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1、中国日报热词【一月第一周】1你遭遇“新年障碍”(New Years block)了吗?新的一年来到,每个人都期望新年有新气象,有新的收获。可因为习惯思维的关系,大家在新年的前几周会时不时地把新年的日期写成去年的。这样的情况,我们就叫做new years block。New years block is a condition that usually takes place the first couple of weeks into the new year, in which a person keeps writing in the last/previous year in place

2、 of the new one.New years block(新年障碍)是在每年刚开始的那几周会频繁发生的一种情况:人们在填写日期的时候,会在本该写新年份的地方习惯性地写上刚刚过去那一年的数字。For example:This is my third check today I write in the old year! I guess I got new years block.这是今天第三张把日期错写成去年的支票了!我猜我是患了新年障碍了。2充满希望,乐观积极的“一月心情”(January feeling)俗话说,新年新迹象。在人们的观念里,随着新年的到来,周遭事物也跟着焕然一新,为我

3、们带来希望和快乐。由于新年伊始是一月,这种乐观心理也因此得名“一月心情”。January feeling refers to an emotional state characterized by feelings of optimism and possibility, particularly at the start of a new year.“一月心情”是指新年伊始之际,对一切抱持乐观态度,认为所有事都充满各种可能性的心理状态。For example:Is it just me or are you all looking forward to the end of 2015? So

4、mething about that fresh new January feeling all things seem possible!是只有我一个人有这种感觉,还是你们大家都在期盼迎来2015年年末?这是某些关于全新的“一月心情”,即一切似乎皆有可能!Theres another sense of this expression that means almost the opposite: An emotional state characterized by feelings of melancholy and lethargy, particularly early in the

5、year when the holidays are over and a long winter looms. But this sense is quite old, dating to at least the mid 1920s.该词还有几乎相反的另一种用法:指人们处于忧郁悲伤、无精打采的心理状态,尤其当人们年初休完假,仍处于漫长冬季的时候。不过,这种用法较为陈旧,至少可追溯到十九世纪20年代中期。For example:Anyone who wants to lose that January feeling and substitute for that exhiliration

6、and reinforced vitality, I recommend to go to the Exhibition of Canadian Art, open at present at the City Art Gallery.我推荐那些想摆脱“一月心情”,恢复幸福快乐、生机盎然的状态的人去参观目前正在城市美术馆展出的“加拿大艺术展”。3有问必答的“男性回答综合征”一群朋友在一起聊天,无论别人提什么问题,总有一个人抢着回答,虽然,他的回答可能并不是很靠谱。嗯,身边这样“无所不知”的人还真是不少呢!他们是不是都患了“男性回答综合征”啊?Male answer syndrome(MAS)

7、is the tendency for some men to answer a question even when they dont know the answer.“男性回答综合征”指部分男性听到有人提问题就想回答,无论是否真的知道答案。Try an experiment. Ask a male friend a question, something completely outside his sphere of expertise.来做个试验,问你的男性朋友一个问题,而且是完全在他知识范围以外的问题。Will you get an answer? Chances are, you

8、 will. The male friend is exhibiting behavior known as Male Answer Syndrome. Its the compulsion by many individuals (mostly men, but sometimes women) to answer questions readily, regardless of knowledge.他会回答吗?很可能会的。这位男性朋友表现出的就是“男性回答综合征”。这是很多人(大部分是男性,有时也有女性)都有的一种强迫性冲动,遇到有人提问题,无论是否了解,都想要要回答一下。Psycholo

9、gists tell us its a form of male display behavior and is a subtle method of attracting females. Men have the courage and inventiveness to try to explain the inexplicable. A man may even start to believe his own baloney. This might account, in part, for the disproportionate number of men over women a

10、ctively successful in the arts.心理学家告诉我们,这是“男性表现行为”的一种形式,同时也是吸引女性的一种巧妙手段。心理学家认为,“男性有勇气和创造力去试图解释难以理解的事物。”而且,男性甚至会相信自己的胡扯。这也许可以从某种角度解释为什么在艺术领域获得成功的男性比女性多。4一举两得的Fassage假日里,没什么比做个Spa更能放松身心的了。美中不足的是,总要在面部美容还是全身按摩上纠结烦恼。如今,一种叫做Fassage的新服务解决了这个问题。Fassage refers to a spa treatment that includes both a facial

11、and a full-body massage.“双重温泉疗法”是指既包括面部按摩,又有全身按摩的Spa疗法。Fassage是由facial(脸部按摩)和massage(按摩)组合而成的新词。这种各取两个词中的一部分构成新词的方法叫做拼缀法。类似的词语还有brunch(早中饭),由breakfast(早餐)+lunch(午餐)组成,如今大家非常熟悉的smog(雾霾)则是由smoke(烟)+fog(雾)拼缀而成的。For example:Fassage is the ultimate in Spa experiences. Licensed Aestheticians & Massage The

12、rapists can offer customers both massage and facial in one appointment without the hassle of changing rooms, or even switching tables, which offers the ultimate luxury of uninterrupted relaxation.“双重温泉疗法”可谓极致Spa体验。注册美学家兼按摩师在一个疗程里,为客人提供全身和面部按摩的双重服务。客人不必费事换房间,甚至按摩台,就可不受干扰放松身心地享受顶级豪华服务。5“冰山推文”(Iceberg

13、tweeting)是什么鬼?写过“长微博”的小伙伴都知道,由于字数限制,发布的时候这些文字仍以缩略的短微博形式显示。在欧美盛行的社交工具Twitter里,是否也有类似功能?英文怎么说呢?来学个新词:Iceberg tweeting refers to posting a note to Twitter where the visible text is only a small part of the overall message.“冰山推文”是指在推特上发布一条推文,可以看到的文字只是整条信息的一小部分。其实,这个所谓的“冰山推文”与我们日常使用的“长微博”功能非常相似。由于Twitter

14、和微博都对字数有所限制,因此超过规定长度的内容只能显示出部分文字摘要,阅读全文需要通过点击后面附带的链接实现。For example:Here, we were laying the foundation for iceberg tweets tweets beyond Barrier 140.这里,我们为“冰山推文”奠定了基础,这类推文可以超过140字的限制。除了iceberg tweeting,tip of the iceberg tweeting(冰山一角推文)也可以表达类似的意思。For example:Twitter condenses messages to bite-sized

15、sentences that communicate beyond their word limit and are open to a myriad of interpretation. One of the aims of the project is that students visually interpret the deeper meaning of a tip of the iceberg tweet.推特将信息浓缩成短小精悍的句子,以他们规定的字数进行交流,可以对句子有无数种理解。这个项目的目的之一在于,让学生直观地理解“冰山一角推文”的深层次含义。6“公众不接受的真相”(S

16、ubtition)英文怎么说?人生不如意事十之八九,每个人都有各种各样的烦恼:工作上杂乱的琐事,身体上偶尔的小疾,感情上的磕磕碰碰当面对自己不愿相信的事物时,有些人会选择“掩耳盗铃”。那么,这些被人们视而不见的真相,英文该怎么说呢?来学个新词:Substition refers to a fact that many people do not believe.“公众不接受的真相”是指许多人不相信的事实。Substition was coined by the British novelist Terry Pratchett, who died on March 12, 2015 from A

17、lzheimers disease. Its the opposite of superstition. That is, a superstition is something that isnt real, but many people believe, so a substition is something that is real, but many people do not believe.这个词是由英国小说家泰瑞普莱契创造的(普莱契于2015年3月12日死于阿兹海默症)。该词是superstition(迷信)的反义词。也就是说,superstition是某种不真实的事物,但许

18、多人相信,而substition则是某种真实存在的事物,但许多人却反而不信。Substition和substitution(代替,替换)在拼写上极为相似,一定要注意两者的差别。For Example:Climate change is a substition. For most of human history, bacteria and viruses werent believed to be real even though people died of them. Bacteria were a substition. Just because you dont believe in

19、 infectious diseases doesnt make them any less real.许多人不相信气候发生了变化。在人类历史中,人们也不相信存在细菌和病毒,就算他们会因细菌和病毒而死。很多人不相信细菌是真实存在的事物,但并不会因为你不相信有传染病,它就真的不存在了。7成功企业应避免“庸才当道”当今社会,最看重的就是人才。要想成功经营一家企业,首先就要擦亮眼睛选好雇员,避免出现“庸才当道”的状况。Bozo explosion is the large number of inept employees that a company ends up with when it hi

20、res an incompetent executive, who in turn hires incompetent managers, who then hire incompetent workers.“庸才当道”是指一家公司启用了一位无能的高管,此高管又聘用了不称职的经理,经理而后雇用了一堆无能的员工,最终导致公司里不称职的雇员为数众多的状况。Bozo作为美式英语里的俚语,有“笨蛋;傻瓜”的意思。而explosion作名词为“爆炸,激增”的意思。因此这个组合很形象的形容了一个企业被没有能力的员工充斥的状况。除了Bozo explosion,bozo bomber也可以表达类似的意思。T

21、he Bozo Explosion was possibly coined by Steve Jobs at Apple:“庸才当道”很可能是苹果公司的史蒂夫乔布斯创造的词语:Actually, Steve believed that A players hire A playersthat is people who are as good as they are. I refined this slightlymy theory is that A players hire people even better than themselves. Its clear, though, tha

22、t B players hire C players so they can feel superior to them, and C players hire D players. If you start hiring B players, expect what Steve called the bozo explosion to happen in your organization, said Guy Kawasaki.盖伊川崎称:“实际上,史蒂夫认为,一流人才会雇用一流人才那些和他们一样优秀的人。我稍微完善一下这个理念,我的理论是:一流人才会雇用那些比他们更优秀的人才。那么显而易见

23、,二流员工会雇用三流庸才,这样他们才感觉能驾驭手下人。以此类推,三流庸才雇得是四流雇员。如果你开始雇了二流人才,你的团队就会出现史蒂夫称之为庸才当道的现象。”For Example:Years ago, I was trying to figure out how to get my first company off the ground. One concept that stuck with me was preventing the bozo explosion.几年前,我正在想办法如何让我开的第一家公司“步入正轨”。一个观念使我印象深刻:防止出现“庸才当道”的状况。【一月第二周】1过

24、度依赖网络手机导致“数字失忆症”自从有了智能手机和移动互联网,我们的脑子似乎越来越不好使了。两位数的加减法要用计算器,之前去过的地方,再去还是需要导航指路,身边好友和家人的手机号一个都记不住.Digital amnesia refers to the inability to remember basic things, such as telephone numbers, dates, how to get somewhere without a GPS, or how to do math without using a calculator, etc. as a result of ov

25、er-reliance on mobile phones and the Internet for storing information.“数字失忆症”指因为过度依赖手机和互联网储存信息而导致的基本记忆能力丧失,比如,连手机号码、约会日期等基本事项都记不住,没有导航就不知道怎么到达目的地,没有计算器就不会算术,等等。Survey conducted by Kaspersky Lab showed that 91 percent of consumers can easily admit their dependency on the Internet and devices as a too

26、l for remembering and an extension of their brain.由卡巴斯基实验室进行的调查发现,91%的消费者坦承依赖互联网和数字设备作为记忆和大脑存储功能的延伸。The findings also suggest that our inability to retain important information is due to the fact that we are handing over responsibility for remembering it to digital devices.该调查结果也显示,我们无法记住重要信息是因为我们把记

27、忆信息的功能都转移给了数字设备。Almost half (44%) of survey participants say that their smartphone holds almost everything they need to know or recall.接近一半(44%)的受调查者表示他们的智能手机里存储着他们需要记住的所有事项。马路上的“行走短信族”边看手机边走路,结果撞到电线杆上了,或者踩空了楼梯,或者撞上了对面来的行人.这样的情况,每天都在发生。可是,人们似乎并没有意识到这种行为的危险性,依然在走路时低头看手机,不看路。Theres a new creature roam

28、ing the streets: the petextrian, or texting pedestrian.大街上游荡着一个新的群族:行走短信族,也就是边走边发短信的行人。You know him by his hunched-over posture, staring at a blazing screen while weaving down the street. Sometimes his gait slows, sometimes speeds up. He almost runs into a street sign here or trips on a curb there.颈

29、背前弓,一边在街道穿行,一边紧盯着屏幕。凡是这样姿势的人,都是行走短信族。他们的步伐偶尔会减缓,有时又会加快。有时会差点撞到路牌,有时又会撞到旁边的马路牙子。He doesnt look scary, but he might present a danger both to himself and others.他们自己并不觉得有什么可怕,但其实,他们的行为对自己和他人都有潜在危险。A study conducted at the University of Buffalo last year found that distracted walking now accounts for mo

30、re injuries per mile than distracted driving.纽约州立大学布法罗分校去年的一项研究显示,走路时分神导致的伤者平均数量高于开车分神导致的伤者。To help combat this dangerous trend, the AAOS suggests walking and using the phone only when absolutely necessary. If you do have headphones in, keep the volume low enough so you can still hear ambient noise

31、around you. Also, if you need to make a call or send a text, move out of the flow of pedestrian traffic.为了抵制这种危险的行为,美国骨科医师学会建议,除非必要,不要在走路时使用手机。如果走路用手机时戴着耳机,将音量调低,让自己能够听到周遭的声音。另外,如果你需要打电话或发送短信,请躲开人流。钟情道路的“道路迷”世界之大,无奇不有,人的喜好也是如此。有一个被称为“道路迷”的群体,他们对道路和有关道路的一切都情有独钟。Roadgeek refers to a person who is pass

32、ionate about roads, including road maps, road construction, the history of roads, and road travel.“道路迷”是指一个人非常酷爱道路,对道路图、道路建设、道路历史和道路旅行等都钟爱有加。Roadgeeks go by many other names, incuding roadfan, roads scholar and highway historian.道路迷还有很多其他名号,包括roadfan(道路粉)、roads scholar(道路学者)和highway historian(公路历史学家)等。For example:For roadgeeks in the San Francisco area, I-238 is a must-visit destination.对旧金山地区的道路迷来说,I-238是必去的一个地方。“道路瘦身”使交通更

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