1、英语B级学习资料大全 谁会这样说呢? this?say like1. Who would 我们什么时候出发呢?leave?we shall 2. What time 我们这个星期天要去打高尔夫球。 Sunday. this to play golf3. We are going 你想出去还是留在家里?home? atout or stay 4. Do you want to go 这台电视机花了我美元。 200 me $200. TV5. The set cost 听到这个好消息我很高兴。 news. the good am glad to hear6. I 他坐在那儿听音乐。 music.l
2、istening to He sits there 7. 他不懂老师所说的话。 said. teacher understand what thedidnt8. He 这对夫妇假期过得很快活。much.very holiday their The9. couple enjoyed 这个商店从上午点到下午点开门营业。 8 7 10.The storeopens from7 am.to 8pm. 如果有时间,你可以来我的办公 office.mytocomecanyoutime,haveyouIf11. 室。 老师叫学生们安静入座。quietly.down to sit told the stude
3、nts 12. The teacher 我对他的回答不满意。 answer.with his am not satisfied 13. I 小时内我不能完成这个任务。 hour.1 1 thefinish task within14. I cant 今天我们将有一个英语聚会。today. English party have an are15. We going to 请告诉我接下来做什么。 next.do what to 16. Please tell me 请在下一站下车。stop.next at the Please get off the bus17. 你该在上午点到机场。 am.10
4、the airport at 10 18. You should arriveat 你有什么要说的吗? say? to you have anything19. Do 我能为您做点什么?you? forcan I do20. What 我对运动很感兴趣。 sports.interested in I am verymuch 21. 你可以告诉我去火车站的路吗? station? the train 22.Could youshow methe wayto 你知道邮局在哪儿吗? is? office post the where know you Do 23. 你可以告诉我如何去银行吗? ban
5、k?to the how to get 24. Could you tell me 请你告诉我如何去你的大学, university? your to go toCould25. you tell me how 可以吗? 年轻时,我喜欢唱歌跳舞。27. dancing.liked singing andyoung, When I was I 26. 这个问题太难回答。 answer.to too difficult Thequestion is 我的钱不够买这件上衣。 coat. for the 28.I havent enough money 戴维将从他的姐姐那里得到一份生 sister.
6、fromhis a birthday gift 29. David will get 日礼物。 请在离开前将你的作业交给我。 leaving.before meyour homework 30. Please give 你的新电脑是什么颜色? computer? your new What isthe color of 31. 上星期你干什么了? week?last did you do 32.What 你的恤衫真漂亮! have!T What abeautiful T-shirtyou 33. 我的表快了五分钟。 fast. minutes five is watch My 34. 我们必须
7、准时到那儿。35.Wemustarrivethereontime. 你能及时完成工作吗? time? in finish your work36. Can you 在去上班的路上,我的钥匙丢了。 work.to my way keys37. I lost my on 你昨天早上几点起的床? morning?yesterday get up When38. did you 我和我的一个朋友一块吃了午饭。 mine. friend of had lunch with a39. I 下午点我干完了活. 66 at pm. finished40. I my work 一系列一连串,of a serie
8、s 首先尤其是毕竟究竟, after above all all, 在之前提前 time of. aheadofahead 突然同时几乎除了都. ;once at but, all all 突然遍及 allofasudden allover 再一次重新一直始终, the over again time, allall 仍然照样的关于至于, as the same ,regardsall 根本不实际上 factmatter butof as a anything 除外有无通常照例, arule/ ) apartfrom .as( (因此由于就而言. concerned far as result
9、 of) ,.be as asa 远至到程度至于关于,for as far as as, . 如下好像仿怫, asifas follows 和几乎一样像平常一样照例, as as .usual asgood 至于关于令人满意的可以; rightto , allas 同样也还除外也即又.),(, as wellas aswell 除外还有茫然不知所措, loss () at fromaside a. 一次每次丝毫不一点也不), (time a all, at at 不惜一切代价不管怎样无论如何, events all at costs all at 随时总是无论如何至少, any ,rate a
10、t at all times 充其量至多最初起先,firstatbest , at 乍一看初看起来在手边在附近, hand, atat first sight 内心里本质上在家在国内,home ,at at heart 不时每隔大多数未被捕获的,large . atat intervals , 至少终于 lastleast at at 最终终于至多不超过, atat length ,most 从不决不偶然 accidentby no time ,at 曾经一度同时目前现在,present ; atoneat time , 任处理以为代价. cost disposal .of at thesbs
11、at 任凭摆布此刻目前, theat at themercy ofmoment. 照此速度 rate this at 有时间或来回地反复地, forth and back , times at 在后面不久以后 longback of .before 离题的不相干的毫无疑问 question beside point beyond, 通过航空途径尽一切办法务必, means by allby air 不久迟早偶然碰巧, chance, byby and by 最得多用手用体力,hand,. byby far 自动地独自地用依靠, meansby by itself ,of 错误地无意地决不并没有
12、, no mistake means,by by 单独地独自地由于 of reasononeself , byby 顺便说说借助由于,of by virtue by the way 经由通过方法由于因为, dueofway ,to. by 互相即使虽然,if/though other eveneach 非常极其时而偶尔,then , everynow and everso 每隔一个的除了外. everyother exceptfor 面对面地远非远离, far face to face from 永远永久地 good forfor ever 好转暂时目前, the better moment
13、for for the 暂时目前为了为了的利益. , the sake for the present ,of for 暂时眼下有时不时,time fromtime the time being to, for 手拉手密切关联迎面地正面的,on head hand in hand , 全心全意地怎么样.about how andheart soul 匆忙急于假如防备, case ,of in ain hurry 立刻一会儿从某种意义上说 sense a, inin a moment 在某种程度上简言之总之, wordin awayin a 与一致按照另外加之, addition., inacc
14、ordancein with 除之外还预先事先, toadvance. () in inaddition 总共合计无论如何 case any in , all in 无论如何简单地说 brief inin any event 负责总管共用的共有的, commonof , inin charge 因此由于欠债欠情, debt; inin consequence of) 详细地处境困难 difficultyin in detail 实际上事实上一般来说大体上,general, inin effect 支持赞成面对在前. of of , in front infavor 成两半在进行中待办理, in
15、 halfin hand 为庆祝为纪念本质上就其本身而言, itself, inofin honor 与一致纪念 ofmemory inlinein with . 决不立即马上, no time no case in in 决不按顺序按次序,order in wayin no 换句话说部分地 part inwordsin other 特别尤其亲自本人, person in , particular in 在合适的位置代替取代交换, of place , in placein 在实践中实际上与成比例. proportion practice to, inin 公开地当众大量 quantity i
16、n public in, 正在谈论的关于至于, to question regard in in 关于涉及作为报答回报交换/ ,/ in in relation to return 作为对报答简言之总之,short. inforin return 被见到在望尽管 ofspite in insight ; 齐步合拍与一致协调/ with ,. in step instep 流着泪在哭着在期间过程中/ .coursein the in tears ,of 在远处最后终于,end in the in the distance 如果发生万一即使在面前. ; in the in theevent off
17、ace.,of 首先在未来 future in placethein first the 丝毫一点鉴于由于, of light (the) in , least the in 挡道究竟到底, the way world in in the 及时联系接触, in in time touch 依次轮流转而徒劳白费力, ,vain; in turn in 代替而不是眼下刚才;now , justinstead of 逐渐地许多 oflots little little by 许多或多或少有点,less more ormany a 隔壁的在隔壁无疑地 ,doubt next door no 不少于不亚
18、于不再 longer .less than .;nono 不再至多同一样不., no more no morethan 不是别的正是警惕提防, ones other than guard, onnone 只有只不过时而偶尔, then, now andnothing but 断断续续间歇地下班 dutyoff andoff on , 大小规模地由于 of account on / scale large/small a on 平均通常代表 ofon (an/the) average ,behalf on 在船车飞机上因公 business( /on)on board 如果上班值班, duty
19、conditionthat onon 究竟到底起火着火 fire earth on, on 步行站岗值班,guard , on on foot 在场在手边有时间或,occasion(s), onon hand 独立独自故意地 ,purpose onon ones own 出售廉价出售按时间表准时, on on sale schedule, 经重新考虑正相反 contrary the second thoughts onon 根据以为由一方面 handone on of the grounds (the), . on 另一方面即将的时刻. of on thepoint onthe otherha
20、nd 在旅途中作为兼职副业 side /thetheon road on 在场马上总的来说大体上, whole the on ; spot the on 准时再一次 again oncetimeon 一劳永逸地偶尔 whilein all a once once (and) for 再一次从前 time a once uponmoreonce 相互否则要不然, else another orone 大约左右非除了;than, other or so 从中由于缺乏喘不过气来 breathof out of .out; ; 失去控制过时的 date out out of control of 在户
21、外出故障的 orderout of doors of out 不适当的久不练习荒疏, practice out ofout of place 看不见在视野外毫无可能的 question out out of sightof,the 不联系不接触一再地再三地, (again) over and outof touchover, 在之前相当多不少, few prior to . quitea 不是而是不顾不惜, of regardless ).( than rather 立即马上肩并肩一起, side, side right away by 迄今为止迟早早晚, later sooner orso
22、far 逐步地例如诸如,as such step by step 由于多亏就是说即, (tois to ,say) that thanks 切中要害切题处于控制之下 ,control to the point under 这种情况下在进行中 date to the circumstances up under 多达直到胜任取决于切合目前情况的 ifwhat; up to ; 怎么样如果将怎么样. respect towhat about with 关于至于关于至于,question , without withregard to 除之外毫无疑问 question withoutofthewit
23、h exception . 逐字的 word word for 作文一(关于电视)television About We cannot imagine what life would be like without television. First, we can learn all kinds of knowledge through television. We can even be watching what is happening in other parts of the world. Second, television has made our life more colo
24、urful. We can enjoy a concert or watch a film at home. We can meet all kinds of interesting people without going out. But to protect our eyesight, we should not spend long hours watching TV. Nor should we forget that we do not live to watch TV there are many more important things for us to do. 作文二(关
25、于报纸)Newspaper About I like newspapers. I read newspapers every day. We can learn not only international and national events but also many other things in the newspapers. For example, we can learn what is on TV or in the cinema. We can learn how to invest. to where learn can We places. cheap in shopp
26、ing by money save to how learn can We travel. We can enjoy wonderful literature. We can even learn how to cook delicious food. Newspapers have become part of our life. 作文三(学习计划)PlanStudy The This semester, I have to study three courses and English is one of them. English is the most difficult course
27、 for me. So I will spend more time on this course. I plan to study English for at least one hour a day. I will preview the lessons and finish all the English homework. After class, I will do more practice in reading after the recording because my pronunciation is very poor. In addition, I will try t
28、o remember as many new words as possible. I am sure I can make greater progress in English if I work harder. 作文四(谈论我自己)Myself About Talking My name is Holly. Im thirty-seven years old. Im from Beijing. Im a math teacher in a primary school. My school is far away from my home, so I usually drive to work. There are three people in my family. They are my wife, my daughter and I. My wife is a doctor in a big hospital and my daughter is a ten-year-old pupil. In my spare time, I like reading book, watching TV, playing table tennis and so on. I hope we can be friends.
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