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1、金台区九年级英语期末质量检验测试题金台区九年级英语期末质量检测测试题卷)命题人:金台教研室 检测人:陈仓园初中 20181题号听力部分笔试部分总分得分听力部分25分)得分评卷人.听句子,选答语 1. A. Well done. B. See you. C. Good idea.Tl69VqHMma( 2. A. Yes, I do. B. No, never. C. No problem.Tl69VqHMma( 3. A. I dont think so. B. Clone plants or animals. C. I like it.Tl69VqHMma( 4. A. Yes, I do.

2、 B. No, I mustnt. C. Yes, I can.Tl69VqHMma( 5. A. Yes, Id love to. B.I think so. C. Thanks a lot.Tl69VqHMma得分评卷人.听对话,选答案 6. A. To give up working. B. To cheer up. C. To set up a sign.Tl69VqHMma( 7. A. Do the housework. B. Play football. C. Watch TV.Tl69VqHMma( 8. A. a doctor. B. a pilot. C. a soldie

3、r.Tl69VqHMma( 9. A. Room 341. B. Room 341. C. Room 124.Tl69VqHMma( 10. A. $80. B. $120. C. $100.( 11. A. Looking for a part-time job. B. Looking for a full-time job. C. Looking for a friend.( 12. A. Having a talk. B. Having a meeting. C. Having a rest.Tl69VqHMma( 13. A. She cant use the printer.B. S

4、he cant repair the printer. C. She doesnt have a printer.( 14. A. A computer. B. A movie. C. A book.Tl69VqHMma( 15. A. Two dollars. B. Three dollars. C. Four dollars.Tl69VqHMma得分评卷人.听短文,选答案 16. What kind of pet did the man get in the pet store?Tl69VqHMma A. A big bird. B. An unusual bird. C. A stupi

5、d bird.Tl69VqHMma( 17. Why at was the pet bird like?A. It was never hungry. B. It ate too much.C. It liked its owner a lot.( 18. What happened after the man brought the bird home?Tl69VqHMmaA. The bird became big and fat. B. The man was glad to feed it.Tl69VqHMmaC. The bird went away from the man.( 1

6、9. Why did the man borrow a truck?A. He wanted to throw his rubbish out.B. He wanted to get more food for the bird.C. He wanted to throw this fat bird away.( 20. How did the man feel when he threw the bird away?Tl69VqHMma A. Proud. B. Glad. C. Sad.笔试部分95分)得分评卷人.单项选择 21. You looked a little sad while

7、 you were watching that picture.Tl69VqHMma Yes. That picture me of my father who died three years ago. Tl69VqHMma A. remembered B. memorized C. reminded D. appreciatedTl69VqHMma( 22. When Tom got to the examination room, he realized he his pen at home.Tl69VqHMma Oh, he is too careless.A. Was leaving

8、 B. had left C. have left D. leavesTl69VqHMma( 23. It seems that you know that farmer very well.Tl69VqHMma Sure. He is one of my best friends, and he keeps pigs on the farm.Tl69VqHMmaA. Hundreds of B. hundred of C. two hundreds of D. hundredsTl69VqHMma( 24. What do you think of those books on the de

9、sk?Tl69VqHMma They provide us all the information we need.Tl69VqHMmaA. for B. among C. against D. with( 25. Did you the cake made by my mother?Tl69VqHMma Yes, I have three pieces. A. miss B. expect C. taste D. offer ( 26. Next term, we will all have a course of the history and learn more about Chine

10、se and world history.Tl69VqHMma A. old B. worldwide C. actual D. ancient( 27. Im sorry, none of you watched . Thats why youve got the wrong answer.Tl69VqHMma A. careful enough B. carefully enoughC. enough careful D. enough carefully( 28. Dont talk with Mr Black. I agree with you. you say, he always

11、disagrees.Tl69VqHMma A. Whoever B. Whatever C. Whenever D. WhicheverTl69VqHMma( 29. You look so happy today, Linda. Yes. I it a great honor(荣誉to be invited to dinner.Tl69VqHMma A. look B. expect C. consider D. suit( 30. Your father doesnt look good these days.Tl69VqHMma Yes. He has had a toothache,

12、but he keeps going to the dentist.Tl69VqHMma A. putting off B. getting off C. setting off D. taking offTl69VqHMma得分评卷人.完形填空 and eye contact(交流. Having a sense of humor(幽默感 is also necessary.Tl69VqHMmaRespecting(尊重Respecting yourself and others is good for teamwork. You are not supposed to 37 Tl69VqH

13、Mmaothers even if they make 38 . You should be kind in what you say and do. And also you should try to make everybody feel happy and special. Tl69VqHMmaJoining inJoining in may be 39 for some people. But if you are active enough you can find it esier. Dont always 40 to win because you cant always be

14、 the best.Tl69VqHMmaSocial skills can help us not only work well with others but also help us be happy.Tl69VqHMma( 31. A. Since B. As C. So D. If( 32. A. what B. when C. how D. where( 33. A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk ( 34. A. language B. time C. idea D. way( 35. A. carefully B. hard C. well D. ba

15、dlyTl69VqHMma( 36. A. excited B. polite C. happy D. interestedTl69VqHMma( 37. A. point at B. pick up C. laugh at D. look atTl69VqHMma( 38. A. mistakes B. progress C. trouble D. difficultiesTl69VqHMma( 39. A. helpful B. useful C. difficult D. easyTl69VqHMma( 40. A. expect B. think C. like D. need得分评卷

16、人.阅读理解根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“A”表示,错误的用”B“表示。共5小题,计5分)Tl69VqHMma. Do people have green thumbs?”Tl69VqHMmaAfter looking at the notebook, the teacher says, “In English, blue sometimes means sad. For example, she is blue todaydoesnt she is wearing a blue coat. It means that she is sad. She has a gree

17、n thumbmeans that she is good at growing plants. And a write lie is not a bad lie.”Tl69VqHMma“ I dont understand the last one.”“ For example, I give you some cakes. You dont like them, but you dont say that. Instead, you say,No, thanks. Im not hungry!That is a white lie.”Tl69VqHMma“ I see. Thanks a

18、lot.” ( 41. Lucy is an American girl.( 42. If somebody is blue, that means he is sad.Tl69VqHMma( 43. Lucy writes down the new words in a notebook because it is helpful to her studies.Tl69VqHMma( 44. “She has a green thumb” means her thumb is green.Tl69VqHMma( 45. The story tells us a word sometimes

19、has some otheer meanings.Tl69VqHMmaB阅读下面两篇短文,从各小题的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。共10小题,计20分)Tl69VqHMma 46. wrote Grimms Fairy Tales A. Jacob and his teacher B. William and his teacherTl69VqHMmaC. Jacob and William D. Some old people( 47. What did the teacher like to do? A. To ask questions and look for

20、answers B. To make up stories C. To tell the stories to his students D. To asked some old people to tell stories( 48. Most of the tales in the Grimms books were made up .Tl69VqHMma A. in five years time B. when Jacob and William were students C. before people knew how to write D. by some old people(

21、 49. The two brothers wrote down all the stories because .Tl69VqHMmaA. Their teacher asked them to do soB. Their parents asked them to do soC. They liked all stories very much.D. They didnt want to the stories to die with the old peopleTl69VqHMma( 50. Grimms Fairy Tales came out .A. in 1218 B. in 18

22、12 C. In 1912 D. in 1918C)Plants are very important. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals and man cant make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals can get their food by eating plants and other animals, too. So animals and man need plants in order to live. This is why there are so many plants around us.Tl69VqHMmaThere are two kinds of plants, flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Almost all the trees around us

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