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1、人教必修3模块综合检测B模块综合检测(B)(时间:120分钟满分:150分)一、听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。W:I think foreign languages are far more interesting than science.M:I really dont agree with you.I prefer science.1What can you

2、learn from the conversation?A.The woman likes science better.B.The man likes science better.C.Both the man and the woman like science better.答案:BW:What are you doing,John?M:Im trying to draw a horse.W:Its quite a nice horse!But please dont play with my chalk.M:Sorry!I wont do it again,Miss Wang.2Wha

3、ts the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Mother and son.B.Teacher and student.C.Wife and husband.答案:BM:Will you see Jane this afternoon?W:Im not sure,but I think so.M:Well,if you see her,will you please tell her the football match for this evening has been put off till tomorrow?W:All

4、right.3When will the woman see Jane,if she can?A.This morning.B.This afternoon.C.This evening.答案:BM:Hey,waitress!W:Yes,sir?M:This is not what I ordered.I asked for a pork cutlet,not beefsteak.4Where does this conversation most probably take place?A.In a restaurant.B.In a dancing hall.C.At a store.答案

5、:AW:How much time did you have for writing the paper?M:We were given three hours,but I finished in less than half the time.5How long did it take the man to write his paper?A.More than two hours.B.Not more than half an hour.C.Less than an hour and a half.答案:C第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或

6、独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。W:Can I help you?M:Yes.I want a T-shirt.W:Weve got lots of T-shirts here.Which one do you want?M:I like this red one.How much is it?W:It is ten dollars.M:How much is that one?W:That b

7、lue one?Fifteen dollars.What size are you?M:Medium.W:Im sorry,thats a large one.We havent got any blue ones in your size.6Whats the price of a blue T-shirt?A.$10.B.$15.C.$50.答案:B7What kind of T-shirt is in short supply?A.The large blue one.B.The middle-sized blue one.C.The small red one.答案:B听第7段材料,回

8、答第8至10题。W:Hey,Tom!I heard that you got into trouble in Ms Lis class!M:Yeah,Im not very happy about it.W:What happened?M:I was talking to Jerry about something and Ms Li caught me.W:Thats all?M:Well,not really.I also forgot to do my homework and I was five minutes late for class.W:Oh,I see.I was abou

9、t to say Ms Li must be a very strict teacher,but it seems that you were asking for trouble.M:Yeah,I guess I was.I just cant help it sometimes.I find its such a boring class,but I need to pass it in order to graduate.What can I do?W:Well,you should be more serious about your studies.You may not like

10、the class and this subject might not be what you are interested in,but you should still try hard to pass.All the subjects are important for us,even if you dont believe it right now.You know,its really up to you.M:Yes,I do know,thanks.Ill try to be more serious.8What are the speakers talking about?A.

11、Their favorite teachers.B.Their homework.C.The mans problems in class.答案:C9Which one of the following is true?A.Tom didnt do his homework.B.Tom forgot his books.C.Tom was ten minutes late for class.答案:A10According to the woman,what should the man do if he wants to pass this class?A.Go to class early

12、.B.Talk to Ms Li.C.Be more serious.答案:C听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。M:Hello.Let me introduce myself.Im your neighbour.My name is Simon.W:Hi,Simon.Im Sophie.Its nice to meet you.M:Nice to meet you,too.W:Please come in.M:Here is a little gift for your family.Its a calendar with all the community events on it.I ho

13、pe it can be helpful.W:I really appreciate it.M:Since we are neighbours,if you need any help or anything,please come to me.W:I will.Actually,I am worried so much about the security of this community because my house has been burgled twice before.M:Oh,dont worry about that here.There are security gua

14、rds on duty 24 hours a day and they patrol all over the neighbourhood.You know,they are all very strong.W:Really?Thats good.Is there any supermarket in our neighbourhood?M:Of course.There is a Carrefour near our neighbourhood.By the way,a party will be held for new neighbours the day after tomorrow;

15、 I hope I can see you there.W:Yeah,and we can get to know each other at the party.11What do we know about Simon?A.He is a newcomer.B.He is warm-hearted.C.He is the party organizer.答案:B12What do we know about the community?A.Its not as safe as supposed to be.B.A party will be held regularly once a mo

16、nth.C.Theres a big supermarket near the neighbourhood.答案:C13What can we learn from the talk?A.Theyre talking in the street.B.Sophie presents Simon a calendar.C.Sophie happily received the invitation to the party.答案:C听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。M:Have you handed in your exercise book,Betty?W:Im sorry.I havent,M

17、r Smith.Ive already finished the exercise,but I cant find my exercise book anywhere now.M:Really?I dont understand why you are always forgetting to hand in your exercise book.You are lying,Betty.W:Mr Smith,but it is true this time.M:Im really angry with you.If you dont tell me the truth,Ill have to

18、ring up your parents after class.W:Im sorry my parents have gone to New York.They wont be back until half a year later.M:I dont believe you.I saw your parents yesterday in the supermarket.You are very clever,but you never spend your time doing your maths exercises.Sit down.14Who is the man?A.Bettys

19、teacher.B.Bettys classmate.C.Bettys father.答案:A15Where does the man talk with Betty?A.In the classroom.B.At her home.C.At the school gate.答案:A16What can you know about Betty according to the conversation?A.She is not a clever girl.B.She is a good student.C.She is a clever but lazy girl.答案:C听第10段材料,回

20、答第17至20题。Ive been very busy in the last two or three months,so please forgive me for not answering your letter sooner.Ive had to prepare for my examinations.Now theyre over,and Im anxiously waiting for the results.I worked very hard.I even gave up my tennis.The weather didnt help me at all.Weve had

21、weeks and weeks of warm,sunny weather,and it was hard to stay indoors at a desk covered with books.When I say the weather was warm,I mean warm for England,of course.It hasnt been as hot as in my country or yours.Dear Mary,do you like cats?In our country were very fond of cats,so I hope you like them

22、.People leave bits of food on a newspaper outside their doors for homeless cats.Our family cook argues every day with the fish seller who comes to the back door.She enjoys trying to get his price down.After shes bought fish for the family,she starts another argumentthis time about the price of the f

23、ish tails and heads she buys for our two cats.17What has the speaker been busy doing?A.Practicing tennis.B.Preparing for the exams.C.Writing letters.答案:B18How is the weather recently in England?A.Hot. B.Rainy. C.Warm.答案:C19What can you know from the text?A.The speaker likes cats very much.B.The spea

24、ker is a good cook.C.The speaker often quarrels with the fish seller.答案:A20What can you infer from the text?A.The speaker doesnt like the weather in England.B.Both the speaker and Mary are not English.C.Mary likes leaving bits of fish for homeless cats.答案:B二、阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共12小题;每小题2.5分,满分30分)AI

25、 recently traveled to San Francisco for some meetings and found myself with a half day to kill.My options:The 49ers first game of the season,against the Green Bay Packers.The Americas Cup sailing races.Or I could get lost.After a pretty long line at the car rental center,I was free.So I disappeared

26、into the fog and clouds shrouding(笼罩)the Pacific Coast Highway and headed south with absolutely no destination in mind.I drove through tunnels carved out of the mountains and stopped at a few state beaches;at one,I watched a wedding out on the cliffs(悬崖)among the crashing waves.Back in the car,I dro

27、ve toward San Gregorio,a town that you can easily miss.I know because I drove right through it and ended up on a pine tree-bordered road that felt like it would go on forever.A few people moved around outside the San Gregorio General Store,smoking cigarettes and talking about the motorcycles theyve

28、owned over the years.Inside,I found a bar with regular customers,a guitar duo,and,of course,a full-on store.I ordered a Pacifico,grabbed a seat,and watched the guitarists perform.Then I congratulated them,threw a couple of wrinkled dollars in their bucket,and walked back out into the world.The day c

29、ould have been so different:crammed(挤)into a stadium or bar half-watching sports.But this was much more rewarding.Hours prior,I was on a flight.Then I was out on my own,having an unexpected and unrepeatable experience.I learned something on September 8:Dont be afraid to get loston purpose or otherwi

30、seand have zero expectations.It will be good for you.I promise.21The author decided to get lost because .A.he had no choice about what to doB.he had no interest in sports at allC.he was bored with the dull meetingsD.he wanted to experience something special答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据前两段可知,作者有半天的空闲时间,尽管有很多选择,他还是

31、选择没有目的的旅行,说明他想发现意外的惊喜。22After renting the car,the author .A.headed straight for San GregorioB.attended a friends weddingC.decided to go to the beachD.drove away aimlessly答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的“headed south with absolutely no destination in mind”可知,作者租好车以后就漫无目的地出发了。23What did the author think of his experience in San Gregorio?A.It was adventurous.B.It was pleasant.C.It was challenging.D.It was ordinary.答案:B解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“But this was much more rewarding .having an unexpected and un

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