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1、四级写作模板四级写作模板四级写作基本模式三段式为了便于考生尽快掌握四级作文的写作方法,在此综合历年四级考试作文真题,重点介绍七类常见的写作类型。v . 对比选择型v . 现象解释型v . 原因阐释型v . 问题解决型v . 应用型v . 综合叙事型v . 图表型. 对比选择型特点及写作要求v 对比选择型议论文是大学英语四级考试写作最常见的写作题型。一般来说,这类议论文的通常是对一个观点或事物的正反两方面或者两种不同的观点或事物进行对比,从而引出主题,得出结论。在对两种不同的观点或事物进行对比时,主要运用比较和对比两种写作技巧。在四级考试中曾多次出现此类议论文。. 对比选择型写作流程v 第一段:

2、简介。(简单介绍某一现象或事物。)v 第二段:主要对比观点或事物。(分析某一观点或事物的正反两面,或比较两种不同的观点或事物。)v 第三段:结论。(得出结论,或提出自己的看法。)v 或者v 第一段:主要观点或事物甲。(简单提及某一现象或事物,并分析该现象或事物的好处。)v 第二段:主要观点或事物乙。(分析该现象或事物的利弊。)v 第三段:结论。(得出结论,或提出自己的看法。). 对比选择型句子模板v 1. 对比不同观点/对比法:v When it comes to , peoples ideas/views/notions/opinions vary from person to person

3、/from one to another.v There is no consensus(共识) of opinions/there are some controversies/there is no agreement among people as to do /as to the view of .v Whenever people , they will come across the problem of whether they should or , and it is natural for different opinions to arise.v The general

4、public has been debating whether or not .v Some people think we should . They say that . While others think otherwise .They argue that .v Some people advocate that . Others hold the opposite opinion/adopt a totally different view/take an opposite side. They believe .v Those in favor of believe/claim

5、 that . Those oppose to argue/hold/point out that .v Everything has two sides and is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages. 对比选择型句子模板v 2. 在两种对立观点中选择一种观点/表明自己的观点:v Were it left to me to decide whether we should , I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.v As far as I a

6、m concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable/holds more weight.v As for me, I agree to/prefer to the former/latter idea. There are a dozen of reasons behinds my belief. First of all, .v Weighing up the arguments on both sides, Im inclined to believe that .v In my opinion/mind, we should .v Fr

7、om my perspective/point of view, I think .v Personally speaking, I approve of .v From what I have discussed above, I can draw the conclusion that .v 【模板一】v 1 Nowadays, wherever you go, you will hear people talk about . 2 Whether you like it or not, it had become a part of our life. v 3 Some people w

8、ho are in favor of maintain that . 4 In their view, . 5 While those who are against argue that . 6 Besides, .v 7 As far as I am concerned, I stand on the side of . 8 First of all, 9 Furthermore, . 10 Thirdly, . 11 Therefore, .v 【模板二】v 1 Views/Opinion on (Attitudes towards) vary from person to person

9、. 2 Some people think that . 3 They hold this opinion because (they think) . v 4 Others, however, take a negative / positive attitude to . (Others, nevertheless, are more pessimistic / optimistic about it). 5 From their point of view, . 6 Besides, . v 7 In my opinion/Personally /From my point view /

10、If asked my attitude, I am more in favor of . 8 I stand in / hold this attitude /opinion / view because . 9 Its true that , but it doesnt mean that . 10 Therefore / In a word/ In short, . 11 Instead, we should . 现象解释型特点及写作要求v 现象阐释型的作文通常先指明一种现象或提出一种观点,然后对这一现象或观点进行解释,最后得出结论或发表个人见解。. 现象解释型写作流程v 第一段:概述。

11、(简要描述某一现象或某一观点。)v 第二段:具体阐述。(具体阐释现象或观点的正确性或危害性等。)v 第三段:个人见解。(表明自己的态度或看法。)v 或者v 第一段:概述。(简单描述某一现象或观点。)v 第二段:具体阐述。(具体阐述引起这种现象的或持有这种观点考虑的主要因素。)v 第三段:个人评价。(对现象或者观点进行评价。). 现象解释型句子模板v 1. 分析原因:v There are many/plenty of/ a number of/ numerous reasons explaining/ for .v The reasons of lie in several aspects .

12、v Many factors contribute to . v There are many reasons that many account for .v The reasons for/why are as follows: .v There are many reasons for it, but generally, they come down in three major ones.v is mainly caused by .v What caused these changes? .v There are many factors that have stimulated

13、this huge change.v The reasons that caused changes are diverse. On the one hand, . On the other hand, .v The rapid growth of owes much to . 现象解释型句子模板v 2. 总结归纳 / 说明影响 / 表明作者态度 / 以作者个人为例:v Through the analysis, we can draw a conclusion that .v In short/ In brief, .v To solve the problem of , we .v Fro

14、m all the facts given above, we can see .v Considering all these /Taking all these into consideration/account, I believe .v As to/for me, I believe .v Take me as an example/In my own case, I .v 【模板一】v 1 In recent years, (描写现状或趋势). 2 This has caused a lot of problems.v 3 First, (结果1). 4 For example,

15、(细节,说明结果1). 5 Second, (结果2). (细节,说明结果2). 6 Finally, (结果3). (细节,说明结果3).v 7 Since is such a serious problem, we should take effective measures to . 8 First, we should (措施1). 9 Besides, (措施2). 10 And finally, (措施3). v 【模板二】v 1 At present/ In recent years/ Nowadays, (描写现状或趋势). 2 It may someday become th

16、e main trend when (进一步描述这一现象或观点).v 3 Three major elements/factors would be taken into consideration when (doing sth). 4 First of all, (主要因素1). 5 Moreover, (主要因素2). 6 Last, (主要因素3). 7 From their perspective, .v 8 Everything has both positive and negative aspects, and (这种现象或观点) is of no exception. 9 (

17、这种现象或观点的正确性). 10 However, (这种观点或现象的危害性). . 原因阐释型特点及写作要求v 原因解释型作文的重点在于探讨产生某一社会现象或问题的原因。近十年来,原因阐释型议论文在四级考试中出现的并不多。. 原因阐释型写作流程v 第一段:现象。(对某一社会现象进行描述。)v 第二段:原因阐释。(阐释产生这一社会现象的原因。)v 第三段:评述或提出解决方法。(发表个人看法,或提出解决思路。). 原因阐释型句子模板v 1. 一果多因:v Why ? For one thing, . For another, .v The answer to this problem invol

18、ves many factors. For one thing, . For another, . Still another, .v A number of factors, both physical and psychological affect/both individual and social contribute to .v Another important factor is .v is also responsible for the change/problem.v Certainly, the is not the sole reason for .v The fac

19、tors that contribute to include . v You dont have to look very far to identify the reason that .v Thanks to/ Owing to/Due to/Because of/As a result of . 原因阐释型句子模板v 2. 一因多果v It will produce a profound/far-reaching effect/impact on .v It involves some serious consequence for .v There are a number of d

20、readful consequence of . Perhaps the most serious/disastrous consequence is .v It may cause/result in/lead to a host/number of problems.v It leaves/involves some serious consequence of v The immediate result it produce is . And perhaps the most obvious result of is .v 1 Nowadays, we often hear that

21、(提出现象). 2 This phenomenon is not accidental, and there is social and individual background. v 3 Why ? 4 For one thing, (原因1). 5 For another, (原因2). 6 For instance, (举例说明). 7 From that, 8 we . v 9 As far as I am concerned, I agree that . 10 I think that (作者本人的观点). 11 .v 第三段或为:9 We should take measure

22、s to . 10 First, (措施1). Second, (措施2). 11 Finally, (措施3). 问题解决型特点及写作要求v 问题解决型的作文通常先说明情况,提出问题,随后提出解决方法或处理方式,最后给予评价。. 问题解决型写作流程v 第一段:引言。(描述现状、形势、提出问题。)v 第二段:解决方案。(提出解决问题的方法。)v 第三段:评价或个人选择。(简要评价提及的方法,或选择其中一、两种自己认为合适的方法并说明理由。). 问题解决型句子模板v 1. 提出问题:v Nowadays, with , more and more , which causes serious p

23、roblem to .v Nowadays, .It has become such a serious problem which has aroused the concern from .v Recently, the problem of has become increasingly serious in .v Today, with , a serious social problem has arisen .v Today, more and more people have realized that has become a very serious problem.v No

24、wadays, there is growing concern over .v Currently, is being considered a major problem in . 问题解决型句子模板v 2. 解决问题:v To solve this problem, .v As is known to all, there are many ways to .v To put an end to this serious problem, in my opinion, several measures should be taken/adopted by .v How can we so

25、lve this problem? I think there are three approaches.v If you want to solve this problem, the following advice may be helpful.v My suggestions to deal with/solve/relieve the problem are as follows. In the first place, . Secondly . Finally .v At first thought, the problem seems far too involved (复杂的)

26、, but it can certainly be solved when seriously dealt with. v 1 Nowadays, great importance has been attached to (目前的现象及存在的问题). 2 Many ways can contribute to (要解决的问题), but the following ones may be effective.v 3 First of all, (方法1). 4 Besides, (方法2). 5 Finally, (方法3).v 6 In conclusion/ To sum up, the

27、 ways I have mentioned above should never be separated from each other. 7 (希望). . 图表型特点及写作要求v 图表型作文要求根据图表上的数据,找出所反映的某个趋势或某一个问题、现象,并对该问题、趋势所产生的原因进行分析。常见的图表型作文有表格(table)、曲线图(line chart)、条形图/柱状图(bar chart)、饼形图(pie chart)和图片(picture)。v 图表型作文的写作误区:有些考生习惯在第一段罗列所有数据,形式单调,没有重点,篇幅又长,容易让人厌倦,而第二、三段受篇幅和时间限制,未能充

28、分展开。. 图表型写作注意事项v 写图表型作文的注意事项:v 1. 看懂并理解图表的含义,这是写好图表型作文的前提;v 2. 选择能充分说明图表主题的典型数据;v 3. 根据分析结果和文章的题目写出各段的主题句并展开论述。v 合理的结构安排是:第一段简明扼要,尽量少引数据,重在点明趋势;二、三段的分析是重点,应展开。. 图表型写作流程v 第一段:描述图表反映的总情况。(总体说明图表所反映的趋势、问题、现象,并选用典型数据进行说明。)v 第二段:分析原因。(分析该问题或该现象的原因或后果。)v 第三段:结论。(提出解决问题的办法、建议或进行展望。). 图表型句子模板v 1. 图表内容总括性描述:

29、v As can be seen from the table, great changes have been taking place in .v From the above table it can be seen that .v As it is shown in the table, .v According to the graph, . 图表型句子模板v 1. 图表内容总括性描述:v It is clear from the table that .v The survey/study shows/suggests that .v According to the figure

30、s given in the table .v As you may see from the diagram, .v The two charts above tell us something about . 图表型句子模板v 2. 图表内容具体数据变化描述:v increase/decrease by v 2. increase from tov 3. increase steadily from v 4. There was a marked increase in v 5. There has been a rapid increase in v 6. an increase of v 7. decline in v 8. four times as much as v 9. amount to . 图表型句子模板v (2) 图表内容具体数据变化描述:v 10. fall from to v 11. appear stablev 12. reach (+数字)v 13. continue to g

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