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1、教师资格统考小学教学知识与能力考前模拟题及答案二2015年教师资格统考小学综合素质模拟试题二一、单项选择题(在下列每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个是最符合题意的,请将其代码填在括号内。错选、多选或未选均不得分。本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)1.苏格拉底问答法的第三步是( )A.讽刺B.助产术C.定义D.归纳2.当班主任接到一个教育基础较差的班级时,首先要做好的工作是( )A.建立班集体的正常秩序B.建立班集体的核心队伍C.组织形式多样的集体活动D.确定班集体的发展目标3.学生在主动参与的前提下,根据自己的猜想或假设,在科学理论指导下,运用科学的方法对问题进行研究,在研究过程中获得创新实

2、践能力、获得思维发展,自主构建知识体系的学习方式是( )A.自主学习B.创造学习C.探究学习D.合作学习4.有的人“少年得志”,有些人则“大器晚成”。这体现了个体身心发展的( )规律。A.互补性B.顺序性C.不平衡性D.个别差异性5.诊断性评价多半是在( )A.教学过程中B.形成性评价之后C.形成性评价之前D.教学过程之后6.“拔苗助长”违背了( )的教学原则。A.启发式B.循序渐进C.因材施教D.直观性7.班级目标管理是由( )提出的。A.埃拉斯莫斯B.德鲁克C.马卡连柯D.舒尔茨8.同一个问题在以前历年教学中教师的教与学生的学呈现出各个层面的问题,把它们揉合在一起进行整体思考、类比、归纳、

3、总结、改进,达到温故知新之效。这属于( )A.横向反思B.纵向反思C.集体反思D.个人反思9.国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(20102020年)提出的我国教育改革和发展的战略主题是( )A.坚持以人为本,全面实施素质教育B.坚持德育为先C.坚持能力为重D.坚持全面发展10.在义务教育阶段开设品德艺术课,属于( )A.分科课程B.综合课程C.活动课程D.通识课程11.学生在教师指导下,运用一定的仪器设备获取知识的教学方法是( )A.演示法B.练习法C.实验法D.实习作业法12.对于不敢真实地表达自己的意见、情感的学生来说,有效的行为改变方法是( )A.系统脱敏法B.松弛训练法C.认知转变法D

4、.肯定性训练13.小学生对客观事物的判断常以外部线索为依据,其态度和自我认知易受周围环境或背景的影响,不易独立地对事物做出判断,而是人云亦云,从他人处获得标准。这是( )认知风格。A.场依存型B.场独立型C.冲动型D.沉思型14.最近发展区这一概念是由( )提出的。A.皮亚杰B.维果茨基C.埃里克森D.柯尔.伯格15.在德育工作中,教师利用环境和自身的教育因素,对学生进行潜移默化的熏陶和感染,使其在耳濡目染中受到感化的方法称之为( )A.说服教育法B.榜样示范法C.陶冶教育法D.实际锻炼法16.认识了小数点向右移动一位小数值就扩大10倍,从而想到,如果小数点向左移动一位小数值就缩小到它的十分之

5、一。这种思维属于( )A.类比B.联想C.归纳D.实验17.小学英语教学应听力先行,这要求教师必须( )A.具有较快的听说速度B.进行大量的听力自我练习C.具备标准的英式英语语音语调D.提高自身的辨音能力和听力教学修养18.小学英语课堂唱英语歌,应要求( )A.曲调正确B.结合学生生活C.唱得有情感D.重在唱会歌词,产生背诵英语材料的作用19.教师在讲授贺知章的咏柳时,挑选了三首乐曲,让同学们根据语境选择一首。这种教学方法是( )A.讨论法B.讲授法C.演示法D.练习法20.世界上种类最多,数量最多的动物是( )A.鸟类B.哺乳动物C.爬行动物D.昆虫二、简答题(本大题共3小题,每小题10分,


7、师的学生,为什么老师对待我们的态度完全不一样?难道成绩就那么重要吗?”谈谈你对该案例的看法。四、教学设计题(本大题共40分)根据PEP小学英语三年级下第二单元Section B内容设计一节课的教案。2015年教师资格统考小学综合素质模拟试题二参考答案一、单项选择题1.B【解析】苏格拉底问答法分为三步:第一步称为苏格拉底讽刺,他认为这是使人变得聪明的一个必要的步骤,因为除非一个人很谦逊,“自知其无知”,否则他不可能学到真知;第二步称为定义,在问答中经过反复诘难和归纳,从而得出明确的定义和概念;第三步称为助产术,引导学生自己进行思索,自己得出结论。2.A【解析】班主任在班集体的组建阶段,就应着手班






13、会。四、教学设计题(答案要点)1.Teaching Objectives:1.Objective of cognition:listen and speak correctly:WhoS this boy/girl?HeS my/SheS my:Understand correctly and use interjections:Cool,Great,Wow;and spoken English:Really?2.Objective of ability:apply correctly the sentence structure:WhoS this boy/girl?and answer c

14、orrectly;Introduce oneS family members smoothly.3.Objective of emotion:increase the ability of communication,cooperation,and acting among students;learn about the family members of other students.11.Key points and Difficulty:Key points:to be familiar with and master the sentence structure:WhoS this

15、boy/girl?Difficulty:to apply correctly oral words:Come on!Really?and brother,really,watch and pronounce them correctly.Preparations before class1.Radio taps,pictures,headwear,wall map of teaching which are related to this class2.A picture of oneS family members drawn by oneself3.Four invitation list

16、s4.CAI courseware.Teaching ProcessStep l Warm up1.Teacher and students say and do together as followed which they have learned in the last class:Let,s chant:A B C D E F G,Father mother and me,C D E F G A B,Sing and dance under the tree.2.Everyday spoken dialogueHello,How are you? How old are you?Whe

17、re are you from? Nice to meet you.Purpose of design:create a relaxed and happy teaching atmosphere, grasp studentsconcentration, attract students to take part in activities. Greetings and dialogues between students can both shorten the distance between students and the teacher, and cultivate student

18、s communication ability.Step 2 Presentation1. After spoken dialogue ,the teacher pastes“全家福”on the blackboard.The teacher introduces :This is my dad/mum/sister.on the picture.Ss (students) introduce their family members :This is my father (dad)/mother (mum)/sister/brother.Game 1 :sit in the right se

19、atThe teacher shows word cards, for example:father( dad), the students find out corresponding picture immediately. Let the fastest student paste his picture on the correct place on the blackboard, and shout loudly:Im.This is my dad. Students with better ability of expressions can further introduce w

20、ith the teachers help, for example:Hes from China. Hes a teacher.Purpose of design:make students have a happy experience from the very beginning by this game, so that they can forget they are learning English, and absorb the language used in the game unconsciously.1. Sentence structure:Whos this boy

21、/girl?The teacher pays attention on the pronunciation of this, let students notice the difference between this and that.T: (cite the old sentence structure) Whos that woman?Ss : Shes my mother.T:Whos that man?Ss : Hes my father.(cite the new sentence structure,stress the difference between this and

22、that)T:Whos this boy? (notice the tone of the speech sounds)Ss : Hes my brother.T : Whos this girl?Ss : Shes my sister.Then students practise by follow:Whos this boy/girl? Boys and girls ask and answer with each other,present the result.Purpose of design : by the function of pictures, guide the new

23、knowledge. Using sentence as a unit has advantageto develop students ability of applying English directly. Intimating the practice of reading language is to cultivate students language skills and habits.2. Sentence structure Come on! Lets watch TV.The teacher draws the frame of TV on the frame of th

24、e picture.T:Come on! (gesture) Boys and girls. Lets watch TV. (make an act as TV)Students understand ,the teacher noticesthe pronunciation of watch.Guide students to speak out the corresponding answer.Ss : Good ! Great ! Wonderful !Game 2 : datingA student invites his friend to watch TV with a invit

25、ing list. As long as his friend answers one of words among Good! Great! Wonderful, his fiend can go with him. Require students to act out.S1 :Come on! XXX. Lets watch TV.S2 : Great !Purpose of design:integrate pictures again, use circumstances to lead in the new sentence structure. Cultivate student

26、s ability of inviting in English, and expression in process of communication.Step 3 PracticeGame 3 :practice of reorganization and readingLet students recognize and read the words on the family tree in groups, the group which reads correctly most is the winner.Game 4 : Guess who he is?Let one studen

27、t draw anyone (family member or friend) on the blackboard, the teacher reminds students of main characteristics of the person. In the game of Lets practice ,the teacher points the person in the picture and asks : Is she/he your mom/dad/brother/sister.? When asking, Teacher reminds students using Yes

28、, No to answer. Notice the pronunciation of brother, sister.Example :S1 :Whos that girl?S2 : Guess !S1 :Is she your sister?S2 : No, shes my morn.Play the radio tape, make students listen to the tape, see the wall map, and learn about some contents of the dialogue.Notice the teaching of modal particl

29、e, for example : Great ! Cool ! Really? Wow, how funny !Step4 Assignments1. Understand the meaning of the pictureThe teacher guide students to understand the meaning through guessing the meaning of picture and creating dialogue.T: Lets make dialogueA :Whos this boy?B : Hes my .Whos this boy/girl? Hes my./Shes my .2. Teach the topic requirements, and guide operating method.Require students to label the order number of corresponding icon according to the radio contents and order.Play the radio, guide students to label the number.

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