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1、自考复习资料0087英语翻译考前重点串讲前言1.如何把握教材考试大纲明确提出,在翻译的卷面中有60%的内容选自教材,所以我们要立足教材,把每个考点都明确、掌握。2.关于翻译的标准翻译涉及到三个层面:(1)文本的转化(2)意义的转化(3)形式的转化 翻译应遵循的标准为:信(忠实于原文)、达(语句读起来要通顺)、雅(译文要有文采)3.关于翻译的几个基本的步骤:首先,要深度理解原文,划分译群。第二,对译群进行逐个翻译。第三,将翻译后译群组合,并搭配上下文的意境。第四,和完整的原文对照,将不贴切的地方修改。-Unit 1Stories-Lesson 1The QuestLesson 1The Ques

2、tTaking the train,the two friends arrived in Berlin in late October 1922,and went directly to the address of Chou En-lai。 Would this man receive them as fellow countrymen,or would he treat them with cold suspicion and question them cautiously about their past careers as militarists? Chu Teh remember

3、ed his age。 He was thirty-six,his youth had passed like a screaming eagle,leaving him old and disillusioned。directly = at once译文:他们两个人坐火车于一九二二年十月到达柏林,立即去周恩来的住处。这个人会不会像同胞手足一样接待他们呢?会不会疑虑重重,详细询问他们在军阀时代的经历呢?朱德想起自己的年龄,他已三十六岁,青春像一路呜叫的鹰,早已一闪而逝,留给他的是衰老和幻灭。 When Chou En-lais door opened they saw a slender ma

4、n of more than average height with gleaming eyes and a face so striking that it bordered on the beautiful。 Yet it was a manly face,serious and intelligent,and Chu judged him to be in his middle twenties。 in his twenties可译作“二十多岁”。in his middle twenties汉语就没有相对应的说法了,只好译作“二十五六岁”。请注意in the twenties是“二十年代

5、”,不要混为一谈。译文:周恩来的房门打开时,他们看到的是一个身材瘦长、比普通人略高一点的人,两眼闪着光辉,面貌很引人注意,称得上清秀。可是,那是个男子汉的面庞,严肃而聪颖,朱德看他大概是二十五六岁的年龄。Chou was a quiet and thoughtful man,even a little shy as he welcomed his visitors,urged them to be seated and to tell how he could help them。Ignoring the chair offered him,Chu Teh stood squarely bef

6、ore this youth more than ten years his junior and in a level voice told him who he was,what he had done in the past,how he had fled from Yunnan,talked with Sun Yat-sen,been repulsed by Chen Tu-hsiu in Shanghai,and had come to Europe to find a new way of life for him-self and a new revolutionary road

7、 for China。 He wanted to join the Chinese Communist Party group in Berlin,he would study and work hard,he would do anything he was asked to do but5 return to his old life,which had turned to ashes beneath his feet。more than ten years his junior是this youth的同位语。but=except译文:周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴,在招呼他们坐下,询问有何见教

8、的时候,甚至还有些腼腆。更多内容请与QQ:索取朱德顾不得拉过来的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十岁的青年面前,用平稳的语调,说明自己的身份和经历:他怎样逃出云南,怎样会见孙中山,怎样在上海被陈独秀拒绝,怎样为了寻求自己的新的生活方式和中国的新的革命道路而来到欧洲。他要求加入中国共产党在柏林的党组织,他一定会努力学习和工作,只要不再回到旧的生活里去它已经在他的脚底下化为尘埃了派他做什么工作都行。As he talked Chou En-lai stood facing him,his head a little to one side as was his habit,listening in

9、tently until the story was told,and then questioning him。as was his habit,此处as后面可以省略主语it,意思相当于which was his habit,或and that was his habit。译文:他娓娓而谈,周恩来就站在他面前,习惯地侧着头,一直听到朱德把话说完,才提出问题。When both visitors had told their stories,Chou smiled a little,said he would help them find rooms,and arrange for them

10、to join the Berlin Communist group as candidates until their application had been sent to China and an answer received。 When the reply came a few months later they were enrolled as full members,but Chusmembership was kept a secret from outsiders。(from Agnes Smedley,The Great Road )注意:help后面的动词不定式不加t

11、o注意:arrange for them to,而不能说arrange them to。an answer received是一个省略句,完整的说法应该是an answer had been received 译文:两位来客把经历说完后,周恩来微笑着说,他可以帮他们找到住的地方,替他们办理加入党在柏林的支部的手续,在入党申请书寄往中国而尚未批准之前,暂作候补党员。过了几个月,回信来了,两人都被吸收为正式党员,但朱德的党籍对外界保持秘密。”(选自梅念译伟大的道路)更多内容请与QQ:索取重点词汇1. fellow countrymen 同胞2. average height 中等身材3. glea

12、ming eyes 闪光的眼睛4. in his middle twenties 二十多岁5. to be seated 招呼坐下6. stand squarely 端端正正地站着7. more than ten years his junior 比他年轻十几岁8. revolutionary road 革命道路9. Chinese communist Party 中国共产党10. full member 正式成员11. membership 党籍12. keep a secret 保密-Unit 1Stories-Lesson 2The Story of My Life (Excerpt 1

13、)Helen Keller我的生活(摘录l)海伦凯勒The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects. It was the third of March, 1887, three months bef

14、ore I was seven years old.在我的记忆里,安妮曼斯菲尔德沙利文老师来的那一天,是我一生中最重要的日子。从这一天开始,我的生活和以前迥然不同,一想到这一点,我就感到非常兴奋。这个重要的日子是l887年3月3日,我差三个月不满七周岁。eg. I stay there for three months before he came我在那呆了三个月,然后他就才来。本段考点:1.对定语从句的分法2.注意一段话的核心词3.英语中表示时间的时间状语从句中的连词或介词On the afternoon of that eventful day, I stood on the porch,

15、 dumb, expectants. I guessed vaguely from my mothers signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen, so I went to the door and waited on the steps. The afternoon sun penetrated the mass of honeysuckle that covered the porch, and fell on my upturned fac

16、e. (在英语里,后果如果有具体的哪一天作定语,则不能说in the afternoon,而要说on the afternoon.)更多内容请与QQ:索取那天下午,我一声不响,怀着期待盼心情站在门廊里。母亲给我打着手势,人们在屋里匆匆地走来走去,我模模糊糊地预感到一件不寻常的事就要发生了。于是我就走到门口,站在台阶上等着。午后的阳光透过门廊上覆盖着的厚厚的一层忍冬,照在我微微仰着的脸上。My fingers lingered almost unconsciously on the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to

17、 greet the sweet southern spring. I did not know what the future held of marvel or surprise for me. Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle.我几乎是无意识地用手抚摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,这新长的叶片和刚开的花朵在南方迎来了芬芳的春天。但不知今后等待着我的是什么,会使我欣喜,还是惊骇。几个星期以来,

18、我又气又恨,感到非常苦恼,这种感情上的激烈斗争过去之后,我感到浑身无力。本段考点:1.定语从句较长时,要把主句和定语从句分别翻成两个句子,两个句子用先行词进行连接。2.在翻译过程中如果遇到具有拟人化的感情、时间或地点来作主语时,要根据主语本身的特点来安排它在汉语中的句法成分。3.分析句子结构时,注意如果有及物动词时,一定要找到它的宾语。Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible whitedarkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and

19、anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? I was like that ship before, my education began, only I was without compass or sounding-line, and had no way of knowing how near the harbour was. “Light! Give me light!”

20、 was the wordless cry of my soul, and the light of love shone on me in that very hour. 不知你是否有过这样的经历在海上航行遇上了大雾,周围一片白,好像着实把你关在一个黑暗的地方,大船上的人又紧张又着急,一面用铅锤探测深浅,一面向岸边慢慢驶去,你的心也怦怦直跳,生怕出事。我在开始受教育之前,就像这样一条船,只是没有罗盘,没有测深绳,也无法知道离海港有多远。“光明!给我光明!”这就是发自我内心深处的无言的呼唤,也就在这时候,爱心的光芒照到了我的身上。本段考点:更多内容请与QQ:索取1.在英语中如果出现一连串的并列

21、成分,一定要找到并列句的共同特征,用加词法。2.grope ones way toward 向地方靠近(固定短语)。3.英译汉过程中,经常有一些介词需要翻译成汉语中的动词,因为这些介词具有动词的含义和意味。4.注意最后一句话,倒装句中,如果前面是整个句子,在翻译后面的句子过程中,需要把前面的句子重复。重点词汇1. immeasurable contrast 迥然不同2. to and fro 走来走去3. upturn face 仰着脸4. sweet spring 芬芳的春天5. anger and bitterness 又气愤又苦恼6. dense fog 大雾7. tense and a

22、nxious 紧张而焦急8. 五一的下午 on the afternoon of May 1st9. 无言的呼唤 wordless cry10. 探测绳 sounding-line-Unit 1Stories-Lesson 3我和文学(摘录)-Unit 10Speeches-Lesson 30增进相互了解加强友好合作江泽民主席在美国哈佛大学的演讲 更多内容请与QQ:索取Build Stronger Ties of Friendship and CooperationAddress by President Jiang Zeminat Harvard University ofthe Unite

23、d States of America1 November 1997(Excerpt 1) (一九九七年十一月一日)(摘录1)校长先生,Mr.President,女士们,先生们:Ladies and Gentlemen,我感谢陆登庭校长的邀请,使我有机会在这美好的金秋时节,来到你们这座美国古老而又现代化的学府。I wish to thank President Rudenstine for inviting me to this old yet modern institution of the United States in this golden fall.哈佛建校三百六十年来,培养出许

24、多杰出的政治家、科学家、文学家和企业家,曾出过六位美国总统,三十多位诺贝尔奖获得者。先有哈佛,后有美利坚合众国,这说明了哈佛在美国历史上的地位。Since its founding some 360 years ago, Harvard has nurtured a great number of outstanding statesmen, scientists, writers and businessmen, including six of the American Presidents and over thirty Nobel Prize winners. The fact tha

25、t Harvard was founded before the United States of America testifies to its position in the American history.哈佛是最早接受中国留学生的美国大学之一。中国教育界、科学界、文化界一直同哈佛大学保持着学术交流。哈佛为增进中美两国人民的相互了解作出了有益的贡献。Harvard is among the first America universities to accept Chinese students. The Chinese educational, scientific and cul

26、tural communities have all along maintained academic exchanges with this university. Harvard has thus made useful contribution to the enhanced mutual understanding between the Chinese and American peoples.相互了解,是发展国与国之间关系的前提。惟有相互了解,才能增进信任,加强合作。中美建交以来,我们两国人民之间的相互交流与了解在逐渐扩大和加深,但还不够。为了推动中美关系的发展,中国需要进一步了

27、解美国,美国也需要进一步了解中国。 更多内容请与QQ:索取Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations. Without it, it would be impossible for countries to build trust and promote cooperation with one another. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the United States, the exchanges and mut

28、ual understanding between our two peoples have broadened development of China-U.S. relations, China need to know the United States better and vice versa.中国在自己发展的长河中,形成了优良的历史文化传统。这些传统,随着时代变迁和社会进步获得扬弃和发展,对今天中国人的价值观念、生活方式和中国的发展道路,具有深刻的影响。这里,我想就以下一些方面谈些看法,希望有助于诸位对中国的了解。In the prolonged course of its dev

29、elopment, China has formed its fine historical and cultural traditions, which have been either developed or sublated with the changes of the times and social progress. These traditions have exerted a profound impact on the values and way of life of the Chinese people today, and on Chinas road of adv

30、ance. Here, I would like to make some observations on the following aspects which I hope will help you know China better.一是团结统一的传统。中华民族是由五十六个民族组成的大家庭。从遥远的古代起,我国各族人民就建立了紧密的政治经济文化联系,共同开发了祖国的河山,两千多年前就形成了幅员广阔的统一国家。悠久的中华文化,成为维系民族团结和国家统一的牢固纽带。团结统一,深深印在中国人的民族意识中。First, the tradition of solidarity and unity

31、. The Chinese nation is a big family composed of 56 nationalities. Since time immemorial, people of all our nationalities have established close-knit political, economic and cultural links and joined hands in developing the vast land of our country. China became a vast unified country more than 2,00

32、0 years ago. The age-old Chinese culture becomes a strong bond for ethnic harmony and national unity. Solidarity and unity are deeply inscribed in the hearts of the Chinese people as part of their national identity. 更多内容请与QQ:索取中国历史上虽曾出现过暂时的分裂现象,但民族团结和国家统一始终是中华民族历史的主流,是中国发展进步的重要保障。新中国的成立,标志着中华民族实现了空前的大团结。各民族之间建立了平等、团结、互助的新型关系。各民族人民依法享有各项权利和自由。在少数民族聚居的地方实行了区域自治。民族地区的经济社

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