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1、九年级英语Unit1Unit10总复习九年级英语期末总复习(1-10)单元知识点及检测题Unit 1 1. 和朋友一起学习 work with friends 2. 制作单词卡 make word cards3. 读教科书 read the textbook 4. 听磁带 listen to the tape5. 向某人寻求/要 ask sb for 6. 为考试做准备/备考 study for a test7. have conversations with sb 和谈话 8. 大声朗读 read aloud9. 练习发音 practice pronunciation 10. 学到很多 le

2、arn a lot11. 口语技巧 speaking skills 12. 英语口语 spoken English13. 有点儿紧张 a little nervous 14. 作报告 give a report15. 知道大意 get the main ideas 16. 首先at first17 .使用英语字典use an English dictionary 18. 读句子 read the sentences19. 有耐心的 patient 20. 逐字地 word by word21. 你读的(书)越多,你就会越快。 The more you read, the faster youl

3、l be.22. the +比较级,the+比较级 越,就越23. 通过做某事 by doing sth 24 . 做某事是的 it +be+adj+to do sth 25. find it+adj+to do sth 发现做某事的 26. finish doing sth 做完某事 27. what about doing sth?做某事怎么样? 28. try to do sth 尽力做某事 29. 在英语课上 in English class 30. 学习语言的秘诀 the secret to language learning31. 老师说得那么快,以致于我大部分时间都听不懂她的话。

4、 The teacher spoke so quickly that I did not understand her most of the time.32. 害怕做 be afraid to do sth=be afraid of doing sth33.由于/因为 because of 34.我糟糕的发音 my poor pronunciation35. 一部叫做玩具总动员的电影 a movie called Toy Story36. 爱上 fall in love with 37. 肢体语言 body language38. 他们脸上的表情 expressions on their f

5、aces 39. 有用的句子 the useful sentences40. 小菜一碟 a piece of cake 41. 你活该。 It serves you right.42. 关键词 key words 43. 在字典里查新单词 look up new words in the dictionary44.改善我的发音improve my pronunciation 45练习做某事 practice doing sth.46. 提高某人的写作(水平)improve ones writing 47.练习听力 practice listening48. 看英语节目 watch Englis

6、h programs 49. 大声重复 repeat out loud50. 用英语记/做笔记 take notes in English 51. 做练习题 do exercises52. 给笔友写电子邮件 write e-mails to pen pals 53. 记忆句型 memorize sentences patterns 54. 用英语记日记 keep a diary English55. 犯语法错误make mistakes in grammar 56. depend on 依靠,依,取决于57. pay attention to 注意 关注 58. the ability to

7、do sth. 做某事的能力60. 对感兴趣be interested in 61. 在方面擅长 be good at 第一单元检测题I. 单项选择( ) 1._ do you study English? By listening to tapes.A. How B. Where C. Why ( ) 2.You can improve your English practicing more. B.with C. in( ) 3. Why not practice your _English in _ English-speaking country? A. speaking,

8、a B. speaking, an C. spoken, an ( ) 4. _conversations with others is one of the secrets to _a successful learner. A. Practice, become B. Practice, becoming C. Practicing, becoming( ) 5 -Therere a few new words in the article? -What about _in your dictionary? A. looking it up B. looking up it C. look

9、ing them up ( ) 6. Well go out to play _ it rains tomorrow. A. so B. unless C. because ( ) 7. Can you _which is the right answer to the question? A. look for B. find C. find out ( ) 8. Why not listen to BBC news to improve your listening skills? Its _ difficult _ I cant follow. A. too; to B. so; tha

10、t C. such; that ( ) 9. -Im going to listen _the tape. -OK. Remember to listen _the key words. A. to, to B. to ,for C. for, to ( ) 10. _or not you can learn well depends on your learning habits. A. If B. Weather C. Whether( ) 11. I have finished _my report. May I start to learn _the guitar? A. writin

11、g, playing B. writing, to play C. to write, playing ( ) 12. -I often make mistakes _grammar. -Why not ask your teacher _help? A. in, to B. in, for C. at, to ( ) 13. -Jack used to have _writing practice. -Yes, and he had learned _. A. a lot of; a lot of B. a lot of; a lot C. a lot; a lot of ( ) 14. T

12、he more careful you are, _mistakes youll make.A. fewer B. the fewer C. the less( ) 15. Good learners arent afraid _mistakes. Instead, they learn _mistakes. A. of making, in B. to make, from C. to make, in( ) 16. For the first time, pay attention _quickly to get the main ideas. A. to read B. reading

13、C. to reading( )17.I discovered that listening to is the secret language learning. A.something intresting, to B.interesting something, to C.something interested, of( ) 18.Jenny found very easy English well. A.this; learning B.that; to learn; to learn ( ) 19. Why not _ your teacher for help when

14、 you cant finish _ it by yourself? A. ask; write B. to ask; writing C. ask; writing ( ) 20. -She hardly makes mistakes _English grammar. -No, it seems that she was born _the ability to learn languages. A. in, with B. with, in C. in, in II. 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。A different way of teaching is wide

15、ly used in our English study. Before class, we make study plans first.Then we look up the new words, listen to the tape and read the text. When we meet problems we cant solve by ourselves, we always write them down in our notebooks.In class, we sit in groups to discuss the problems freely. The teach

16、er always offers help when we need. After discussion, its time for us to give a report to the class. We also make conversations in pairs and practice a lot. Its really good for our listening and speaking.After class, we have less homework now so we can go to the library to read English books, magazi

17、nes and newspapers. We can also surf the Internet for useful information.In a word, we enjoy the new way of studying. We can make more progress in our study.Information CardMain ideaA different way of learning is 21._ used in our English study.ChangesBefore classWe make study 22._ first.3._We sit in

18、 groups to 4._ the problem freely.After classWe have 5._ homework so we can go to the library.Conclusion (结论)In a word, we can make more progress in the new way.Unit21. 泼水节the Water Festival 2. 端午节/龙舟节 the Dragon Boat Festival3. 春节 the Spring Festival 4. 元宵节the Lantern Festival5. 多么美好的一天! What a gre

19、at day!6. 感叹句式一:What+(a/an) +adj+名词(+主语+谓语+其他)! 多么的 感叹句式二:How +adj/adv(+主语+谓语+其他)! 多么!7. 走亲戚visit relatives 8. 出去吃饭eat out/ go out for dinner9. 增加(体重)/发胖/穿上 put on 10. 一年最热的月 the hottest month of the year11. 和相似be similar to 12. 朝某人扔 throw . at sb 13. 把某物带给某人 carry sth to sb 14. 传统的民间故事 traditional

20、folk stories15. 射下shoot down 16. 计划做某事 plan to do sth17. 偷 steal (过去式: 过去分词: )18. 拒绝做refuse to do sth 19. 陌生人 stranger 20. 磅,英镑 pound21. lay 放置;产(卵);下(蛋)(过去式: 过去分词: ) 22. 摆开/布置lay out 23. 甜点 dessert 24. 花园 garden25. 赏月 admire the moon 26. in the shape of 以的形状26. on the Mid-Autumn night 在中秋之夜 27. as

21、a result 结果, 因此 28. Mothers Day 母亲节 29. 在五月的第二个星期天on the second Sunday of May30. 展示/表达我们的爱 show our love 31. 花很多的钱spend a lot of money32. 做某事是个好主意 Its a good idea to do sth. 33. 打扮/装扮dress up34. 装扮成卡通人物dress up as cartoon characters 35. learn about 了解36. 关灯 turn off lights 37. 捉弄某人 play a trick on s

22、b.38. 圣诞节的真正意义the true meaning of Christmas 39. 存在,平躺 lie (过去式: 过去分词: ) 40. 一部查尔斯狄更斯写的短篇小说 a short novel written by Charles Dickens41. 关心/关注care about 42. 死的 dead (动词: 名词: )43. 受到惩罚be punished 44. 警告某人去做某事warn sb to do sth.45. 使某人想起 remind sb. of . 46. 承诺做某事 promise to do sth.47. 最终成为 end up 48. 醒来

23、wake up49. 把某人带回到take sb back to sp 50. 的开端 the beginning of.51. 的象征 a symbol of 52. 不但而且 not only. but also.语法全解一、宾语从句 1. 连词a. 陈述语序(that) b. 一般疑问句 (if 或whether) c. 特殊疑问句(5w,1h)2. 陈述语序(连接词+主语+谓语+其它) 3. 时态a. 主句是一般现在时或一般将来时,从句依实际情况用所需时态。b. 主句是一般过去时,从句用过去的某一时态。c. 当宾语从句表示的是一个客观真理或者事实时,即使主句是过去时,从句也用一般现在时

24、态。注意:当主句谓语动词是 think, believe, suppose, expect 等词,而宾语从句的意思是否定时,常把否定转移至主句表示。例:I dont think it is right for him to treat you like that.二、感叹句结构 How+adj. /adv. (+ 主 + 谓+ 其它)! What (a/an)+名(+ 主 + 谓+ 其它)!例:What an interesting story it is! How tall Yao Ming is!练习 将下列句子改为感叹句Its a nice dress. They are lovely

25、animals. Its bad weather. Her son is very naughty. She is a very careful student. 第二单元检测题I. 单项选择( ) 1._exciting news! A. What B. What an C. How ( ) 2. Do you know _there will be a soccer match on CCTV5 tonight? A. that B. if C. where ( ) 3. She wondered _I liked best about Mid-Autumn Festival? A. th

26、at B. whether C. if t( ) 4. Change refused _the magic medicine to Feng Meng. A. to give B. gave C. giving ( ) 5. Its dangerous to swim in this river. Yes, you are right. The government has people not to swim in it. A. trained B. warned C. led ( ) 6. .Ive five pounds because I ate too much meat. A.pu

27、t up B.put off C. put on( )7. Do you know if Jimmy to the party? I am not sure. But if he , I will give him a big surprise. A. comes; will come B. will come; will come C. will come; comes( ) 8. Why do you call these cakes mooncakes? Cant you see? They are in the of the moon. A. size B. shape C. tast

28、e( ) 9. Jenny keeps two pets. One is a dog, _is a rabbit. A. another B. an other C. the other ( ) 10. -He dressed up _a ghost last night. How scary! -Take it easy! He just played a trick _us. A. in, on B. in, in C. as, on ( ) 11. I am going back to America for Thanksgiving Day. . And we will miss yo

29、u. A. Enjoy yourself B. Youre welcome C. The same to you( ) 12. Halloween is a popular festival North America and its October,on,in C.on, on ( ) 13. are you going to Chiang Mai? In two weeks.A.How long B.How soon C.How often ( ) 14. Chinese people eat mooncakes Mid-Autumn B.on C. at( ) 20. he Change to come back!A.How, hoped B.What, hoped C.How,wished II. 任务型阅读 When I was 5 years old, I went to the USA with my mom. I can still remember the first Halloween holiday I had in the USA.On the morning of Halloween, we visited a pumpkin(南瓜)farm. E

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