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1、完整word朗文3L英语看听学第一册课文大全 3L英语第一册 Meet Sandy and Sue! : NarratorLesson 1. This is Sues class. :Narrator Her teachers Mr Crisp. Narrator: Which is your pen,Sue? Mr Crisp: The red pen,sir. Sue: Here you are,Sue. Mr Crisp: Thank you,sir. :Sue This is Sandys class. Narrator :Lesson 3 :His teachers Miss Wil

2、liams Narrator Whose is this cap? Miss Williams: Its Sandys,Miss Williams. :Tom Sandy! :Miss Williams Yes,Miss Williams. :Sandy Come here,please :Miss Williams es,Miss Williams. YSandy: Is this your cap? :Miss Williams Yes,it is. :Sandy Here you are Sandy.Sit down,please. Miss Williams: Thank you,Mi

3、ss Williams. :Sandy Kick the ball,Sandy! TomLesson 5 : All right,Tom. :Sandy Look,Sandy! :Tom Oh! :Mr Crisp Its all right,Sandy.Whose is this ball? :Mr Crisp Is this your ball,Tom? :Mr Crisp No,it isnt,sir. :Tom Is this your ball,Sandy? :Mr Crisp Yes,it is,sir. :Sandy Whos that girl,Mr Crisp? :Mr Ma

4、yLesson 7 Which girl,Mr May? :Mr Crisp The girl on the red bicycle :Mr May Thats Sue Clark.Shes in my class :Mr Crisp Whos that boy,Mr Crisp :Mr May Which boy,Mr May? :Mr Crisp The boy with the football. Mr May: Thats Sandy Clark Hes Sues brother. Mr Crisp: Kick the ball,Sandy! :Tom Look out,Mr May!

5、 :Mr Crisp Hullo,Sandy!Hullo,Sue! :Lesson 9 Mother Hullo,Mum! :Children Teas ready. :Mother Are you hungry,Sue? :Mother Yes,I am. :Sue Are you hungry,Sandy? :Mother No,Im not. :Sandy Whats for tea? :Sandy Look! :Mother Are you hungry now,Sandy? :Mother Oh yes,Im very hungry. :Sandy Look at my pictur

6、e,Sue. SandyLesson 11 : Thats nice,Sandy. :Sue Whats that? :Sue Its a bicycle. :Sandy Whos that? :Sue Its Tom.Hes on his bicycle :Sandy Whats this? :Sue Its a car. :Sandy Whos this? :Sue Its Mr Crisp. :Sandy Hes in his car. :Sandy This egg is for you,Sandy! :Lesson 13 Mother Thanks,Mum. :Sandy Liste

7、n,Sandy!Thats Dads car.Eat your egg quickly. :Sue Now put the egg in the egg-cup like this :Sue Good evening,Betty. :Father Good evening,Jim. :Mother Good evening,Children. :Father Good evening,Dad. :Children Teas ready,Dad.This egg is for you :Sandy An egg!Thats nice.Im hungry Father: Oh!Its empty!

8、 :Father Put on Dads hat,Sandy! :Lesson 15 Sue Put on Mums shoes,Sue! :Sandy You are funny,Sue! :Sandy Youre funny,too,Sandy! :Sue Come with me. :Sue Knock at the door,Sue. :Sandy Come in! :Mother Look at me!Im an actor :Sandy Look at me!Im an actress. :Sue Whos that boy,Tom? :SandyLesson 17 Which b

9、oy,Sandy? :Tom That fat boy. :Sandy Hes a new boy.His names Billy Briggs :Tom Look at him! :Sandy Williams:Billy! Miss Yes,Miss Williams :Billy Open your desk and give me that apple :Miss Williams Im sorry,Miss Williams.Im hungry :Billy My bags heavy! :SandyLesson 19 Whats in it,Sandy :Tom Open it a

10、nd see. :Sandy Six books and six exercise-books :Tom My bags heavy,too. :Billy Whats in it,Billy :Tom Open it and see! :Billy One book,two apples,three oranges and a banana! :Tom What nationality are you? French or German :Tom and BillLesson 21 Im French :Sandy(whispering) Come on my side! :Tom What

11、 nationality are you? :Tom and Billy :Im German. Sue(whispering) Come on my side. :Billy Pull! Pull! :Tom and Billy Give me that box please,Sue. :SandyLesson 23 Which box,Sandy?This one? :Sue No,not that one.The big blue one :Sandy Whats in it,Sandy? :Sue Open it and see. :Sandy Oh! :Sue :Its a Jack

12、-in-the-box! Sandy Theres a man at the door,Dad. SueLesson 25 : Who is it,Sue?Open the door! :Father Its the postman,Dad. :Sue Good morning,Sue. :Postman Good morning,postman. Sue: Theres a letter for your mother. :Postman And theres a letter for your father. Thank you. Sue: Dad!Theres a letter for

13、mumand theres a letter for you. :Sue This isnt a letter!Its a bill! :Father Look at these shoes! Lesson 27 :Gym Master Which are your shoes,Sandy? :Gym Master The brown shoes,sir. Sandy: What colour are your shoes,Tom? :Gym Master My shoes are black sir. :Tom Here you are,Tom. :Gym Master Thank you,

14、sir. :Tom Theres a shoe on this locker.Whose is it? Gym Master: :Its Billys,sir. Tom :Are your hands clean,Sandy? MotherLesson 29 Yes,my hands are clean,Mum. :Sandy Show me your hands,Sandy. :Mother Your hands arent clean.Theyre very dirty! Mother: Go and wash your hands at once! Mother: All right,M

15、um. Sandy: Are your hands clean now,Sandy? :Mother Yes,they are,Mum Sandy: Sandy!Look at my nice clean Towel! :Mother Heads or tails,Sue? :TomLesson 31 Heads! :Sue(calling) Its heads! :Sue Come on our side. :Tom Heads or tails,Sandy? :Tom Tails! :Sandy(calling) Its tails! :Sandy Go on their side. :T

16、om :Pull!Pull! Tom and Billy These shoes are nice.Try on these shoes,Sue. Lesson 33 Mother: Sit down here,please. :Salesman How are they,Sue? :Mother Theyre very tight,Mum :Sue Oh,Mum!Look at those shoes.Those are pretty shoes :Sue Here you are,young lady. :Salesman How are they,Sue? :Mother Theyre

17、just right! :Sue What are these,Billy? :SandyLesson 35 Theyre stamps. :Billy These are French stamps. :Billy And those are Italian stamps. :Billy :Show me those Italian stamps,Billy Theyre very pretty Sandy Give me this one please,Billy :Sandy Give me two apples then. :Billy Two apples for one stamp

18、! No,thank you! :Sandy Good morning,children :Mr CrispLesson 37 Good morning,sir :Class Sit down,please. :Mr Crisp These two girls are new pupils Mr Crisp: Their names are Liz and Lillie. Liz and Lillie are twins. They are in our class. Mr Crisp: This this Mr Crisp: Im not

19、 Liz.Im Lillie.Shes Liz Lillie: Im not Lillie.Im Liz.Shes Lillie Liz: Twins! :Mr Grisp Whose are these sandwiches,Tom? :SandyLesson 39 Theyre Billys. :Tom Open the packet,Sandy. :Tom Take out the sandwiches. :Tom Put in this duster and this book :Tom :Hurry up!Theres Billy! Tom Hey!Leave my sandwich

20、es alone! :Billy Here you are,Billy. Sandy: Thats funny.These sandwiches are very hard Billy: Oh!Give me my sandwiches quickly! :Billy Listen,Sue!Thats the school bell :SandyLesson 41 Hurry up,Sandy!Were late for school :Sue Whats the time,Sue? :Sandy Its nine oclock. Sue: Look!Theres the headmaster

21、.Hes in the playground :Sandy Oh,dear! :Sue Youre both very late this morning. :Headmaster Were sorry,sir. Sandy and Sue: :Go to your classrooms quickly! Headmaster Yes,sir. :Sandy and Sue The children are very quiet this morning,Betty. :FatherLesson 43 Sandy!Sue!Breakfasts ready. :Mother Go upstair

22、s and see,Betty.Perhaps theyre still asleep. :Father Wake up,Sandy! Its eight oclock. :Mother Eh? Sandy(sleepily): Wake up!Youre late. Mother: No,Im not,Mum.The schools shut today.Its a holiday! Sandy: Lazybones! :Mother Give us two packets of sweets please,Mr Hill Sue:Lesson 45 Which packets,Sue?Th

23、ese blue ones? Mr Hill: :No,not those.The big red ones. Sue :How much are they,Mr Hill? Sandy A shilling each. :Mr Hill :A shilling each!Thats all our pocket-money! Sandy Give us two small lollipops instead. :Sue This prize is for Billy, Sandy and Tom. Here you are,Billy. :Lesson 47 Miss Williams Th

24、ank you,Miss Williams. :Billy What is it,Billy? :Tom Its a box of chocolates :Billy How many chocolates are there?Count them,Billy :Sandy One,two,three,four,five,six. :Billy There are twenty-four. Eight chocolates each.Share them,Billy. :Tom One for Tom and one for me.One for Sandy and one for me :B

25、illy One for Tom and one for me.One for Sandy and one for me Hey!Thats not right! :Sandy and Tom Post these letters for me please,Sue. :Lesson 49 Mother O.K.Mum. :Sue Good morning,postman. :Sue Good morning,Sue.How are you today :Postman Fine,thanks. :Sue Are there any letters in the letter box this

26、 morning :Sue No,there arent any letters here. :Postman Just a minute. :Sue There are some letters in the letter box now. :Sue Thank you,Sue. :Postman Fathers glasses Lesson 51 Where are my glasses Sue?Are they over there? :Father Where,dad? :Sue There.Near that box. :Father No,they arent here,dad.

27、:Sue And they arent under this newspaper :Father Perhaps theyre in your pocket,dad. :Sue So they are!How silly of me! :Father Hide-and-seek Lesson 53 Lets play hide-and-seek :Sue Count up to ten,Sue. :Billy One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten.Im ready! :Sue I can see you,Billy.Youre beh

28、ind that fence :Sue Wheres Sandy? :Sue Hes beside that tree. :Billy Thats funny!Hes not here. :Sue Look!There he is!Hes up there! :Sue Sandys kite Lesson 55 Hold this kite for me please,Sue :Sandy Now stand between those two trees. :Sandy All right,Sandy. :Sue Ready,Sue? :Sandy Im ready,Sandy.Pull t

29、he kite. :Sue Look at it,Sue!Its like a bird! :Sandy I cant see it. Where is it? :Sue Its over that building. :Sandy I can see it now.Its very high. :Sue Silly Billy Lesson 57 Get into lines boys.Good.Now we can do some exercises :Teacher Jump together!One,two,three,four,stop! :Teacher Touch your kn

30、ees! :Teacher Touch your toes! :Teacher Pay attention,Tom.Dont laugh! :Teacher Whats the matter,Tom? :Sandy Silly Billy cant touch his toes. :Tom Good old Billy! Lesson 59 Bring me that ball please,Tom :Teacher Yes,sir. Tom: Now lets play football.Are you all ready. Teacher: Yes,sir. Boys: Quick,San

31、dy!Pass me the ball! Tom: Oh,Sandy!Dont pass it to Billy.Pass it to me. Tom: Kick it,Billy! :Sandy Its a goal! :Tom Good old Billy! :Sandy Billy cant touch his toes,but he can play football :Teacher The birds nest Lesson 61 Whats the matter,Jim? :Mother I cant light this fire. :Father Please hold th

32、is ladder,dear. :Father Well!Well! Father: What can you see,Jim? Mother: Theres a birds nest in our chimney Father: Show it to Sandy and Sue. :Mother Sandy!Sue!Come here a moment. :Father Yes,dad. :Sandy and Sue Look at this birds nest.There are three pretty eggs in it. :Father Give them to Sandy and me :Sue A paper boat. Lesson 63

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