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1、存在主义视角下嘉莉妹妹中嘉莉的悲剧命运解读开题报告 An Interpretation of Carries Tragic Fate in Sister Carrie under the Perspective of Existentialism 存在主义视角下嘉莉妹妹中嘉莉的悲剧命运解读 论文题目 (Title)An Interpretation of Carries Tragic Fate in Sister Carrie under the Perspective of Existentialism存在主义视角下嘉莉妹妹中嘉莉的悲剧命运解读中心论点(Thesis Statement):T

2、hesis Statement:In the novel, Carrie does not hesitate to betray her body and her dignity in order to satisfy her strong desire of material wealth, and she never think about other peoples feelings and her social responsibility. Ultimately, she was reduced to a loser of material success and spiritual

3、 frustration or confusion and purposeless. The paper analyzes Carrie who is the core figure of Sister Carrie from the perspective of existentialism and aims to use the important concepts of existentialism such as absurdity, freedom of choice and the relationship with other people to interpret Carrie

4、s life experiences and further explore the cause of Carries life tragedy.中心论点: 小说中嘉莉为了满足自己对物质财富的强烈欲望,不惜出卖自己的身体和尊严,也从不顾及他人的感受和自己的社会责任,最终沦落为一个物质上成功而精神是迷茫或漫无目标的失败者。本文从存在主义角度对小说嘉莉妹妹所塑造的核心人物嘉莉进行分析,探讨存在主义哲学的重要概念如荒诞,自由选择、人与人的关系等在她的人生经历中的具体体现并进一步探究嘉莉人生悲剧的成因。本研究目的和意义: Purpose: On the surface, Carrie is a win

5、ner, but in fact, she is a failure. This paper analyzes Carries tragic destiny from the perspective of Sartres existentialism and aims to use the important concepts of existentialism to interpret Carries life experiences and further explore the cause of Carries life tragedy.研究目的:嘉莉的成功只是表面的,实际上她是一个失败

6、的成功者。本文从萨特存在主义角度分析嘉莉的悲剧命运,探究存在主义哲学的重要概念在她的悲惨的人生经历中的体现以及她的命运悲剧的原因。Meaning: A hundred years ago, Dreiser for us described the peoples true destiny in American society focusing on money. In todays Chinese society, there are many people who has a strong desire and endless pursuit for money、 status and p

7、ower , but they never think about social morality and social responsibility, from whom we can often see Carrie;s image. This study intends to interpret Carries tragic life and the causes of her tragedy, the present author hopes that Carries tragic life has an enlightenment and reference to those peo

8、ple who are tempted by money, status and power.研究意义:一百多年前的德莱赛,为我们描述了以金钱和物质为中心的美国社会里人们的真实命运。在当今的中国社会,有很多人对金钱,物质,地位及权势有着强烈欲望和无止境的追求,然而他们从不顾及社会道德和责任,从这些人身上我们常常可以看到嘉莉的影子。本研究拟从嘉莉的悲剧人生和悲剧成因进行解读,希望嘉莉的悲剧人生对他们有一个启迪和借鉴意义。本研究的理论意义(国内外文献综述):1. Research Background: The novel of Sister Carrie is considered a land

9、mark work in modern times, from the moment when the work came out it has caused a great uproar in the literary world of the United States, thats mainly because the author naked exposure to the reader about the dark side of American society, and the novel reflects the American social reality in the b

10、ooming period of capitalist at the turn of the 20th century. In recent years, scholars and researchers have done more thorough interpretations on the novel which mainly explore from the perspective of female consciousness, tragedy theme and artistic features and so on. But, there are few studies of

11、Carries tragic fate from the perspective of existentialism.1.研究背景:嘉莉妹妹在现代被认为是一部具有标志性意义的作品,该作品自问世之日就在美国文坛引起了轩然大波,主要是由于该作者将美国社会的黑暗面赤裸裸地暴露在读者面前,以及小说反映了19世纪末20世纪初资本主义繁荣时期的美国社会现实。在最近这些年,学术界和研究者对小说嘉莉妹妹有了更加透彻的解读,他们主要从女性意识,悲剧主题,艺术特色等角度进行探究,但是从的存在主义角度探究女主人公悲剧命运的研究甚少。2.研究现状国外研究:In the early publication of Sis

12、ter Carrie, the comments of American public criticism were divided into two parts. International Herald Tribune treated Dreiser as the American Zora and thought Sister Carrie was a great American novel. Charles Daldwin argued that Dreiser was the greatest and most unique novelist in the United State

13、s and Dreiser has surpassed English novelists both in spirit and in writing. Burton Rascone defended for amorality in Sister Carrie and took Dreiser as an animator of free thought in the 1920s. F.O.Matheson regarded Sister Carrie as recordation of historical facts in Dreisers life time.On the other

14、side, the opponents were represented by Life and Commercial News that held negative attitudes for Sister Carrie in general. StuartsherKazin, was the most powerful and most influential one for Dreisers attack ,in his essay of Theodore Dreisers Naturalism, he accused that Dreiser did not give a realis

15、ts description to the American society and mankind and neglected intentionally the lofty duty of novelists. 国内研究:In recent years, scholars in China have done more detailed researches on Sister Carrier from the theme of tragedy. And they consider Carrie is a tragedy. Zhang Yank thinks “Carries life i

16、s tragic in terms of her insatiable desire, loss of identity and insignificance of her life”. Carrie is the victim of capitalistic society (Zhang, 2012: 27-35). Jing Xia holds the similar view to Zhang Yank that Sister Carrie relates a story of tragedy of Carrie. She supposes it is the desires and t

17、he social surrounding that Carries tragedy (Jing, 2001:39), and so on.Through the survey of the above researchers, we can find that the research perspectives of domestic and foreign schools on Sister Carrie focus on Carriers tragic fate is single, lack of macro-system and in-depth study, so we canno

18、t truly analyze itFrom the forties of the 20th century to the present day, existentialism has also exerted a great influence on literature. Carrie is an influential figure in the novel, and when we put it in existentialism, such a new, open and diverse theoretical background to be examined, not only

19、 contribute to deep analysis, but also helps understand the text more in-depth and comprehensively. 本研究的问题、理论、方法和视角:Question: Analysis Carries tragic destiny from the perspective of existentialism and uses the important concepts of existentialism to interpret Carries life experiences and further exp

20、lore the cause of Carries life tragedy.问题: 从萨特存在主义角度分析嘉莉的悲剧命运,探究存在主义哲学的重要概念在其悲惨的人生经历中的体现和悲剧成因。Theory:Existentialism Theory理论:存在主义理论 方法:Methodology:1) Looking for relevant document literatures and reviews on the Internet2) Reading the book of Theodore Dreisers Sister Carrier 3) Integrating the releva

21、nt information, and in the patience guidance of the advisors to complete the paper.1)上网查找相关的文献资料和评论2)仔细阅读西奥多德莱塞的嘉莉妹妹原著3)整合相关资料,在指导老师的耐心指导下完成论文写作Perspective:Existentialism Theory视角:存在主义理论本研究的主要观点和重难点:Main idea: The important concepts of existentialism: absurdity, free choice and the relationship betw

22、een people, and so on. This paper analyzes Carries tragic destiny from the perspective of Sartres existentialism and uses the important concepts of existentialism to interpret Carries life experiences and further explore the cause of Carries life tragedy.主要观点:存在主义理论的重要概念:荒诞,自由选择,人与人之间的关系等。本研究运用存在主义理

23、论的这三个重要概念,探究萨特的存在主义理论在小说嘉莉妹妹中女主人公的悲剧命运的具体体现以及她的悲剧成因。重难点:Key and Difficult Points:1)Carrie has been a controversial figure all along,the key and difficult point of this research lies in the analysis of Carries figure.2) There is too much relevant information, so it is difficult to choose.1)嘉莉一直是个有争议的

24、人物形象,本研究重难点在于对嘉利人物形象的分析。2)相关资料太多,难以取舍。详细提纲 (Detailed Outline): 1. Introduction1.1 A General Introduction of Writer1.2 A General Introduction of Novel1.3 The Purpose of the study2. Literature Review of Sister Carrie2.1 Domestic Studies2.2 International Studies2.3 Critical Comments3.Existentialism The

25、ory3.1 A Brief Introduction of Existentialism3.2 Existentialisms Contribution to the Study of Literary Works4.Anlysis of Carries Tragic Fate 4.1 Introduction of Carries Tragic Fate4.2 Analysis of Carries Tragic Fate from the perspective of Existentialism4.21Living Environment of the Absurd4.22 Freedom of Choice 4.23 The Relationship With Other People5. ConclusionReferences1.介绍1.1作者的介绍1.2小说内容的介绍1.3研究目的2.文献综述2.1国外研究2.2国内研究2.3批判性意见3.存在主义理论3.1存在主义理论介绍3.2存在主义用于文学作品研究4.嘉莉的悲剧命运分析4.1介绍嘉莉的悲剧命运4.2存在主义视角下嘉莉的悲剧命运4.21 荒诞的生存环境4.22 自由选择4.23 人与人的关系5.总结参考文献

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