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新视野大学英语听说教程3leading in.docx

1、新视野大学英语听说教程3leading inUnit1什么因素会使记忆力减退?少熬夜,休息很重要饮食规律,少吃垃圾食品人们越来越依赖于科技产品1What factors may weaken ones memory?答:At first,having a good rest is very important.we should aviod staying up late.And then we had better develop the good habit of normal diet,trying to eat less and less junk food.Finally,we sh

2、ould reduce our dependence on morden technology,such as computer and laptop and so on.2.描述记忆不好的优势。容易忘掉不开心的人和事可以有主见,更容易临场发挥温故而知新2Can you describe some possible advantages of having a poor memory?答:First of all,it is more easily for somebody who has a poor memory to forget unhappy people and things.Se

3、condly,because of poor memory ,people become more confident of his own ideas instead of learning by note. Grititude on bad memory ,when we review konwledge we have leant,we can gains something new.3.怎么确保生日时你能列出所有的亲朋好友?网络飞信相互转达3.What can you do to make sure all your relatives and friends are on the g

4、uest list for your birthday party?答:We can make sure it by many ways. Internet is convenient for us to ensure it. Because now Fetion 、MSN and QQ becomes more and more popular for people to convey a message,our relatives and friends must be there.5.你最爱的科目及喜爱的原因。最爱英语。个人兴趣老师影响于国际接轨5.What subject do you

5、 like best?What make you like it:your personal interests,the teacher,the practical applications of course in future,etc.?答:I like English best.When I first met English,my English teacher have a deep influence on me.His pronunciation just likes singing a song.Since then I have developed an interest i

6、n English.Learning English not only to get a good scores ,but also can make us communicate with foreigners.6.中国小孩有必要为了奥赛做一大堆数学难题吗?我认为没必要。因为没有实际用途给小孩压力太大本末倒置,偏科,基础部扎实课利用课外时间根据个人兴趣6.Do you think it is necessary for some Chinese children to do a lot of difficult math priblems for Olympic Math Competiti

7、on?答:I donnot think so.At frist,doing a lot of difficult math priblems is useless.Aprat from giving children too much stress,it can cause children pay too much attention on one subject.Besides,it may lead to childrens study basic no steady.So,in my opinion,it had better a ccording to childrens inter

8、est,but not force them to do what they wantnot to do .7.优秀学生都具备的好习惯。善于思考勤动笔课前预习课后复习7.What study habits seem to be common among successful students?答:First,they are all thoughtful.In their minds,there are so many “why”waiting to be solved.They always write down some new ideas.They learn by note.And t

9、hey have a good habit that they preview before the class,review after class.Yhey are good at doing some conclusion to make knowledge more easily to understand.8.怎样避免学生在考试中作弊?在平时严格要求对知识的掌握出台惩罚制度8.How to prevent studentscheating in examinations?答:At ordinary times,teachers must be strict with students

10、, In order to make sure that students master the knowledge well.Besides, punishment is necessary.If students cheating in the examination,they fail the exam.9.人们会选择有兴趣虽然工资不高的工作还是高工资但乏味的工作呢?如果没有要赚很多钱的强烈野心ambitions desire,而且在选择之前就已经在犹豫,那还是选择自己喜欢的吧。压力大的工作,不一定能坚持多久,而自己喜欢的工作,可以长久地做下去,也许将来还能有所发展,越赚越多呢。9.Wh

11、at do you think people will choose:a low-paid job one likes,or a boring well-paid job?答:If someone has an ambitions to earn much money,they will be more willing to choose a boring well-paid job.But if people donnot desire to make a lot of money,they may choose a low-paid job they likes. The stress o

12、f work which they donnot like cannot do for long.But,if you choose the jib which you are interest in,you can insist on it,and may have some development in the future.And in that time,you can earn more money.10性格对于找工作来说重要吗?为什么?主要看你是什么专业和工作。一个人的性格如果内向,不擅长交流,工作中很麻烦,一些工作要多学,多问。外向性格比较有好处。10.Do you think

13、ones character is important in finding a job?Why ir why not?答:I think it depengs on the job. Generally speaking,the outgoiing are easier to find a job.They have a good ability to communicate whit others.11.什么课程对工作最有用?实验和实习课程当然是最为实用的 11.What courses are usefull for ones job?答:Experiment and practice

14、course of course is most practical12.面试的时候经常问的问题: 1、我们为什么要雇请你呢?你能为我们公司带来什么呢?你为什么来应聘这份工作?你对加班有什么看法?12.What questions do you think are often asked in an interview?Why are they asked?答:Why should we hire you?What Can you bring to our company? Why did you come to apply for the job?What do you think abou

15、t work overtime?13根据你的经验,目前有那些行为正在损害环境? 1,乱砍滥伐, 2,。资源浪费,不可再生。3,以牺牲环境为代价,片面追求经济发展,造成生态平衡的破坏,血的代价。4,大规模高消耗、低利用率的工业生产,废气、废渣的无控制排放,造成又一轮新的全面污染,触目惊心。13.According to your experience,what damages are being done to the environment?答:1, overcutting destroy forest vegetation and caused a lot of soil erosion,

16、the deep forest destruction, causing food chain destruction. 2,environmental pollution, soil erosion. The waste of resources, non-renewable. 3, at the cost of destroying enviroment, unilateral pursue economic development, causing the destruction of ecological balance, blood price. 4, large-scale hig

17、h consumption and low utilization ratio of industrial production, waste gas, waste residue of have no control emissions, causing another round of new comprehensive pollution, serie a. 14保护环境的举措:倡步行,骑单车。拒绝使用一次性用品。随手关灯,节约用电14.Can you think of some measures to protect forests?答:Proponents walk, ride a

18、bicycle. Refuse to use disposables. The lights on, save electricityhow to make a good impression:First impression is always the most important thing when you meet a stranger.It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to understand you when you meet for the first time. In this sho

19、rt time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance,your manners and even your behaviours that tell them what type of person you are and your characteristics.So, whether they are in your career or social life, its important to know how to create a good first impression.To m

20、ake a good impression,we have to have deep confidence in ourselves.If you are calm and confident, the other person will feel more at ease and this makes a solid foundation of a good first impression. The next thing is your appearance.Although physical appearance seems to be more important nowadays,

21、dont get upset if you are not born pretty/handsome.Try presenting yourself appropriately, start with the way you dress.Dress for occasions, do not dress for your own mood.Make sure that you look clean and tidy as this help to make a good impression.Well, the most important thing is a smile.“Smile an

22、d the world smiles too.” A warm and confident smile will put both you and the other person at ease.You have to look sincere and true while you are smiling.When it comes to making the first impression, body language as well as appearance speaks much louder than words.Thus, stand tall, smile (of cours

23、e), make eye contact, greet with a firm handshake. All of this will help you project confidence and encourage both you and the other person feel better at ease.Conversations should be short and sweet.Dont talk non-stop as this makes the other person bored. Try to find something common between the tw

24、o of you to talk so as to keep it flowing.Your attitude is also what counts in a good impression.Stay positive, courteous and dont start criticising people or make sarcastic comments because this will spoil your image. Unit1:1.What factors may weaken ones memory?It is often reported that long-term p

25、oor nutrition may affect the functioning of the brain, thus damaging both the long-term and short-term memory. Also harmful to ones memory is lack of water. Elderly people need plenty of water to guarantee their memory works. A third factor is lack of sleep. Without enough sleep, one may feel tired

26、and have difficulty concentrating, not to mention learning things by heart.2. Can you describe some possible advantages of having a poor memory?A poor memory may have some advantages. With the passage of time, the sad memories will fade. Those with a short memory tend to recover faster than those wi

27、th a tenacious memory. For the same reason, forgetful people may be more ready to forget their daily worries and forgive others for their offenses. With a less retentive mind, they may enjoy life more.3. What can you do to make sure all your relatives and friends are on the guest list for your birth

28、day party?First of all, I would check my address book and tick the names of those I intend to invite. Then, to avoid possible omissions, I would ask some of my close relatives, friends and colleagues to look at my initial list of names. They might suggest one or two additions. In this way, I can red

29、uce the chances of missing those I should invite.4. How do you ensure important phone numbers are always at your fingertips?I usually remember my close relatives and friends phone numbers through frequent use. But my memory cannot always be trusted. In this case, a mobile phone is extremely useful b

30、ecause it can store many phone numbers. But when the batteries run down, the mobile phone cant help either. So I also rely on my address book. To play safe, I prefer to have two address books. I take one with me and leave the other at home. Thus I can always find the number I need.Unit2:1.What subje

31、ct do you like best? What made you like it: your personal interests, the teacher, the practical applications of the course in the future, etc.?I like physics best, though many classmates find it hard. A lot of factors led me to like this subject. As early as in high school, I was amazed at the laws

32、scientists like Newton and Einstein discovered. What they found out changed the world. Luckily, my physics teacher at this university is excellent. He is knowledgeable and patient. Just because of him, Im willing to spend lots of my spare time on this subject. Most importantly, what I have learned from the physics course will be of great help in landing a good job. Nowadays many companies think physics majors often have a solid academic foundation and can easily adapt themselves to a wide variety of positions.2. Do you think it is

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