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北师大版高中英语选修六第4讲Unit17 Laughter词汇篇1教师版.docx

1、北师大版高中英语选修六第4讲Unit17 Laughter词汇篇1教师版Unit 17 Laughter词汇篇1_1、掌握第二单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。2、灵活运用第二单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。1. amuse vt. 逗乐;使(某人)笑;给.提供娱乐使.高兴,使.开心amuse + 名词/代词(+ at/by短语)Everyone was amused at/by the story about the dog. 大家听了那只狗的故事都笑了起来。My funny drawings amused the children. 我那逗笑的画让孩子们都乐了。给.提供娱

2、乐(消遣)amuse + 名词/代词The new toys amused the child for hours. 这些新玩具让那个孩子玩了几个小时。短语拓展:be amused to learn that.得知.很开心keep sb. amused 使某人一直很高兴/很开心词汇链接:amusing adj. 使人发笑的,使人开心的amusement U 消遣,娱乐,乐趣;C 娱乐品,娱乐活动2. ridiculous adj. 荒谬的;可笑的;愚蠢的She looked absolutely ridiculous in these trousers. 她穿那些裤子显得极为可笑。Oh, do

3、nt be ridiculous! 噢,别犯傻啦!It is ridiculous that we have to wait six weeks. 我们得等六个星期,这太荒唐了。拓展:It is ridiculous that. .很荒唐ridicule n. 嘲笑;奚落;vt. 嘲笑;嘲弄;奚落be held up to ridicule 成为笑柄an object of ridicule 被取笑的对象3. response n. 回答;反应,回应His question failed to get a response from any of the students. 没有学生回答他的问

4、题。The law was passed in response to public pressure. 在公众压力下该法规获得通过。拓展:respondent n. 回答问题的人respond to 响应;回答;对.作出反应respond to sb. with sth. 用.回答某人respond with a smile 以微笑作为回答易混辨析:respond, reply和answer都有“回答,答复”的意思,但respond和reply为不及物动词,后须加先加介词to再加宾语;而answer作及物动词和不及物动词均可,但它后加宾语时,可直接加宾语,无需再加介词。4. entertai

5、n vt. 招待,宽带,请客;使.快乐;使.感兴趣She entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes. 她讲他的故事和笑话,把我们逗乐了好几个小时。Bob entertained me to dinner last night. 昨晚鲍勃设宴招待了我。短语拓展:entertain sb. (with sth.) 使某人快乐entertain sb. (to sth.) 招待,请客词汇链接:entertaining adj. 使人愉快的,有趣的entertainment n. U 招待,款待,娱乐;C娱乐;活动(项目);演出5. har

6、mony n. U 一致,相符;协调,均匀family harmony 家庭和谐They lived in perfect harmony. 他们过得十分和睦。短语拓展:out of harmony with 与.不协调The violin was out of harmony with the rest of instruments. 小提琴拉得与其他乐器不协调。in harmony with 与.协调We must ensure tourism develops in harmony with the environment. 我们必须确保旅游业与环境协调发展。6. matureadj.

7、成熟的,理智的,明白事理的It is said that boys get mature more slowly than girls. 据说,男孩比女孩成熟得晚一些。On mature reflection, Ive decided to go by train. 经过仔细考虑,我决定乘火车去。v. 变理智,(举止)变成熟;完成章程,变成熟Johns really matured in the last two years. 约翰在过去的两年里确实变成熟了。Corn needs longer to mature than soybeans. 玉米成熟需要的时间比大豆要长。7. overloo

8、k v. 忽略,忽视The little details are easily overlooked. 这些微小的细节容易被忽视。She tried very hard to do it well, but unfortunately her effort was overlooked. 她非常努力地把这件事情做好,但是很不幸,她的努力被忽视了。拓展:overlook作动词,还意为“俯瞰;俯视(某处)”。We can overlook the church from our house. 我们可以从家中俯瞰教堂。8. fall about laughing 禁不住笑了fall 作不及物动词,意

9、为“落下,倒下”;还可作系动词,意为“变得”。fall about意为“禁不住”,后面加laughing, crying等,表示“禁不住笑了或哭了”等。注意:fall-fell-fallen feel-felt-feltfall作系动词时的常用词组: fall asleep睡着 fall ill生病 fall silent安静下来 fall pregnant怀孕fall about laughing 忍不住笑 =fall about with laughter =cannot help laughing fall about crying 忍不住哭 =fall about with tears

10、 =cannot help cryingfall apart 破碎,破裂;fall behind 落后;fall in with 同意,赞成;fall off 减少,下降;衰退I fell about laughing hearing the joke, but he didnt fall about with laughter; he fell about crying. 听到他说的笑话我忍不住笑了,但是他却没有笑,相反忍不住哭了。易混辨析:fall与drop同义,指突然或猛烈地降落,但fall也可指任何下落,与高度或形式无关。drop指物体从一定高度落下。sink指在空气或水中垂直下落、下

11、沉。She dropped to safety from the burning building. 她从失火的建筑物上坠落到安全的地方。The tree fell with a thunderous crash. 那棵树轰隆一声倒下了。Wood does not sink in water; it floats. 木头在水中不下沉,而是漂在水面。9. board v. 上(飞机、船等);提供有偿食宿;搭伙;n. 木板;董事会;伙食The passengers walk up the ramp to board the airplane. 乘客们走上活动舷梯登上飞机。We will be ve

12、ry glad to board and lodge you. 我们会很高兴为您提供食宿。Her election to the board of directors caused great surprise. 她被选进董事会,令人大为吃惊。短语拓展:on board在船上,在飞机上take sth. on board接受建议、想法等go by the board(安排、计划等)落空,失败across the board全面地,涉及全体地board out把(动物)寄养(在某处)board up(用木板)遮住易混辨析:board v. 登上;提供有偿食宿;n. 木板;董事会;伙食aboard

13、 adv./prep. 在(船、车、飞机)上;上(船、车、飞机等)abroad adv. 在国外,常与动词go, be连用Passengers must board the ship by 6 p.m. 旅客们必须在下午六点以前上船。Little Tom and the sailors spent two months aboard. 小汤姆和水手们在船上过了两个月。They were the last two to go aboard the ship. 他们是最后两位上船的。He lived abroad for many years. 他在国外居住了许多年。10. cancel vt.取

14、消;撤销;废除She cancelled her trip to Europe. 她取消了去欧洲的旅行。注销;盖销(邮票等)The post office cancels the stamps on a letter. 邮局盖戳注销信件上的邮票。相互抵消(力量或效果)The poor quality of his work this year cancels out his former improvement. 他今年低质量的工作抵消了他原先的进步。常用搭配:cancel button取消按钮cancel key强拆按钮,切断按钮,符号取消键cancel out抵消11. scared ad

15、j. 惊恐的,担惊受怕的Are you scared of dogs? 你怕狗吗?Dont be scared of asking for help if you really need it. 如果你真的需要帮助,不要害怕说出口。词汇链接:scare vt., vi. & n. 吓唬;使(惊恐)scary adj. 恐怖的,吓人的短语拓展:scare sb. into doing sth. 恐吓某人做某事scare sb. /sth. away/off 把某人/某物吓跑scare up凑合做成give sb. a scare吓某人一跳scared stiff被吓呆了的12. cautionn

16、. U小心,谨慎,慎重;警告Proceed with caution. 小心行事。You should exercise extreme caution when driving in snow. 在雪中开车,你要极为小心。v. 提醒,警告(某人)要小心We were cautioned not to drive too fast. 人家提醒我们开车不要太快。短语拓展:with caution小心,谨慎;慎重treat sth. with caution仔细斟酌某事let sb. off with a caution给某人一个警告而放过他word/note of caution警示,警告cau

17、tion sb. about/against.警告某人.13. profession n. C 职业(尤指须受高等教育记专业训练者,如建筑师、律师或医生等职业);(某)职业界,同行by profession作为职业He is a lawyer by profession. 他的职业使律师。词汇链接:professional adj. 与(amateur反义),职业的,业务的,专门(业)的professor n. 教授常用词组:a professional player职业选手professional skill专业技术14. acknowledge v.承认,承认.的权威(主张)Do you

18、acknowledge that you have been wrong? 你承不承认你错了?The people acknowledged Mandela as their leader. 人民公认曼德拉为他们的领袖。确认收到The paper never even acknowledged my letter or printed a correction. 该报纸甚至从未回信确认是否收到了我的来信,也不刊登一个更正启事。(公开)对.表示感谢The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the Defense Department.

19、作者想要对国防部的协助表示感谢。易混辨析:acknowledge,admit与recognizeacknowledge强调“公开承认”,常用来指过去曾隐瞒或否认的事;admit指在压力下不得不承认已经证实或难以否认的事实,供认某些事实或错误等;recognize指正式承认主权、权利等。He admitted having stolen the wallet. 他承认偷了钱包。The new government was not recognized. 这个新政府没有得到承认。15. figuren. 人物;数字;体态;画像;图表He was the outstanding political

20、figure of his time. 他是他那个时代著名的政治人物。Shes always had a good figure. 她身材一向很好。vt. 认为,以为;想出,算出I figured that he was badly ill and should have a good rest. 我认为他病得厉害,应该好好休息一下。短语拓展:a square figure方形a historical figure历史人物a fine figure of a man (woman)身材魁梧(苗条)keep ones figure保持身材(体型)figure on sth. 计划;指望figur

21、e out弄明白;计算出16. scratch v. 抓;扒;划;n. 疤痕;抓痕;划痕Be careful of the cat; itll scratch you. 当心这只猫,它会抓你的。常用搭配: scratch ones head(遇到困难而)动脑筋,苦思冥想 scratch the surface (of.)仅讨论到.皮毛 start from scratch从头开始17. scold vt. 骂,责骂;训斥He scolded them for arriving late. 因为他们的迟到,他教训了他们一通。Dont scold him for breaking the glas

22、s. 不要为摔坏玻璃杯责骂他了。拓展:scold sb. for sth. /doing srh. 因.而斥责某人scolding n. 责骂;斥责 get a scolding挨骂易混辨析:blame,scold与criticizeblame是常见用语,表示一般性的责备,语气较轻,没有怒骂、申斥的意思。scold指在发怒的情况下埋怨地诉说,喋喋不休地斥责,常用于长辈对晚辈,上级对下级。criticize指对思想、言论、文章、行为等指出错误并加以评论。18. resist vt. & vi.抗拒,对抗I was in their power, and knew it was pointless

23、 to resist. 我在他们的掌控之中,而且知道抗拒毫无意义。The university resisted pressure to close its art department. 该大学抵制了要求关闭其艺术系的压力。反抗,抵抗She was charged with resisting arrest. 她被指控拘捕。When security guards came to stop him, he didnt resist. 安全警卫过来阻止他的时候,他没有抵抗。忍住,按捺I couldnt resist glancing at his diary. 我忍不住看了一眼他的日记。It

24、is hard/impossible to resist an invitation like that. 拒绝那样一个邀请是很难的/不可能的。短语拓展:be resistant to对.有抵抗力resist doing抵制做某事cant/couldnt resist doing sth. 禁不住做某事19. tension n. 拉紧;拉力;张力;紧张的状态或程度;心理,情绪或神经方面的紧张;电压Tension increased as we waited for the results to be published. 当等待结果公布时我们越发紧张起来。Tension is a major

25、 cause of heart disease. 精神紧张是引起心脏病的主要原因。记忆导航:构词法-sion名词词尾:tension紧张;admission接纳;confession供认;permission允许;expression表示;conclusion结论;division除法;划分20. get rid of摆脱,除掉,拔除(眼中钉)You are supposed to get rid of carelessness, for it often leads to irretrievable errors. 你们一定要客服粗心的毛病,因为它常常导致无法挽回的错误。21. result

26、 in引起,导致His hard work resulted in excellent grades in his exams. 他的努力使他在考试中取得了优异的成绩。It was his carelessness that resulted in his failure. 正是他的粗心大意使导致了他的失败。短语拓展:as a result结果,不是连词,只能做状语。as a result of由于,是介词短语,只能连接名词/代词/动名词及what宾语从句。without result毫无结果地As a result of what he said, mother got very angry

27、. 由于他说的话,母亲很生气。He has tried very hard to find a job, until now without result. 他努力找工作,但直到现在仍毫无结果。22. run into偶然遇到,撞见,碰到run into sb. 偶然遇见某人Guess who I ran into today! 猜我今天碰见谁了!I ran into my headmaster in the supermarket. 我在超市遇见校长了。run into sth.(旅行中)遇到(坏天气);遭遇(困难,问题)等They ran into a heavy rain when ha

28、ving a picnic. 他们野餐时遇到了大雨。短语扩展:run across偶然遇到run after追逐,追踪;追求(女生)run along走开,离开run away(常与from连用)逃走,逃脱;逃避,躲开run out(常与of连用)用光;耗尽23. Take turns telling your joke to your partner. 轮流向你的伙伴讲笑话。take turns doing sth. 轮流做某事The three brothers took turns looking after their sick mother. 这兄弟三人轮流照看他们生病的母亲。Tak

29、e turns driving, we didnt find the trip tiring. 由于轮流开车,我们没发觉旅途让人疲劳。短语拓展:by turns轮流,交替Mary and John ate by turns. 玛丽和约翰轮流吃饭。in turn依次,转而,反过来In order to avoid traffic blocks, many people bought private cars, which in turn caused other traffic problems. 为了避免交通堵塞,许多人买了私家车,而这反过来又导致了其他的交通问题。24. Everything

30、 is funny as long as its happening to someone else. 只要发生在别人身上任何事都是好笑的。as long as只要,如果,用于引导条件状语从句,相当于of或provided。You may borrow my car as long as you return it on time. 只要你按时归还,你就可以借走这本书。You can go out as long as you come back home before 11 oclock. 你可以出去,只要你在11点钟之前回家就行。25. This afternoon, I was in the town center, where I had been doing some shopping. I sudd

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