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1、泰安期末考试 泰安市2011届高三期末考试英语试题 第卷(三部分,共105分) 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 语法和词汇(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.I have got a chance to be a volunteer at the London Olympic Games. !Me, too.A.Congratulations B.Good luckC.Thats great D.No problem22.Though Jack has failed twice in

2、 PE test, he decided to have third try.A.the;the B.a;the C.a;a D.the;a23.Bolt broke his own record at the 2008 Beijing Olympics by 9.58 seconds set B.setting C.set D.having set24.His sister has become a doctor, is what he wants to be.A.who B.whose C.that D.which25.According to the scho

3、ol rules, no student go out of the school after nine oclock at night without the teachers permission.A.shall B.will C.must D.may26. fashions differ from country to country may reflect the culture difference from one aspect.A.What B.That C.This D.Which27.Ive been working really hard at English recent

4、ly, but it still remains poor.Dont give up.Sometimes things dont like you want right away.A.turn out B.turn up C.turn down D.turn in28.How do you think I should receive the reporter? you feel about him, try to be polite.A.How B.What C.Whatever D.However29.She not only entered the competitionshe won

5、it!A.hopefully B.especially C.actually D.exactly30.Since you love pets so much, why not adopt one?Thats exactly what I .A.have thought B.was thinking C.had thought D.will think31.Parents should educate their children to well while attending a party.A.celebrate B.observe C.accept D.behave32.I havent

6、found any money though Ive searched the drawer bottom up.Then, Im afraid there is left.A.nothing one C.none D.neither33.Exploring the moon is a(n) to China as well as the whole world.A.opportunity B.challenge C.reaction D.threat34.Sometimes, the entrance tickets are free of charge from the univ

7、ersity.A.available B.valuable C.imaginable D.comfortable35.Jobs are hard to get and, , more young people are continuing their education.A.above all a result C.after all D.on the contrary第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。In 1989 an 8.2 earthqua

8、ke almost flattened Los Angeles, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes.A father rushed to where his son was 36 to be, only to discover that the building was flattened.But he remembered the 37 he had made his son:“Ill always be there for you!” Tears began to fill his eyes.Although it l

9、ooked 38 , he remembered his words. 39 his sons classroom would be in the back right corner of the building, he rushed there and started 40 .Other parents tried to pull him off what was left of the school, saying“Its too late!Theyre all dead!You cant 41 !”To each he 42 :“Are you going to help me?”An

10、d then he went back to his digging.The fire fighter 43 and tried to pull him away:“Fires are breaking out, explosions are happening everywhere.Youre 44 .”To which this loving, 45 father asked:“Are you going to help me?”He went on 46 he needed to know,“Is my boy alive or is he dead?”He dug for eight

11、hoursl2 hours36 hoursthen, in the 38th hours, he pulled back a large stone and 47 his son.He 48 :“ARMAND!”He heard back:“Dad?Its me, Dad!I told the other kids not to 49 .I told them that if you were 50 ,youd save me and when you saved me, theyd be saved.You 51 ,no matter what happens, Ill always be

12、there for you!”“Whats going on in there?”the father asked.“There are l4 of us 52 out of 33, Dad.Were scared but 53 youre here.When the building collapsed, it 54 a triang1e(三角形),and it saved us.”“ 55 ,boy!”“Let the other kids out first, because I know youll get me! I know youll always be there for me

13、!”36.A.reported B.supposed C.announced D.said37.A.decision B.mistake C.promise D.suggestion38.A.annoying B.satisfactory C.embarrassing D.hopeless39.A.Recalling B.Seeing C.Hearing D.Predicting40.A.wandering B.digging C.crying B.wait C.suffer D.fail42.A.whispered B.murmured C.respon

14、ded D.explained43.A.looked up B.stood up C.climbed up D.showed place danger charge relief45.A.caring B.smiling C.leading D.promising46.A.when B.after C.if D.because47.A.saw B.met C.heard D.felt48.A.screamed B.waved C.nodded D.argued49.A.relax B.worry C.hurry D.flee50.A.brave

15、 C.alive D.strong51.A.complained B.promised C.remarked D.stated52.A.lying B.sleeping C.discouraged D.left53.A.thankful B.hopeful C.careful D.useful54.A.built B.designed C.made D.circled55.A.Stand out B.Keep up C.Take it easy D.Come out第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,

16、选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASome weird, wild and wonderful stories coloured the news in 2010:A Copenhagen bus company has put“love seats”on 103 of its vehicles for people looking for a partner.“Even love at first sight is possible on the bus,”said a spokesman for the British owned Arriva company to explain

17、the two seats on each bus that are covered in red cloth and a“love seat”sign.Shoppers at an international luxury fair in Verona, Italy, found a cell-phone-equippedgolden coffin among the items on display.The phones will help“the dead”contact relativesif they have been buried alive by mistake.Paul th

18、e octopus, who shot to fame during this years football World Cup for his perfect record in predicting game results, died peacefully in his sleep in an aquarium.A Kuwaiti MP proposed state-aid for male citizens to take second wives, in order to reduce the large number of unmarried women in the oil-ri

19、ch emirate(酋长国).A Frenchman who lost all his arms and legs in an electrical accident successfullyswam across the Channel, a challenge he had been preparing for two years.A set of dentures (假牙) made for Britains war-time Prime Minister Winston Churchill known as“the teeth that saved the world”sold fo

20、r nearly 18,000 pounds at auction(拍卖).A British woman caused an Internet hate campaign after she was caught on cameradeserting a cat in a rubbish bin.She was fined 250 pounds after admitting gui1ty.Two Australian men needed surgery after shooting each other in the buttocks(臀部)while drinking to see i

21、f it would hurt.The BBC apologized“sincerely”after a radio announcer jokingly said that Queen Elizabeth II had died.56.According to the text, we know that .A.the Frenchman lost his arms while crossing the ChannelB.Winston Churchills teeth saved the worldC.the British woman was fined for abusing anim

22、alsD.Queen Elizabeth II died but the BBC announced jokingly57.The first news tells us that .A.we must take the special bus to find our loversB.we are likely to chance our future partner on the busC.we can find all the seats are covered in red clothD.the bus driver can help those desiring to marry58.

23、It is implied in the text that .A.the Italy golden coffin was designed to aid those buriedB.the Kuwaiti proposal aimed to reduce the number of unmarried womenC.netizens were in favour of the British woman abusing animalsD.two Australian men shot each other to catch others eyes59.Which of the followi

24、ng is true of Paul the octopus?A.It was shot to death. B.It died painfully.C.It is a talking fish. D.It won fame during the World Cup.60.This text may be found in which part on the Internet?A.Amusement B.Shopping C.Education D.SportsBThat our students rarely get the opportunity to use their imaginat

25、ion was an open secret among Chinese people.Now,a global survey has brought it to the notice of the rest of the world.The survey covering 21 countries, conducted by International Educational Progress Evaluation Organization, showed Chinese students excelled at math, beating their peers from other co

26、untries.But when it came to using their imagination, they were tied for the last place.And in creativity, they were fifth from the bottom.The survey results are not shocking, given the way our children are taught in schools and at home.But they are a severe reminder to our educators and parents to i

27、mprove their ways.Chinese students rarely get the time or chance to use their imagination.Right from the day they enter school they are pushed into a culture of exams and more exams.Teachers and parents teach them that education is all about passing these exams with flying colors.And to pass those e

28、xams, they are made to learn by fixed standard answers.Teachers dare not encourage students to think outside the box.Teachers dont like students questioning them, killing the curiosity of the young minds.For children, theres hardly any room for bright ideas either in class or at home.Israel shares t

29、he values of education with China.But there is a world of difference between the way Israeli parents treat their children and we do.Israeli parents do not mollycoddle their children.Instead,they encourage them to learn how to live independently.In contrast, Chinese parents go to extremes, allowing t

30、heir children to do whatever they like to do and punishing them severely the next for committing a “mistake”.The global study should make us swing into action and help our students to throw open their young minds to imagination and creativity.It is time our education officials and educators asked th

31、emselves what they should do to let our childrens imagination and creativity blossom.61.Based on the text, the creativity of the Chinese students ranks among the 21 countries.A.the 5th B.the 17th C.the 2lst D.the 1st62.Why is the imagination of the Chinese students so poor?A.Their parents often impr

32、ove their educational ways.B.They are thought to be lacking in curiosity.C.Their teachers are afraid of being questioned.D.They are not encouraged to imagine both at home and in class.63.What does the underlined word“mollycoddle”probably mean in Paragraph 6?A.spoil B.motivate C.appreciate D.scold64.It can be learned from the text Israeli p

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