story last night.昨晚Alice正在读一本科幻小说。3. 持续情况不同。一般过去时可表示时断时续的动作,而过去进行时只能表示持续、不间断的动

14、作。如:He _ (work) from 4 oclock until supper time. 他从4点到晚饭时间一直在工作。七、 一般过去时和过去完成时的用法区别1. 一般过去时是对现在说话的时刻而言的,过去完成时则是对过去某一时刻而言的。如:He _ (work) in a factory in 2008.2. 两种时态简历的时间参照点不同。对过去完成时来说,时间参照点十分重要,它是过去完成概念赖以建立的基础,也是和一般过去时相区别的重要标准。如:He _ (work) in a factory before he came here.八、 一般过去时和现在完成时的用法区别1. 一般过去

15、时中动作发生时的一个或一段过去时间是可以具体确定的,与其他时间没有牵连;它所表示的事情纯属过去,与现在情况没有联系。如:We _ (visit) a power station yesterday.(只说明昨天参观发电站这个事实)2. 现在完成时中动作发生在不能具体指出的过去某个或某段时间,它所表示的事情与现在情况有关系,是过去事情在现在产生的结果或对现在的影响。如: We _ (visit) a power station.(暗示现在对发电站有所了解)九、 现在完成时与过去完成时的用法区别1. 两种时态都常与一段时间状语连用,但现在完成时表示的是延续到现在或与现在有关的动作(句中不可有表示过

16、去特定时间的状语)。如:She _ (be) ill for a week.(暗示她从一周前到现在一直都在生病)2. 过去完成时表示的是在过去某时之前已经完成或延续到过去某时的动作(句中有表示过去特定时间的状语)。如:She _ (be) ill for a week before she came back. (暗示她从回来前的一周到她回来这段时间在生病,“回来”发生在过去某一时间,“生病”发生在过去的过去到过去这段时间内)一十、 过去完成时的特殊用法使用过去完成时的句式:(详见状语从句)1. 一就1) hardly sb. had done when sb. did2) no sooner

17、 sb. had done than sb. did3) Hardly had sb. done when sb. did4) No sooner had sb. done when sb. did如:Hardly _ (he arrive) when she _ (start) complaining. _ no sooner _ (I close) the door than somebody _ (knock).2. 这是sb.第一次做sth. It was the first time (that) sb. had done如:It was the first time (that)

18、he _ (be, bite) by a dog.EX. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. When I was a child, I often _ football in the street. (play)2. He _ TV from 7 to 9 last night. (watch)3. Whenever the Browns _ during their visit, they were given a warm welcome. (go)4. The students did it better than I _. (expect)5. I _ a book when he ca

19、me in. (read)6. You are from Shanghai. I _ you were from Guangdong. (think)7. By the time the policemen arrived, we _ the thief. (catch)8. I havent visited him since I _ here. (come)9. Our teacher told us that Columbus _ America in 1492. (discover)10. There was someone in our room just now, because

20、I _ a burning cigarette end on the floor when I opened the front door. (notice). 单项选择。1. John had to have his car repaired in a garage because it _ seriously.A. damagedB. was being damagedC. had damagedD. had been damaged2. -Jack, how do you find your company?-A little worried. We _ ground as a lead

21、er in this field with the others developing fast.A. have lostB. are losingC. lostD. were losing3. -Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday?-Yes, he did. He _ his old friends for a long time.A. didnt seeB. wouldnt seeC. hasnt see D. hadnt seen4. English has been changing for centuries, and ev

22、en now, new words and expressions _ nearly every day.A. are addedB. are being addedC. have addedD. have been added5. -Why havent you asked her to come here?-She _ an important experiment when I found her and she _ it.A. had done; didnt finishB. was doing; hasnt finishedC. did; wouldnt finishD. has d

23、one; hadnt finished6. Id rather you _ right now.A. leaveB. leftC. will leaveD. should leave7. How I wish I _ such a silly mistake, but I did.A. had not madeB. would not makeC. didnt makeD. havent made8. My mother felt pleased with herself because she _ my father to give up smoking.A. has persuadedB.

24、 had persuadedC. has advisedD. had advised9. -Why on earth didnt you answer th phone?-Im sorry, but the doorbell _, too.A. is ringingB. was ringingC. rangD. was about to ring10. -You should have finished it sooner.-I know. But I _ enough time.A. hadnt had B. dont haveC. wont haveD. didnt have11. I h

25、ad a pleasant surprise when I got to my room. Someone _ some flowers there for me.A. had putB. has putC. putD. is putting12. I dont know if you noticed their absence or not, but we _.A. didB. haveC. hadD. were13. John has gone to Shanghai, but Im wondering why he _ in such a hurry.A. leftB. has left

26、C. leavesD. was leaving14. As soon as I got on the bus I realized that I _ my papers in the house.A. leftB. was leavingC. had leftD. have left15. -They _ the road last night, but they wont complete it until tomorrow.-So the road is still closed to the traffic, isnt it?A. repairedB. were repairingC.

27、had repairedD. had been repairing16. Sales of CDs have greatly increased since the early 1990s, when people _ to enjoy the advantages of this technology.A. beginB. beganC. have begunD. had begun17. When the old man _ to walk back to his house, the sun _ itself behind the mountain.A. started; had alr

28、eady hiddenB. had started; had already hiddenC. had started; was hidingD. was starting; hid18. -You were out when I dropped in at your home.-Oh, I _ for a friend from England at the airport.A. was waitingB. had waitedC. am waitingD. have waited19. The news came as no surprise to me. I _ for some time that the factory was going to shut down.A. had knownB. knewC. have knownD. know20. The girl _ in as many as ten films by the time she was sixteen.A. acted

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