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本文(河北省中考总复习英语人教版考点精讲精练第十七讲 九年级Units 78.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

河北省中考总复习英语人教版考点精讲精练第十七讲 九年级Units 78.docx

1、河北省中考总复习英语人教版考点精讲精练第十七讲 九年级Units 78第十七讲九年级Units 78 重点词汇1.license(n.)证件2smoke(n.)烟(v.)吸烟;冒烟3tiny(adj.)极小的;微小的4field(n.)田野;场地5regret(v.&n.)遗憾;懊悔6chance(n.)机会7manage(v.)完成8society(n.)社会9support(v.&n.)支持10.enter(v.)进来11truck(n.)卡车12rabbit(n.)兔13pink(adj.)粉红色的14express(v.)表示;表达15receive(v.)接受16purpose(n.

2、)目的17position(n.)位置18victory(n.)胜利词汇拓展反义词)dangerous(副词)safely(名词)safety2educate教育家educator教育(n.)education3choose(名词)choice4noise(形容词)noisy(副词)noisily5.wolf(复数)wolves6medicine(形容词)medical7sleep(名词)sleep(形容词)sleepy,sleeping,asleep8energy(形容词)energetic重点短语1.回嘴talk back2远离keepaway from3不但而且not on

3、lybut also4自己做决定make ones own decision5挡的路get in the way of6.回忆think back to7长大grow up8对严肃be serious about9捡起来pick up10同时,一起at the same time重点句型1.Teenagersshould be allowed tochoose their own clothes.青少年们应该被允许选择他们自己的服装。2Im reallyexcited about seeing the famouspainting by Picasso.我看毕加索著名的油画真地很激动。3I r

4、egret talking back,notlistening to Mom.我后悔顶嘴,不听妈妈的话。4Your bedroommust be cleaned every day.你的卧室必须每天清扫。5.We havenothing against running我们不反对跑步。6It was too bigto be a dog.它太大了不可能是狗。7There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.一定有什么东西拜访我们的家园。8Onmidsummers morning,the sun shines _dire

5、ctly into the centre of the stones.在仲夏的早上,太阳直射巨石的中心。 一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。1The children have been sent tosafety(安全)2People often help each other in ourcommunity(社区)3You have to make a choice(选择)between the two.4You should learn tomanage(应付)things by yourselves.5She had to work hard tosupport(支持)her family

6、.6The noise(噪音)on the street always makes me feel terrible.7Please call thepolicemen(警察)for help when you are in trouble.8There used to be lots ofwolves(狼)in Inner Mongolia.9The writerhimself(自己)is a rich man.10I couldnt see a dog or anything else,either(也)二、从方框中选词并用其适当形式完成句子。11I had a chance of goi

7、ng to America last year.12I should be allowed to makedecision myself.13I think I should be allowed tochoose for myself.14What will happen if you dont succeed?15He was trained so much that he made great progress.三、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。16请尽可能地多用英语交流。Please communicate in Englishas much as possible17周洋对滑雪是认真的

8、,那是她唯一想做的事。Zhou Yangis serious about skiing.Thats the only thing she wants to do.18杰克的父母认为成为志愿者妨碍了他的学业。Jacks parents believe that being a volunteergets in the way of his schoolwork.19不仅他是著名的设计师,他的父母也都是设计师。Not only hebut also his parents are great designers.20森林可以阻止风把土壤吹走。Forests canstop/prevent wind

9、 from blowing the earth away.一、Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.青少年们应该被允许选择他们自己的衣服。【考点精讲】(1)should此处用作情态动词,表示劝告和建议,意为“应当,应该”。eg:You should join the English club.你应该加入英语俱乐部。You should study hard.你应该努力学习。(2)should be allowed是含有情态动词的被动语态结构,其中的allowed是过去分词。含有情态动词的被动语态的结构为:情态动词be及物

10、动词的过去分词。(3)allow动词,意为“允许,准许”,常用于下列结构中:allow do sth.允许某人做某事eg:The teacher allowed him to go into the classroom.老师允许他进教室。allow doing sth.允许做某事eg:We dont allow smoking in public.我们不允许在公共场所吸烟。be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事eg:Passengers are not allowed to smoke.乘客不允许吸烟。People who drink wine_to drive a

11、fter May Day.(2013,广东)Adont allow Bisnt allowedCmustnt allow Dmustnt be allowed【解析】D。由句意“五一之后喝了酒的人一定不允许开车。”知“喝了酒的人”与谓语动词“允许”构成了被动关系,并且语气很强烈,故选D。【即时演练】.单项选择。1Its said that smoking wont be_D_in indoor public places or workplaces in China soon.Aattacked BadmiredCattracted Dallowed2Look at the sign on t

12、he right!Oh,smoking _C_ here.(2014,孝感)Adidnt allowedBdoesnt allowCisnt allowedDwasnt allowed3Whats the matter?They said I was not allowed_C_here.They dont allow_in the waiting room.Asmoking;to smoke Bto smoke;to smokeCto smoke;smoking Dsmoking;smoking.根据汉语完成句子。4我应该被允许自己做决定。I should be allowed to mak

13、e my own decisions.5这里不允许拍照。Youmustnt be allowed to take photos here.二、Of course we want to see Liu Yu achieve his dreams当然,我们希望看到刘玉实现他的梦想【考点精讲】achieve及物动词,意为“实现,完成”。eg:Im sure he will achieve his dream in the end.我确信他最终会实现自己的梦想。【注意】come true意思也为“实现”,但其主语通常是梦想等;而achieve的主语通常是人。eg:She achieved her dr

14、eam.她实现了她的梦想。Her dream came true.她的梦想实现了。Mum,Im tired of doing too much homework every day.(2014,盐城)Oh,dear,without hard work,you cant_your dream.Achoose BencourageCmanage Dachieve【解析】D。本题考查动词的辨析。choose选择,encourage鼓励,manage经营、管理,achieve实现。句意:“妈妈,我厌倦了每天都做很多作业。”“哦,亲爱的,不努力学习,你是不可能实现梦想的。”故选D。【即时演练】.单项选择

15、。1You will_B_nothing unless you work hard.Abreak BachieveCinvente Dcomplete2If we Chinese work hard together,China Dream will_B_(2013,遂宁)Acome outBcome trueCachieve3China Dream is a great dream.Each of us should try our best to make it_A_(2013,龙岩)Acome trueBgrow upCtake place4Mr.Brown is a hardworki

16、ng man and he has_B_great success.Its the same with Mr.Green.Abroke BachievedCinvented Dcompleted5_B_a balance between work and play is really difficult.AAchieve BTo achieveCAchieves DTo achieving三、It must be Carlas.它一定是卡拉的。【考点精讲】(1)must为情态动词,无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。eg:I must go home.我必须回家。【注意】在回答must引起的一般疑

17、问句时,否定式常用neednt或dont have to,意为“没必要”,而mustnt表示“不准;禁止”。eg:Must I finish the work on time?我必须按时完成工作吗?Yes,you must./No,you neednt/dont have to.是的,你必须。/不,你不必。(2)此处must表示推断,通常与be连用,意为“一定是,肯定是”。must这种表示推测的用法只用于肯定句中。eg:There must be something wrong with the computer.那台电脑一定是出了什么毛病。【注意】must表示肯定推测时,其否定形式是cant

18、,意为“不可能”,表示有把握的否定推测。eg:We must be wrong.我们一定是搞错了。(改为否定句)We cant be wrong.我们不可能搞错了。might或could表示肯定推测时,意为“也许是;可能是”,其否定形式是cant。eg:The red pen cant be Hus.It might/could be Mings.这支红色的钢笔不可能是胡的。它可能是明的。The magazine_be Lilys,for we can find her name on the cover.(2014,青岛)Amay Bmight Ccould Dmust【解析】D。情态动词表

19、示推测时,may,might和could都意为“可能”,must意为“一定,肯定”。由后半句“因为我们能在封面上发现她的名字”,可推测这本杂志肯定是李莉的。故选D。【即时演练】1You_D_stop when the traffic light turns red.(2012,铜仁)Acan Bhad betterCneed Dmust2Mum,must I stay there the whole day?No,you_C_You_come back after lunch,if you like.(2014,福州)Amustnt;can Bneednt;mustCneednt;may3Wh

20、ose notebook is this?(2012,贵阳)It_B_Jims.It has his name on it.Acant be Bmust beCcan be4Mum,must I take out the trash now?(2014,十堰)No,you _D_You may take a rest first.Amustnt BcantCshouldnt Ddont have to5Is that your teacher?That_A_be Mr.Wang.He has gone to Japan with his wife.(2014,鸡西市)Acant Bmustnt

21、 Cmay not6Tom,you_B_play with the knife.You_hurt yourself.(2012,咸宁)Awont;cant Bmustnt;mayCshouldnt;must Dcant;should四、There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood一定是有东西闯入了我们小区的住户家中【考点精讲】(1)there must be是there be句型与情态动词must连用,表示对现在情况的肯定推测,意为“一定有”。eg:There must be someone in the room

22、.房间里一定有人。【注意】由there must be构成的句子,如果must表推测,意为“一定,必须”,其反意疑问句则需要根据be来选用适当的形式,即:benotthere?There must be a knife in your pocket,isnt there?你的口袋里一定有把小刀,不是吗?There must be some people in the room,arent there?房间里肯定有一些人,不是吗?there be句型除有现在时态和过去时态形式,还可以有完成形式,其结构为“There have/has been名词”。eg:There have been grea

23、t changes in our hometown in the last few years.在过去的几年里我们家乡发生了巨大的变化。(2)“There be名词doing”句型表示“有在进行”。eg:There is someone knocking at the door.有人在敲门。There is something_to get in the window.(2013,安顺)Atry Btries Ctrying Dtried【解析】C。考查固定结构:There be sth.doing sth.故选C。【即时演练】.单项选择。1There_B_a teacher and many

24、 students_games in the classroom.(2013,巴中)Aare;play Bis;playingChave;to play2There must be a bird_C_in the tree.Asing Bsings Csinging Dto sing3Is Jim in the gym by himself?No.There is another boy_A_tennis with him.Aplaying Bplay Cplays Dto play.翻译句子。4看!有三个男孩在操场上打球。Look!_There_are_three_boys_playing_

25、basketball_on_the_playground. 五、【辨析】sleepy/asleep/sleeping/sleep【考点精讲】sleepy指人昏昏欲睡,或沉睡时的寂静状态,即可作表语,又可作定语。作表语时,是“困倦、想睡觉”之意,作定语时,作“贪睡、寂静的”意思。eg:The children feel sleepy,put them to bed.孩子们困了,把他们放床上睡吧。asleep是表语形容词,意为“睡着的”。fall asleep“睡着”。eg:He was too tired and fell asleep at once.他太累了,立刻就睡着了。sleeping是

26、定语形容词,它放在所修饰的名词前。意为“睡觉的”。eg:Who is that sleeping man?那个在睡觉的人是谁?sleep作动词或名词。意为“睡眠,睡觉”。eg:You have a good sleep.你需要好好睡一觉。Last night I slept very well.我昨天晚上睡得很好。David felt_(sleep)in class because he stayed up too late last night.(2013,泰州)【解析】sleepy。连系动词后面接形容词作表语。【即时演练】.单项选择。1He felt_A_this morning in c

27、lass because he didnt fall_last night.Asleepy;asleep Basleep;sleepCsleep;sleep Dsleep;sleeping2Whats your biggest problem?I dont have enough time_D_Asleepy Bsleeping Casleep Dto sleep.选用sleepy,asleep,sleeping或sleep填空。3Good sleep helps the body and brain grow and develop.4When I was a small child,my

28、mother often read me some stories before I went tosleep5The lecture was so boring that some people fellasleep while listening.6Dont make a noise,Grandpa is sleeping7I didnt sleep well last night,so Im feeling sleepy8Keep quiet,dont wake up thesleeping baby.六、【辨析】not onlybut also/neithernor/eitheror/

29、bothand【考点精讲】not onlybut also是表示联合关系的并列连词,意为“不但而且”,用来连接句子中成分相同的词语。如果用来连接主语,谓语动词要以but also后面的主语为准。eg:The threeyearold boy can not only speak English but also write it.这个三岁的小男孩不仅会说英语,而且还会写。Not only I but also my mother is going to the museum.不仅我而且我的母亲都要去博物馆。neither与nor连用构成并列连词,意为“既不也不”,连接两个相同的句子成分。连接主语时,谓语动词在人称和数上通常与nor后面的主语保持一致。eg:I have been to neither Shanghai nor Hangzhou.上海和杭州我都没去过。Neither you nor Jim doesnt like playing the piano.你和吉姆都不喜欢弹钢琴。e

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