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1、八下动词词组总结一. Go型1. go off 2. go on3. go out4. go over5. go through6. go through二. Set 型1. set off2. set out3. set up 三. Put 型1. put away2. put down3. put off4. put out5. put on6. put up四. Give 型1. give away2. give in3. give off4. give out5. give up6. give sb. a lift五. Look 型1. look after2. look ahead

2、3. look into4. look through5. look up6. look over六. Take 型1. take off2. take out of3. take place4. take up5. take in七. Come 型1. come along2. come by 3. come out4. come true5. come up with6. come across7. come over8. come on八. Turn 型1. turn on2. turn off3. turn up4. turn down5. turn out6. turn over九.

3、 Get 型1. get along2. get on3. get out4. get over5. get ready to6. get used to7. get up注:例句来源:朗文词典柯林斯词典2018初中英语学业词汇手册一. Go型1.go off离开,走尤指为了做某事John decided to go off on his own. +toGeoff went off to play golf. 爆炸;开火The bomb went off at 6:30 this morning.Fireworks were going off all over the city.The g

4、un went off and the bullet went flying over his head.枪响了,子弹从他头上飞过。发出响声The thieves ran away when the alarm went off.Ive set the alarm clock to go off at 7 am.机器或设备停止运转The central heating goes off at 9 oclock.中央供暖系统9点钟停开。Suddenly, all the lights went off.2.go on发生,进行I dont know whats going on.我不知道发生了什

5、么事情。接着做某事,进而做She went on to become a successful surgeon.她后来成了一名成功的外科医生。Go on to the next question when youve finished.做完后接着做下一道题。4继续讲话,接着说Go on, Im listening.After a short pause Maria went on with her story.玛丽亚停顿了一会儿,又接着讲她的故事。开始运转,机器或设备开始运转The heat goes on automatically at 6 oclock.6点开始自动供暖。时间过去As t

6、ime went on, I grew fond of him.随着时间的推移,我慢慢开始喜欢他了。3.go out出去尤指为了娱乐Are you going out tonight?火/灯 熄灭Suddenly the candle went out.不再流行;不再使用Hats like that went out years ago.This kind of entertainmentwent out with the ark(=is very old-fashioned) .这种娱乐老掉牙了。4.go over仔细考虑某事I had gone over and over what hap

7、pened in my mind.发生的这一切,我在心里想了又想。仔细审查检查某物In the competition, the judge goes over each dog and assesses it.比赛中,评委仔细检查每一条狗,给它们评分。5go through经受某事,经历某事指困境、痛苦等When youre going through a crisis, it often helps to talk to someone.遇到危机的时候,找个人说说往往很有帮助。Hes going through a divorce at the moment.目前他正经历离婚的变故。用完钱

8、财或供应品We went through five pints of milk last week.我们上个星期用了五品脱牛奶.仔细检查(寻找)I went through the whole house looking for my purse.6. go away离开Were going away this weekend and well be back on Sunday evening.Ive tried to move the train in the carpet but it wont go away.二. Set型1.set off出发,启程,动身Ill set off ea

9、rly to avoid the traffic. +forJerry and I set off on foot for the beach.触响警报系统Smoke from a cigarette will not normally set off a smoke alarm.香烟的烟雾一般不会触发烟雾警报器。引爆Any movement could have set off the bomb.任何动静都可能引爆这颗炸弹。2.set out动身踏上漫长的旅途+forKate set out for the house on the other side of the bay.凯特动身前往位

10、于海湾另一边的房子。set out on a journey/drive etc为达到某个结果而开始做某事,着手进行set out with the idea/purpose/intention etc of doing sthThey set out with the aim of becoming the number one team in the league.他们一心想成为联盟中最强的球队。3.set up to start a company, organization, committee etc建立,成立,创立公司、机构、委员会等Mr. Smith set up a shop

11、with very little money when he was young.三. Put型1.putsb/sthaway把某物收拾起来放回原处He put his toys away every night.2.put down把搁在某个表面;放下Put those heavy bags down for a minute.写下,记下尤指姓名或数字同write downPut down your name and address.镇压革命/起义/叛乱等The uprising(起义) was put down by the police and the army. 3.put off推迟

12、Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.4. put out熄灭Firemen tried to free the injured and put out the blaze. 消防员们竭力救出伤者,扑灭大火。关闭 (电灯等)He crossed to the nightstand and put out the light. 他走到床头柜边,把灯关掉。5. put on穿戴; 涂抹 (化妆品)She put on her coat and went out. (戏剧等)上演The band is hoping to put on a

13、 show before the end of the year. 增加 (体重) I can eat what I want but I never put on weight. 6. put up张贴You are not allowed to put up advertisements on this wall without special permission.建造Put up a tent/wall/building留宿I wanted to know if she could put me up for a few days. 我想知道她能否让我留宿几天。四. Give型1. g

14、ive away分送,送掉不需要的东西I gave most of my books away when I left college. 赠送,赠给We have 1,000 CDs to give away to our readers.露马脚,暴露Sue tried to smile, but her voice gave her away. 泄露秘密He gave away as little information as possible. 他尽可能不透露信息。2. give in屈服,让步Eventually I gave in and accepted the job on the

15、ir terms. The government refused to give in to their demands.认输;投降We will carry on fighting to the end. We will never give in. 我们将战斗到底,决不认输。呈交,交上作业或文字材料You were supposed to give this work in four days ago. 3. give off发出气味、光、热、声音等The wood gave off a sweet, perfumed smell as it burned. 木头燃烧时散发出甜的香味4.

16、give out分发某物Can you give the drinks out, please? 人体某一部分不能正常工作,筋疲力尽Just as I approached the town, my legs finally gave out. 就在我快到镇上时,双腿终于挪不动了。耗尽,用光My money was beginning to give out and there were no jobs to be found. After two hours her patience gave out. 发出光、热或信号A gas lamp gave out a pale yellowish

17、 light. 煤气灯发出昏黄的光。5. give up放弃I give uptell me the answer.6. give sb a lift梢一程John gave me a lift home.五. look型1. look after照顾,照料Dont worry. Ill look after the kids tomorrow. 不用担心,明天我来照看孩子。负责处理Im leaving you here to look after the business until I get back. 在我回来之前,我让你来料理生意。 2. look ahead向前看,计划未来,考虑将

18、来3. look into 调查问题、罪行等Police are looking into the disappearance of two children. 警察正在调查两个孩子失踪的事。4. look through 浏览,搜寻Ive looked through all my papers but I still cant find the letter.5. look up在书、计算机等中查找,查阅Look the word up in your dictionary. 。Ill just look up the train times. look up to sb 钦佩;尊敬Ive

19、 always looked up to Bill for his courage and determination. 我一向佩服比尔的勇气和决心。抬头看When I looked up, he had gone.6. look over迅速地检查查看Do you have a few minutes to look these samples over? 你能抽几分钟时间看一下这些样品吗?六. Take 型1. take off脱下起飞Please hurry. The plane will take off in two hours.(突然且出乎意料)离开He took off at o

20、nce and headed back to the motel. 他出人意料地立刻就离开了,然后回到了那家汽车旅馆。2. take out of从中取出Please take the children out of this roomthe noise is making my head ache.3. take place 发生The next meeting will take place on Tuesday.4. take up占用 (时间、空间或精力)I dont want to take up too much of your time.从事,对感兴趣She recently t

21、ook up golf.5. take in欺骗I was taken in by her beauty.收留吸收七. Come型1. come along进步; 进展Hows Martin coming along with his English?出现When the right opportunity comes along, shell take it.2. come by(难于)得到某物Jobs are hard to come by these days.3. come out出版,发表The magazine comes out once a month.(太阳,星星,月亮)出来

22、开花(照片)洗出(清晰等)The pictures came out well.4. come true(希望等的)实现;达到The dream comes true.5. come up with提出;想出(主意、回答等)He came up with a good idea to solve the problem.6. come across(偶然地)碰到;想到:Perhaps I shall come across him in France.(无意中)发现;出现:I came across this book in an old bookstore in London.7. come

23、 over过来,(从远处)来到;横过;越过:When did you first come over to China?来访:If you have nothing to do this evening, come over and have dinner with us.8. come on口语快,赶快;来吧,来呀:Sing us just one song, Margaret, come on!就唱一首歌,玛格丽特,来吧! 口语别胡扯:Oh, come on, you cant expect me to believe that!好了,别胡扯了,你反正别指望我会相信这件事。八. Turn型

24、1. turn on 打开2. turn off 关闭3. turn up (意外地或终于) 出现They finally turned up at nearly midnight. 调高 (音量或热度)Can you turn up the TV?4. turn down拒绝I thanked him for the offer but turned it down.调低 (音量或热度)He kept turning the central heating down. 他不断地调低中央暖气系统的温度。5. turn out 结果为 If I had known my life was goi

25、ng to turn out like this, I would have let them kill me. 如果我知道我的一生会是这样的结果,我早就该让他们杀了我。6. turn over翻转 Liz picked up the blue envelope and turned it over curiously. 莉兹捡起那个蓝色的信封,好奇地把它翻过来。仔细考虑Even when she didnt say anything you could see her turning things over in her mind. 即使在她什么也不说时,你也能看得出她脑子里在考虑事情。九.

26、 Get型1. get along( with)相处融洽;If you two are going to share a room, youd better learn how to get along.进展Hows your son getting along at University?2. get on上(车、船等)The bus stopped and I got on.友好相处 Do you get on well with your parents?取得进展Hes new here, but he seems to be getting on fine.继续Get on with

27、your homework. 3. get out逃离; How on earth did the dog manage to get out?帮(某人)逃避Can you help me get out of the meeting tomorrow?4. get over从(疾病或者失望中)恢复过来;She still hasnt got over the shock of her mothers death完成(必须做的难事)If you want to watch TV, get your lesson over first.5. get ready (to)准备好做(某事)I hav

28、e got ready to make a cake.I need about half an hour to get ready, so ill see you at six.6. get used to习惯于I do the dishes every day, so I get used to itI didnt think I could ever get used to living in a big city after living in the country.7. get up起床;What time do you usually get up in the morning?使起床Can you go and get the children up?

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