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1、外研版选修七module3重点知识与练习精 . 单词荟萃1. _ n .小说家 novel n .小说2. scene n .场景;场面 _ n .风景3. serve v .端上 (饭菜等 _n .服务;效力4. intend v .打算 intention n .意图;本来想法 _ adj . 有意的;故意的5. illegally adv . 违法地;非法地 _ adj . 非法的 legal adj . 合法的6. _ v .分发,分配,分送 distribution n .分发;分配7. _ n .烟雾 smoke n .烟 v .吸烟;冒烟 fog n .雾8. _ n .挨饿,饿

2、死 starve v .饿死;使挨饿9. _ v .积累 accumulation n .积累10. _v .完成 (任务等 ,取得 (成功 accomplished adj . 完成了的;竣工 的 accomplishment n .完成11. _ adj . 铤而走险的;绝望的;极度渴望的 _ adv . 拼命地,绝 望地 desperation n .拼命,不顾一切 . 短语检测1.因 而发狂2.盯着 看,凝视3.精心挑选;认出来;辨认出来4.紧紧抓住5.以 声音 (说 6.张贴告示7.刚一 就8.突然抱住某人9.使人伤心10.犯了罪11.感到自在12.没有利害关系的;不重要的 13.仅

3、仅因为这个原因 be wild withstare atpick outhold on toin avoiceput up a noticeno soonerthan/hardly whenthrow ones armsround sb. break (onesheart be guilty of a crime feel at homeof no concernfor this reason alone . 佳句再现1. Each boy was _ one bowl of soup and no more,_ he was given another 60 grams of bread.每

4、个孩子只可分得一碗粥,绝不多给,除非是特别的节日,他们才可以另外再分到 60克的面包。2. The bowls never _ ,as the boys cleaned them with their spoons, _ every bit of soup.粥碗从来用不着洗,孩子们非用汤匙把碗刮得重又明光铮亮了才住手,试图吃掉每一 点粥。3. When they _ their bowls in this way, they _ the pot with eager eyes, as if they wanted to eat it.他们这样把碗刮干净以后,就会坐在那里,眼巴巴地瞅着汤锅,似乎

5、要把它也吞进肚 里。4. _ at least thirty seconds had passed, _. 至少过了三十秒钟,这个男人才说出话来。5. _ the boy spoken these words than the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon.孩子的话刚出口,大师傅就操起勺子狠狠地敲他的脑袋。 . 词汇学习1serve v .端上 (食物或饮料 ;接待 (顾客 ;服务;服役;供职;适合做 用; 起作用(1serve as/for 作为 用;担任;起 作用serve ones needs 满足某人的需要(2servic

6、e n . 服务,服役;招待;公共设施;公用事业【活学活用】(1 Breakfast _ until 9 am.早点供应到九点。(2 There was only one girl _ .只有一个女孩在接待顾客。(3 The sofa had to _ a bed.那个沙发不得不当床用。2seize vt . 抓住,捉住;夺取 (+on/upon;没收,查封,扣押seize a chance/an opportunity抓住机遇【易混辨析】catch , grasp 和 seize(1 catch (to get hold of and stop an object such as a bal

7、l that is moving through the air; to suddenly take hold of someone or something with your hand普通用语,意为 “ 设法抓住,捉住 ” 。(2 grasp(to take and hold sth. firmly意为“牢牢地抓住”。(3 seize(to take hold of sth. suddenly and violently 意为“突然用力抓住使不逃 脱”。【活学活用】根据语境选用 catch, grasp或 seize 的适当形式填空(1 She _ the letter from me a

8、nd began to read.(2 I _ his arm firmly and led him away.(3 Pass me that pen, would you? Here you are. _3intend vt . 想要,打算;计划(1intention n . 意图 intentional adj . 故意的;有意的(2intend to do sth. 打算做某事be intended for=be meant for专为 而设计;专供 使用had intended to do=intended to have done本来打算做 (但没能做 intend no harm=

9、mean no harm不是有意要伤害【活学活用】1.根据汉语意思完成句子(1 I _ the early train, but I got up late.我本来打算赶早班的火车,但是我起晚了。(2 He intends _ .(=He does not plan to harm you.他对你并无恶意。2.单项填空The book _ for adults is not suitable for teenagers to read.A . provided B . intended C. providing D . intending 【解析】 B本句中的结构“ for adults” 作

10、名词 book 的后置定语,因此用过去分词。 句意为:为成人设计的图书不适合青少年阅读。 intended for意思为“为 而设计 的。4reward n .报酬;酬金;奖赏 (for vt . 报答,报偿;酬谢;奖励【易混辨析】award 和 reward这两个词都可以用作名词和动词,作名词时,意义相近,但不是同义词。(1作名词时, award 的意思是“奖品、奖金”,其义与 prize 近似,两者都指因为做 出杰出成就而受奖。而 reward 作名词时,其意为“赏金”、“酬金”或一些非金钱的报酬。如: The Olympic winner received a gold medal as

11、 an award.奥林匹克获胜者获得一枚金牌作为奖品。We will offer a reward of ten thousand dollars for information about the case. 如果有人提供有关案件的情报,我们愿意出一万美元赏金。(2用作动词时, award 的意思是“授予、颁发、判给”,常用搭配:award sb. sth./award sth. to sb.; reward 则表示“报答、酬谢”之意,常用搭配:reward sb. (with sth. for sth.。如:He was awarded the first prize for Outst

12、anding Industrial Design.他获得了“杰出工业设计”一等奖。You should reward them according to their deserts.你应该对他们论功行赏。【活学活用】根据语境用 reward 或 award 的适当形式填空(1 Is that how you _ me for my help?(2 She was _ a medal for bravery.(3 As a _ for passing her exams, she got a new bike from her father.5hang v . 悬挂,悬垂 (hang hung

13、hung; (to be killed by hanging吊死,绞死 (hang hanged hangedhang about/around/out 闲逛,闲荡hang on(=hold on 等等;坚持下去hang on (to sth. =hold on (to sth. 紧紧抓住hang up (on sb. 挂断某人的电话hang ones head 因羞愧等垂下头【活学活用】(1A clock _on the wall.墙上挂着一个钟。(2This is not my jacket. Mine _ behind the door.这不是我的夹克,我的在门后面挂着呢。(3I don

14、t like to see you _ with him.我不喜欢看着你和他出去闲 逛。(4 He _ I could finish.我没说完他就挂了电话。6rough adj . 粗糙的;粗暴的;粗略的; (日子 难过的;犯罪率高的(1roughly adv . 粗略地,大致地;粗暴地 roughly speaking 大概说来(2have a rough time 过得艰难【活学活用】(1I can only give you a _ estimate of the cost.我只能给你粗略地估计一下费用。(2Sounds like you had _ .听起来你今天好像很不顺。(3 _

15、, we need about $500.大概说来,我们需要大约 500美 元。 . 短语学习bring sth. to the attention of sb.使某人关注某事hold/keep sb.s attention 保持某人的注意力attract/catch/draw sb.s attention引起某人的注意focus/concentrate/fix ones attention on sth.把注意力放在某事上pay attention to 关注draw/call attention to sth. 使人们关注某事【易错警示】以上短语中的 to 是介词,后面要加名词或动名词,不

16、要误用为不定式。短语 fix ones attention on 中,如果 attention 作主语或逻辑主语, fix 要用被动语态或过去分词形式。如:All his attention was fixed on the painting on the wall.【活学活用】(1It is a tough job to _ a small childs attention.要保持小孩子的注意力不是件易事。(2We must pay attention to _.我们必须要注意环境保护。(3 The article is intended to _ the rising unemployme

17、nt. 这篇文章是要引起人们对日益增长的失业率的关注。(4 With all his attention _ the painting, he didnt notice me come in.他所有的注意力都集中在了画上,没有注意到我进来。 . 句型公式部分倒装(1Not until +助动词 /be动词 /情态动词+主语+句子其他部分 “ 直到 才 ”(2No sooner had+主语+done +than +句子 (用一般过去时 =Hardly had+主语+ done +when +句子 (用一般过去时 “ 刚刚 就 ”【活学活用】(1Not until two days later

18、_ I had done wrong to him.直到两天以后我才 意识到冤枉了他。(2 _ than he regretted.他刚说完就后悔了。课后练习 . 单词拼写1. We should not try to a_ two tasks at once.2. After a year she a_ her ideal weight.3. She jumped to her feet, _ (尖叫 in terror.4. Dont spoil youre a_ by eating between meals.5. Clothes and blankets have been _ (分配

19、 among the refugees(难民 . . 选词填空hold on to, disagree with, make money, in astonishment, be desperate for1. They heard him give a loud shout _ .2. The man lost in the desert _ water after four days.3. He _ the table to support himself when he heard the news.4. I do _ Phil on many things.5. I am going

20、to teach until my son can _ . . 单项填空1. Sorry , I have to now. Its time for class. OK , Ill call back later.A . hang up B . break up C. give up D . hold up【解析】 A 本题考查动词短语辨析。由答语的“call back later”可以看出:本题创设 的语境是打电话。所以只有 hang up“挂断(电话”符合语境。 2It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly _ my friend. A

21、turn out Bbring out Ccall out Dpick out 【解析】 D 本题考查动词短语辨析。pick out 辨认出;turn out 结果是; bring out 出版,推出,使显出;call out 出动,召集,大声叫喊。 3Seeing the drowning boy,he took off his coat and _ himself into the water. Ajumped Bthrew Cpushed Dstruggled 【解析】 B throw 意为“使身体或身体的某一部位突然做出某一动作”,在此句中表 示“迅速跳入水中”。jump 是不及物动词

22、,后面不能跟宾语。 4Mum _ to us,“Be quiet! Your little sisters sleeping. ” Awhispered Bshouted Cexplained Dreplied 【解析】 A 本题考查动词辨析。whisper 悄悄地说,低语。 5Think carefully before you answer his questions.You may be _ into giving away vital information. Acaught Bcaptured Cseized Dtrapped 【解析】 D 句意为:回答他的问题前要三思,你也许会上当

23、从而泄露重要信 息。trap sb. into doing sth. 意为“使某人陷入圈套;使陷于困境”。catch 意为“捉 住,捕获,逮住”;capture 意为“俘虏;捕获”;seize 意为“抓住”。catch 和 capture 辨析:catch 指需要积极追寻,或采取一定的方法来抓住。capture 指需要采 取一定的计谋、技巧甚至武力,克服抵抗才能抓到或夺到。 6It is widely accepted that babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to _. Arewards Bprizes Cawards

24、Dresults 【解析】 A 本题考查名词辨析。句意为:人们普遍认为,婴儿之所以学会做 事是因为某些行为会得到奖赏。 7Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will _ from the new training facilities. Aderive Bacquire Cbenefit Dreward 【解析】 C benefit from 从中受益。句意为:不仅专业人士,而且业余 者也能从这套新的训练设施中受益。 8The picture _on the wall is painted by my nephew. Ahavin

25、g hung Bhanging Changs Dbeing hung 【解析】 B 考查非谓语动词。该题中 hang 为不及物动词,此处意为“悬挂”,表示 悬挂的状态。而 D 项更强调动作,所以不合适。句意为:挂在墙上的这幅画是我侄子 画的。 9 _got on the train when it began to move. ANo sooner had I CHardly had I BI had no sooner DI hardly had 【解析】 C 本题考查倒装句型。注意句型“hardlywhen”和“no soonerthan(一就”的用法。 10The media can o

26、ften help solve problems and _ attention to situations _ help is needed. Atake; which Bdraw; where Cpay; that Ddraw;/ 【解析】 B 句意为:媒体能够经常帮助解决问题,并且把注意力吸引到需要帮助的 地方。draw attention to 是“吸引注意力到”, help is needed 是作名词 situations 的定语从句,因此用关系副词 where 引导。 Module 3 单项填空 1Mary never does any reading in the evenin

27、g, _. A. so does John B. John does too C. John doesnt too D. nor does John 2._that he managed to get the information? Oh, a friend of his helped him. A. Where was it B. What was it C. How was it D. Why was it 3It was only when I reread his poems recently _ I began to appreciate their beauty. A. unti

28、l B. that C. then D. so 4In the dark forests _, some large enough to hold several English towns. A. stand many lakes B. lie many lakes C. many lakes lie D. many lakes stand 5. Id like to see the movie very much, but I have no money on me. Thats OK. This is my _. A. offer B. treat C. turn D. service

29、6.The newly-published book, which refers _ basic English grammar, is _ only for beginners. Aas; meant Bfor; intended Cto; planned Dto; intended 7. T h e b o y i s r u n n i n g i m p a t i e n t l y h e r e a n d t h e r e a s i f _ _ _ _ _ _ s o m e t h i n g l o s t o n t h e s p o r t s ground. A. to search B. searching C. searching for D. to search for 8. For a moment noth

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