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1、作文范文之英文格式作文作文范文之英文格式作文英文格式作文【篇一:英文书信格式及范文】 英文书信格式及范文 一、 英文书信的结构 二、 书信作文的出题形式和写作要领 三、 书信作文练习及其参考范文 书信是重要的交际工具。英文书信分为两大类:公务信件和私人信件。公务信件是单位与单位或单位与个人之间来往的书信,可能是推荐信、求职信、入学申请书、邀请信,或询问、答复、反映意见(如投诉信)等的信件。私人信件是指亲戚朋友之间的通信。这两类书信各有自己的格式。一般说来,私人信件不拘形式,信文多用手写,也可打印;公务信件要求比较严格,必须遵循一定的格式,信文一定要打印。 第一节 英文书信的结构 英文书信一般由

2、以下六部分组成:信头、信内地址、称呼、正文、结尾、签名。 5.1.1 信头(heading) 信头是指发信人的地址和日期,通常写在第一页的右上角。行首可以齐头写,也可以逐行缩进写。地址的书写顺序由小到大:门牌号、街道、城市、省(州)、邮编、国名,最后写发信日期。私人信件一般只写寄信日期即可。例如: 123 tianhe road tianhe districtguangzhou 510620 guangdong province p. r. c. jan. 8, 2010 5.1.2 信内地址(inside address) 信内地址要写收信人的姓名和地址。在公务信件中要写明这一项,在私人信件

3、中,这一项常常省略。该项写在写信日期下一行的左上角,格式与寄信人地址一样。 5.1.3 称呼(salutation) 称呼是对收信人的称谓,应与左边线对齐,写在收信人姓名、地址下面1-2行处。在称呼后,英国人常用逗号,美国人则常用冒号。在私人信件中可直呼收信人的名字,但公务信件中一定要写收信人的姓。大部分信件在称呼前加“dear”。如: dear professor/prof. bergen: dear dr. johnson, 对不相识的人可按性别称呼: dear sir: 或dear madam: dear ladies。 如果不知收信人的性别则可用dear sir or madam: 5

4、.1.4 正文(body of letter) 正文是书信的主体。与中文信件不同的是,英文书信的正文的开头不是先写一些问候语,再阐明写信的目的,而是直接说明写信人的身份及写信的目的,然后提出写信人的情况、想法或要求,并加以必要的解释或说明。英文书信陈述目的时,应该直截了当,意思明确,层次清楚,言简意赅。范文: a letter to a schoolmate june 23, 2001 dear xiao wang, im very glad to learn that youre going to visit me during the week-long holiday. my paren

5、ts will also be happy to see you again. i am sure you will enjoy every minute here. i have arranged our schedule for the holiday as follows. on the first day you arrive, ill show you around our campus. on the second day, well visit the art gallery and the music hall. next day, well climb a hill in t

6、he northeastern part of the city. on the top of the hill, we can have a wonderful birds eye view of the city. during the next【篇二:英语各种作文格式与范例】 (1) 在用口头下达通知时,发通知者通常要将听通知人的注意力吸引过来,这类表达常见的有: may i have your attention, please? attention please, everyone. i have an announcement to make. be quite. there is

7、 something important i have to tell you. i have something (important) to tell you. im glad to tell you something important. (2) 其他用于口头通知的固定套语(如叫听者不要迟到、欢迎某人参加某活动等): everyone is asked to be there on time. be sure not to be late. please be present on time. please take your notebooks with you and be sur

8、e on time. those who are interested in it are warmly welcome. (3) 口头通知的结束套语主要有: thats all. thank you very much. (4)口头通知是要告诉大家即将进行的活动,因此要以一般将来时为主。如: on july 22, saturday, we will visit the following places a school or a hospital. there will be an english film in our school tonight. the match will be

9、put off to next week. our school / the student union will / is going to hold a lecture will be given at 7:00 this evening in 五、书面通知实战演练 请根据提示写一份通知。 (1) 高二(5)在本周五晚上要开个英语晚会。 (2) 晚饭后6:30在教室集合,晚会7:00开始。 (3) 每个同学都要表演一个节目,内容不限。 (4) 欢迎老师和全班同学参加。 (5) 出通知的时间是2005年3月15日。 notice an english evening party will b

10、e held on friday evening. every one of our class is requested to be in the classroom at 6:30 after supper. the party will begin at 7:00 p.m. each of the students should perform during the evening party. you may tell a story, sing a song, make a speech or read a poem and so on. all the teachers and s

11、tudents are welcome to attend our english evening. everybody is expected to attend it on time. class 5, grade two march 15, 2005 通知 noticefebruary 24, 2009 there will be an english lecture on the importance of english learning by professor white from beijing university. it will be given in the stadi

12、um from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30p.m., on friday, february 27. all the students are expected to attend it on time. after the lecture,please go back to your classrooms and have a discussion on the report. every student is asked to make a plan for learning english well.students union 时间表达方式 were going to have

13、 interesting activities in the school library at 8:00 a.m on november 20, 2011 高考英语书面表达写作 【概说】 假条、便条、留言条以及借条等的英文写法都同英文的书信写法差不多,正文的右上方写日期,之后是称呼语、正文,最后要有签名。 【实例一】 假设你是李华,你的美国老师miss catherine 要求你们明天上午去听一个关于美国音乐的讲座,你因故不能参加。请你根据以下要点,写一封短信向 miss catherine请假。 【分析】内容要点: 1. 表示歉意 2. 理由:去机场接人 3. 询问:是否有录音,以便补听讲

14、座。 4. 注意:字数100左右;可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【范文】 dear miss catherine, i am so sorry that i wont be able to attend the lecture on american music tomorrow morning. my uncle is returning home from france, and i have promised to meet him at the airport at 10:00 tomorrow morning. i am very much interested in

15、american music. i wonder if it is possible for the talk to be recorded, and if so, could i borrow the tape? it would mean a great deal to me to listen to the tape and learn what is covered in the talk. yours sincerely, (人物、地点与范例) porter. he was born in the west of american in 1867, and died in 1910.

16、 as a young man, he worked in a bank and for a newspaper. unfortunately, he was put in prison for three years in his thirties, though he had done nothing wrong. it was there that he began his writing. after he was set free, he settled in new york city and became a successful writer. he wrote about 3

17、00 short stories, some of which have been translated into chinese. his books are very popular in china. 【地点介绍】 请根据以下内容写一篇欢送词 你们的美籍教师jane小姐明天将离开你校回国。她教你们一年英语口语,她对学生既和蔼又严格,她的课讲得既生动又有趣,受到学生的欢迎,在她回国前夕,学生举行欢送会,请你代表全体同学发言,对jane小姐表示感谢并祝她旅途愉快。词数120150。 dear miss jane, boys and girls, today we gather here to

18、 have a send-off meeting. our english teacher miss jane is going to return to her own country tomorrow america. on behalf of all my schoolmates here i express our hearty thanks to her. in the past one year miss jane has taught us spoken english. we enjoyed her lessons very much because her method of

19、 teaching was quite different from other teachers. the lessons she gave us were both lively and interesting. every one knows that she is kind and patient,but she is strict with us at times. with her help, we have made rapid progress in english. all of us did well in english examination. now she is g

20、oing to leave our school, we thank her very much for her wonderful work and hope that she wi11 be able to be back again. we wish her a pleasant journey. 请你根据以下要点,拟一则有关家教的招聘启事。 1. 家教老师(英语)必须是一位男性,年龄在30岁左右; 2. 必须具有教师经历,且有耐心和信心; 3. 工作时间是每周星期六、日,每天8小时,待遇丰厚; 4. 联系电话是8101688。 【参考答案一】 help wanted i want an

21、 english teacher aged about 30 to teach my son at home. if you are or used to be a teacher as well as have patience and confidence, you are my best choice. you should work at my home from saturday to sunday, 8 hours per day. of course, you may stay up for the night, if you like. in spite of this, yo

22、u are sure to get good wages. what do you think of it? you are welcome to call 8101688 at any time except at night. 【参考答案二】 help wanteddo you want to be a teacher who teaches at home? do you have patience and confidence? i need such an english teacher to teach my son at home. if you are at the age o

23、f about 30 as well as used to be a teacher, there is nothing better than this. however, you need to work 8 hours a day from saturday to sunday. you are welcome to stay up for the night. your wages is surely going to be good, too. 请你以tourism为题,给中国旅游报写一篇文章。文章主要内容如下: 1. 旅游在我国已成为一种行业; 2. 旅游可以促进经济发展,第三产业

24、应运而生,就业门路增多,当地的土特产品被开发利用,交通运输、娱乐业也得到了改善和发展; 3. 旅游还能促进文化交流。 【参考答案一】 tourism tourism is becoming a booming industry in our country. it promotes the development of economy as well as the development of hotels and shopping facilities, and jobs are created for local people, too. still, the arrival of vis

25、itors pushes the businesses in transportation and things of local color. local people then benefit from these improvements. meanwhile, the amusement parks, zoos and other scenes will gradually be developed to attract more and more tourists. whats more, tourism is favourable for the exchange of cultu

26、re and science between people from different countries. 【参考答案二】 tourism nowadays, tourism has become a new industry in our country. it speeds the development of economy, transportation, and services. a lot of jobs are raised as well. many a thing of local color, unknown in the past, has been develop

27、ed to meet the demand of people from different countries. in order to attract more and more tourists, local people will build plenty of amusement parks, zoos and scenes. they will benefit more from these facilities. the more the visitors come, the more the exchange of culture and science promotes.【篇

28、三:英语作文书写格式】 一、英语作文题目的书写 题目是首先映入读者眼帘的,所以要注意题目的书写位置。一定要在试卷作文纸上的上方中间位置书写。同时还应在话题和正文之间留出一定的距离,即比正文行距稍宽一些。 其次,要注意题目的大小写,第一个单词的第一个字母和最后一个单词的第一个字母一定要大写。中间的单词除冠词、连词(但如连词的字母多于5个,则大写)和介词外,其他的词都应该大写第一个字母。比如: 例1误:attitudes toward money 正:attitudes toward money 写题目不要用括号或引号。题目后除了问号和感叹号之外,不加其它标点符号。 二、文章本体 文章第一段的第一

29、行应与题目隔一行或两行。每段的开头一般应该缩格;即向右缩进约四个字母的间隔;单词与单词之间须留一个字母的间隔,句与句之间须留两个字母的间隔。假若每行的最后一个单词写不下,最好不要轻易拆字移行,可将该单词移到后一行去书写。 三、 标点符号 英语的标点符号与汉语的标点符号在形式上与使用上大同小异。学生容易疏忽的地方,大致有以下几处:1英语句号是实心点,而不是小圆圈,如果英语的句号也和汉语一样,则容易和字母“o”相混淆。 2英语的省略号一般使用“”是3点,不是像汉语那样用6点“” 3. 字符号不要写得太长,写长了容易跟破折号混淆。其长度应该与一个字母的宽度相当。破折号的长度约占两个字母的位置。书写破

30、折号时,与前后的单词应有一定的距离。 4英语中没有顿号“、”。要表示句中较短的并列词语之间的停顿,汉语习惯用顿号,而英语只能用逗号;汉语中连词“和”、“及”等之前不可用顿号,而英语中连接一系列并列项目的“and”或“or”之前往往可以用逗号。 5使用所有格符号时,要注意放在正确的位置上,以免引起意义上的混淆。如my fathers book不能写成my fathersbook。 6. 汉语中直接引语前的“某某说”等词语之后一律用冒号。而英语中既可用逗号,也可用冒号。当“某某说”等词语在直接引语后时,汉语的引语末尾用句号,而英语一般用逗号。如句子 its none of your busines

31、s, the young men said rudely的汉语译文是:“这不管你的事。”年轻人粗暴地说。 7.英语中没有书名号,书名一般用引号。如:yesterday she saw an english film gone with the wind 四、英语字母何时要大写 1. 英语句子开头的第一个单词的首字母要大写。实例:how are you? 你好吗? 2. 姓名中的姓和名的首字母都要大写。 3. 表示称呼语或职务的词首字母要大写。 实例:mr green格林先生, dr li李博士 4. 地名、语言名、某国人等词的首字母应大写。 实例:england英国, beijing北京, english英语, chinese汉语、中国人 5. 表示编号的词要大写。 实例: lesson two第二课 row 3第三排 6. 星期、月份、节日名称也应大写。 实例:sunday星期日, september九月, teachers day教师节 7. 大多数的缩略词要大写。 实例:cctv(中国中央电视台), id(身份证), cd(光盘) 8. i和ok在句中的任何位置都应大写。 实例:tom and i are students. 汤姆和我是学生。 thats ok.不用谢。 9. 文章的标题、书名、报刊名称等,第一个单词和每一个实词的首字母都要大写。

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