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1、固定搭配短语1.Ascribe sth. to sb 认为.是.写的2.Attribute/ascribe/owe .to. 把.归因于3.Subscribe to/for sth. 订阅(报纸/杂志);订购(书籍)4.Prescribe sth. to sb. 给.开处方5.Prescribe sth. for sth. 为.开药 e.g. Prescribe some pills for my fever. 6.Confine sb. to sth. 把.局限于7.Restrain sb. from doing sth. 克制;抑制8.Restrict sb. to sth. 限制;约束9

2、.In retrospect 回顾;回想起来10.Take sb. in 欺骗,欺瞒11.Take up 开始从事(某种活动);占据12.Take over 接管;接任13.Take off 起飞;脱下14.Get off(with) 逃脱严厉的惩罚15.Get by 度日;勉强对付过去16.Get through 通过17.Back out 不履行(诺言,合同);打退堂鼓18.Back away(from) (因恐惧/厌恶)向后退,退缩19.Back off 后退;让步20.Back up 支持某人(某事)21.See through 识破;看透;看穿22.See through ones

3、deception 识破某人的骗局23.See sb. off 给某人送行24.See to=take care of/deal with 照顾;处理;关照25.Do down sb. 说某人坏话26.Do over 重新粉刷/油漆(房间,墙壁)27.Do up 扣;系28.Fall down 失败;未能符合要求29.Fall off (质量/数量等)下降;减少30.Fall behind 落后31.Fall out (头发/牙齿等)脱落32.Fall out with sb. (与某人)吵翻/闹翻33.Bring about=cause=lead to=result in=give rise

4、 to 导致34.Bring up 养育;教养(孩子)35.Bring back 把.归还;使想起/回忆起36.Bring forward 提出;提议37.Pull out of 摆脱困境;脱身38.Pull down 拆毁(建筑物)39.Pull away (车辆/司机等)开始行驶离开路边40.Pull out (火车)从车站开出;离站41.Pull in (车等)停下 42.Pull through (大病/手术)康复;完成(十分困难的事)43.Pull off 驶向路边短暂停车44.Pull over 驶向路边;向路边停靠45.State/frame of mind 精神状态;情绪;心情

5、;心境46.In a good/positive/relaxed frame of mind47.In the right/wrong frame of mind48.On a .note 以一种.的口气/调子49.Find fault with 挑剔;找茬50.Lose ones head 慌张;惊慌失措51.Lose ones mind=go crazy/mad 发疯了;精神错乱52.Lose ones heart to sb. 爱上某人;钟情于;倾心于53.Be contingent on/upon 因.情况而变;视.条件而定54.Lions share of 最大(最好)部分55.A

6、ripe old age 年纪大56.As sober as a judge 十分镇静严肃的57.Achilles heel 致命弱点;人的弱点58.Bear a grudge 怀恨在心59.Catch up on 弥补60.To the exclusion of 把.排除在外61.To the inclusion of 把.包含在内62.All the more 反而更加 All the+比较级63.Be to blame for sth. 受到责备64.Blame sb for sth=blame sth. on sb. 因某事责备某人65.Blow hot and cold about

7、反复无常;摇摆不定;打不定主意66.In the same boat 处于相同的倒霉境地;面临相同的危险67.Boast of/about (Vi.) 自吹自擂;自夸68.Boast(Vt.) 以有.而自豪69.Have sth. on the brain 使.萦绕于脑际;念念不忘70.Compensate for 赔偿;补偿71.A approach to sth./a method of sth. .的方法72.Consist in 在于;存在于73.Consist of(无被动)=be made up of=be composed of 由.组成74.Lay down ones life

8、 for 为.牺牲生命75.Lay off 解雇76.Lay out 设计(建筑物/城镇/花园等);布置77.Lay sb. up(通常被动) 因病在家(卧床)休养78.Embark on/upon 开始;着手;从事79.Remark on/upon=comment on 评论;谈论80.At short notice 在短时间内(突如其来)81.Rumor has it(that) 据传言82.Pay for 为.付出代价/而受惩罚83.Pay off 还清债款84.Pay back 偿还(欠款)85.Pay up (不情愿地/迟迟地)付清债款86.Surge up (感情)涌起/现87.B

9、e prone to do sth. 易于发生(不愉快事)的;有发生(讨厌事)的倾向88.Be likely to do sth. 可能的89.Be content with/be content to do sth. 满足的;知足的90.Content oneself with 满足91.To ones content 痛痛快快地;尽情地92.Work against the clock 抢时间做93.Drive a hard bargain 极力讨价还价94.Deduce sth. from sth. 从.中推理/推论95.Induce sb. to do sth. 劝说某人做某事96.S

10、educe sb. Into doing sth. 怂恿某人做(不好的事)97.Be consistent with 与.相一致98.Be neglectful of 忽视;疏忽99.Be negligent in 疏忽100.No other+n(单数/复数) 没有别的101.Take sth. into account/consideration=take account of sth. 考虑102.Call sb. On/upon 对.做短时间访问103.Call on sb. to do sth. 号召某人做某事104.Call sb. up 给某人打电话105.Call for sb

11、. 把.召来106.Call sb. back 给某人回电话107.Exempt sb./sth. from sth. 使.免除/豁免108.Feel contempt for 鄙视109.Tempt sb. into doing sth.=tempt sb. To do sth. 劝说;吸引;引诱某人做某事110.At/from the outset 一开始111.Eradicate illiteracy/bad habit 扫除文盲/根除坏习惯112.Get sth. across to sb. 使.理解/接受113.Get through 通过114.Get over 从(疾病/震惊中)

12、恢复;克服115.Get around (消息)传开116.To ones advantage 对某人有利117.Make allowance for (对某些特殊因素的)考虑/顾及118.Criticize sb. For sth. 批评119.Accuse sb of sth.=charge sb. with sth. 指控;控告120.Identify oneself with 与.认同与/密切联系121.Incorporate.into. 包含;加入122.Cooperate with sb./sth. 合作123.Make for 移向;冲向124.Make up 编造;组成;化妆;

13、虚构;捏造125.Make out 开出126.Break forth (声音)迸发;(怒火)爆发;突然喊起来127.Break through 突破;突围128.Break up 分手;结束;解散129.Break off 中断;突然停止;解除130.A is to B what C is to D A对B来说就像C对D一样重要131.Patch sth. up 平息(争吵);解决(争端/分歧) Patch up differences 解决分歧132.Keep off 不吃;不喝/不吸食某物 Keep off drugs/drink 不吸毒/不喝酒133.prick up ones ear

14、 侧耳细听;竖起耳朵仔细听134.Abide by 遵守(规则/协议/决定/法律);信守诺言135.Make way for=give way to 让路给136.Be complacent about 对.沾沾自喜137.On the brink of 濒临.;处于.边际138.Cast ones eyes over sb./sth. 很快地看139.Come up with 想出(计划);提出140.Come out 出版;发表;结果是141.Come up to 比得上;不亚于;符合142.Come up 走向前;出现143.Was/were to have done=intend(pl

15、an,mean,desire,hope,expect,want,wish)+to have done =had intended(meant,desired,hoped,wished)+to do 计划/打算做某事(但实际没做)144.Give sb. the cold shoulder 冷遇;冷落145.Get the cold shoulder 受到冷遇146.Spur on 激励;鞭策147.In conformity with 遵照148.Conform to/with 遵守149.Cut sth. off 中断;切断150.Cut in 打断某人说话;插嘴151.Cut up 切碎1

16、52.Cut down 砍倒153.In a tight corner 陷入困境154.Conceive an idea 想出一个主意155.Deceive sb. Into doing sth. 欺骗156.Have a clear/guilty consciousness 问心无愧/有愧157.Be addicted to 上瘾;入迷158.Be obsessed with 着迷于159.Be hooked on 入迷160.Keep sb. Company 陪伴某人161.In contrast to/with 与.形成对比/截然不同162.In connection with 关于;有

17、关163.By/in comparison with 与.相比/相较而言164.With/in regard to 关于;至于165.Do sb.a service/favor 帮某人忙166.Look sth. over 很快看一眼;浏览167.Look into=inquire into=investigate 调查168.Look up 查阅169.Look on 旁观170.Look 把.看作171.Expel.from. 将.开除;驱逐172.Keep a straight face 板着面孔;不露笑容1

18、73.Pull a long face 拉长了脸;不高兴;愁眉苦脸174.Put forward 提出(论点/建议)175.Put sth. away 收拾起来176.Put out 熄灭177.Put across (向人)解释明白178.Take to sb./sth. 对.产生好感;染上.习惯/嗜好179.Take after 长相/举止像180.Up to ones ears in sth. 深陷于;忙得不可开交181.Plead with sb. for sth. /to do sth. 央求某人做某事182.Entreat sb. for sth./to do sth. 恳求;乞求

19、183.Be the making of sb. .是某人成功的原因184.Proceed against sb. 起诉某人185.Frown on/upon 表示不满/厌恶/不赞同186.Disapprove of 不赞同;不同意187.Put in/place an order for sth. 定制188.Go without 没有.也行/就将对付189.Go with 与.搭配/相和谐190.Go through 经历;遭受191.Go by 从.经过;(时间)逝去192.Impose on/upon (把想法)强加给某人;加负担/惩罚于;征税193.Dispose of (以处置/送

20、人/出售等方式)把.处理掉;解决;办妥194.Be obliged to sb. For sth. 因.而对某人心存感激195.Grope for 暗中摸索(强调黑暗中通过触摸寻找)196.Break new/fresh ground 开辟新天地;开始新的事业197.Nothing but 仅仅;只不过198.Anything but 除.以外的任何事199.None other than 不是别人;正是200.No more than 不过;仅仅201.Feel apprehension for 担心202.Be in the mood for sth./to do sth. 有意做某事20

21、3.Be in no mood/be not in the mood to do sth. 没有心情做某事;完全不想做204.Have an aptitude for 对.有天赋205.Attitude to/towards 对.的态度206.Of late=lately=recently 最近地207.Pass out 昏过去;失去知觉;昏倒、208.Pass A off as/for B 用A冒充(假冒)B(尤指贵重物品)209.Pass away 去世210.Pass by 经过某人旁边而不理睬;漠视211.Take French leave 不辞而别;擅离职守212.Stumble o

22、n sth. 绊倒213.Stumble on/upon/across=come across 偶然遇见/发现;碰巧找到214.Fumble 笨手笨脚地做;乱摸215.Mumble ones word 含糊地吐字216.Tumble down 滚下;摔下;坠落217.Give vent to 发泄;表达;吐露(情感)218.Prejudice against 对.的偏见219.A/the prelude to sth. .的前奏/序曲220.Pretext for .的借口/托词221.Wind up 停止;结束(谈话/活动)222.Wind down (钟/表)慢下来/停止;(活动/事业)逐

23、渐规模缩小,渐渐结束/缩减223.Make off (做错事后)匆忙离开/逃开224.Make for (匆匆)走向;朝.前进225.Make out 写出;开出226.Make out an application 填写申请书227.Make head or tail of (用于否定句) 弄清楚;了解228.Have oneself to thank 只得怪自己;得有自己负责229.Inquire into 调查;查究230.Inquire after 问候;问好231.Avail oneself of sth. 接受,利用机会232.Assure sb. of sth. 使某人信服233

24、.Notify/inform sb. of sth. 通知234.Convince sb. of sth. 使某人确信;说服某人235.Waste ones breath 白费口舌;白说236.Be intent on/upon sth. 专心做某事237.Be preoccupied with 全神贯注地;入神地238. Be engrossed in 专心致志239.Be absorbed in 专注240.Out of the question 不可能241.Out of/beyond/past/without question 毫无疑问242.Glare at 怒视243.Glance at 一瞥;迅速看一眼244.Peep through (从小孔)偷看/偷窥245.Peer into 凝视;盯着看246.Assume ignorance 佯装不知247.Get by(on/in/with sth.) 强调勉强过活/对付过去248.Get around/round 绕道走;规避;回避(法律/规章)249.Get along with 与.和睦相处250.Beat/break/shatter/cut the record 打破纪录 感谢下载!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考251.

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