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1、英文版宏观经济典型例题附带答案15页Macroeconomics1、2、3、4、Abby consumes only apples. In year 1, red apples cost 1 dollar each, green apples cost 2 dollar each, and Abby buys 10 red apples. In year 2, red apples cost 2 dollar, green apples cost 1 dollar, and Abby buys 10 green apples.a. Compute a consumer price index

2、for apples for each year. Assume that year 1is the base year in which the consumer basket is fixed. How does your index change from year 1 to year 2?b. Compute Abbys nominal spending on apples in each year. How does it change from year 1 to year 2?c. Using year 1 as the base year, compute Abbys real

3、 spending on apples in each year. How does it change from year 1 to year 2?d. Defining the implicit price deflator as nominal spending divided by real spending, compute the deflator for each year. How does the deflator change from year 1 to year 2?Suppose that Abby is equally happy eating red or gre

4、en apples. How much has the true cost of living increased for Abby? Compare this answer to your answers to parts (a) and (d). What does this example tell you about Laspeyres and Paasche price indexes? a. According to the CPI(消費物價指數), prices have doubled.b. N-spending is the total value of output pro

5、duced in each year. In Y1 and Y2, Abby buys 10 apples for $1 each, so her N-spending remains constant at $10. c. R-spending is the total value of output produced in each year valued at the prices prevailing in Y1.In Y1,the base year,her R-spending equals her N-spending of $10. In year 2, she consume

6、s 10 green apples that are each valued at their Y1 price of $2, so her real spending is $20. Hence, Abbys real spending rises from $10 to $20.d. Thus, the implicit price deflator suggests that prices have fallen by half. e. If Abby thinks of red apples and green apples as perfect substitutes, then t

7、he cost of living in this economy has not changed.According to the CPI, however, the cost of living has doubled. In contrast to the CPI, the implicit price deflator estimates the cost of living has halved. Thus, the CPI, a Laspeyres index, overstates the increase in the cost of living and the deflat

8、or, a Paasche index, understates it. This chapter of the text discusses the difference between Laspeyres and Paasche indices in more detail.5、6、Suppose that an economys production function is Cobb-Douglas with parameter .a. What fractions of income do capital and labor receive?b. Suppose that immigr

9、ation increases the labor force by 10 percent. What happen to total output? The rental price of capital? The real wage?c. Suppose that a gift of capita form abroad raises the capital stock by 10 percent. What happens to total output(in percent). The rental price of capital? The real wage?d. Suppose

10、that a technological advance raises the value of the parameter A by 10 percent. What happens to total output? The rental price of capital? The real wage?7、Suppose that the money demand function takes the forma. If output grows at rate g, at what rate will the demand for real balances grow(assuming c

11、onstant nominal interest rates)?b. What is the velocity of money in this economy?c. If inflation and nominal interest rates are constant, at what rate, if any, will velocity grow?d. How will a permanent increase in the level of interest rates affect the level of velocity? How will it affect the subs

12、equent growth rate of velocity?8、Consider an economy with the following Cobb-Douglas production function:The economy has 1000 units of capital and a labor force of 1000 workers.a. Derive the equation describing labor demand in this economy as a function of the real wage and the capital stock.b. If t

13、he real wage can adjust to equilibrate labor supply and labor demand, what is the real wage? In this equilibrium, what are employment, output, and the total amount earned by workers?c. Now suppose that Congress, concerned about the welfare of the working class, passes a law requiring firms to pay wo

14、rkers a real wage of 1 unit of output. How does this wage compare to the equilibrium wage?d. Congress cannot dictate how many workers firm hire at the mandated wage. Given this fact, what are the effects of this law? Specifically, what happens to employment, output and the total amount earned by wor

15、kers?e. Will Congress succeed in its goal of helping the working class? Explain.f. Do you think that this analysis provides a good way of thinking about a minimum-wage law? Why or why not?9、One country , A, the capital share of GDP is 30 percent, the average growth in output is 3 percent per year, t

16、he depreciation rate is about 4 percent per year, and the capital-output rate is about 2.5. Suppose that the production function is Cobb-Douglas, so the capital share is constant, and that country A has been in a steady state ;.a. What must the saving rate be in the initial? b. Compare the capital-o

17、utput ratio at the Golden Rule steady state to the capital-output ratio in the initial state. c. What must the saving rate be to reach the Golden Rule steady state? Doses it need to be increased or decreased? What policies might country A purse ? 10、Two countries, Richland and Poorland, are describe

18、d by the Solow growth model. They have the same Cobb-Douglas production function, , but with different quantities of capital and labor,. Richland save 32 percent of its income, while Poorland saves 10 percent. Richland has population growth of 1 percent per year, while Poorland has population growth

19、 of 3 percent.(The numbers in this problem are chosen to be approximately realistic descriptions of rich and poor nations.) Both nations have technological progress at rate of 2 percent per year and depreciation at a rate of 5 percent per year. a. What is the per-worker production function f(k)?b. S

20、olve for the ratio of Richlands steady-state income per worker to Poorlands.(Hint: The parameter will play a role in your answer.)c. If the Cobb-Douglas parameter takes the conventional value of about 1/3, how much higher should income per worker in Richland compared to Poorland?d. Income per worker

21、 in Richland is actually 16 times income per worker in Poorland. Can you explain this fact by changing the value of parameter ? What must it be? Can you think of any way of justifying such a value for this parameter? How else might you explain the larger difference in income between Richland and Poo

22、rland?8、Suppose that consumption depends on the level of real money balance ( on the grounds that real money balances are part of wealth). Show that if real money balances depend on the nominal interest rate, then an increase in the rate of money growth affects consumption, investment, and the real

23、interest rate. Does the nominal interest rate adjust more than one-for-one or less than one-for-one to expected inflation? This deviation from the classical dichotomy and the Fisher effect is called the Mundell-Tobin effect. How might you decide whether the Mundell-Tobin effect is important in pract

24、i概率小:3、Consider how each of the following events is likely to affect real GDP. Do you think the change in real GDP reflects a similar change in economic well-being?a. A hurricane in Florida forces Disney World to shut down for a month.b. Increased hostility between unions and management sparks a ras

25、h of strikes?c. Firms throughout the economy experience falling demand, causing them to lay off workers.d. More high-school students drop out of school to take jobs mowing lawns. 4、When the government subsidizes investment, such as with an investment tax credit, the subsidy often applies to only som

26、e types of investment. This question asks you to consider the effect of such a change. Suppose there are two types of investment in the economy: business investment and residential investment. And suppose that the government institutes an investment tax credit only for business investment.a. How doe

27、s this policy affect the demand curve for business investment? The demand curve for residential investment?b. Draw the economys supply and demand for loanable funds. How does this policy affect the supply and demand for loanable funds? What happens to the equilibrium interest rate?c. Compare the old and the new equilibria. How does this policy affect the total quantity of investment? The quantity of residential investment?

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