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1、新概念第二册笔记3236新概念英语第二册课堂笔记 第三十二课 lesson 32once adj 曾经,以前temptation n 诱惑article n 物品,东西wrap v 包裹simply adv 仅仅arrest v 逮捕long long agoi visited my mother once a monthonce 连接从句,表示“一旦”Once you leave my company,you must return the housetemptation to动词原形temptation to do sthtemptation to stealresist the temp

2、tation to do抵抗不了什么的诱惑i cant resist the temptation to laugharticle 文章:this is a good articlearctile/thingarticle强调的是商店里的一个一个的东西,是可数名词thing 指任何的东西cargo 货物goods 货物,商店里的货物的总称Please wrap them (up) for me请替我把他们包好wrap sth uppacki will take/get/have it。please wrap them for me please pack them for mesimply:o

3、nly/justarrest the criminalarrest ones attention吸引某人的注意the criminal was arrested。sb。 be under arrestcontrol/under control控制/被控制shopping made easymake:1、制造2、使。怎么样make the room cleanmake shopping easyShopping be made easy(句子)标题不用句子,所以标题省略betextnot so.as表示比较,不如和什么一样asadj/advas比较对象as quickly as po

4、ssible尽可能快he is as tall as ithis case is as light as that oneit is as heavy as that one这个东西不如那个东西重的否定形式是not,/not as . is not as heavy as that one这个东西不如那个东西重i am not as tall as youi am taller than you/you are not as tall as iless 原级not as 原级 asi am not so lucky

5、 as those fishermanless 原级thanthey are 与 they were 在用不同时态比you are beautiful。you were beautifulyou are more beautiful than you wereyou look better than you werei think 想i thought 原以为you were worse表示you are better1。 they are 与 they were 在用不同时态比2。用断语than ever beforePeople are not so honest as beforeimp

6、ulsion冲动adventure冒险行动watch:观察,监视,当心watch the enemywatch sth 当心well-donewell动词的过去分词designwell-designwell-educated 有教养的as usual想平常than usual 比平常be动词形容词for sb to do sthso it was easier for the detective to watch herit 是形式主语,for sb.重中的sb是逻辑主语the teacher bought a lot of dresses to make her more beautiful

7、用more是表示对别人的尊重out of politenessafter a little time过了一会递给(比较有权威的人) pass to一个一个的传递hand in 上交find out发现find/find outfind sth sth 是看得见,模得着的,具体的i find the penfind out 后跟的宾语一般是抽象的find out the truthfree 免费fee 交费special difficultiesa强调的是后面的名词;one强调的是“一个”的意思compositionarrive at come tomost expensive

8、地点 用in范围表示所有的人或(书)当中,用ofi have ever seen/done/heardlesson 33darkness n 黑暗explain v 解释,叙述coast n 海岸storm n 暴风雨towards prep 向,朝,接近rock n 岩石,礁石shore n 海岸light n 灯光ahead adv 在前面cliff n 悬崖,峭壁struggle v 挣扎hospital v 医院in the darkness 在黑暗中explanation n 解释Could you give me an explanation能给我一个解释吗?interpret n

9、 解释,(强调翻译)语言之间的解释 interpretor 翻译bank 河岸,(两边比水面高)coast 地理意义上的海岸,地平线等,感觉旁边是岩石,很陡峭seashore 海岸,(跟游玩有关系)seaside 旁边是沙滩,可以进行日光浴的感觉snowstorm 暴风雪thunderstorm 雷雨rain heavily 表示雨吓得很大pour倾倒the rain is pouring。倾盆大雨Its raining cats and dogs。滂沱大雨towards 强调nearer and nearerrock 表示huge stoneasleep,awake,alive,ahead

10、a开头的往往是表语形容词,不管是作表语形容词还是副词,都放在名词的后面,一般形容词放在名词的前面pretty flowerslight ahead1、放在被修饰词的后面作定语2、ahead of在什么前面he went ahead of me3、go ahead朝前走,请随便Would you mind my using your phone?-Can I use your phone?-Ok,go aheadcan i smoking here?go aheadsorry一个原因,不让别人做school1、前面不加the,和它的功能有关系go to hospital2、一旦the,只表示地点

11、i am in the hospitalin hospital 住院in the hospital在医院2、去医院看老师go to the hospital自己肚子疼go to hospitalhappen:不及物 sth。 happen to sbWhat happened tonearly 将近 nearly a week 快一个星期了sometime later.Three days later,my mother returned强调某人做某事.passed and then.Three days passed and then my mother returned.并列句,强调某人做

12、某事,又强调时间Three days passed before my mother returned强调时间be able to强调有能力,且能够成功can 只表示能力i can swim across the river我能游过这条河,(但没有游过,不知道能不能成功)i was able to swim across the riverset out:set offbe caught in灾难i was caught in a rain我遇上了一场雨As soon as he left,it began to rainhe was caught in a rain when he left

13、他刚一离开,就下雨了遇上人用meet,遇上灾难用be caught instruck强调的往往是猛烈的撞击to:强调朝那个方向去,但没有强调越来越近towards:表面也翻为朝那个方向去,spend sometime 地点the red army (covered a distance of 25000.)两万五千里长征on doingas soon asthe momentas soon asthe moment后面要加句子on 后面一定要加动词ing,承认动词是由主句主语做的up :往上thats all she remembered。Thats all i wanted to say那就

14、是我想说的全部Thats all i can do for youi can do nothing else for youfind 宾语 宾补 find the books tidy 发现书摆放得整齐,found the room clean i found the books in orderwhen i woke up,i found myself in bedtime passed before.a day later.time passed and thenkey structures和时间相连的介词:in,at,on,,until,after,before和地点相连

15、的介词。into:进、入 tell him go into my house只强调到哪里,不一定强调到里面去,go toout of :从.出来 away fromleave for :动身到某地,yesterday my father left for Tianjinhead for/to:前往leave for 强调leave,head for 强调去set out for动身到某地towards强调越来越近at:含有一种瞄准的概念,aim at,fire atpass past词性的区别词与词的区别1、意思上的区别2、词性上的区别3、细节上的区别pass只有动词的概念,其

16、他由past承担i pass the gardeni go past the gardeni go and pass the gardennext othernext day 第二天 the other day:few days agothe other day 出现一定是过去时next day有可能是过去式,有可能是将来式how far away.whats the distancemultiple choicenot any more/longer/further不再remind 提醒recollect回忆memorise记住mind介意4、只有谓语动词才有时态句子中如果没有连词,但有两个

17、动词,要把其中一个动词变成非谓语动词when 是连词的标志when doing:1、主语要跟主句的相同,2、谓语动词含有be doing 结构when standing there found the book very interestinglesson 34station n (警察)局most adv 相当,非常post officepolice office bureau局i went to the police 我去警察局have a quick mealquick freeze速冻local new :当地新闻local police 当地警察局local color 当地色彩lo

18、cal people 当地人native 土著人(土生土长的)local call 市话call at(some place)call onask/tell/expect/want/allow sb to do sth 请求某人做某事he was told that.someone told him that.five miles away这一类结构可以直接做定语,放在被修饰词后面letter writtingpics.:picturessecs.:secondscall on拜访call (sb) up给某人打电话一旦一个词可以省略而意思不改,这个词可能是副词,如果宾语是代词,后面的词组由动

19、词和副词组成,代词一定会放在中间call on you/call you upgo to the pictures 去看电影call off 取消call out 大声喊call at 去了某地lesson 35while n 一段时间regret v 后悔far adv 非常rush v 冲act v 行动straight adv 径直fright n 害怕battered adj 撞坏的shortly adv 很快,不久afterwards adv 以后while :some timewait for a while等一会儿隔了一会儿after a whileregret sthyou w

20、ill regret it你会后悔的,你一定会后悔的regret to do:很遗憾要去做regret doing很遗憾已经做i regret to tell you a bad news我很遗憾要告诉你一个坏消息i regret telling him the news我真后悔告诉他这个消息i regret to steal your moneyregret that遗憾:pity、sorry、regretpity n. its a pitysorry adj. i am sorryregret v.比较级前可以加修饰词,表示程度多一点点用a little,多很多用muchfarmuch,修

21、饰形容词或副词的比较级rush(用腿)冲 run 跑(速度很快)take action 采取行动go straight on径直往前走frighten:惊吓frightening :令人感到可怕的frightened:自己感到可怕的frightfulterrible可怕your handwriting is frightful你的字真糟糕cold is frightful寒冷是可怕的一个动词能够加ing/ed,证明这个动词跟人的情感有关,他的宾语就会是人this doesnt worry myyou frighten meget a fright得到惊吓的感觉,类似get a surprise

22、i get a fright我吓了一跳you give me a fright你吓了我一跳give sb sthgive me a pleasure/an excitement/a frightbatter v动词ed:被battered:lose ones shape 被撞变形的damaged:被刮坏的destroyed car车子被损害不能修damaged car车子坏了能修battered car 车变形battered bag破旧不堪的包shortly afterwards不久以后soonshortlysoon afterwardslater后来,以后textRov Trenton u

23、sed to drive a taxi. A shortwhile ago, however, he became a bus-driver and he was not regretted it. He isfinding his new work far more exciting.When he was driving along Catford Streetrecently, he saw two thieves rush out of ashop and run towards a waiting car. Oneof them was carrying a bag full of

24、money.Roy acted quickly and drove the busstraight at the thieves. The one with themoney got such a fright that he droppedthe bag. As the thieves were trying to getaway in their car, Roy drove his bus intothe back of it. While the battered car wasmoving away, Roy stopped his bus andtelephoned the pol

25、ice. The thieves carwas badly damaged and easy to recognize. Shortly afterwards, the police stoppedthe car and both men were arrested.he used to drive a taxi,but now he doesnt drive a taxi any morea short while agoa short time ago不久以前however1、可以放句首,可以放句中2、如果一个词两边有逗好,证明这个词是插入语you will regret itfind 可

26、以用一般现在时态,可以用进行时态he is finding his trip very excitingfar more exciting更有趣along 沿着a waiting car:正在等候的车子see sb do sth看见某人做某事(强调全过程)see sb doing 看见某人正在做某事i see them dancei see them dancinghear sb doing/hear sb do如果全过程用do,过程中的一瞬监用doingfull of:装满i have a cup full of teawith 一旦出现在名词后代词后就做定语,出现在动词之后做状语he ca

27、me in with a bookthe boy with a book came inget a fright吓了一跳such.that./so.that.如此以致于so形容词(副词)that./such+(修饰词或形容词)名词that一旦有名词,就认为形容词修饰的是名词,前面的词也修饰的是名词drop/fall:掉sb drop sth,drop vt.由于不当心抓什么没抓住掉下去fall vi. sth fall从上往下落drop the moneyfall the moneyget away run away逃跑by car /in the cardrive into 撞stopped his car/the car stoppeddamaged:毁坏用不定式放在形容词后面,主动表被动含义拦住车子both men two personsstop the card1、the driver stop the car2、其他人stopped the car:拦车stop thief 捉

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