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1、完整版牛津英语9B知识点归纳9BUnitl短语汇总一、词组或短语序号Chin eseEn glish1在许多方面in many ways在某些方面in some ways2照顾;照料care for = take care of = look after被照顾;照料be cared for = be take n care of = be looked3火星上的生活life on Mars after4够到我的食物get to my food5能够做某事be able to do sth.6帮助某人做某事help sb. with sth.=help sb. (to) do sth.7呈现药片

2、的形状in the form of pills8使某人感到非常难受make sb. feel very ill9使某人镇定下来make sb. calm dow n10使这人梦想成为现实make this dream become true11提供某物给某人provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.12变得越来越拥挤become more and more crowded13目前;现在at prese nt = at the mome nt = now14以速度at the speed of 以光速的一半运行travel at half the s

3、peed of light15首先first of all16许多large nu mbers of = a nu mber of = many17漂入太空中float away into space18飘浮在空中float in the air19因住在那里而生病get ill from living there20将A连接到B上面connect A to B将相连接A和Bconnect A with B21被连接到be conn ected to 22进行考试take exams23 .一样美味和as tasty as 24压缩食品;干缩食品dried food25数码相机digital

4、camera26伤害某人do harm to sb. = harm sb.损伤某物do harm to sth.= harm sth.27去火星的旅行the journey to Mars28太空睡袋space sleep ing bag29准备做某事prepare to do sth.30愿意做某事be willi ng to do sth.31在太空旅行travel in space32在地球的表面on the surface of Earth33在电脑的控制下un der the con trol of computers34开始以.start with =beg in with 35搬

5、到地球之外move out of Earth36第一个住在火星上的人the first to live on Mars37让某人做某事have/make/let sb. do sth.请某人做某事(让某事被have sth. done38做)担心(做某事)worry about (do ing) sth.=be worried about (do ing) sth.39某事让某人担心sth. worry sb.40害怕做某事be afraid of doing sth. = be afraid to do sth.41让某人远离 keep sb. away from 42花费某人一些时间做某事

6、It takes sb. some time to do sth.43阻止某人做某事sb. from doing sth. keep/stop/preve nt44防止飘浮prevent floating45拍高质量的图片take high-quality images46有许多存储空间have lots of memory space47被储存很多个月be stored for many mon ths48地球直径的一半on e-half the diameter of Earth49不太阳系里in the solar system50很难发现be hard to find151最不重要的t

7、he least importa nt52代替.(动词短语)take the place of 53坐在窗户旁边sit by the win dow54匆匆浏览;快速阅读run over55值be worth = cost值得做某事be worth doing sth.562100年火星生活指南a guide to livi ng on Mars in 210057某个安静的地方somewhere quiet58更喜欢做某事prefer to do sth.59起飞take off60确信某事;对某事有把握be sure/certa in of确信做某事;有把握做某 事be sure/cert

8、a in to do sth.宾从 be sure/certain + that、重点句子及句型 I.How do you like life on Mars?= What do you think of lifeon Mars? I I I I I I I I 2.1 thought you liked Mars. 我原以为你喜欢火星thinking aboutin the future. be like what life will 3.Daniel is4.It may be difficult toimagi ne.more and more crowded and polluted5

9、.Our pla net. Earth, is beco ming itpeople to Mars 6.At present, our spacecraft are too slowly to carry largenu mbers of takes mon ths.at7.By 2100, the journey might take only a very short time in space shuttles (that travel .)half the speed of light J 8.Humans need food, waterand air to survive.9.H

10、owever, it is not sure if these plants could produce water.three-eighths of the gravity on Earth10.The gravity on Mars isonly about 11.There will be many differe nt desig nsfor settlers to choosefrom computer have a computer inte-planet connecting to an at home( 12.Every student will network.)13.1 a

11、m wondering if/whether there will be many people willing to move to Mars. livi ng there.get ill from 14.We couldEarth. 1550% of the studentsall the work for It would be great to 17. have robots口二would like to move out of16.It worries me.It 18. takes Mars about two years。 revolve completely aro

12、und thesun more like thesurface of Earth tha n any other pla net in our solar 19.The surface of Mars is on li ne games.A very popular form of en terta inment 20. 21.Thi ngs from Earth are=It is hard to find thing from Earth.hard to find.too n ervous to relax.是第一批生活在火星上的(人)。by robots. 24.We

13、 will be cared for the form of25.Food will be三、语法: 表示请求时的用法。1.掌握can, could, may, might四个情态动词在 (注意:2.宾语从句。时态、语序、人称三个方面)引导陈述句的宾语从句。在口语中常省略。that (要 用陈述句语序并注意引导由一般疑问句转变而来的宾语从句。 if/whether 的区别)if/whetherUnit 2、词组或短语序号Chin eseEn glish1第一个做某事的人the first pers on to do sth.2土寸投诉信a compla int letter3

14、向某人抱怨某事compla in to sb. about sth.4探索危险的地方explore dan gerous places5熨烫衬衫iron shirts6扫地sweep the floor27洗衣服do the laundry8整理床铺make the bed9改变了某人的生(极大地)cha nge on es life (a lot)10 Mr Jia ng did not know忙于做某事活he should whatbe busy doing sth. the robot. do with11结果as a result12为了(不)做某事in order (not) to do sth.13需要做某事n eed to do sth.14从某地/向某人买某物buy sth. from sw./sb.把某物卖给某人从从sell sth. to sb15焕然一新;像新的

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