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1、英语写作2窗体顶端英语写作要点窗体顶端英语英语 名词性从句和定语从句的使用 名词性从句的顺序(陈述语序):关系代词(副词)what/ when+主语+谓语可作主、谓、宾、表等,与名词作用相同 遇到”东西,事情”等都用whate.g. what I want ,what I bought, what you told me/picked up 不要出现 the thing ,the matter等What I want to do is to help you . 我想要做的是帮助你。What you dreamed last night was strange. 你昨天晚上做的梦很奇怪。Wha

2、t you said is nonsense(废话).What you saw is what I dislike. 你所看到的是我不喜欢的。What I am interested in is how much money you have.我所感兴趣的(记住这些例子的用法哦!) 定语从句Sb. to do =sb. who will 将做某事的人; Sb. doing 过去,经常,正在做某事的人(注意这个短语的多重用法哦,看下面的例子,学学吧!)Sth. done 已经被做过的事; Sth. being done 正在被做的某事Sth. to be done 将要被做的某事e.g. the

3、 student to play basketball the man working here=the man who worked here last year 过去the man who often works here 经常the man who is working here 正在Do you know the young man communicating with my teacher yesterday?The man standing under the tree ten minutes ago was my brother.The students reading Engl

4、ish everyday are likely to improve their English.Sth. Done The tree planted last year is thriving.(长的很茂盛)The book read is missing.那本读过的书不见了。Sth. being done The playground being built will cost $50,000.Sth. to be done The president asked the secretary to list all the questions to be discussed.the car

5、s to be bought;the apartment to be rent待售的公寓; the classroom to be cleanedThe clothes washed yesterday are much more than the clothes to be washed.The article to be learned next week is much more interesting than the one learned last week.We should take care of the trees planted last year/in the past

6、.Do you like the tree being planted?I hope the tree to be planted can be looked after well.Exercise1 两小时前坐在办公室的那个人告诉我上星期买的衣服被抢了。The man _sitting_ in the office two hours ago told me the clothes bought last week were rubbed.2 下星期要来我校做讲座的老师打电话告诉我下星期要谈的话题很有趣。The teacher to give a lecture in our school

7、next week called me up to say the topic to be talked about next week will be very interesting.3 下个月要参观的城市比去年参观的城市大多了。The city to be visited next month is much bigger than the one visited last year.将要解决的问题正是我所担心的问题。The problem to be settled / to be dealt with is what I worried about. 避免此此类句子1、 there

8、be 句型经常出现的错误E.g. There are many students rent(renting/who rent) a room off campus.此句可以写成 Many students rent a room off campus.There are some people who believe that money is everything. There are others who argue that可直接写成:Some people believe thatothers argue that(尽量避免there be句型,以免犯错误哦)2、 开头经常写“随着的发

9、展”“随着”很容易错,写好了就成功了60正确的写法是:With the development of economy prep.+n.As economy develops conj.+句子With economy developing 独立主格结构 with+n.+现在分词With the advancement of society / as the society develops随着社会的进步 with the globalization of economy_随着经济全球化With the improvement of peoples living standard_/ with p

10、eoples living standard improving随着人们生活水平的提高With Chinas entry into WTO/ with China entering WTO随着中国加入WTOWith the quickening living pace/ pace of living/ with the living pace quickening 随着生活节奏加快With the further deepening of reform and open policy _随着改革开放的进一步深入3、的原因有几点(最常用的:)Three reasons can account f

11、or his absence yesterday.Three reasons are responsible for Three reasons can account for the great change in weather. (避免写have) 4、 导致了我努力学习导致我赶上了班上最好的学生My hard work leads to (I catch up with the best students in our class).(句子有错)句子不能做成分 把I catch改成my catching遇到这种情况有两种改法第一种 分两步 把谓语动词变为-ing 把主语变为所有格第二种

12、 在lead to后加the outcome/fact/consequence/phenomenon that 作为同位语从句激烈的竞争导致了很多大学生失业The severe/intense competition leads to/contributes to /results in the students unemployment. 一场大雨引起很多学生感冒The heavy rain contributed to many students catching a cold. 4 He didnt succeed because of he always skipped classes

13、. (错误)改 去掉of或者his skipping 在of 后加the fact that heHe didnt succeed because he always skipped classes.He didnt succeed because of his skipping classes.He didnt succeed because of the fact that he always skipped classes.(逃课)其它例子:他抢了那个老太太的钱令我很吃惊。(rob sb. Of sth.) His robbing the old woman of $10 surpris

14、ed me.He robbed the old woman of $10, which surprised me.The fact that he robbed the old woman of $10 surprised me.It surprised me that he robbed the old woman of $10.很多中学生谈恋爱已成了越来越明显的现象。Many senior students falling in love has become a growing phenomenon.It has become a growing phenomenon that many

15、 senior students fall in love.Many senior students fall in love, which has become a growing phenomenon.这个男孩上学期得了一等奖使他父母很兴奋The boys winning the first prize excited his parents.It excited his parents that the boy won the first prize last term.The fact that the boy won the first prize last term excited

16、 his parents.这些学生上学期十门考试不及格导致他们被学校开除These students failed in ten subjects, which led to the outcome that they were dismissed by the school last term. These students failed in ten subjects, which led to their being dismissed by the school last term.These students failed in ten subjects last term, whi

17、ch contributed to the outcome that they were dismissed by the school.5 使我们能(不要按顺序翻译)Enable sb. to do sth.; make it possible for sb. to doE.g. Taking this class makes it possible for you to pass CET-4.Taking this class enables you to pass CET-4.Your help makes it possible for me to finish this work o

18、n time.Your help enables me to finish this work on time.各种体裁文章的具体写法:第一部分:(针对现象型的文章)It is university acknowledged that 人们普遍认为There is a popular belief that There is a growing concern over the issue of 人们越来越关注There is a growing phenomenon that There is a growing realization/awareness that 人们越来越认识到Desp

19、ite the popular belief that , I cling to the idea that (常见的观点,但我认为)There has been a fantastic increase /decrease in the number /amount of sb. /sth. that (明显增加/下降)“phenomenon”一定要知道怎么拼写哦,我们经常在写作中会用到!第二部分:分五种体裁: (1) 解释结构 (2)分析结构 (3)比较结构 (4) 评论性结构 (5)方法结构(1) 解释结构:There are many factors responsible for t

20、he phenomenon and the following are typical ones. First and foremost, in addition, . Last but not least, .首先, 另外,最后.(这种表达是经常用的哦,要记住哦!)第三段:解决问题的办法,措施,提出个人的意见.(针对具有极大负面影响的事情,如抽烟,大学生同居等问题.)预测某种现象未来的发展趋势.(对于正确的,积极的现象.)具体格式:(例子)1. Confronted with the situation, we have to take some feasible measures. For

21、 one thing ,For another, . Only in this way /Only by doing so can we .2.预测未来:With , we have good reasons to predict that With , we can arrive at the unshakable conclusion that (2) 分析结构:Doing sth. exerts a considerable negative influence on and generates some undesirable consequences.First and foremo

22、st , In addition, Last but not least ,(不该找原因的现象,我们要试分析其影响.)(3)比较结构:(由比较而得出选择)When it comes to the mater of . ,(这句也经常用,引出要讨论的话题) a large proportion of people prefer to .But as far as I am concerned, I would love to . (要谈到多数人的看法,自己的看法又怎么样,提出自己的观点)There is no denying the fact that doing sth. brings us

23、many advantages .For one thing .For another, . Despite the advantages mentioned above , I do maintain that doing sth. does us more good . First and foremost, . In addition , Last but not least , (提到两者优点,但自己选的优点要多写点.) Taking into account the benefits generated by . , I cling to the idea that . (最后总结,

24、再次强调突出自己的观点.)(3) 评论性的结构 : 对问题存在两种截然不同的看法,即为评论性结构.(对一种现象或某种问题有截然不同的观点)When it comes to the issue of (+从句), people take different attitudes. Some people are of the opinion that (+同位语从句), while others cling to the idea that Those who approve of (+sth. /doing sth. ) maintain that sth .does us much good,

25、 in the first place ,. ,in the second place , . Those who frown on argue . For one thing, For another , As for as I am concerned,. On the one hand , ,on the other hand . Only in this way can we .(一下倒装句能使阅卷老师眼前一亮哦.)(4) 方法结构: (如:how to keep fit ,how to lose weight )第一段:现有越来越明显的现象 ,但要找到目标应先找到方法.There i

26、s a growing phenomenon that a sea of people especially young ladies are increasingly crazy about losing weight. In an effort to achieve working out some feasible approaches are tremendous significance to it. Whats more ,. Besides, 2.提方法3再次强调方法的重要性.As long as you stick to the approaches mentioned abo

27、ve , you can succeed.*图表作文的写法:(三部分)(1)对数据进行描写。(第一句为总结句,即对图表进行总结,找两组典型的数据,即变化最明显的数据进行描述。)(2)分析现象背后原因,用解释结构的第二部分来写。(3)提出解决办法(针对负面现象)或者对未来的预测(针对好的现象)。 1. As is shown in the table/chart/graph/diagram, there is an obvious upward /downward tendency in . 有明显的上升/下降趋势 E.g. As is shown in the table ,there is

28、an obvious downward tendency in the employment rate of college graduates in the past few years . The employment rate of college graduates decreased substantially /greatly/considerably from 100 percent in 2000 to 45 percent in 2006, dropping 55 percent in six years.2. 饼状图: The chart informs us that T

29、he chart informs us of E.g. The chart informs us of the percentage of the money people spend on different aspect of their diet. As is shown in the chart, people spend the biggest percentage of their money, 35 percent, on meet. Next comes the money on vegetables, 30 percent .they spend 25 percent and

30、 10 percent of their money on fruits and milk respectively.*自我介绍类型的作文:Good morning: Ladies and gentlemen, Im honored to be here making the speech. First I want to make a brief presentation of myself. My name is . I am majoring in .,(专业是) I am exceedingly interested in and good at . . if I have pleas

31、ure to harvest your trust and approval , I will commit myself to make your life more colorful and rewarding (使你的生活变得丰富多彩) .First and foremost,.In addition, Last but least , I have an immense passion and tremendous enthusinason (巨大的热情和激情)about the work. If I have the honor to be elected , I will spare no efforts to live up to your expectations (不辜负你的期望) and prove to be reliable, trustworthy and efficient.* 介绍一项活动The activity is designed

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