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译林版3AUnit8 Happy New Year教案.docx

1、译林版3AUnit8 Happy New Year教案课题课时Unit8 Happy New Year! (1)主备人参备人教学目标1.能初步会听、说、读并拼写单词:a doll, a ball, a CD, a car, a robot。2.能初步听懂、会读、会运用句型:Whats this/that?,并会用Its a 来回答。3.能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用句型This is for you./Its for you.来相互赠与礼物。4.学会新年节日祝福,礼貌用语。会表达谢意:Thank you.5.明白中西方新年文化差异。教学重点1.能初步会听、说、读并拼写单词: a robot2.

2、能初步听懂、会读、会运用句型:Whats this/that?,并会用Its a 来回答。3.能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用句型This is for you./Its for you.来相互赠与礼物。教学难点1.能初步听懂、会读、会运用句型:Whats this/that?,并会用Its a 来回答。2.能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用句型This is for you./Its for you.来相互赠与礼物。教学准备挂图,卡片,PPT等。教 学 过 程个人二次备课(手写)Step1:Greeting.1.课前准备:Sing songs and say rhymes.“Are you Mik

3、e?” “Nice clothes” “Row, row, row your boat”让学生自己说说学过小诗和歌曲,让学生逐渐进入学习英语的气氛中提示学生说小诗Lets learn。T: Do you like English?Ss: Yes, I do.T: Lets learn English Now.2.Greeting.Step2:Presentation.1.Brain storm(脑筋急转弯)a. What letter is an animal(动物)? B(bee)b. What letter is a question? Y(why为什么)c. Why are the le

4、tter G and letter S in“gloves”close(亲密) to each other(互相,彼此)? Becausethere is love between them !2.绕口令。a. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream! 我叫喊,你叫喊,我们都喊着要冰淇淋!b. Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头吗?3.引入课题:T:Lets have are rest, enjoy a song, please. Guess the na

5、me.Happy New Year!让学生通过猜歌名直接引出课题。T:We know Chinese New year is coming soon. Lets learn Unit 8 Happy New Year!.教师出示课题:Unit 8 Happy New Year!全班读课题。4.教授单词a doll ,a CD, a car,a ball。T: On New Year Day, what can we get from our relatives?(教师解释)Ss: Red packet(学生一年级学过),gifts(提醒学生复数).T: Yes. We can get red

6、packets and gifts.I have some gifts here. Can you read them?PPT出示:a flower, a chocolate, a red packeta doll ,a CD, a car(有学生会说toy car),a ball.说到ball的时候,T(教师出示足球):Boys and girls, look. I have a ball. Its a Ss: Its a football.(一年级学过)T:Can you play football?S: Yes, I can./No, I cant.出示书本四个单词和图片:a doll

7、,a CD, a car,a ball,学生拼读。T:Whats this?S: Its a 5.教授句型:This is for you.当学生说得好的时候,教师给与贴纸奖励。当教师给奖励的时候,说Here you are.,提示学生回答Thank you.PPT: Here you are. Thank you.让学生先复习学过的内容,再引出下面的教学内容T:I also can say This is for you.出示句子:This is for you.教读句子:教师领读,学生跟读。T:You can answer me Thank you!.示范练习:This is for yo

8、u.Thank you.6.Story time 教学a. Story time 理解T:We know Chinese New Year is coming soon.Helen and Mike are ready for new year.Who gives Helen and Mike gifts? Lets enjoy the story now.看卡通片教学:Uncle John这两个单词都学过,所以学生比较好掌握。Helens gift: a dollMikes gift: a ballTims gift: a robot教授单词:robot分图理解:Task 1 :How to

9、 greet on New Years Day?Happy New Year!If someone says it to you, you should be polite. You can say Happy New year to him.Task 2 :When you give the gifts ,you should say:This is for you./Its for you.Task 3: When you dont know the things name, you can ask:Whats this/that? Answer: Its a 讲解this和that的区别

10、:this 说话内容离说话人近that说话内容离说话人远示范:This is XX. That is XX.b. Read Story time.(1)注意语音语调,播放录音,学生跟读(2)角色扮演Step3:Consolidation.1.Fun time.复习Whats this/that?Its a This is for you./Its for you.Thank you.a.活动:教师出示布袋:装有上述的一些东西和其他学过的可以作为礼物的物品。全班问,让一个同学摸,答对的可以得到奖励。b. Take out a paper,try to draw pictures on the p

11、aper. Guess Whats this/that?.2.课外知识拓展。中西方新年差异:Western countries New YearDay : the first of January. The children can get gifts.Chinese New Year: Spring Festival. It always comes in February. The children can get red packet.Open the gifts:Western countries: You should open the gifts at once. And you

12、should praise .China: Its not polite to open the gifts at once.The same: You should say Thank you.作业设计:1.Copy the new words 4 times.2.Recite Story time after class.3.Try to make a gift as a New Year present, give it to your father and mother.板书设计: Unit 8 Happy New Year!Whats this? Its a a doll a bal

13、l a carWhats that? a CD a robotThis is for you. Thank you.Its for you. 教学反思:课题课时Unit 8 Happy New Year! (2)主备人参备人教学目标1.能熟练地会听、说、读并拼写单词:a doll, a ball, a CD, a car, a robot。2.能熟练地听懂、会读、会运用句型:Whats this/that?(拓展in English,并会用Its a 来回答。3.会说“Happy birthday”,并知道用“Thank you”来回答。4.明白Cartoon time的幽默之处。教学重点1.

14、能熟练地听懂、会读、会运用句型:Whats this/that? (拓展in English),并会用Its a 来回答。2.会说“Happy birthday”,并知道用“Thank you”来回答。教学难点能熟练地听懂、会读、会运用句型:Whats this/that? (拓展in English/Chinese),并会用Its a 来回答。教学准备卡片,PPT,单词小图片(学生自己画的图片)等。教 学 过 程个人二次备课(手写)Step1:Warm up.1.课前准备:Sing songs and say rhymes.“Lets learn” “A bottle” “Numbers”T

15、: Now lets start our English lesson.2.Free talk.a.复习单词,句子接龙。出示单词,学生利用单词造句:例如:a dollI have a doll. I can see a doll. I like dolls.There is a doll. This is a dollb. Read Story time.(1)Read after the tape.(2)Read it together.(3)Try to read by yourself(注意语音语调)c. Listen and judge.PPT播放图音例如W Whats this ?

16、Its a robot. S:Yes. You are right.Whats that? Its a ball.S: No. Its a doll.教师出示句型Whats this in English?in English: 用英语提示学生回答:Its a Whats that in English?Its a Step2:Presentation.1.Sing a song :Happy New year!a.出示歌词,读歌词。虽然一年级学过了,但是学生会唱但是单词却对不上号,所以熟悉单词是有必要的。Happy New Year to you all.祝福大家新年好。(英语字面解释是新年

17、快乐,但是中国的本土文化中多数是说新年好)We are singing. We are dancing.我们唱歌。我们跳舞。b. Sing the song together2.Cartoon time.a.出示图片,教授单词birthday,讲解人物。T: Im happy, now. Look, they are our friends. They are happy, too. They are having a birthday party.出示单词:birthdayir/:/ birthday bird shirt skirt T-shirtT:I can see a mouse.

18、What can you see.S: I can see a dog/cat/monkey.(出示单词,虽然学过了,但是有必要复习一下。)b. Watch the cartoon.T: Now, lets watch the cartoon together. Try to answer my questions.(1)The monkey gives(给) a to Bobby .出示词组 : a toy car 一辆玩具小汽车T: What can you say?S:I can say a toy(让学生说说可以组哪些词,复习二年级所学的内容)(2)The gives Bobby a

19、funny clown(搞怪小丑).(how low clow-clown)c. 让学生说说这个故事的幽默点是什么?d. Read Cartoon time.T: Try to read it after the tape.分角色朗读。Happy birthday to you.回答Thank you.这篇对话,很简单,没有什么生词。e. Retell the story.Its Bobbys .Bobbys give him(他)some (礼物).The monkey gives him a .Sam gives him a gift, too. Bobby is very scare(惊

20、吓)after he opens the box.不要求学生熟读,只要理清思路。Step3:Consolidation.1.发挥想象力,看图猜猜他们说什么?图1 图2 图3 (1) (2) (3) (1)Happy birthday to you. Sing a song.(2)This star is for you. Thank you. Whats this in English ? Its a star.(3) Happy New Year.2.Try to write them down.不会写的用中文代替,尽量用英语。作业设计:1.Read Cartoon time.2.Write

21、 the dialogues after class.(根据最后三幅图写对话)板书设计: Unit 8 Happy New Year!Whats this in English/Chinese? Its a that Happy birthday! Thank you. 教学反思:课题课时Unit8 Happy New Year! (3)主备人参备人教学目标1.能熟练地运用句型:Whats this/that in English?,并会用Its a 来回答。2.能熟练地运用句型This is for you./Its for you.来相互赠与礼物。拓展Thisis for you./Tha

22、tis for you.3.会新年节日祝福,礼貌用语。会表达谢意:Thank you.教学重点1.能熟练地运用句型:Whats this/that in English?,并会用Its a 来回答。2.能熟练地运用句型This is for you./Its for you.来相互赠与礼物。拓展Thisis for you./Thatis for you.3.完成练习。教学难点1.拓展Thisis for you./Thatis for you.2.完成练习。教学准备卡片,PPT等。教 学 过 程个人二次备课(手写)Step1:Greeting.1.课前准备:Sing songs and sa

23、y rhymes.a.上节课要求写对话或者是小故事,请写的好的学生读一读。b.出示图片对话。A: Whats this/that in English?B: Its a puzzle, puppet, a toy bear, a toy panda,2.Magic eyes.图、词、词组、句子,逐渐增加难度。Its, this is, that is, thatsIts for you. This is for you. Thats for you.重点讲解:This is 没有缩写That is = thatsthis cat that CD出示句子:Its a toy car .This

24、is for you. =This toy car is for you.Step2:Rhyme time.Its a doll. Thats for you.=That doll is for you.Read Cartoon time.注意语音语调。Step3:Checkout time“Listen and choose”1.先观察图:What can you see?I can see a white robot.I can see two robots.如果学生没有说明颜色,教师就问:What colour is it?Its 2. Listen and choose.听录音选择,并

25、且复述所听内容,试着把听到的内容写下来。Step4:补充习题。完成补充习题各项题目,试着把所听到的内容复述并且写一写。Step5:Ticking time.根据自己的真实情况打勾。use使用 accept 接受 present 礼物 gift 礼物作业设计:Finish the exercises.板书设计: Unit 8 Happy New Year!Whats this in English/Chinese? Its a Happy birthday! Thank you.教学反思:课题课时Unit8 Happy New Year!(4)主备人参备人教学目标1.能熟练地运用句型:Whats

26、 this/that in English?,并会用Its a 来回答。2.能熟练地运用句型This is for you./Its for you.来相互赠与礼物。拓展Thisis for you./Thatis for you.3.能熟练地运用句型Whats this?并能用Its 来回答。4.完成补充习题和相关部分练习。教学重点1.能熟练地运用句型:Whats this/that in English?,并会用Its a 来回答。2.能熟练地运用句型This is for you./Its for you.来相互赠与礼物。拓展Thisis for you./Thatis for you.

27、3.能熟练地运用句型Whats this?并能用Its 来回答。4.完成补充习题和相关部分练习。教学难点完成补充习题和相关部分练习。卡片,PPT,单词图片等。教 学 过 程个人二次备课(手写)Step1:Warm up and revision.1.Greeting.2.Say a rhyme“Happy new year”(1)Magic eyes逐渐加难度出示图片说本单元的单词。T: Whats this?S: Its a 出示单词,大声拼读。出示句型。(2)句型复习:A:Happy new year.B: Happy new year.3.Checkout time:Listen and

28、 choose4.跟录音读课文。5.跟录音读Cartoon time。Step2:Presentation.1.Letters. 1.复习字母。a.听写字母。b.写出所听字母的左邻右舍。c.四线三格写字母。Xx Yy ZZ学生在课堂作业本上认真写,可以放在投影仪下表扬。Step3: Consolidation.1.补充习题。A Listen and tick.听录音,根据所听内容选择相应的图片,并在对应的方框内打钩。教师可以先辅导学生复习每幅图对应的英文。答案:abbbB Look and say.教师应该先要求学生仔细看图,在学生充分理解每幅图图意的基础上,进入活动程序。(1) Help.(

29、2) Thank you.(3) Its a CD. Its for you.(4) Birthday to you. Thank you.(5) Would you like a cake, Bobby?C Look and circle.参考答案:1CD; Mike 2doll; Yang Ling 3robot; Liu Tao 4car; Wang Bing 5 ball; Su HaiD Match and write.E Find and write.作业设计:Finish the exercises.板书设计: Unit 8 Happy New YearWhats this in English/Chinese? Its a Happy birthday! Thank you. 教学反思:课题课时Unit8 Happy New Year (5)主备人参备人教学目标1.复习本单元的单词及日常用语。2.完成相关练习。教学重点能熟练运用本单元的日常交际用语。教学难点在掌握所学知识基础上完成一定的练习。教学准备卡片 挂图 PPT教 学 过 程个人二次备课(手写)Step1: Free talk.Review the words and sentences.A:Happy new year!B

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