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1、高考英语之阅读黄金词汇解析阅读黄金词汇duck into v. 迅速躲进,迅速藏进真题在线 (05 浙江) Once after ducking into a subway to escape, Alcindor told a friend that it was all becoming like policemen and robbers. 曾经有一次Alcindor为了逃脱,迅速躲进了一辆地铁,他对朋友说,那就像警察和劫犯之间的抓捕一样。long l vi. 渴望,极想真题在线 (05 浙江) Jane is longing for a break from school life. J

2、ane极度想要暂别学校,好好休息一下。真题在线(05 全国1) You will go away enriched, longing to come back. 你会满腹武装地出发,渴望着回归。peak pi:k n. 峰值,山顶真题在线 (05 浙江) Rock climbing around the camp and mountain climbing, including an attempt of topping East Spanish Peak. (在营地里)我们要爬岩石,也要爬山,包括尝试登上东西班牙的顶峰。真题在线 (09 江苏) Ten-trip Savers can be

3、used at off-peak time. 把十次乘车的钱一次性打入卡中可以得到优惠,但是卡只能在非高峰期使用。literary litrri adj. 文学的,从事文学研究的真题在线 (06 浙江) A classic is a literary work that has stood the test of time. 经典,顾名思义,就是能够经历时间考验的文学作品。真题在线 (06 山东)As Morrison scholars will tell you, Love is the third volume of a literary masters trilogy(三部曲)inves

4、tigating the many complexities of love. 正如Morrison学者会告诉的那样,爱情是这个文学大师三部曲作品的第三卷的主题,此书探索了爱情的复杂性。network netw:k n. 网络;v. 网络化真题在线 (06 浙江) Applicants best suited for this work should enjoy teenagers, have a strong interest in cross-cultural communication and feel comfortable networking. 最适合这个职位的申请人应该能够和年轻

5、人打成一片,对跨文化交流有很大的兴趣,同时也能适应网络化办公。真题在线 (07 江苏) How can we be individuals (个体) and be networked at the same time? 我们要如何才能保持相对独立的个体性,同时又互相联系起来呢?load lud n. 负荷,负担;v 装.真题在线 (05 浙江) Most of my time was spent outside loading trucks with those heavy boxes in near-zero-degree temperatures. 我的大部分时间都是用在户外接近零度的气温

6、中把那些重箱子装到卡车上去。真题在线 (08 北京) People who used horses to pull heavy loads would have chosen to keep stronger animals. 那些用马去拉比较重的货物的人,会选择饲养较强壮的动物。词汇补充 unload v.从.卸下货物 The ship is unloading. 这艘船正在卸货。download v. 下载wonder wnd v. 想知道,惊奇,纳闷;n. 奇迹,不可思议的事,奇怪的事真题在线 (06 浙江) You are worried that he will want to li

7、ve as they do, and wonder if you should move. 你会担心他会想要过像他们那样生活,所以会纳闷是不是应该搬家。真题在线 (09 山东) The only wonder is that so many states insist on closing their ears to the message. 唯一奇怪的事情是,这么多的州都选择对这个消息不闻不问。figure out v. 想出,弄明白,计算出真题在线 (09 浙江) The only problem is that I cant figure out why shed want to dat

8、e a guy like me. 我唯一没有弄明白的一个问题是,为什么她会想要和我这样的家伙约会。tower tau n. 塔;vi. 远远高于 远远超过真题在线 (09 浙江) He was not comfortable talking to grown-ups, perhaps because he towered over them. 他感觉和成年人谈话很不舒服,可能是因为他的身高远远超过那些成年人。comfort kmft n.舒服,安逸,宽慰;vt.安慰,鼓舞真题在线 (06 全国1) Join a group of only 5 in the comfort of a speci

9、al, higher-up viewing tower. 加入一个仅有五人的小组,在一种舒服的氛围中参观一个特别的,高高的观光塔。真题在线 (06 全国2) The woman comforted him. 那个妇女鼓舞了他。attempt tempt n.尝试,企图真题在线 (05 浙江) Rock climbing around the camp and mountain climbing, including an attempt of topping East Spanish Peak. (在营地里)我们要爬岩石,也要爬山,包括尝试登上东西班牙的顶峰。真题在线 (05 北京) Zoos

10、 fail in their attempt to save animals. 动物园保护动物的尝试失败了。invert inv:t vt. 颠倒,倒置真题在线 (09 浙江) We work from an inverted pyramid, where the customers are always at the top. 我们从一个倒置的三角形模式来思考,在这个模式中,顾客总是在模式的顶端的。firmly f:ml adv. 坚定地,稳固地真题在线 (05 浙江) Donohue protected his boy firmly. Donohue坚决地保护着他的孩子。真题在线 (07

11、全国1) There, he firmly believed that researchers should be free to seek an independent(独立的)spirit in their work. 他坚信研究员们有自由在工作中寻求独立的精神。considerate knsidrit adj. 体贴的,周到的真题在线 (05 江苏) Which of the following sentences from the text BEST indicates that the teacher is very considerate? 下面文中哪一个句子最能够暗示那个老师做事

12、情是很周到的?sympathetically smpetkl adv. 同情地真题在线 (09 浙江) Had the Greyhound salesclerk sympathetically informed me that my bus had already left. Greyhound的店员如果能同情地告知我,我要赶的班车已经出发了.reflect riflekt v. 反射(光、热、声或影像),表达,反映真题在线 (09 北京) Because music is an expression of the beings who create it, it reflects their

13、 thinking and values.因为音乐是创作者感情的一种表达,反应了创作者的思维和感情观.真题在线 (08 江苏) It is either reflected or absorbed by the gases in the upper atmosphere. 它在大气层的上部要么被反射了,要么被吸收了。award w:d vt. 授予, 奖给; n. 奖品, 奖金 真题在线 (08 山东) She was awarded a prize in Brazil. 她在巴西被授予了奖项。真题在线 (05 全国) I really love my job because I enjoy

14、working with small children and like the challenges and awards from the job. 我很爱我的工作,因为我很享受和小孩子在一起的感觉,享受工作带给我的挑战和奖励。concentrate knsntreit v. 专心于; 注意; 集中真题在线 (09 浙江) To be effective, you need to identify your strengths and concentrate on them, youll become more successful if you are able to channel y

15、our efforts to areas that you do best. 为了变得有效率,你需要意识到自己的强项,并且集中精力在强项上,如果你能够把努力用在你擅长的地方,你会变得更加成功。真题在线 (09 北京) In additions to ceiling height, the view afforded by a building may influence an occupants ability to concentrate. 增加房子的高度来提高视野的可见度,一套房子提供的可见度可以影响居住者集中精神的能力。recycle ,ri:saikl vt. 回收利用;再利用真题在线

16、 (09 重庆) Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials. 不管你参与什么运动,你都可以通过使用环保的设备和购买用可回收的材料制作的产品来使它变得更加对环境有益。account kaunt n. 账, 账户,描述,描写真题在线 (09 浙江) Seek help or assistance in areas that you may be poor at,

17、 such as accounting or bookkeeping. 在那些你不擅长的领域寻求帮助和协助,比如记账或管账。真题在线 (06 北京)We told those people wed fed their answers into our smart computer and it came up with an account of their early childhood experiences. 我告诉那些人我已经把他们的回答输入到智能电脑当中,然后电脑就给出了一幅他们童年时代经历的描述。frostbite fr:st,bat n. 冻伤真题在线 (06 浙江) He su

18、ffered frostbite, ran into a polar bear and pushed his body to the limit. 他遭受了冻伤,偶遇北极熊,迫使自己的身体达到极限.真题在线 (06 山东)He suffered frostbite, had a closer encounter(遭遇) with a polar bear and pushed his body to the limit.翻译同上。笔者备注 这是出现在同一年两套不同真题卷中的句子,经过了人为的改编。extremely ikstri:mli adv. 极端;极其;非常真题在线 (05 浙江)The

19、se ecopassages can be extremely useful, so that wildlife can avoid road accidents. 这些“生物通道”会非常有用,野生动物会因此而能避免交通意外。真题在线 (08 重庆)On a good day the view from the summit is extremely exciting. 天气好的时候,在山顶上看风景真是极其兴奋。combine kmbain v. 联合, 结合真题在线 (06 浙江)Six months preparation in Denmark: Africa studies, team

20、work combined with social work with risk group teenagers. 在丹麦进行六个月的准备:研究非洲,团队合作和以冒险小组工作形式的社会工作结合。pyramid pirmid n. 金字塔真题在线 (05 全国1改编)If you want to get something special to take home, the pyramid is the place you will most likely go. 如果你想带一些比较特别的东西回家,那么去金字塔是最适合的选择。真题在线 (09 浙江) We work from an invert

21、ed pyramid, where the customers are always at the top. 我们从一个倒置的三角形模式来思考,在这个模式中,顾客总是在模式的顶端的。enclose inkluz vt.(用墙、篱笆等)把围起来,把装入信封, 附入真题在线 (09 浙江) This is a challenging task for managers of greenhouses, enclosed gardens that can house thousands of plants. 对于那些能安置上千盆植物的温室和封闭型花园的管理者来说,这是一个有挑战的任务。somehow

22、smhau adv. 以某种方式,由于某种未知的原因,不知怎么地真题在线 (09 浙江) It s only our second date, but somehow I am just having the feeling shesthe one. 这只是我们第二次约会,但是不知怎么地,我就是有种感觉:她就是最适合我的那个人。真题在线 (09 江苏) Somehow,from long years of practice,she managed to act as though I wasnt an annoying little girl. 出于某种原因,在这么多年的生活里,她设法表现出一

23、种信息:我不是一个使人讨厌的小女孩。inspect inspekt vt. 检查,视察真题在线 (09 浙江) But today the only way to detect such insects is to visually inspect individual plants. 然而今日唯一侦测这种昆虫的方法是直观地检查植物个体。真题在线 (08 江苏) When people come to visit the Gallery, they should have all their carried items inspected at the entrance. 当人们来参观这个画廊

24、的时候,他们随身携带的所有物品都得在入口接受检查。笔者备注 这个动词的名词inspection也是常考的词汇。fist fist n. 拳头真题在线 (09 浙江) It makes you as traveler or diner want to land your fist right on their unsympathetic faces. 它使得你想个旅行者或者用餐者一样,想要在他们毫无同情的表情的脸上揍上几拳。showy i: adj. 引人注目的,炫耀的真题在线 (06 浙江) You are from a middle class family, and live in a n

25、ormal size home without any showy possessions, but you are surrounded by surprising consumption. 你来自中产阶级家庭,住在中等大小的房子里,没有值得炫耀的财产,但是你缺被惊人的消费购买力包围着。scholar skl n. 学者真题在线 (09 浙江) But now scholar doubt that Franklin was not only robbed of her life by disease but robbed of credit by her competitions. 但是现在

26、学者怀疑,富兰克林不仅被疾病夺走了生命,同时也被竞争者剥夺了功劳。真题在线 (06 江苏) Scholars in arts, psychology, business, education and science are all working to get a deeper understanding of it. 在艺术、心理学、商业、教育和科学方面的学者现在都在努力着去得到一个更深层次的理解。particular ptikjul adj. 特定的,特殊的,格外的,尤其的真题在线 (05 浙江) Susan, a biology student, has a particular int

27、erest in wildlife. 苏珊,生物系学生,对野生动物有着一种特别的兴趣。真题在线 (07 浙江) He mentioned a particular case in a hospital. 他提到了一个在医院里的特殊病例。笔者备注 这个词的副词形式也是常考的。真题在线 (08 浙江) What Id miss least would be traffic jams in the city, particularly my journey to work. 我最不怀念的就是城市里拥堵的交通,尤其是去上班的时候。pour p: v. 涌出,倒,下大雨真题在线 (06 浙江) As y

28、ou go into the kitchen and prepare to pour your breakfast cereal into a bowl. 当你走进厨房,准备把谷类早餐倒进碗里的时候.真题在线 (06 全国1) I took off,but had gone only a few miles when black smoke poured from the back of my car. 我出发了,但是仅仅行驶了几英里,黑烟就从我车的尾部倾涌出来。caterpillar ktpil n. 毛虫, 蠋(蝴蝶或蛾的幼虫)真题在线 (07 浙江) I could see all th

29、ese caterpillars on the plant. 我可以看见所有在植物上的蝴蝶的幼虫。真题在线 (05 江苏) When a caterpillar bites a tobacco leaf, the leaf produces a chemical messenger. 当一只毛虫咬了烟草的叶子一口之后,烟草的叶子就会发出一种化学信号。folk fuk n. 人们,大伙儿 adj. 民间的,民俗的真题在线 (07 浙江) People in many places are digging up the old folk stories and the messages in th

30、em. 很多地方的人们很喜欢挖掘老的民间故事和它们包含的信息。真题在线 (09 北京) Theyre ordinary folks like you and me. 他们和你我一样,都是普通百姓。lower lu adj. 较低的, 低等的 v. (使)降低; (使)跌落真题在线 (08 浙江) Clothesline drying also tends to lower home value in the neighbourhood. 用晾衣绳来晾干衣服会有让附近的房价下跌的倾向。真题在线 (05 江苏) This is because the lower leaves are easier

31、 for most animals to reach. 因为较低的叶子对大部分动物来说更容易触及。source s:s n. 来源,出处,根源真题在线 (06 浙江) White pointed out that there were two sides to this problem, saying that continuously having to deal with new technology and equipment can also be a source of worry. 怀特指出这个事情有两面性,因为持续地和新科技和新设备打交道也可以成为担心的来源。真题在线 (07 浙江) For example, most American storyt

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