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1、牛津小学英语4B复习资料M1U1一 词汇西瓜_ 葡萄_ 李子_ 樱桃_ 草莓_ 脆的_ 高高的藤条_ _ 一点也不_享受一种水果_围坐_公园_ 学校_ 小院子_ 二 填空1.I have _ ( 一杯) watermelon juice.2.Is it _(樱桃汁)or watermelon juice? Its watermelon juice . I think.3.These _(fox) said:The grapes are _(在高高的藤条上),I cant _(eat)_(they).4.Those grapes _(酸).They are _(一点也不甜).5_(怎么样,如何)

2、the green one? Its nice and _(脆).6.How _(do) the red apple _? Its sweet.三 句子部分1. 它是一块饼干(biscuit)还是一颗糖果呢?它是一颗糖果。2.I like apples.(对划线部分提问)3.I like red apples (对划线部分提问)4.I have a sweet.(对划线部分提问)My favourite fruitThere are so many kinds of fruit.My favourite fruit are bananas and pears.They taste very n

3、ice.When I eat them.I feel so happy and cool.I always invite my friends and my parents to enjoy them with me.They make me happy. So I love bananas and pears bestM1U2一. 词汇坚硬_柔软_粗糙_钝的_尖锐_平滑_ 细,瘦,薄的_触摸_ 厚的_发生什么事_脱下_在那边_认领所_ 钱包_女裙_ 地板_ 瞎的_ 二填空1._(who)knife is this?-Its Dannys.2.Can I take off _(我的鞋子)?3.

4、There _(be)something _the sand?Its hard.4._(在树下),there _(be) four brothers .They are all blind.5.I can _(see) a elephant.6.The shoes_(be) too big. But that pair of shoes _(be) small.7.Jim_(be) my friend ._(He)eyes are small.8._(who) the girl _(穿prep)the red T-shirt.9.We _(be) late _(prep) the party.

5、10.Look ,that is _(a clock, oclock).Its four_( a clock, oclock)now.三.句子部分1.That student is her friend .(改为一般疑问句,否定回答)_2. These dolls are Kittys.(对划线部分提问)_3. theres something in the sand.(改为一般疑问句)_4. 这是你的钥匙吗?-不,不是的。(翻译)_My favourite toyMy favourite toy is computer.Its small and thin.Its colour is blu

6、e.I play it everyday!I think its a good toy ,because its very interesting and relaxing !I love it very much! M1U3一.词汇影子_ 小山_ 草坪_ 小道_ 长椅_ 起来_ 降落_ 在后面_ 变成_在上面_ 在前面_强壮_ 沿着走_ 声音_害怕_ 逃跑_ 跟随_push(第三人称单数形式)_pass(第三人称单数形式)_watch(第三人称单数形式)_wash(第三人称单数形式)_play(第三人称单数形式)_stay(第三人称单数形式)_study(第三人称单数形式)_carry(第三

7、人称单数形式)_go(第三人称单数形式)_do(第三人称单数形式)_be(第三人称单数形式)_have(第三人称单数形式)_ 二填空(主要是第三人称的动词的变化规则) 1. He _(like watch) TV. 2. She_(have) lunch at twelve.3. It _(look) like a cat.(look like 的意思是看起来像)4. Han Mei _ like her mother.5. Beijing_(be) in China.6. A horse _(be)a useful animal.7. That car_(be)red.8. The cat

8、_(be) Lucys.9. Everyone _(be) here.10. The milk _(be) in the glass.11. The bread _(be) very small.12. 6 _(be) a lucky number.13.They_(have) a math lesson in the afternoon.14.My shadow ofen _(go)with me.三句子1.Henry hears a sound.(对划线部分提问)_2.The black shape follows henry.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_3.I like my sh

9、adow.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_4.这是个阳光明媚的一天。(翻译)_This is my shadow.Sometimes my shadow is long.Sometimes my shadow is short.My shadow follows(跟随)me everywhere.Some times my shadow is gone(消失)!I like my shadow! 1.抢劫!2.请自便! M2U1一.词汇海报_俱乐部_最喜爱的_参加_ 一起_踢足球_打台球_网球_ 打羽毛球_打篮球_游泳课_一副泳镜_进入_暖身运动_泳池_健康_ 祝你玩得愉快_业余爱好_ 如此

10、有趣_二 填空1.Lets_(join)the club together.2.She often_(play) badminton with me.3.Who else would like _(join)?4.Would you like _(come) with _(we)?.5.Will Kitty _too?6.The swimsuit cannot _(be) too big _(conj) too small.7.Do_(warm-up exercise) _(pre) you go into the water.8.Swimming _(make)you health and

11、strong.9.Hanmei _(like play) badminton.三 句子部分5. 你愿意和我们一起来吗?-当然,我非常乐意。(翻译)2.She likes playing basketball.(改为一般疑问句)3.My favourite sport is basketball. (对划线部分提问)4.There are your dolls.(一般疑问句)My hobbyIm -(your name). Im a puple. Swimming, reading books, cooking, watching TV, listening to music, and ridi

12、ngbikes.There are all my hobbies. Tell me something about you: whats your hobby? M2U2一.词汇可爱的_ 骨头_ 鹦鹉_鱼_ 乌龟_ 饿_ 掉落_害怕短语_ 爬上_ 跳下_ 累_ 抓_ 回去_ 洞_兽医_山羊_ 增加_四 填空1.What_(do) she like?.2.She _(eat) a large bowl of cat food every day.3.Milly _(see) an apple_(prep) the tree.(提示:树上接的果子用on;不是树上本身的,比如鸟用in) eg: Th

13、ere are some birds in the tree.4.The elepant _(shake)the tree.And these apples_(fall down).5.The elepant likes _(eat) these_(leaf) .6.The cat_(醒来)and _(see)the mouse.7.The mouse _(go)back _(it)hole.He is_(happy),but the cat is_.8.Mark wants _(be) a vet.9.Hanmei _(want)_(have) a pet.二 句子部分1.Ginger ea

14、ts fish.(对划线部分提问)2.Sam likes bones.(对划线部分提问)3.I like cats . (对划线部分提问)4.Min wants the fish.(一般疑问句,肯定回答)5.I have a fish. (一般疑问句,否定回答)6.I have a fish. (对划线部分提问)My petI have a pet.It is a white rabbit.Its name is Benben. It has two red eyes and two long ears. Carrots are Benbens favourite food.We are go

15、od friends.I love it very much.Have you got a pet?M2U3一.词汇模型飞机_厨房_卧室_客厅_ 浴室_ 关掉_打开(灯)_ 许多_ 读故事书_童话故事_聊天_就寝时间_ 有趣_度假_在沙滩上_ 贝壳_ 美丽_* 必背句型:现在进行时态中对动作提问可记住此句式“What +be +主语+doing+其它?”( look , listen ,now)二 填空1. Look! He _(help)their mother do the housework.2 ._are the boys doing ? They are singing in the

16、 room.3. Dont talk here. My mother _(sleep).4.Danny _(write). Dont call him.5.When_he_(come)back? Sorry, I dont know.6. Are the children_ (run) or _ (jump)?7. Its ten oclock. My mother _(lie)in bed.8. What _you_(do) these days?9. _he _(clean) the classroom?10. The girl_(like)wearing a sweater. Look!

17、 She _(wear)a red sweater today.三 句子部分1. The students are singing in the room (对划线部分提问)2. Li Ming isnt reading a book in bed now.(改为一般疑问句)3. They are swim . (改为现在进行时)4.I have got a present yesterday.(一般疑问句,肯定回答)5.Alice has got many present on her 11-years old birthday . (一般疑问句,否定回答)6.Ben has got a t

18、oy car on Childrens Day. (对划线部分提问)There are many mice in the house. The man of the house has a cat. The cat kills(杀死)many of them . Then the oldest mouse says, All mice come to my room tonight. Let us put our heads together and think what to do. We can do about(除掉)the cat. All the mice come. Many mi

19、ce speak , but no one knows what to do. At last a young mouse stands up and says, We must put a bell(铃)on the cat. When the cat comes near, we can hear the bell and run away and hide. (躲藏) So the cat will not catch any of us. “But,” the old mouse asks, who will put the bell on the cat? No mouse answ

20、ers .The old mouse waits, but no one answers. At last the old mouse says, It is easy to say things; but it is hard to do them.M3U1一.词汇影子_ 小山_ 草坪_ 小道_ 长椅_ 升起来_ 降落_在后面_ 变成_在上面_在前面_强壮_ 沿着走_ 声音_害怕_ 逃跑_ 跟随_M3U2一.词汇影子_ 小山_ 草坪_ 小道_ 长椅_ 升起来_ 降落_在后面_ 变成_在上面_在前面_强壮_ 沿着走_ 声音_害怕_ 逃跑_ 跟随_My dayDo you want know a

21、bout my day, Please I teii you.I usually get up at five thilty , I run at six oclock, eat breakfast at six thilty,usually take a number 2 bus go to school at seven oclock, go home at eleven oclock am .Eat lunch at twenty oclock ,go home atfive oclock pm,evening I usually do my homework at five thilty, usually eat lunch at seven oclock, usually take the shower at eight oclock. after shower go to bed at nine thilty.THIS IS MY DAY .M3U3一.词汇影子_ 小山_ 草坪_ 小道_ 长椅_

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