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1、广东中考英语专项训练语法选择12篇含答案2020 东中考英语专项训练语法选择12篇(含答案)(1)It WaS MOlly, S job to hand her father his PaPer IUnCh bag each morning before he Ieft home to WOrkOne morning, 1 his USUaI IUnCh bag, MOlIy handed him 2 SeCOnd PaPer bag, WhiCh IOOked a bit OldUWhy two bagsn her father asked U 3 is SOmething else, VM

2、OlIy answered Whats in itn UJUSt SOmething Take it With you.He PUt 4 PaPer bags into his b:TiefCaSe (公文包),kissed MOlIyand rushed off. At noon he OPened MOlIy, S bag and took OUt all the things: a SmalI teddy bear, 2 tiny Sea shells, 5 SmalI stones, and 12 COinS The busy father SmiIedJ finished eatin

3、g and threw away the rubbish and MOlly, S things in the bag, and then PUt himself into the afternoon WOrkThat evening, MOlIy ran UP to him as he 5 the newspaperWheres my bagM urhat bagv The One I gave you this morningT 6 it at the OffiCe Whyn T forgot to PUt this note init. She Said And, besides, Da

4、ddy, the things in the bag are the things I really IikeI thought you might Iike to PIay With them YOU didn, t IOSe the bag, did you, DaddynUOh, no. I just forgot to bring it home n He IiedWhiIe MOlIy hugged(拥抱)her father5 S neck, he OPened the note that read, T IOVe you, Daddy. n MOlly had given him

5、 her treasures一all 7 a 7-year-old girl heldLOVe in a PaPer bag, 8 he threw it in the WaStebssket SOhe Went back hurriedly to the OffiCe JUSt before the night cleaner, he found all the things back and Carried the bag home 9 After ClinnerJ he asked MOlly to tell him about the things in the bag It 10 a

6、 IOng time to tel 1 EVerything had a StOry Or amemory.The Iife journey With the PeOPIe We IOVe is all that really matters ItISSUCha SimPIe truth,butit is SOeasily forgotten.()1.A.besidesB.besideC.except D.exceptfor()2.A.aB.anC.theD. /()3.A.OtherB.TheOtherC.OtherS D.The OtherS()4.A.eitherB.everyC. ea

7、chD.both()5.A.readsB.has readC. is readingD.WaSreading( )6. A. IOStB.forgotC.Ieft D.hid( )7. A thatB.WhiChC.What D.WhO( )8. A andB.butC.Or D. SO( )9. A. CarefUIB.CarefUlIyC. CareIeSSD.CareIeSSIy( )10. A. SPentB.PaidC. tookD. COStDaVid received a ParrOt for his birthday. The ParrOt had a POOr VOCabUl

8、ary, and many Were not 1 DaVid tried hard 2 thebird, S WOrdS and WaS Often Saying POIite words, PIaying SOft music, trying 3 he COUld think Of to Set a good example 4 nothing WOrked He ShOUted at the bird and the bird just got angry and became 5 IeSS POIite Finally, WithOUt any hope, DaVid PUt 6 bir

9、d in the fridgeFOr a few moments he heard the bird kick and Cry IOUdIy in it. Then SUddenIy it WaS QUietnot a SOUnd for half 7 DaVid WaS frightened that hemight have hurt the bird and QUiCkIy OPened the fridge door The ParrOt QUietIy 8 OUt OntO David S arm and said, U I believe that I may havemade y

10、ou get angry 9 me about my impolite IangUage and actionsI WilI try my best at OnCe to be POIite I am really SOrry and beg your PardOn. nDaVid WaS 10 at the bird S change, and he WaS just to ask What had made SUCh a SUrPriSing Change When the ParrOt Went On saying, UMay I ask What the ChiCken in the

11、fridge did()1.A.POIiteIyB. POliteC.POIiteneSSDPOIitiCaI()2.A.ChangingB. to ChangeC.ChangedD. Change()3.A.nothingB. SOmething C.anythingD. things()4.A.BUtB. SO C.AndD.ThOUgh()5.A.VeryB. quiteC.evenD.more()6.A.theB. aC.anD. /()7.A.minuteB. a minuteC.minutesD. anIninUte()8.A.WaS StePPingB. StePS C.hasS

12、tePPedD. StePPed()9.A.OfB. WithC.forD. at()10.A.SUrPriSedB. SUrPriSingC.SUrPriSeD.SUrPriSeSAIeXander WaS a funny StUdent He IOVed watChing COmedieS best and hoped to become 1 COmedy actor in the future 2 he heard there WaS going to be a talent ShOW at his school, he decided to take Part in it. ThOUg

13、h he 3 acted in PUbIiC before, he WaS Very excited about his first PerfOrmanCe in PUbliC BUt SOme StUdents IaUghed at him.AIeXander COUldn, t UnderStand Why they IaUghed at him. FOr a moment, he thought aboUt 4 UP the ShOw. BUt he remembered how much his friends Iiked his jokes, and also his teacher

14、s Said he WaS Very funny. 5 he decided to PrePare for the ShOw.AleXander did a great job. EVeryOne IOVed his performance, and he WOn the first prize! HiS teachers and friends Were PrOUd 6 him. OnIy Ken told AIeXander that he WaS not funny and he WOUld never be 7 AIeXander didn t UnderStand Why Ken 8

15、 so, but he COntinUed to WOrk towards his goa1.AS the years Went on, AleXander met more PeOPIe Iike Ken. UYOU WilI do a terrible job, M they Said to him. LUCkilyJ most PeOPIe encouraged him and SOme helped him become even funnier HiS fans thanked him because his COmedieS made 9 feel good Wherl they

16、Were UnhaPPy. NOW AIeXander is a COmedy star! He SayS he is Very thankful to the PeOPle10have IaUghed athim. WithOUt them he can,tbeSUCCeSSful()1.A.theB.anC.aD.that()2.A.When B.UntiIC.WhiChD.BefOre()3.A.OftenB.neverC.SeldOlilD.hardly() giveB.givesC.gaveD. giving()5.A.SOB.BUtC.BeCaUSeD.AIthOUgh

17、() theirs()10.A. WhiChB.WhenC.WhyD.WhO(4)China, S film industry(产业) 1 When NeW China WaS born. ItStarted in 1949 With a movie CalIed BridgeAfter 2 , the industry experienced SOme UP

18、S and downs Itreally began 3 in the 1980s ChineSe films became POPUIar abroad and made PeOPIe more 4 in China FOr example, the 1982 film ShaOIin TemPIeJ Starring Jet Li, made more PeOPIe 5 to Iearn kung fu. Ang Lee S CrOUChing Tiger, Hidden DragOn(卧虎藏龙)became the first ChineSe film 6 an OSCar BeSt F

19、Oreign LangUage FiIin.The IateSt generation Of ChineSe filmmakers has made many 7 types Of movies AnimatOr(OIjri)Yang YU made the animated film Na Zha, WhiIe GUO Fan directed the SCienCe fiction film The Wandering Earth, China S third biggest-earning movieChineSefilm industryWilI be better and bette

20、rD.StartS()1.A.StartB.StartedC.Starting()2.A.itB.thisC.thatD. those()3.A.take take OffC.took OffD. takingOff()4.A.interestB.interestedC.interestingD.interests()5.A.WantB.WantSC.toWant DWanting() WinB.WOnC.WinSD.Winning()7.A.a difference BClifferentC.differentlyD.difference()8.A.thanB.O

21、VerC.besidesD.except()9.A.IargeStB.the IargeStC.IargeD. Idrger()10. A.SOme B. any, C.everyD.eachCOUntry in the world.10(5)It, S SePtember and the Mid-AUtUnln FeStiVaI is just around the COrnerMany families across China and even 1 PartS Of the WOrld WilICeIebrate it 2 eating mooncakesAre mooncakes a

22、SnaCk A dessert WellJ you COUld Say that they re 3 They, re normally 4 With fillings Iike red bean PaSte(W)Or mixed nuts BUt SOme mooncakes are filled With eggs 5 even meatMOOnCakeS 6 be InySterious (神秘的)一you don, t always know Whatt S going to be inside I found this OUt When I 7 a mooncake for the

23、first time many years ago. I WaS 8 to find an egg inside, as I thought it WOUId be SOmething SWeet instead After all, most PaStrieS (点心)have SWeet fillings I didn, t try mooncakes again for a IOng time.BUt now, there are mooncakes 9 have new fillings, SUCh as ChOCOIate and StraWberrieS PeOPIe from O

24、ther COUntrieS Inight 10 SOme Of them I StilI Iike the red bean mooncakes and Other traditional ChineSe flavors BUt the new flavors COUlCl be interesting as WeI1()1.A.the OtherB. otherC.anotherD. OtherS()2.A.WithB. in C.OnD. by()3.A.eitherB. Ileither C.bothD.all()4.A.filledB. fillC.fillsD. filling()

25、5.A.OrB. and C.besidesD except()6.A.mustB. Can C.ShOUIdD need()7.A.ateB. eating C.eatsD.have eaten()8.A.SUrPriSeB. SUrPriSedC. SUrPriSingD. a SUrPriSe()9.A.thatB. WhO C.WhatD.WhOSe)10. A. IikeSB. IikeC. to IikeD. Iiking (6)SOme kinds Of animals Iike to eat When there has been PIenty Of 2 the grass i

26、s green. When the Weather has been dry, the grass is brown.AnimaIS Iike to eat grass When it is green and fresh And if the grassin One PIaCe is 3 than the rest, animals Prefer to eat that grassAn animal in a field 4 IOOk OVer the fence (篱笆)into the nextfield, Where PerhaPS there are no animals and t

27、he grass in the field IOOkSgreener BUt if 5 animal COUId get into the field, it WilI findthat the grass is really the Same It just SeemS better from a distance (JZt处) SO that, S the 6 Of the expression “The grass is greener Onthe Other Side Of the fence VWe SOmetimeS OnIy Say UThe grass is 7 greener

28、 On the OtherSide n We USe the expression 8 the SitUatiOnSOmeOne IOOkS atdistant things and feels they are better than the things around him. BUt 9 he COUld go to the distant place, he WOUId find that Iife thereis just as difficult SO don, t always think that Other PeOPIe have a betterSitUatiOn. JUSt be happy 10 What you have had EnjOy and ValUeit!()1.A.growB.growsC.growingD.grew()2.A.rainB.rainingC.rainy

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