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1、初三英语练习题英语练习题听力部分(本部分配有磁带)(共30分)Part One Words (5分)Listen to the following sentences and choose the word which is contained in the sentence you hear. 1.A. pain B. trainC. prepared D. cared2.A. share B. sureC. host D. coast3.A. dies B. diet C. else D. hairs4.A. promise B. missC. filling D. worker5.A.

2、great B. shookC. shocked D. newPart Two Sentences (5分)Listen to the following sentences and choose a statement which has the same meaning as the sentence you hear.1. A. He has arrived home now.B. Its impossible for him to be at home now.C. He has just left home.2. A. It seems that he enjoys the food

3、 very much.B. In fact he doesnt like the food at all.C. He only ate a little food of this kind.3. A. When did you write the book?B. How many books have you bought?C. What does the book cost?4. A. Ill come here again two days later.B. Im leaving in two days time.C. I have been away from here for thre

4、e months now.5. A. The concert has been on for an hour.B. The concert began before we got there.C. The concert will begin in an hour.Part Three Dialogues (10分)A)Listen to the following dialogues and choose the correct answer to each question. (5分)1.What did Jack finish at about 8:30? 2.Where is Tom

5、going to finish his homework? 3.What is Marys mothers job? 4.Who likes blue coats? 5.Why will the woman go to Shenzhen? B)Listen to the following dialogue and choose the correct answer to each question. (5分)1.What are the man and the woman talking about?A. Eating in a restaurant.B. A small restauran

6、t.C. The history of a company.2.How many McDonalds were there in the world in 1982?A. 7,063.B. 7,603.C. 1,283.3.Why would workers buy lunches in McDonalds?A. The employees there are helpful and polite.B. The food tastes better than their lunches from home.C. The tables and floors are clean.4.Who fir

7、st owned McDonalds?A. Richard McDonald.B. Two brothers.C. Ray Kroc.5.When was McDonalds sold to a 56-year-old salesman?A. In 1916.B. In 1962.C. In 1960.Part Four Passage (10分)Listen to the following passage and answer the following questions. 1.Where do you think John lived?2.It was easier to find j

8、obs in the south, wasnt it?3.How did John go to the south of the country?4.How many people were there in Johns carriage when the man with a gun came in?5.Why was John shaking when he saw the man with a gun?笔试部分(共120分)I .单项选择。(15分)1.Should I talk in English or French? Do as you _ . We understand both

9、.A. think B. feel C. care D. please2. _ the lights off, we could not go on with the work. A. Until B. As C. With D. Because3.Could you do me a favor and take the box up to the sixth floor?_. No problem at all. A. With pleasure B. It doesnt matter C. For pleasure D. Id like 4.Did you catch the train

10、? Yes. The train _ right on time. A. pulled in B. filled in C. passed in D. took in 5. I couldnt make out what they were saying, for they spoke to me _ . A. right away B. all at once C. in all D. at all 6. In face of failure, its the most important to _ a positive state of mind. A. pick up B. make u

11、p C. keep up D. put up 7. Her parents had had a very anxious moment but everything turned _ all right in the end. A. up B. to C. out D. away8.Ive always wanted to be a teacher._ A. Really? Is that true? B. How nice! C. Wonderful! D. Congratulations!9. Short sight can be _ by the use of suitable glas

12、ses. A. fixed B. improved C. lessened D. corrected 10.Mike is good at painting. So he is. He _ painting while at school. A. took up B. interested C. used to enjoy D. took over11. No regular advertiser dare produce anything that fails to stick to the _ of his advertisement. A. situation B. level C. t

13、ext D. promise 12.How is the article you are reading? It is no more than an ordinary one. It is _ .A. excellent B. terrible C. attractive D. of little value 13. In Britain today women _ 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work. A. build up B. make up C. stand

14、for D. rise to 14. It wont be a very long time _ he is in business for himself. A. until B. when C. before D. that 15. We _ him success in the college entrance examination this summer. A. wish B. hope C. want D. need II.完形填空。(20分)Diana and Mary were lovely girls. The more I knew of them, the 1 I lik

15、ed them. For a few days I had recovered my 2 enough to sit up all day, and even 3 out sometimes. I could 4 the sisters in all their activities and now I enjoyed for the first time the pleasure 5 from perfect agreement in taste, feeling and 6 .They loved their 7 and the wild country around it. I too

16、soon got to feel the attraction of this 8 . Indoors we 9 also well. I liked to read what they liked to read. They were both 10 than I , but I followed with eagerness the path of knowledge they had 11 before me. Diana offered to 12 me German, and I in return gave 13 in drawing to Mary. In this way, d

17、ays passed like 14 and weeks like days. About their brother, the 15 friendship which had grown 16 me and the two sisters did not include him. One reason was that he was 17 at home. He spent a great deal of time 18 some of his neighbors who were sick and poor. He was seen to 19 their houses every day

18、 and 20 bad weather seemed to keep him from such duties. 1. A. better B. worse C. less D. fewer 2. A. sight B. health C. memory D. courage3. A. cry B. walked C. walk D. cried 4. A. watch B. join C. attend D. play 5. A. attacking B. attraction C. going D. coming 6. A. smell B. hearing C. ideas D. tou

19、ching 7. A. parents B. teacher C. family D. home 8. A. activity B. place C. interest D. friendship 9. A. drew B. agreed C. studied D. quarreled 10. A. cleverer B. stronger C. prettier D. taller 11. A. discovered B. mastered C. traveled D. made 12. A. tell B. show C. ask D. teach 13.A. lessons B. adv

20、ice C. trouble D. ways14. A. years B. months C. hours D. minutes 15. A. close B. limited C. ordinary D. common 16. A. inside B. in C. among D. between 17. A. always B. often C. sometimes D. seldom 18. A. visiting B. watching C. advising D. feeding 19. A. build B. repair C. enter D. destroy 20. A. on

21、ly B. no C. even D. still III.阅读理解。(50分)(A)It is sometimes said that strange flying objects have been seen high up in the sky.People call these strange objects Unidentified Flying Objects(UFOs). These UFOs caused a lot of interest. Some of the reports about them are difficult to believe. Some have b

22、een explained in scientific ways. Others have never been explained. Here is an account of UFOs from a report. Dennis Burdens, who wrote an article, tells us that he once saw a UFO himself. He was having dinner one night with a friend near Tripoli, Libya, and after dinner the two men walked across a

23、yard to his room to look at some papers. Burdens noticed that the moon looked strange that night.“It wasnt the moon”, was the reply. They watched the light and saw that it was moving. It seemed to be an object rather like a big plate. In some ways it looked like smoke with a light on it, but it wasn

24、t smoke because it didnt change its shape. It was moving in a regular way. That is to say, it didnt go suddenly faster or more slowly, and it didnt go higher or lower. So the two men decided that there must be men in it. After that, Burdens said that he felt eyes looking at him. He was being watched

25、 in the darkness. When it was nearer, they noticed that the bottom parts were brighter than the top. The bottom was yellow and the top red. Then the object suddenly turned away and left Libya, moving very fast. On a later day Burdens talked to other people about it, and he found some who had seen it

26、. They all described it in the same way. Could they all be mistaken ? 1. UFOs are _ .A. flying high up in the skyB. strange flying objects C. difficult to believe D. very interested 2. A UFO was seen one night _ .A. when they were walking across a yard to Burdens room B. while they were looking at t

27、he lightC. when Burdens noticed the moon appearing strange D. while they were having dinner3. The UFO moved _ .A. regularly B. in a changeable wayC. slowly D. fast4. The UFO looked like _ .A. smoke B. a large plate C. light D. a jumping object 5. The UFO was seen _ . A. by Burdens and his friend B.

28、brighter in the darkness C. by several people D. to have a yellow bottom and a red top in the same way(B)Fish have ears. Really, theyre quite small and have no opening to the outside world carrying sound through the body. For the past seven years, Simon Thorrold, a university professor, has been exa

29、mining fish ears, small round ear bones called otoliths(听石,耳石).As fish grow, so do their otoliths. Each day, their otoliths gain a ring of calcium carbonate(碳酸钙). By looking through a microscope(显微镜)and counting these rings, Thorrold can determine the exact age of a young fish. As a fish gets older, its otoliths no longer get daily rings. Instead, they get yearly rings, which can also be counted, giving information about the fishs age, just like the growth rings of a tree.Ring counting is nothing new to fish scientists. But Thorrold has turned to a new direction. Theyre examining the

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