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广州新版英语初二下 u1 helping those in need 讲义与练习.docx

1、广州新版英语初二下 u1 helping those in need 讲义与练习 U1 Helping those in need一 学科特色:1、lonely 与 alone的区分lonely:alone:She lives and often feels .2、join;join in;take part in;take part;attend 的区分(1)join (become a member of)指加入某组织或团体,成为其成员之一。如:join the Party 入党 join the club 俱乐部 join the army参军(2)join in多指参加正在进行的活动,

2、如:参加竞赛(competition)、谈话(conversationdiscussion)、散步(walk)、游戏(game)等。Why didnt you join (in) the talk last night?你为什么昨晚不参加座谈?如果说加入到他人的行动一道从事某项活动,则用join sb in sth.如:Our headmaster will join us in the discussion this afternoon 校长今天下午要参加我们的讨论.参与说话人双方都清楚的活动时,in sth.可以省略.如:Come and join us(3)take part in指参加

3、“活动”。 take part in the sports meeting/an activity/a picnic 参加运动会/参加游戏/参加活动/参加游戏(4)take part 参加 若要后接宾语(参加的活动)则需要用take part in。You will win if you take part.How many people took part in the singing competition? 有多少人参加了歌唱比赛?(5)attend 正式用法,指参加会议或仪式. 如婚礼、葬礼、上课(attend class)、上学(attend school)、听报告等,强调的是发生这

4、一动作的本身.如 I will attend an important meeting tomorrow.我明天要参加一个重要的会议二 回顾测评:中考模拟演练 语法选择十Do you like comics(漫画)?Many of the worlds _1_ comics come from Japan. The drawing is excellent. The stories are _2_. And they are fun to read. In fact Japanese artists often have new ways of _3_. They influence arti

5、sts in _4_ countries. These comics are often made into cartoons _5_ are watched by millions of people n Asia, Europe and America, Also , toys are _6_from the comics. So you can see, its a very big business!Each person _7_ his own favorite comic. Some popular _8_ are Black Jack, Conan and Sakura. Man

6、y artists who draw comics become famouse_9_Japan. Some of them _10_ movie stars. People love and respect their work.( )1.A.popular B.more popular C.popularest D.most popular( )2. A.interested B. interesting C.interest D.interests( )3. A. draw drawing C. drawing draw( )4. A.others B.another

7、 C.other D.the other( )5. A. which B.who C. when D.what( )6. A.made B.make make D.making( )7. A.have B.had C.has D.having( )8. B.ones C.them D.they( )9. A. at B.on C.beside )10. A.was like B.were like C.are liking D.are like三 内容呈现:1. 教学重点:能熟练运用U1的短语,并熟记U1单词的拼写和意思。2. 教学难点:掌握不定式的用法。3.

8、 教学内容:(1) 课内知识:A、重点单词1、raise v. 筹募、增加、提高raise money for 为抽签2、permission n. 准许 (不可数名词)Jim took the laptop without . 杰姆未经同意擅自拿走了手提电脑。拓展: v. 允许;准许;使有可能ask permission to do sth 征得同意做某事ask permission 报请批准permit sb to do 允许某人做3、in need 有困难的A friend is a friend indeed.(谚语)患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友。in need of sth需要The

9、building is in need of repair. 这个建筑需要修理。4、voluntary adj. 志愿的,自愿的,无偿的voluntary work 义务性工作拓展:volunteer n 志愿者I did some in a Chrildrens hospital.我在一家儿童医院做了些义务工作。5、disable adj 丧失能力的;有残疾的He became severely after the big fire.大火之后,他严重伤残了。6、offer 主动提出offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 给某人提供某物She some on keepin

10、g fit. 她提出了一些有关保持健康的建议。7、suffer v 受苦;受折磨suffer from (因)痛苦、苦恼He asthma. 他患有哮喘。8、illness n (某种)病 ill adj 生病的 serious adj 严重的;认真的;严肃的 adv 严重地 严重的病:serious illness 病得很重:seriously illHe has a serious illness. 他病得很重。9、 organize v 组织;筹备拓展: n 组织 n 组织者We dicided to a concert for Easter. 我们决定组织一场复活节的音乐会。10、ex

11、press v 表达;表露 n 表达;表情express to sb sth 或 express sth to sb (通常不接双宾语)He expressed his thanks to her. 他对她表示了他的谢意。He expressed to us his ideas about the new teacher. 他向我们表达了他对新老师的看法。11、pain n. 痛苦 adj 痛苦的His unkind words caused her much .他说话很刻薄,弄得她很难受。12、friendship n 友谊 n 朋友 adj 友好的;友善的Linda and Amy hav

12、e a deep . 琳达和艾米有着深厚的友谊。13、difficultly n 困难;费劲(不可数名词)I had no (in)learning English. 我学英语没有困难。它也可以用作可数名词,表示具体的困难。意为“难事;难点;困难;难处In fact of so many , we were never afraid.面对这么多的困难,我们从不畏惧。14、joy n. 愉快Simon shouted with joy.拓展: adj 开心的;愉快的15、peace n 平静;宁静I hope to find a little of mind. 我渴望找寻到一丝内心的平静。16、

13、hurt v ( hurt;hurt)受伤He his back in an accident. 他的背部在一次事故中受伤了。17、courage n 勇气拓展:encourage v 鼓励 discourage v 使气馁;使沮丧18、spirits n 【pl】 情绪;心境At supper, everyone was in high . 晚餐时,每个人都兴奋不已。B、重点短语1、残疾人: 2、a 孤儿一个介词作后置定语 如:the dogsin danger 有危险的狗 3、主动提出做某事: do sth4、因受苦: 5、表达他们的情感 6、与共度;陪伴 I spent time wit

14、h my son and talked to him a lot. 我花时间陪我的儿子,和他说了很多话。7、做某事有困难 (in) doing sth8、使振作 9、be unable to 不能够;无法 反义词:be able to 能够 10、Because of 因为 (后跟名词、代词、动名词)Because 后跟句子11、since then 从那时起(完成时的标记)12、帮助某人做某事 with 13、改变某人的生活 14、担任;从事 work 15、希望做某事 wish to do sth (与 意思相近) C、重点语法不定式一、 不定式的功能和用法作主语 To learn Eng

15、lish wellis not easy. I want to ask him a question.作宾语 I cannot affordto buy a new car.作表语 His work isto teach English.作宾语补足语 The teacher toldusto do exercises.作定语 They have no house to live in. (动词不定式作定语时,必须放在被修饰的名词或代词之后)作状语 They were very sad to hear the news. 1. 作主语不定式作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。从理论上讲,不定式结构可以直

16、接作句子的主语,但是,现代英语一般采用形式主语it,而把不定式结构后置。不定式结构作主语通常表示具体动作。To learn English well is not easy.It is not easy to learn English well.不定式作主语的常用句式有:(1) It be adj. + to do It is important to learn English well.(2) It be + adj. for sb. to doIt is important for us to learn English well.(3) It takes sb. some time

17、to do It takes me half an hour to walk to school every day.2. 作宾语(1) 常用不定式作宾语的动词(词组)有:afford, agree, want, would like, hope, decide, wish, try, learn, except, prefer, begin, help, offer, start, fail, plan, promise, refuse等。I can afford to buy the expensive car.(2) 当不定式作宾语,且后面还带有补足语等其它成分时,常用it作形式宾语,把

18、不定式放在宾语补足语之后。I found it important to study the situation in Russia.(3) 有的动词要求不定式前带上疑问词(who, when, how, where, which等)作宾语。这些词主要有know, tell, teach, learn等。I dont know how to spell the word.(4) 在but(除了)/except(除了)等少数介词的后面可以用带to的不定式作宾语,但如果but/except前有实义动词do的某个形式,则but/except后的不定式省略to。I had no choice but

19、to work hard.There is nothing left to do but lie down sleep.3. 作宾语补足语(1) 跟不定式作宾语补足语的动词常见的有:advise, allow, ask, beg, encourage, get, force, invite, expect, order, permit, persuade, require, want, warn, teach, wish等。Do you want me to find out the phone number?(2) 有些及物动词(主要是感官动词和使役动词)后用不定式作宾语补足语时,不定式的符

20、号to要省略,这类及物动词有:let, make, see, hear, watch, notice, feel, feel, have等。变被动语态时,省略的to要补出。The workers were made to work long hours by the boss.4. 作定语(1) 不定式作定语要后置。 Children, I have somethingto tell you.(2) 如果被修饰词有序数词、最高级或no, all, any等限定。则不定式与被修饰词为逻辑上的主动关系。He is always the first one to get up.(3) 如果是不及物动

21、词,且与所修饰的词之间有被动关系,要在不定式后加上适当的介词。I have no room to live in.The child has nothing to worry about.5. 作状语(1) 不定式作状语表示目的时可放在句首或句尾。To learn English well, you must study hard every day.He came here to ask for his book.(2) 当用作程度、结果状语时常用副词enough或too用。He is old enough to go to school.He is too young to go to s

22、chool.6. 不定式的否定结构不定式的否定结构由“not +不定式”构成Please tell your child not to play in the street.非谓语动词不定式(to do ,动名词,现在分词,过去分词)在句中不能单独作谓语,但仍然保留动词的某些特征,在句中作主语、宾语、定语、状语、表语。非谓语动词的常见搭配如下:1. 谓语v. + to do (否定 not to do)want to do decide to dooffer to do pretend to doagree to do fail to dohope to do hesitate to dore

23、fuse to do arrange to domanage to do plan to dochoose to do intend to dopromise to do happen to do2. 谓语v. +sb. / sth. + to do (否定 not to do)ask sb. to do encourage sb. to doallow sb. to do warn sb. to doinvite sb. to do require sb. to dopersuade sb. to do inspire sb. to doteach sb. to do order sb. t

24、o doforce sb. to do forbid sb. to doadvise sb. to do wish sb. to do expect sb. to do enable sb. to do3. 谓语v.+doingfinish doing insist doingenjoy doing be busy doingpractice doing mind doing give up doing keen on doing be used to doingconsider doing look forward to doingmiss doing pay attention to do

25、ingavoid doing suggest doing4. 使役动词+sb./sth.+do (否定 not do)let sb. do make sb. do have sb. do5. 有些谓语动词之后既可以加动词不定式to do,也可以加动名词doing。但它们的中文意思不同。stop to do 停止正在做的事去做另一件事 (做)stop doing 停止正在做的事(不做了)remember to do 记得去做 (未做)remember doing 记得做过 (已做)forget to do 忘记去做某事 (未做)forget doing 忘记做了某事 (已做)go on to d

26、o 做完一件事后继续去做另外一件事go on doing 继续做正在做的事try to do 尽力/设法去做try doing 尝试去做need to do 需要做need doing 需要被做6. 感观动词+sb./sth. +do./doing 但意思有区别watch see sb. do. hear sb. doing7. 含有感观动词和使役动词的句子变被动语态时,非谓语动词的形式如下:be + 谓语v. + to dobe + 谓语v. + doinglet sb. dobe let to dowatch sb. doing be watched doinghear sb. doing

27、 be heard doingwatch sb. do be watched to dosee sb. do be seen to dohear sb. do be heard to domake sb. do be made to do8. 介词+doinginstead of doing after/before/without doingbe interested in doing be/feel frightened of doing be surprised /amazed at doing except (for) doingbe good/bad/poor at doing9.

28、掌握下列常见的句型及固定搭配Why not doin order to dofind/think it adj. to doIts adj. (for/of) + to doadj. +enough +to doDoing sth. is / To do sth. is It takes to do prefer to do rather than Its time for (doing)had better (not) dowould you like to do / feel like doingWould you please do (not do)?Thank you for doin

29、g sth.used to do / be used to doingspend on sth. / (in) doing sth.prefer doing to doingprefer to do rather than dowould rather do than doIts time to do10. 分词 (现在分词、过去分词)在句中可作表语宾语补足语、定语和状语等。现在分词:具有主动和进行的意味,现在分词和逻辑主语之间是主动关系。过去分词:具有被动和完成的意味,过去分词与逻辑主语之间是被动关系。The girl singing for us is ten years old.She

30、is there waiting for us.The boy hurt by the car was sent to the hospital.Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientises.(2) 初考题/中考题/高考题链接:非谓语动词 (53A)1. Do you mind my _ here?-_. Look at the sign. It says, “No, smoking”.A. to smoke, Of course not B. smoking, Youd better notC. to smoke, No, I dont D. smoking, Never mind2. Oh, I had a terrible toothache.-Youd better _ see s doctor and have your bad teeth _ out.A. go to, pulled B. to go to, pulled C. go to, pulling D. to go to, pulling3. I prefer _ at home to _ outside.A. to stay, playing B. to stay, play C.

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