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本文(奥鹏21春季 北京中医药大学《英语3》平时作业2doc.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

奥鹏21春季 北京中医药大学《英语3》平时作业2doc.docx

1、奥鹏21春季 北京中医药大学英语3平时作业2doc1.The study shows that one group of children is fairly stable _ the second group is severely disturbed.A.whileB.thoughC.whenD.even【参考答案】: A2.You can _ how happy I was when I saw my father there.A.pictureB.imagineC.imageD.fancy【参考答案】: B3.Water and soil pollution is the _ of c

2、rop failures in the region.A.causeB.reasonC.factorD.fact【参考答案】: A4.He told me that he had arrived here on the _ night.A.formerB.previousC.priorD.last【参考答案】: B5.It is no use thinking about one is _ youth.A.missedB.losingC.lostD.missing【参考答案】: C6.He wanted to be moved to a nursing home where he could

3、_ his own【参考答案】: A7.There is no limit to the _ they are prepared to take.A.dangerB.hazardC.riskD.difficulty【参考答案】: C8.Your happiness is the only thing that _ to us.A.worksB.happensC.occursD.matters【参考答案】: D9.We have _ a rule that no one smokes in bedroom.A.estab

4、lishedB.builtC.put upD.set up【参考答案】: A10.It was so dark that I could not _ it was you.A.findB.tellC.sayD.know【参考答案】: B11.Both sides are working for the _ of mutual relationship.A.actionB.activityC.raiseD.promotion【参考答案】: D12.The distance to the city seemed _ than thirty miles.A.fartherB.furtherC.far

5、thestD.furthest【参考答案】: A13.We all know she has a mind _ her【参考答案】: C14.I _ by your house last night on my way to the park.A.pastB.passedC.wentD.ran【参考答案】: B15.If anything _, he would have let me know.A.happensB.should happenC.had happenedD.has happened【参考答案】: C16.Must he clean t

6、he room before class? No, he _.A.needn itB.mustn itC.won itD.shouldn it【参考答案】: A17.He is studying medical science now, but he _ a worker.A.would beB.formerly wereC.used to beD.had been【参考答案】: C18.He certainly _; he is so capable.A.ought to promoteB.should promoteC.ought to be promotedD.should be pro

7、moted【参考答案】: C19.I know _ there as soon as to getC.gettingD.having got【参考答案】: B20.The book is difficult be readC.readingD.being read【参考答案】: B21.His special training _ him for the challenging job.A.qualifiedB.identifiedC.enabledD.entitled【参考答案】: A22.The governme

8、nt _ to the strike and promised to improve the working conditions.A.agreedB.appliedC.respondedD.opposed【参考答案】: C23.Now that he was newly appointed general manager of the business, he has to _ more duties than his staff.A.occupyB.obtainC.assumeD.neglect【参考答案】: C24.He is a comparatively silent boy. Bu

9、t when he speaks he always talks _.A.mistakeB.meaningC.senseD.progress【参考答案】: C25.According to an estimate, this area is energy resources will _ in two through【参考答案】: B26.When you are asked to give evidence in court, you should _ nothing.A.let outB.hold backC

10、.run outD.give away【参考答案】: B27.We don it know what is _ in the world if we don it read the newspapers.A.going forB.going offC.going overD.going on【参考答案】: D28.In order to learn English well, we should work hard. _, good methods are equally important.A.HoweverB.ThereforeC.In additionD.Except【参考答案】: C2

11、9.If you think you can do the job, don it hesitate, just _.A.go awayB.go onC.go aheadD.go over【参考答案】: C30.I am afraid Jack will be punished for his carelessness because last night two prisoners guardC.on guardD.watching out【参考答案】: C31.The frequent social activities got _ his s

12、tudies.A.hold ofB.rid ofC.down the way of【参考答案】: D32.It is rather _ she was too busy to go with you, not _ she was unwilling to.A.thatthatB.becauseforC.forforD.sothat【参考答案】: A33.If I criticized you, it is _ I want you to do better in future.A.forB.thatC.soD.what【参考答案】: B34.My pen has run out

13、of ink. Can you lend me a pen _? writeB.for writing write withD.writing【参考答案】: C35.The fog is so heavy that we have difficulty _ what it is before make making outC.for making outD.on making out【参考答案】: B36.If you don it listen carefully in class, you will have much trouble

14、_ your【参考答案】: C37.To our relief, it was not long _ he regained his consciousness.A.thenB.beforeC.afterD.since【参考答案】: B38.I can still remember those occasions _ I sought comfort in her【参考答案】: B39.It was _ for you to have made the remarks at

15、 the meeting.A.out of orderB.out of placeC.out of sightD.out of thought【参考答案】: B40.I can not _ her features very distinctly. It was ten years ago that I met her.A.senseB.remindC.recallD.respond【参考答案】: C41.Discussions and debates are my _ way of learning.A.favoringB.favoriteC.favorableD.favored【参考答案】

16、: B42.The doctor said it was now only a _ of time; she would recover.A.questionB.problemC.issueD.event【参考答案】: A43.I sent in my application, and the university _ immediately.A.answeredB.repliedC.reactedD.responded【参考答案】: B44.Most people _ honor more than life.A.enjoyB.loveC.valueD.appreciate【参考答案】: C

17、45.This is one of the most _ issues the local government has ever met with.A.sensibleB.sensitiveC.sensationD.sense【参考答案】: B46.We had nothing to do but _ at the school gate for the waitC.waitingD.waited【参考答案】: B47.It is good _ you to give me that present.A.forB.ofC.aboutD.over【参考答案】: B

18、48.Taking the job will involve _ at workC.workingD.having worked【参考答案】: C49.My radio is not working. It _.A.need repairingB.needs repairingC.needs to repairD.need to be repairing【参考答案】: B50.She was angry about _ sayB.your sayC.your saying【参考答案】: C51.In a thi

19、n layer of clothes, the little girl _ in the cold.A.shockedB.frightenedC.vibratedD.shivered【参考答案】: D52.Here is a list of books _ by the examiners for the coming exam.A.perceivedB.prescribedC.inscribedD.described【参考答案】: B53.The watching crowd _ when the police arrived at the spot of the

20、atteredB.spreadC.sketchedD.stretched【参考答案】: A54.Although he _ learning English a few months ago, he can now speak fluent English.A.commentedB.commencedC.commandedD.committed【参考答案】: B55.The exhausted climbers stood on the top of the mountain _ with a smile at the splendid

21、aringD.glancing【参考答案】: B56.The prices are soaring. Some measures must be taken to _ them _.A.bring.aboutB.bring.forwardC.bringdownD.bring.through【参考答案】: C57.He is not interested in doing his homework. He would rather _ out playing some beC.isD.was【参考答案】: A58.I would rather you _ here

22、 to get it tomorrow than today.A.comeB.cameC.had comeD.will come【参考答案】: B59.When listening to the funny story, I could hardly _ laughing.A.keep upB.keep onC.keep ofD.keep from【参考答案】: D60.It was said that the UFO looked _ a giant saucer and flow away at a very high speed.A.something likeB.something o

23、fC.something asD.something about【参考答案】: A61.Whom do you want to _ with you, Tom or Mary?A.have goB.have to goC.having goingD.have gone【参考答案】: A62.It turned out that his previous experience was _ to his final success.A.valueB.of valueC.value ofD.for value【参考答案】: B63.Someone thinks that a dictionary m

24、eans everything when he tried to learn a language. but in my opinion, a dictionary is _ to beginners of English.A.usefulB.of useC.of little useD.used【参考答案】: C64.We came back from the party _ that we had made many new friends there.A.happilyB.sadlyC.happyD.sad【参考答案】: C65.It is not cold enough for the

25、re _ a frost tonight, so I can leave Jims car out quite safely.A.would be【参考答案】: D66.Teaching is a sinking-stomach profession, because I leave the classroom an hour later _ thatI was even more boring than usual.A.believedB.thoughtC.consideredD.convinced【参考答案】: D67.Beethoven, the g

26、reat musician, wrote nine symphonies in his life, most of them _ after he had lost his hearing.A.writingB.writtenC.having writtenD.were written【参考答案】: B68.My objective this summer is _ to drive a learnD.of learning【参考答案】: C69.We are not very busy in the shop at the moment;

27、in fact we are rather _.A.freeB.lazyC.spareD.slack【参考答案】: D70.You should really avoid your _ at home alone as he is very ill.A.father staysB.father to stayC.father who staysD.father is staying【参考答案】: D71.She was _ to a sense of conscience.A.awakenedB.awokenC.wakenedD.awoken【参考答案】: A72.He was eager t

28、o _ the outcome of the cricket match.A.seeB.watchC.noteD.notice【参考答案】: A73.We managed to _ her up the stairs.A.chaseB.trackC.followD.hunt【参考答案】: C74._ the telephone, no one was on the line.A.AnsweringB.While answeringC.AnsweredD.When I answered【参考答案】: D75.You must not delay _ the medicine sendB.sendingC.sentD.send【参考答案】: B76.It is _ that the R

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