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1、大学生英语竞赛NECCSC类非英语专业初赛真题本科生大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)C类非英语专业初赛真题2019年(本科生)Part Listening ComprehensionSection AIn this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, one question will be asked, and you will have fifteen seconds to read

2、the four choices marked A, B, C and D, decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. 1.A.The more one rests, the better one performs duties. B.A good rest makes ones brain more creative. C.Drinking a cup of coffee is al

3、so a good way to rest. D.Working without rest is harmful to health.B 听力原文W: Scientists say rest is one of the most important things a human brain needs. Do you know you will have more creative ideas if you are well-rested?M: To be honest I hardly have any good ideas. I drink a lot of coffee and can

4、manage to finish my work, butI dont have any creative ideas.W: Maybe thats because your brain is overloaded. What do scientists say about rest?解析 女士说,根据科学家所说,休息是人类大脑需要的最重要的事情之一,问男士在休息好时,是 否具有更多的创意,也就是,科学家说,充分的休息使大脑更有创意。故选B。2.A.She reported the problem to her boss. B.She negotiated with Tim for a sol

5、ution. C.She kept a record of her contribution. D.She asked her colleague to help her.C 听力原文M: Ive had it with Tim! I think Im going to quit! Hes all nice and friendly to my face. But the second Iturn around he stabs me in the back!W: You know I had a worker like that once. She was always taking cre

6、dit for my ideas. After a while Ilearned to document my work very clearly so the boss knew 100% that this was my work.M: Yeah! Thats a good idea. I should keep a better record of my correspondence with the clients, so if necessary I can prove it was my effort.How did the woman cope with the problem

7、she met?解析 女士说,遇到这种情况后,她学会了把工作记录得非常清楚,所以老板百分百地知道这都是她 做的工作。也就是女士通过记录自己的付出,来解决像男士遇到的这种问题。故选C。3.A.Tones and characters. B.Reading and writing. C.Grammar and vocabulary. D.Idioms and culture.A 听力原文M: Well, I started learning Chinese a long time ago. First I learned a little bit when I was in college. Bu

8、t Iprobably picked up most of it when I was overseas in Beijing. W: Did you meet any difficulties in your learning?M: Two of the most challenging things when you study Chinese are the tones and the characters. I think thats just extremely difficult. And it was frustrating to be teaching.teaching kin

9、dergarten students and realizing that their reading was much better than mine.What arc the most challenging things for the man in learning Chinese?解析 男士说,学习汉语最有挑战性的两个方面是声调和汉字。故选A。4.A.He is interested in reading its war stories.B.He learns about the heroic deeds of ancient warriors. C.He applies its

10、strategies to basketball matches.D.He tells its war stories to the basketballers he coaches.C 听力原文W: Hey, do a lot of people in America know about The Art of War?M: Not many. They say the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers has a copy of The Art of War and he teaches his p layers some of its strate

11、gies. Miss Yang, you know who the Lakers are, right?W: Of course, I know the Lakers, its a great team.How does the head coach of Lakers use The Art of War according to the man?解析 男士说,洛杉矶湖人队的主教练有一份孙子兵法的副本,他运用一些书中的策略来训练球 员。故选C。5. A.It s punctual but a bit scary.B.Its the best means of transportation.

12、C.Its a nightmare during rush hours. D.Its not bad but too crowded.D 听力原文W: Traffic in New York can be a nightmare during rush hours. Its bumper-to-bumper everywhere in the city.M: Doesnt the subway service get really backed up too? Ive heard therere lots of delays. W: Yeah, the subway can run late

13、sometimes too, but its still more dependable than the bus.M: Yeah, the subway is probably a good idea, but I hate being squeezed into those smelly coaches with allthose strangers.How is the subway service in New York according to the man?解析 男士说,坐地铁也许是个不错的选择,但不喜欢和那些陌生人挤在臭烘烘的车厢里。也就是 说,纽约的地铁是个不错的选择但是拥挤

14、。故选D。Section BIn this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and mark your answers on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.Conve

15、rsation OneListen to the conversation, mark each statement as either true(T) or false(F) according to what you hear. 1. The woman wanted to know why Robert was applying for a year off during his university life.F 听力原文W: Robert. I notice from your application form that you took a year off between hig

16、h school and university. What did you do during this year?M: Well, Id say I got p lenty of work exp erience, but what I did was mostly travel. I went over to Australia for the year and sp ent the time travelling and working all around the country. At the end I went to New Zealand and travelled aroun

17、d there for a coup le of months.W: What kind of work did you do out there?M: It was fairly menial stuff. I delivered furniture, helped in a pub, served in a hotel and worked on a building site, and things like that.W: Working on a building site must be some good experience for engineering?M: I suppo

18、se so. I mean it was interesting to see the brass tacks side of things, and a good engineer has to get his hands dirty, my father says.W: Hes absolutely right. Now, why did you choose Westley University to study Civil Engineering?M: Well, first of all I know the department has a very good reputation

19、 in this field and, before app lying, Ichecked out the statistics and saw that the p ercentage of graduates going straight into industry was very good. W: Yes, were very proud of that.M: Im also very interested in mountaineering and your campus here in the Midlands is within reasonable distance of S

20、nowdonia so Ill be able to go hiking at weekends when work allows it.W: Thats good. Its very important for students to have interests outside of their studies. It helps deal with the stress.M: I also play football a lot, and the University runs quite a few teams in the local leagues, so Id like to g

21、etinto that.W: Is there anything youd like to ask me about the course, Robert?解析 女士对罗伯特说,从他的申请表中注意到,他在高中和大学之间休学一年,问他这一年做了什么。表述不符合原文,故为F。2. Robert got plenty of work experience in Australia and he also travelled a lot in Australia and NewZealand. T解析 罗伯特说,他有丰富的工作经验,但所做的主要是旅行。他花了很多时间在澳大利亚旅行和工作。最后还去了新西

22、兰并在那里旅行了几个月。表述符合原文,故为T。3. Robert enjoyed working on a building site because he wanted to be a good engineer. T解析 罗伯特说,看清事物实质的一面是有趣的,他父亲说,一名优秀的工程师必须弄脏他的双手。也就是说罗伯特喜欢建筑工地上的工作,因其想成为一名优秀的工程师。表述符合原文,故为T。4. The reasons why Robert chose to study in Westley University were its good reputation in CivilEnginee

23、ring and the good future of its graduates. T解析 罗伯特说,在土木工程领域,韦斯特利大学这个专业有很好的声誉,他查看数据发现该校毕业生直接进入行业的比例非常高。表述符合原文,故为T。5. Robert wanted to learn mountaineering so he could go hiking sometimes. F解析 罗伯特说,他对登山也非常感兴趣,并且中部的校园距离斯诺登尼亚距离不太远,所以他可以在工作允许的情况下在周末去远足。表述不符合原文,故为F。Conversation TwoListen to the conversati

24、on. Then read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer according to what you hear. 1. How many scientists did the man cite as examples to illustrate his point? A.3. B.4. C.134. D.135.A 听力原文W: Can you tell us about what happens when geniuses relax?M: Without doubt, g

25、reat scientists dont always make their discoveries in the lab. Archimedess famousEureka moment came while he was having a bath. Physicist Richard Feynman saw a plate flying through the air in a college cafeteria, and was insp ired to calculate electron orbits. He later won the Nobel Prize. And Alexa

26、nder Fleming was making mould for his hobby, microbe painting, when he accidentally develop ed p enicillin.W: So what does this tell us?M: Well, were looking into the psychology of high achievers. A recent study by Robert Root-Bernstein comp ared the hobbies of 134 Nobel Prize winning chemists with

27、those of other scientists. He found that most Nobel Prize winners acquired their accomplishments outside the lab. Over half were artistic and almost allhad a long-lasting hobby: chess or insect collecting. Twenty-five percent of the Nobel Prize winners played a musical instrument and 18 percent drew

28、 or painted regularly. Of the common scientists, under one percent had a hobby.W: Fascinating. So should we conclude then, that only a creative person can be a genius?M: Well, I think thats debatable. Perhaps its true up to a point, but I dont think its as clear-cut as that. What we do know is that

29、to a certain extent, creative thinking can help people to solve problems, even scientific ones. If youre thinking about a problem all the time, often the answer eludes you. But it may come in an inspiration when youre least expecting itperhaps when youre asleep, or thinking about other things, doing

30、 a hobby, for example. Its not 100 percent certain, but it seems that the mind has the ability to make connections from one part of your life to another, so that actually stepping back from a problem can often provide the answer. And peop le whore good at making these connections, people who p ursue

31、 creative hobbies and interests, often excel in their particular fields.解析 男士分别列举了阿基米德、理查德费曼以及亚历山大弗莱明三位科学家的例子。故选A。2. What was Archimedes doing when he got his inspiration? A.He was doing research in the lab. B.He was resting in a cafeteria. C.He was having a bath at home.D.He was making mould for pa

32、inting.C解析 男士说,阿基米德著名的“尤里卡”灵感是在他洗澡的时候想到的。故选C。3. How did Robert Root-Bemstein conduct his study? A.He collected data from many high achievers in science. B.He did a psychology test among 134 famous scientists.C.He compared the hobbies of Nobel Prize winning chemists with those of other scientists.D.He made a detailed analysis of the hobbies of 13

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