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1、完整word版最新译林版牛津小学英语4B全册教案word文档良心出品Unit 1 Our school subjects一、教材分析: 本单元的主要内容是谈论新学期的科目和课程表。重点是科目的名称以及与此相关的句型。通过谈论彼此喜欢的科目,在此情境下练习句型What subjects do you like? I like并学习日常交际用语 Welcome back to school. Nice to meet you.本单元重点词汇有:timetable, PE, Science, fun, go to, playground, afternoon, school, subject, se

2、e, Chinese, Maths, Art, Music, lesson, Monday.学习字母a在单词中的读音。二、教学目标:1. 能正确地听、说、读、写单词school, subject, see, Chinese, Maths, Art, Music, lesson, Monday.2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常用语与句型:What subjects do you like? I like Welcome back to school. Nice to meet you.3. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇:timetable, PE, Science, fun, go to, playgro

3、und, afternoon, school, subject, see, Chinese, Maths, Art, Music, lesson, Monday.4. 会诵读童谣Subjects。5. 能听懂、会说、准确发音字母a。三、教学重点:1. 句型:What subjects do you like? 及其回答I like2. 词汇:school, subject, see, Chinese, Maths, Art, Music, Monday, lesson.3. 语音:字母a在单词中的读音四、教学难点:1. 句型:What subjects do you like? 及其回答I l

4、ike在语境中的正确运用。2. 词汇:subject, Chinese, Maths的读音,subject和lesson词义上的区别。语音:字母a在单词中的读音。五、教学安排第一课时 Story time第二课时 Fun time 第三课时 Cartoon time & Sound time 第四课时 Rhyme time & Checkout time & Ticking time第五课时 综合复习Unit 1 The first period一、教学内容:Story time二、教学目标:1. 能初步听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable, PE, Science, fun, playg

5、round.2. 能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school, subject, see, Chinese, Maths, Art, Music.3. 能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:Welcome back to school. Nice to see you. What subjects do you like? 以及回答I like三、教学重点:1. 能初步听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable, PE, Science, fun, playground.2. 能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school, subject, see, Chinese, Maths, Art, Mus

6、ic.3. 能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:Welcome back to school. Nice to see you. What subjects do you like? 以及回答I like四、教学难点:同上五、课前准备:1.准备录音机和磁带2.教学图片、多媒体课件3.板书准备:本节课课题、教学目标六、教学过程:Step 1 Greeting T: Good morning ,boys and girls. Welcome back to our school .Nice to see you again师生互致问候,引出新短语welcome back to/ nice to see y

7、ou.This is our first English lesson .We have these goals in this lesson:1. Know these new words:timetable, PE, Science, fun, playground subject, Chinese, Maths, Art, Music.2. Can read story time fluently3. Can understand the meaning of story time出示教学目标,使学生明确本节课的重点内容。Step 2 Presentation1. Learn new w

8、ords1) T:Look! here is our timetable. How many subjects do you have?出示单词subject,并且教读。Today well talk about our subjects.出示课题:Unit 1 Our school subjects2)引导学生观察课表do you know how to say them in English。指着课表中的科目提问学生This is 出示对应单词,English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music, Science.在句子中出示以上单词3)学生尝试自主拼读单词bo

9、ys and girls, try to read these words。学生尝试朗读之后教师进一步纠正发音2.Learn Story timeThis is our timetable, and these are our subjects. Now let see what subjects do they have?引出story time教学。1) read the dialogue by yourselves, underline the difficult words and phrases.自读课文,画出不会读的单词和不理解的句子。2) Learn in groups小组互相交

10、流课文内有困难的地方互教互学.3) Do you have any questions? Please let me know.学生向教师提问仍有疑问的地方。Who can help him/ her?先请其他学生回答,教师最后在进行解释。4) Check by self. 出示检测题,测试学生是否掌握课文知识点。英汉互译 (1)welcome back to school (2)nice to see you(3)What subject do you like? (4)I like science. (5)its time for PEStep 3 Practice1. Watch the

11、 cartoon看卡通回答问题Answer the questions1)What subjects do they have ?2)How many subjects do they have ?2. Ss ask and answer questions.鼓励学生依据课文和图片相互提问回答,教师引导学生从what, where, when, who, how, why 等方面尽可能多的提问,锻炼学生口语交际能力、观察能力,并把之前学习的知识加以复习。3. read after the tape, imitate the tone and pronunciation 听录音并跟读,注意发音和

12、语调4. read in groups. Ss read in different rolesStep 4 Production1. Ss and answer about their favourite subjects.学生问答。S1: what subject do you like? S2: I like Maths.2. Fill in the blanks according to story time.Welcome back to _ ,class. Nice to _you, Miss Li. This is our new _.What _do you like, Wang

13、 Bing ?IWhat _you, Yang Ling? I like _,Its _.Oh! Its time _PE. Step 5 Summary1. 对照本节课目标,学生进行自我评估。2. 教师引导学生总结本节课重点单词和句型。Step 6 Homework1、Copy the new words four times.2、Recite Story Time after class. 七、板书设计 Unit 1 Our school subjects English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music, Science二次备课Unit 1 The seco

14、nd period一、教学内容:Story time & Fun Time二、教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable, PE, Science, fun, playground2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词: school, subject, see, Chinese, Maths, Art, Music3.能听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like4.能初步理解句型:What lessons do we have?及回答We have5.培养学生的合作精神,提高英语学习兴趣三、教学重点:1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:ti

15、metable, PE, Science, fun, playground2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school, subject, see, Chinese, Maths, Art, Music3.能听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like4.培养学生的合作精神,提高英语学习兴趣四、教学难点:能初步理解句型:What lessons do we have?及回答We have 五、课前准备:1.准备录音机和磁带2.教学图片、多媒体课件3.板书准备:本节课课题、教学目标六、教学过程:Step 1 Greeting and revie

16、wT:Good morning, class./ Nice to see you. T:Look, I have a new book. What do you have,xxx? S:I h aveT: Do you have any? S: Yes,I do./No, I dont.T: What subjects do we have? S: I/We haveT: How many subjects do we have? S:.T: What subjects do you like? S: I likeT: What about you, ? S: I like Step 2 Re

17、view and act storyT:Lets open the books ,and turn to Unit 1.T: Now, lets try to read it again.1. Read after the tape注意语音语调的纠正2. Read together3. Act it.让学生脱离书本,配上自己动作和表情把书本的对话分角色表演出来。4. 引导学生增加对话内容或增加人物。丰富自己的小剧表演Step 3 Fun time1. T: You know more about subjects now. Can you ask your friends ?Try to fi

18、nish Fun time.(Teacher gives a model,then students work in groups)Eg: T:What subjects do you like?S1:I like English and Art.T: Do you like PE?S1:Yes ,I do.It is fun.T: Do you like Chinese?S1:No,I dont.T:Thank you .2.Work in groups.小组内进行问答活动,并选出一个学生作group leader, 在回答问题的时候做记录,完成表格。3交流结果各小组的group leade

19、r对调查结果进行汇报。如:S1:In our group, not like.Step 3 Practice一、词组翻译:今天早上 我们的课程表 喜欢语文 去操场 二、选择( )1.-Do you like English? - A.Yes, I dont. B.No,I do. C.Yes, I do.( )2.Its time Science.A. for C.about三、句子翻译1.我喜欢音乐和美术。他们有趣。 2.让我们去小吃店吧。 Step 4 Summary如何向他人问题喜欢哪些学科:Step 5 Homework1、Do exerc

20、ise2、dictate words3、Review Cartoon time七、板书设计 Unit 1 Our school subjects What subjects do you like?I like and 二次备课Unit 1 The third period一、教学内容:Cartoon time & Sound time二、教学目标:1. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school, subject, see, Chinese, Maths, Art, Music, timetable, PE, Science, fun, playground.2. 能熟练地听懂、会说、

21、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like; What lessons do we have?及回答We have3. 能总结归纳Aa的发音/ei/。三、教学重点:1. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school, subject, see, Chinese, Maths, Art, Music, timetable, PE, Science, fun, playground.2. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like; What lessons do we have?及回答We h

22、ave3. 能总结归纳Aa的发音/ei/。四、教学难点:表演Cartoon time五、课前准备:1.准备录音机和磁带2.教学图片、多媒体课件3.板书准备:本节课课题、教学目标六、教学过程:Step1 Greeting and free talk1. GreetingT: Good morning, class.S: Good morning, Miss Sun.2. Free talkT: What subjects do you have?S: We haveT: What subjects do you like?S: I likeT: What about ?T: What lesso

23、ns do you have this morning/afternoon?S: We havethis morning/afternoonStep2 Sound time1. 出示词组dont skate, make a cake skate, make, cake让学生读单词,体会字母Aa的发音/ei/T: I can say /ei/, /ei/, cake. What can you say?让学生归纳以前所学单词中字母Aa的发音/ei/ 2学生观察单词拼写规律,总结: a + 辅音字母 + e3出示新单词,学生试读T: How to read this word?出示Kate /ke

24、it/4. T: I have a rhyme for you.Kate, Kate, dont skate.Come and make a cake.5.播放录音,学生按节拍跟读。Step 3 Cartoon time1.Watch the cartoon.T:Well done. Lets have a rest. Its time for cartoon.What lessons do Bobby and Billy have on Monday?板书lesson、Monday学生尝试拼读单词。Ss: They haveT:Lets watch the cartoon. And try

25、to find the answer.Answer: They have Music and Maths.2.True or false.小组一起阅读,判断对错,在对话中划出线索。T:Now, you can read in groups ,and try to judge the sentences. You can underline the sentences.(1)Billy likes Music. T:I like Music.(2)They have PE and Chinese this afternoon. F:What lessons do we have this aft

26、ernoon, Sam? We have PE and Science.(3)Sam doesnt like PE. F:I like PE. Its fun.3.Read- Cartoon time(1)Read after the tape注意语音语调(2)Read by yourself(3)角色扮演Step 4 Summary总结: 字母A的发音规律和拼写规律:a + 辅音字母 + eStep 5 Homework1、Do exercise2、dictate words3、Review Cartoon time七、板书设计 Unit 1 Our school subjects Aa /

27、ei/ a + 辅音字母 + eWhat lessons do we have?We have二次备课Unit 1 The fourth period一、教学内容:Rhyme time & Checkout time & Ticking time二、教学目标:1. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school, subject, see, Chinese, Maths, Art, Music, timetable, PE, Science, fun, playground.2. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like; Wha

28、t lessons do we have?及回答We have3. 能会读小诗:Subjects。4. 完成写作练习。三、教学重点:1. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school, subject, see, Chinese, Maths, Art, Music, timetable, PE, Science, fun, playground.2. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like; What lessons do we have?及回答We have3. 完成写作练习。四、教学难点:1. 完成写作练习。五、课前准备

29、:1.准备录音机和磁带2.教学图片、多媒体课件3.板书准备:本节课课题、教学目标六、教学过程:Step1 Free talk and review.1:Free talk What subjects do you have ? I/We have.What subjects do you like ?I/We like.What about you ? I like.What lessons do you have this morning/afternoon ? We have .2:Review.Have a dictation : school, subject, see, Chines

30、e, Maths, Art, Music, Lesson, Monday.What subjects do you like ?I like.What lessons do we have ?We have.背诵Story time和Cartoon time.Step2 Rhyme time1. Enjoy a rhyme播放录音,学生完成听力填空。2. Fill in the blanksMusic, Music, they like Music.Chinese, Chinese, you like Chinese.English, English, we all like English.3. Make a new rhyme小组创作一个新的小诗Learning tip: Change some words of the rhyme.4. Rhyme show小组展示自己的诗歌Step3 Checkout time- Think and write1语言准备T:How many subjects do we have this term?S:Seven subjects.T:What are they?S:They are Chinese,Maths,Art,Music,English,PE,scie

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