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1、雅思语法下载文档收藏雅思语法 雅思语法 雅思语法隐藏 窗体顶端窗体底端 雅思语法完全攻略 雅思语法完全攻略 Total Solution of IELTS Grammar 第一单元第一单元-名词性从句 Chapter One-The Noun Clause (v2.5) 概念:在一个英语句子当中,特定的成份必须用名词性结构来表示。名词性结构分为两种:名词和名词从句。名词从句 就是语法功能相当于名词或名词短语的从句。简而言之, 一种用从句来代替名词的句型。 考生常见问题: 缺乏“名词意识”. (1). Save money is beneficial for ones life after re

2、tirement. (X) (2). There are more and more young criminals in the society has drawn the attention of media. (X) 名词性从句重点句型 1. What 从句 (Proverb) Do what you say, say what you do. Say what you mean, mean what you say. (写作) 通过打工,我们获得的不仅仅是工作经验。它同样能帮助我们把在学校里学到的东西运用到实践当中。(Apply A 西运用到实践当中 into B) _ 从句的加强版2

3、. What 从句的加强版-Whatever/Whoever/all 引导的从句 (写作) 任何一个有责任感(a sense of responsibility)的人都应该为自己的所作所为负责。_ ( 写作 ) 政府要做的就仅仅只是进一步落实 (implement) 该政策。_ 3. 主语从句的变形 1 由连词 that 引导的主语从句,在实际使用中由 it 做形式主语。 That practice makes perfect (熟能生巧) is known to us. (Rare) It is known to us/widely accepted that practice makes

4、perfect. (Common) Tip: 在英语当中表示“据”的句型一般都用It is + 过去分词 + that 引导的主语从句(一般表示某种情况。)据估计: It is estimated that 据报道: It is reported that . 从图表当中我们可以看到 : It could be noted from the graph that 主语从句高分句型: 的确/确实It is true that (It is a fact that) + 主语从句 (写作) 环境问题确实很严重,但我认为还是可以解决的。Failed Example: The environment

5、problem is really serious, but I think we can still solve it. Decent Example: _2.表示 “做是重要/必要的”的时候, 主语从句必须用虚拟语气(should+动词原型). It is important/essential/vital/necessary that sb/sth (should) do sth 在我看来,政府向老年人提供经济援助至关重要.As far as I am concerned, it is essential that the government provide financial aid

6、 to the elder.4. 由疑问词(how, when, where, whether, why, who)等引导的名词性从句考生常见问题: (写作) 很多人根本不明白存钱的目的何在. Many people dont know what is the purpose of saving money. (X) _ 5. 宾语从句: 注意事项 1:当主句的谓语是 think, believe 等时,如果后面跟的宾语从句要表示否定意思,则把谓语动词 think, believe 变成否定形式,宾语从句为肯定句形式。 例句: 我认为我们不应该允许大学生结婚。 I think we shoul

7、d not allow college students to get married. (X) _2:It 作形式宾语的情况。 有时可以用 it 来代替宾语从句作形式宾语, 而将宾语从句放到句子后半部分。 例 句 : (Before) Police departments in the United States and Canada see that they respond to calls for help as quickly as possible as central to their role. (After) Police departments in the United

8、States and Canada see it as central to their role that they respond to calls for help as quickly as possible.( 写作 ) 有些人认为我们花那么多钱在环保上面根本就是浪费时间。 Some people think that we spend so much money on environmental protection is simply waste of time. (X) _ 6. 表语从句: 什么是表语跟在 be 动词后面的成份。如 I am a student当中 I 是主语

9、,am a student 加在一起是谓语,而 be 动词am 后面的 a student 就是表语。 考生常见问题: (写作) The major reason why animals are facing the is because people have paid little attention to the problem. (X) 7. 同位语从句: 特点:同位语从句一般跟在一些比较容易识别的“标志性”如:idea, fact, rumor, news, hope, belief, argument, thought, doubt 等后面, 在含义上对前面的这个名词的内容起进一步

10、详细解释说明的作用,而在语法上则同这个名词处于相同语法地位,因此称为同位语从句。同位语从句在雅思写作中的运用举例 The rumor that she had married to an old man began to spread in the neighborhoods.单元练习: 1. 一个人的实际能力才是企业所真正看重的。2. 我认为我们发明一种新的语言来取代英语是没有必要的.3. 然而,关于它是一件好事还是坏事,人们有不同的态度。 4. 很多国家的失业率在不断攀升这一事实是我们无法否认的。 在给出我的观点之前, 5. 在给出我的观点之前,我认为看一看问题的两面是很重要的。6. 不同

11、的人们对于全球化是否有利于经济的发展这个问题持有不同的看法.7. 令人感到遗憾的是大多数人所在乎的仅仅就只是他们怎么样才能更多地赚到钱。 8. 随着越来越多的妇女参与全职工作 ,由谁来照顾孩子已经成为了社会上的一个问题。 第二单元第二单元-定语从句 Chapter Two-The Attributive Clause 一. 定语从句的概念 简单来说就是把从句放在某个单词/词组/句子后面来对其 进行修饰二. 两个首先必须明确的概念:先行词和关系词 Kung Fu Panda is the best cartoon movie (先行词) that/which (关系词) I have watch

12、ed this year. 注意:先行词未必永远都是定语从句之前的那一个单词,有的时候先行词与定语从句之间插入了别的成份,这个时候就必须通过上下文意思来寻找先行词。(阅读) There has been a significant increase in the number of women with children who are in the paid workforce in Australia. 三. 定语从句的分类 定语从句可以分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句两大类。 限 制 性 定 语 从 句 : England was one of the first 7 countri

13、es where scientists adopted and publicized Copernican ideas (哥白尼学说) with enthusiasm. ( 阅 读 ) One new keyboard included keys which together produced letters which frequently occur together in English, like ing and th and ed, so the word “thing” would take two strokes to write instead of thing” five.

14、特点: 从句对先行词起限制作用,说明先行词必须如此,不能超出这个限制。先行词往往属于“集合”而非“元素”,并且它所表示的内容往往与先行词关系密切,必不可少。 (2). 关系词引导的定语从句和先行词之间绝对没有逗号隔开。 Such expansion, which was to take the English language west to America and east to India, was supported by scientific developments such as magnetism(磁力). (阅读) It is very likely that the key

15、board, which we have used for over a century, will soon be replaced by voice -activated computers which take dictation (听写) as we speak to them. Tip: 在雅思阅读中, 遇到定语从句可以先忽略不看,先看句子的主干。 先忽略不看,先看句子的主干。 特点: 非限制性定语从句往往是对先行词(一般为 元素” “元素 ) 作进一步的解释和补充说明。如果把非限制性定语从句从句子中去掉,整个句子的意思不会受到很大影响。关系词引导的定语从句和先行词之间绝对有逗号隔开

16、。The metal industry was established at Riverside Village by _ who lived in the area. 定语从句和先行词之间有没有逗号会直接决定句子意思。试比较以下两个句子意思的不同:1. In terms of exceptions, scientists refer to the waves which are too small to consider individually. 2. In terms of exceptions, scientists refer to the waves, which are too

17、small to consider individually. (写作)不少人认为如今被人们广泛使用的电脑未来总有一天将会彻底取代电视机。 Quite a number of people believe that televisions will be replaced by computers_ _ 注意:这个句子必须用定语从句表示。由此看出在雅思写作和口语中描述事务的特性往往用它来表示。四. 不同关系词的用法 1. 关系代词 which 的用法 (口语) What is your favorite spare time activity? I usually choose to rela

18、x myself by watching American TV series in my spare time, _. ( 口 语 ) Do young people in your country live by themselves or with their parents? As far as I know, many people of my age live with their parents not because they want to but because they have to. ( 口 语 ) What leisure activities are popula

19、r in your country? _ 引导的非限制性定语从句, 由 which 引导的非限制性定语从句,其先行词对应的不仅可以是一个词或短语,也可以是主句的一部分甚至一个完整的句子。 而在限制性定语从句中 which 就绝对不能用于修饰一个句子。例句: (口语) My brother is a book-worm, when deeply absorbed in his books, which he often is, he will forget about everything. ( 阅读 ) Fathers spend less time in housework and chil

20、dcare, which is regarded by some scientists as a major contributor to the stress-related anxiety of employed mothers. 日益增加的私车数量,日益增加的私车数量,我认为这是造成交通问题的最主要原因。 To solve the traffic problem,_ 2. 由 who/whom/whose 引导的定语从句 用法: who,作宾语, 用法:当关系代词在定语从句中作主语时用 who,作宾语, whom,表 whose。 表语时用 whom,表示所属关系时用 whose。 它们

21、所引导的 定语从句既可以是限制性定语从句也可以是非限制性定语 从句。 从句。 (口语) Describe your idol. 口语) My idol is Jay,_ (口语) Describe a person that you respect the most. 我的父亲是一个教了 30 多年书的教师,他是我最尊敬的人。 _ (口语) (1) Rain is a Korean Singer. (2). His popularity is second to none in Asia. _ 3. 关系词 when 的用法 When 引导的定语从句通常用在表示时间的名词或短语如 后面, ti

22、me, year, day 后面,它引导的定语从句既可以是限制性 也可以是非限制性定语从句。 也可以是非限制性定语从句。例句: (口语) Describe an important Chinese festival. Spring Festival is the time when all the family members come back home and get together in China.In China, the most important traditional festival is Spring Festival, when all the family memb

23、ers would come back home and get together. (非限制性定语从句) (1). 我永远忘不了我第一次见到她的那一天。 I will never forget the day when I met her for the first time. (2). 我永远忘不了我在上海和她度过的那些日子。 I will never forget the days when I spent with her in Shanghai. (X)(口语) Describe a day that is special to you. _ At what age do peopl

24、e in your country get married? _ 4. 关系词 where 的用法 关系词 where 引导的定语从句通常用在表示地点的名词或 短语后, 短语后,如 place, the city 等。 它引导的定语从句既可以是限制性的也可以是非限制性的。 它引导的定语从句既可以是限制性的也可以是非限制性的。 例句: Nylon is a very tough synthetic fiber (人造纤维) first developed in the 1930s, and bearing a name to remind the hearer of the two places

25、 where it was developed: NY for New York and Lon for London. The power plants are usually located outside the city, where air quality problems are less serious. (口语) Do you spend your free time with other people? Yes. Sometimes I would invite my friends to have a cup of coffee in Starbucks, _ (口语) T

26、alk about a shopping center you are familiar 口语) with. _ _ 五. 定语从句的变形形式 动词定语从句的变形 1. be 动词定语从句的变形 在定语从句中做主语,如果关系词 which/who/that 在定语从句中做主语,后面跟的谓语动词是 be 动词, 则可以将关系词和 be 动词一起省 略。这种用法在雅思阅读和写作中非常普遍。 这种用法在雅思阅读和写作中非常普遍。 Scientists are seeking a drug (which is) able to prolong life. 2. 实义动词定语从句的变形 在定语从句中作主

27、语且紧跟在其关系词 which/who/that 在定语从句中作主语且紧跟在其 后的谓语动词为实义动词时,可以省略关系词, 后的谓语动词为实义动词时,可以省略关系词,此时谓语动词变为 ing 分词。 Research, relating to identical twins, has highlighted (突显出) how significant inherited characteristics can be for an individuals life. 定语从句变形形式的特点:只能用于关系词在定语从句中作主语的情况。 (1). 只能用于关系词在定语从句中作主语的情况。 (2). 特

28、别适合用于多重定语从句 (口语) Describe a sport star you like. (1). David Beckham is a football player. (2). David Beckham is famous for his handsomeness. (3). David Beckham is enjoying great popularity in China. (口语) Describe a person who is controversial 口语) _ 七. 雅思口语定语从句实战案例 (1). whats your name? _ (2). Where are you from? _ _ (3). Are you a student or are you working now? _

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