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1、让英语活起来让英语课堂活起来第一单元1.1参考母语学习的方法,来进行第二语言的学习:1、不断重复,需要大量听的活动,多用英语交流;2、学会引申拓展,归类:例如让学生读一读chocolate,它有几个音节?在chocolate这个单词中有些字母不发音。下列单词中,哪些字母也是不发音的?Every ,different,favorite,comfortable,vegetable3、学生学习英语时,老师可以借助手势、动作、图片帮助学生理解 ; 允许他们用母语交流,特别是在刚开始的时候 尽量多用英语回答学生的问题,讨论他们正在做的事或看到的东西4、学生听得越多就会学到的越多,教师要耐心,多用积极的话

2、鼓励赞许他们1.2用英语进入新课1B 问候(greeting)T: Good morning.S: MorningT: How are you?S: Very well. How are you?T: Fine. Thanks.(和8、9岁大的孩子一起)1C日常提问T: Good morning. Is today Monday?S: No.T: Or maybe Tuesday? Or Sunday?S: No.T: Oh i wish it was Sunday. Ok, what day is it today?S: Tuesday.T: great.(和9、10岁大的孩子在一起)1D

3、用英语点名T: Ok, lets check the roll. Now remember to answer, I m here.T: Giupone, Lorenzo.Lorenzo: Im here.T: Pierrotti, Jonathan.S:not here .T: what about Jonathan. Where is he? I dont know. Can you say that?S: (repeating) I dont know.T: Ok, everyones here except Jonathan. (和八九岁大的孩子在一起)1E(用英文歌曲开始上课T: M

4、orning.S: Morning.T: Ok. Can you stand up now? Please .ok, Amanda can you stand up too? Thank you. Ok, lets sing a song. But do you remember how to put your hands on your heads? Yes? Like this. (Teacher put his hands on his head.)T: Ok, do you remember this song? Ok, Head and shoulders, knees and to

5、es,(all sing together)(和八九岁大的孩子一起)1.3用英语组织教学课堂活动的过渡:Ok, now, put everything away. Were going to do something else.请求批准与表示许可:Have you finished? Everybody finished?十条课堂指令:1.Get your books and pencils out. 2. Pick your pencils up. 3. Move the tables back 4. Turn your chairs round to face the wall chart

6、. 5 Put all your things away. 6. Close the window beside you. 7. Put your pencils down. 8. Turn back to face the front. 9. Leave these tables here. 10. Leave the windows open.注意:在有副词的地方如back open 要加重读。1.4结束一节课结束一节课:1.Right, we have no time for anything else. Dont do any more. We dont have any more t

7、ime today. 2. Ok, thats all for now. 3. Ok, just one more time before going out for a short break. 4. Ok, now stop! We havent enough time to finish the monster today. So stand up. 5. Ok, just one more time and then thats it. 6. Ok, pick up all your things and put the books in the cupboard. 7. Thats

8、all for today. On Monday, therell be more. 8. Ok, children, make a line to say goodbye, following the leader. Bye-bye. 9 Ok, its break-time. So you can go out to play. But first line up quietly by the door.含有else的课堂用语:no one else, something else, anything else,anyone else.如何用英语组织教学?1. 备课时,列出每个活动要用的课

9、堂用语。2. 将歌曲或小诗作为不同课堂活动之间的过渡。3. 教会学生并鼓励他们使用英语提课堂的常规要求,如:Can I ask a question? Will you say it again? 谁这样做了都应给予表扬。4. 用挂图或海报帮助学生记忆上课的内容。1.5 幼儿与少儿英语学习者在教幼儿时,老师可以:用有趣的活动慢慢介绍所教的英语;借助手势、动作和面部表情帮助他们理解意思;让孩子重复他们熟悉的活动(如歌曲或小诗),消除拘束感;用英语重述孩子所说的母语;准备一个木偶,跟他进行英语会话。告诉孩子们它只会说英语,因此他们必须和它讲英语。如果有学生还说母语,我们可以用英语转述给木偶;利用图

10、画和照片;借助一些图片来讲故事。在教少儿时,老师除了可以适当调整上述说法,还应该:第一堂课上就用母语和学生讲清课上应该说英语的道理;教给学生一些有用的课堂用语,比如,can I use(母语)? What s .in English?等;尽量让学生在课堂学习中获得成功的体验;给学生谈谈自己的经历,比如喜好与厌恶,就像讲故事一样向学生娓娓道来。 总之,要让课堂充满乐趣。第二单元 听英语,做动作2.1 用英语发出指令起立与坐下Come in please and sit down Ok -sit down now pleaseSit down together at your tablesOk -

11、everyone -sit down-quietlyAna-sit down over there - with your friend Midori, turn round and face the front Ok, everybody, stop talking, now listen carefullyOk, please stand up, and dont make too much noiseEverybody up! Thats right!Stand still! Dont move.Stay in your places! Stay where you are.移动位置Ri

12、ght, Taro, can you come here, please?Ok, come out here to the front of the class Ok, your group, come up to the frontRight, now you, you, and youcome over here Now get into a line .Stand in a line.I want you to make tow lines, along here.Like this .one behind the other Lets seemove up a bit .good th

13、ats nice and straight!Can you make a circle? A nice round circle. Good!Not too close.a bit further apartstep bake a bit, thats better!Suresh .come forward a bit .Yes, thats it.Ok, thank you. Now go back to your places.课堂上的座位可能不是一排一排布置的,而可能将桌子排成环形或半圆形,也可能将两三张桌子排在一起,构成小组;因此教师在向学生发出就坐指令时要根据具体情况略做调整。2.2

14、 听指令,辩物品:孩子们进行“听指令,辩物品”活动,其实是在训练一项最基本的语言技能听。他们在领会英语词汇意思的同时,扩大了词汇量,并能将每个单词的发音和意思对应起来。围绕词汇学的“听指令,辩物品”活动:我们可以借助实物开展“ 听指令,辩物品”活动。这些实物包括孩子们在教室里能够看到的所有东西。如,挂图、图片、卡片等,还包括用来拼单词的彩色棒和彩色积木,还可以是教师或孩子能够带到教师的水果、饼干、糖果、小动物和其他玩具,以及孩子们用纸、橡皮泥等材料制作的手工作品。做这样的“听指令,辩物品”活动,教师首先用英语说出孩子们将要学习的物品名称。如:教师手里拿着实物说:Look, heres my b

15、ag. Now, what have I got here?Theres a book, thats my English book.And my pencil box, with my pencils in it.Look . Ill open it. Here are my pencils . Some coloured pencils. One, two, three, four pencils.接着教师再说出这些英语单词,试着让孩子用手指着或出示相应物品。请注意以下几点:老师在让孩子们向自己展示不同的物品时要变换所使用的语言;老师说话要多重复;有的句子可以唱着说出来;保持较快的节奏。

16、除了实物,我们还可以使用卡片, 让孩子举起来出示;还可以利用墙上的挂图或教室里的其他物品。当说出这些东西的英语名称时,让孩子们指出来。等孩子能熟练听懂和辨认这些物品时,再鼓励他们学者用英语说出这些物品。围绕语法学习的“听指令,辩物品”活动:“听指令,辩物品”活动除了可用来扩充学生的词汇,还可以用来让稍大些的孩子学习语法。如,学生通过辨认卡片上是一只狗还是几只狗初步领会英语里名词单复数的概念(A dog. Some dogs. It s brown. They are brown .);通过辨认不同性别的人领会英语中人称代词在性别上的使用差异。当然我们不宜过早向孩子教授语法,但可以帮助他们领会意

17、思。孩子们会在不经意中感知语法的基本概念。进行这样的活动,我们可以使用卡通任务的图片或故事书里的图片,但要主义这些画面所传递的意思一定要很清楚。了解一下学生平时最喜欢看哪些动漫,然后用这些熟悉的卡通画开展一些简单的辨认活动。2.3 听指令,做动作:全身反应 全身反应(Total physical response)是指这样一种活动:学生根据老师用英语发出的一系列指令,做出不同的肢体反应,老师说什么学生就跟着做什么。这是课堂上开始用所学语言进行交际的一种极好方法。 开展这样的活动时,教师要做的是:告诉学生要做什么;使用清晰的语音和自然的语调发出指令;用手势做或动作帮助血色很难过理解指令的意思。学

18、生要做的是:认真听指令;乐意跟着指令做动作(一起做或单个做);不必跟着说(不过他们常愿意说出来);学生完全可以听懂意思,因为在全身反应(TPR)活动中语言指令总是伴以相应的动作。下面是集中TPR活动:1、跟着做:这是TPR最基本的一种活动形势:学生听老师发出指令,边听指令,边做动作。对初学英语的孩子来说,“跟着做”是一种非常幼小的活动。孩子们在模仿中明白他们要做出什么动作,会觉得格外有趣。当他们十分熟悉这个活动时,可以轮流向其他同学发出这些指令。2、有主题的TPR:可以利用TPR进行词汇练习。如:可以通过类似的活动练习颜色词:If you are wearing something blue

19、, put your hand up . If you ve got on something green , stand on one leg .3、课堂常规TPR:TPR可作为一种维持课堂良好状态的常规活动。如孩子上课困了,我们可以用TPR让他们提起精神;当他们专注于某项活动时间太久时,TPR可以让他们少事休息。4、用TPR安排座位: 教学提示: 第一次使用TPR时,可以用母语做适当的解释,尽量发出一些简单的指令。如果学生很多,可以根据教室的大小,把他们分成几个小组(如六人一组)。在让第一组先进行TPR活动时,要求其他小组认真观看、领会他们的表演。2.4听指令,演哑剧2I身体放松(Phys

20、ical break chant)Teacher: OK, lets have a break and do a physical break chant. OK, so yeah itll be fun. So are you all ready? OK, everyone stand. Right, now, yeah everyone ready? OK, here we go. Youre a tree, grow tall. Youre a very beautiful ball. Youre a lady, in the vain.Youre a bird, youre a pla

21、ne.Youre a lion, youre a frog.Youre a monkey, youre a log.轻松一刻小诗Now, lets have a break by a chant 或 its time for a break chant.教师的语言学习2.41. Everybody-all of you! Ready?2. Just this row.3. Maria your turn.4. OK, this group now5. Anybody else? Hands up one at a time dont just shout out.6. Blue team -

22、you start. Then red, then yellow.7. OK, yellow, your turn next.8. Right, now boys and girls all together.9. Class-you are in two halves OK, this half first.10. Back row, then front row.11. Second row, then the third row.12. OK, you two, then you two, next.2J判断正误(Right or wrong)Teacher: OK, am I righ

23、t or am I wrong? Listen and remember Two claps wrong.One clap right. Now listen carefully. I know Im right. OK. Today is Monday. Am I right? (One clap)Teacher: Its sunny today. (Two claps)Teacher: Very good its not sunny its raining. OK.Teacher: This is Anna. (One clap)Teacher: This is Lea. (one cla

24、p)Teacher: Oh, oh, silly me this is Maria.Teacher: True or false? True or not true?2.5听指令,做游戏教师语言学习 2.5用语判断正误活动的指令语If its true, clap once like this.If Im not right, nod your head, like this.If Im not right, shout out yes.If Im not right, put one hand up.If it is not true, clap twice-two claps.If Im

25、not right, shake your hand, like this.If Im wrong, shout out no.If Im wrong, put both hands up, two hands up.第三单元3.1听英语,涂颜色1听英语,涂颜色的教师语言(3A)Today we are going todo some colouringdo some drawingdo some paintingdo some stickingLook, like thisLook at what we are going to make.Next, we are going tomake

26、a monsterHeres one Class 3 made.Look, heres a picture for you to colour.Over the next few lessons we are going toMake an Easter Card.Colour some animals.Make a farm.Make a circus picture.Heres a sticker sheet for you to share-one between two.We will start like thisYou can all choose a different anim

27、al.Lets do some together as a class first, so you will see What I mean. What it might be like.What to do.How to do it.2. 寻求助手和分发物品的课堂用语:I need two helpers, please.So, can you give out these pictures? One each.Whod like to help? You three? Fine.Can you pass round these sheets of paper? So everyone ha

28、s one?xx, can you help me?Can you give out the cards? Three for each table.xx and xx-you can help me.Hand these back down your rows.Can you find the boxes of crayons and give them out?Can you collect in the cards?Thanks.3.2 听英语,画图画1. 开展“听英语,画图画”活动(3B)Example:T: Are you ready to draw? So listen. On t

29、he left, the left side, draw a big tree! Ok, shall we go on?T: At the top of the tree, draw two small birds, two small birds. Good.T: Under the tree, on the right, but very near the tree, is the cat. What do you think the cat wants to do?T: Right. Youve got a tree, two birds and a cat. Right. Now, o

30、n the right of the picture, draw a bus stop. Ok, everybody got a bus stop now. Ok, so now draw yourself. You could be near the cat or you could be in the tree. Its up to you.T: Now, I want you to write your name in the corner of your picture. Well done, everyone.注意:学生画完后让他们比较一下各自的图画,然后让他们给图画着色。学生着色的时候,老师可以在教师里走,用英语与他们交谈。2.“谁想试一试”例句:Who wants to start? Hands up!Whose go is it?Whose turn is it to do?One more go. Who wants the last go?Who has still not had a turn?Who still wants a go?xxx again? But youve just had a go.3.3 听英语,做手工1制作贺卡Jane老师正在组织一群七、八岁大的孩

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