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1、合工大研究生英语词汇vocabulary1256讲解Unit 1A1. About thirty years ago, scientists came up with the theory that protons and neutrons are composed of three smaller particles. put forward1,大约三十年前,科学家提出了理论:质子和中子都是由三个更小的粒子组成的。想出了2. The chances are that they will be coming to your party, so youd better get more food

2、 and drinks prepared. It is likely that2,他们很可能会来参加你的派对,所以你最好准备更多的食物和饮料。机会是3. Rachel Carson spent the evening cracking jokes, but most of them fell flat because no one understood them. failed3,雷切尔卡森讲了一晚上笑话,但大多反应平平,因为没人听得懂。倒扁4. The George Cross is a decoration that is bestowed upon to British civilian

3、s for acts of great bravery. presented4,乔治十字勋章是一个授予给有着巨大勇敢行为的英国平民的奖章。在赋予5. The chief of the state police said the report about his human rights abuses was a package of downright lies. out-and-out5,国家警察局长说,关于他侵犯人权的报告是一系列不折不扣的谎言。彻头彻尾6. I dont think youre incapable of accomplishing this task; if you pu

4、t your mind to it. you can do it. direct all your thoughts and attention6,我不认为你无法完成这一任务;如果你全神贯注,你能行。把你的心7. The citizens are so appalled by te enormity of the crime that they want the criminal brought to justice as quickly as possible. horrified7,公民对犯罪的严重性十分惊骇,他们希望罪犯尽快归案。慑8. After deliberating for se

5、ven hours, the jury reached a majority verdict of 10 to 3 in favor of the defendant. decision8,审议了七个小时后,陪审团达到了有利于被告人的10比3的多数决定。判决书9. When faced with a huge crowd of people in the hall, she looked embarrassed for a moment, then quickly regained her poise. self-confidence and self-control9,当在大厅里面对一大群人

6、时,她一下子显得有些尴尬,然后迅速恢复了镇静。平衡10. Anna was amazed when one evening her next-door neighbor Gianni blurted out that he loved her deeply. said suddenly10,安娜惊讶,当有一天晚上她的隔壁邻居詹尼突然说,他深深地爱着她。脱口而出B1. Believe it or not, Peter has emerged from being a hesitant and unsure candidate into a firm and fluent debater. ina

7、rticulate1,信不信由你。彼得已经出现从一个犹豫和不自信的候选人变成一个坚定和流利的辩论家。口齿不清2. Miss Bingley asked us all what we thought of her new hairstyle, but she was really only trying to get compliments. insults2,彬格莱小姐问我们大家对她的新发型的所有想法,但她实际上只是为了得到赞美。侮辱3. Chris is very apt at programming a computer, so he is the person qualified for

8、 the job. inept3,克里斯非常善于给计算机编程,所以他是能够胜任这项工作的人。无能4. “Come to my office when you finish your work. I want to have a word with you. she said coldly. glowingly4,“当你完成你的工作时来我的办公室。我想和你谈谈。“她冷冷地说。畅谈5. Luckily. Sue is very efficient and does an excellent job as the directors personal assistant. execrable5,幸运

9、的是。苏非常有效率,作为导演的个人助理,他做了一个出色的工作。该咒骂的6. We dont want to diminish your achievement, but you seem to have passed your exam without doing much work for it. enhance6,我们不打算削弱你的成就,但你似乎没花多少工夫就通过了你的考试吧。提高7. The military government put tanks on the streets to discourage any protest against the arrest of the we

10、ll-known political dissident. invite7,军政府把坦克开到街道上来阻止对著名反政府者的逮捕的任何抗议。邀请8. She entered the room with a broad smile and announced that she had some good news for us. sickly8,她挂着一个灿烂的笑容进了房间,并宣布她为我们带来好消息。体弱多病9. Bob has been learning driving for over a year, but unfortunately he is still very clumsy behin

11、d the wheel of the jeep. adroit9,鲍伯学习驾驶一年多了,但不幸的是,他在吉普车的方向盘后面时还是很笨拙。机巧10. When I was doing my job in the office, a drunk man walked in, disgusting in his appearance and odor. charming10,当我在办公室里做我的工作时,一个喝醉了的男人走了进来,他的外表和气味恶心。迷人C1. According to Alvin Toffler. the present lifetime is quite different fro

12、m all others because of the stunning expansion of the scale and scope of change. 1,根据托夫勒,目前使用寿命有所不同是因为变化的规模和范围的令人惊叹的扩大。A. stunning B. vibrating C. entertaining D. emittingA.令人惊讶的B.振动C.娱乐D.发光2. The retired pop star denied rumors that he was planning to stage a comeback later this year.2,退休流行歌星否认他计划在今

13、年晚些时候卷土重来的传闻。A. rescue B. recovery C. comeback D. reservationA.救援B.恢复C.复出D.预订3. At the meeting, the chairperson overlooked his rudeness and tried to pretend nothing had happened.3,在这次会议上,主席忽视他的无礼,并试图装作若无其事。A. uttered B. risked C. overlooked D. cultivatedA.一声B.冒着C.忽视D.培养4. Frank had never expected th

14、ose few items would come to 2.000 dollars.4,弗兰克万万没想到那几个东西共计2.000美元。A. come through B. come to C. come out D. come aroundA.来B.共计C.出来D.来到我身边5. Yesterday Tom cut his finger, but he brushed it off as unimportant and kept working.5,昨天汤姆割破了手指,但他若无其事地把它拂去,继续工作。A. brushed . off B. brushed . down C. brushed

15、. up D. brushed . byA.刷.关闭B.刷.行C.刷.高达D.刷.通过6. My friends marriage didnt come off; her fiance broke off the engagement at the last minute.6,我的朋友的婚姻没有成功;她的未婚夫在最后一分钟取消订婚。A. get off B. take off C. come off D. leave offA.下车B.起飞C.成功D.离开7. Though my brother had been away for over 15 years, he could still p

16、ick out different places in the city from the airplane.7,虽然我的哥哥已经离开了15年,他仍然可以从飞机上辨认出城市的不同的地方。A. pick off B. pick up C. pick over D. pick outA.摘下B.拿起C.挑完了D.辨认出8. Gloria loved her husband so much that she began to fall apart after he was killed in a car accident.8,凯莱爱她的丈夫,以至于他在一场车祸中丧生后,她开始崩溃了。A. fall

17、apart B. fall back C. fall out D. fall behindA.崩溃B.回落C.掉下来D.落后9. To everybodys surprise, the woman candidate from a small party topped the poll in the first round of voting.9,让所有人惊讶的是,那个来着一个小党的女候选人在第一轮民意测验投票得了第一。A. eclipsed B. outshined C. topped D. deprivedA.黯然失色B.放光C.居首D.剥夺10. It is reported that

18、several houses were carried away when the swollen river suddenly changed its course yesterday.10,据报道,当昨天暴涨的河流突然改变河道时一些房屋被冲走了。A. carried away B. carried out C. carried through D. carried overA.冲走B.开展C.通过执行D.结转Unit 2A1. Given the hostile setting, the employer needs to pamper the workers well with a ra

19、nge of leisure facilities, including tennis courts and gymnasium. treat1,由于对手的设定,雇主需要提供一系列的包括网球场和健身房的休闲设施来善待工人。宠2. I believe that many ordinary people in my country have become more worldly, knowing, perspicacious and cynical. perceptive2,我相信很多普通百姓在我的国家已经变得更加世俗,博学,聪明和现实。睿3. Few companies offer money

20、 purely as a philanthropic gesture - they are usually after something in return. charitable3,很少有公司纯粹为慈善姿态提供资金,他们期待有所回报。慈善4. Unfortunately, there is precious little evidence that the government is going to take special measures to help the homeless refugees. very4,不幸的是,有很少证据表明,政府将采取特别措施来帮助无家可归的难民。珍贵5

21、. Frankly speaking. I really cant understand how a man of so little personal charisma came to be Prime Minister. appeal5,老实说,我真的不明白,这么少个人魅力的男人怎么能成为总理。魅力6. Marys friends took advantage of her largess. and stayed in her home for months on end without paying her anything. generosity6,玛丽的朋友依仗着她的慷慨,住在她家几

22、个月却最终什么没有给她。赏赐7. The careful structuring and scrupulous methodology of his vernacular works on the development of spiritual life betoken a rigorous academic training. indicate7,他在精神生活发展的本国工作的认真的结构和严谨的方法显示出了严格的学术训练。预示8. Considering the way TV screens have been awash with wistful trendy youth programm

23、es, the popularity of such a brazenly tacky show isnt surprising. tawdry8,考虑到这样的电视屏幕一直充斥着愁闷的时尚青年的节目,这种公然展示俗气的流行也就不足为奇了。俗气的9. “Harry is my name,” replied the boy grudgingly, in a voice that cracked a little with distrust. reluctantly9,“哈利是我的名字,”男孩用着显着有些不情愿的声音勉强地回答道。勉强10. One neighborhood policeman wa

24、s known among many members of the public for his proclivity towards dispensing parking tickets. tendency10,一个街警由于他开停车罚单的倾向而被众所周知。癖性B1. The judges who sat in Elmers case agreed that they must not disobey the decision of the legislature reported in the statute of wills. observe1,处理埃尔默的案件的法官们一致认为,他们不能违

25、抗立法机关提出的遗嘱法的决定。守2. The people who will be on the committee are intelligent, cultured, competent, upright and trustworthy. wicked2,当选委员的人选应该要聪明、文雅、能干、正直和可靠。邪恶3. Humility enables us to be wise about ourselves and to learn to resist our weakness more firmly. egoism3,谦卑使我们能够明智了解自己,并使我们学会更坚决地抵制我们的弱点。利己主义

26、4. When the recession resulting from falling prices hit the oil industry a few years later, the company was able to “shake out” the workforce with ease. discomfort4,当价格下跌导致经济衰退打击石油行业几年后,该公司才得轻松地“逐出”劳动力。不适5. In many bookshops there is a scarcity of the specialist knowledge that can advise and guide p

27、urchasers. abundance5,在许多书店,提供咨询和指导购买者的专业知识稀缺。丰富6. A glimmer of lightning lit the window again, and the thunder could be heard, distant and muted. imminent6,一丝闪电再次照亮了窗口,雷声可闻,遥远而柔和。即将来临7. If you are feeling proud of a quality improvement project in which you have been involved, you should enter for t

28、he award competition. ashamed7,如果你对你参加的质量改进项目感到骄傲,你应该加入该奖项的角逐。羞愧8. The boy wished his parents had a more permissive attitude towards smoking and drinking. puritan8,男孩希望他的父母对吸烟和饮酒持有一种更加宽容的态度。清教徒9. I failed it more or less deliberately simply because I didnt want to be moulded into the kind of life th

29、ey had mapped out for me. spontaneously9,我或多或少故意失败,只是因为我不想陷入他们已经为我定制的那种生活。自发10. Relief has been refused on the ground that the applicant has in the past behaved badly in dealings with the respondent and so is undeserving of assistance. worthy10,由于申请人在过去有着不好的交易的表现的原因,申请已经被拒绝,所以不值得援助。配称C1. The two men

30、 spent much of the time at the reunion, reminiscing about the war, as old soldiers are wont to do.1,两个人因为回忆战争而在聚会上花了很多的时间,老战士是不会这么做的。A.gracious B. wont C. practical D. accustomedA.高尚B.不会C.实践D.习惯2. The protest went ahead despite government assurances that they would press for reciprocity with the nei

31、ghboring country in the issuing of visas.2,抗议仍旧继续,尽管政府保证,他们在与邻国签订签证时将反复督促互惠。 B. payoff C. intimacy D. reciprocityA.炫耀B.收益C.亲密D.互惠3. Im not buying the factory because Im a(n) altruist; I expect it to be making me a lot of money in a few years time.3,我不买工厂了,因为我是一个利他主义者,我希望它可以在几年的时间给我挣很多钱。A.a

32、ltruist B. egoist C. ironist D. donorA.利他主义者B.利己主义C.讽刺家D.捐助4. His eyes glinted and you could see the greed coming out in him as he sang the praises of the run-down car he was trying to sell.4,他的眼睛闪闪发光,你可以看到他的贪婪出来,因为他给他要卖的那辆破车大唱赞歌。A.turning over B. breaking through C. coming out D. figuring outA.转过来C.出来D.出来B.打破5. At face value they seem to contradict certain widely held

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