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牛津译林版八年级上 Unit1Unit2复习无答案.docx

1、牛津译林版八年级上 Unit1Unit2复习无答案 8AU1-U2 教学内容牛津英语8A unit1-2 月考考点汇总重点单词变形1.humorous-humor 2.sing-singer 3.high-height 4. weigh-weight 6.bored-boring 7.patient-impatient 8.polite-impolite 9.Britain-British10. mix-mixed 11.discuss-discussion 12.France-French13.foreign-foreigner 1

2、 重点短语1.something to drink 考点:不定式to drink 做something的后置定语。类似: something to eat.注意:1).如果不定式是不及物动词短语,其后常跟必要的动词。如:a pen to write with 一只用来写字的钢笔a child to look after 一个需要照料的孩子2).被修饰的名词是time、place、way等词语时,不定式后习惯省略介词。We are looking for a place to live (in).我们在找住的地

3、方。中考链接:We are thirsty. Please bring us _.A.something to eat eat something drink something D.something to drink2.some more food 考点:数词+more +名词复数 =another +数词+名词复数中考链接: You should put _in the fire.A.some more paper B.more some paper C. any more paper D.more any paper3.honest 考点:honest 作为形容词,

4、虽是h开头,但是其发音的第一个音素却是元音因素,h不发音,因此前面的不定冠词需用an,类似的单词有hour等。反义词为dishonest.4.maybe 和may be 考点: maybe 副词,常位于句首,表猜测,相当于perhaps,probably,possibly may be 动词短语,常位于主语后面 willing to do sth 乐意做某事考点:近义短语 be ready to do need 考点:常作后置定语,位于被修饰词的后;若表示“急需,很需要”,常用in great need.典例:A friend in need is a friend i

5、ndeed.患难见真情。7.walk past 走过考点: 注意past 和pass 词性,类似有cross 和across等。判断的标准是句子是否缺少动词。8.knock 的短语 Knock sth onto .将某物撞到.上 Knock at/on 敲 Knock over 撞翻 Knock down 打倒;撞到中考链接: Tom was careless. He _the cup _the ground.A.knocked;off B.knocked;at C.knocked; over D.knocked; onto 9.too much; much too 区别考点: too muc

6、h 后加不可数名词 much too 修饰形容词或副词10.voice, sound, noise区别词条词性和含义用法voice名词,意为“嗓音指人的声音、说话声、歌唱声;也可指鸟的声音。sound名词,意为“声音,响声”动词,意为“听起来”指人、动物或物体发出的声音,即可指大自然的任何声音。后接形容词作表语。noise名词,意为“噪音,喧闹声”常指不悦耳、不和谐的嘈杂声。中考链接:- Listen! Who is singing?一-Its Betty. She has a sweet_.A.sound B. voice C. noise D.speech11.bored,boring区别

7、bored 意为“无聊的;厌烦的”,常 用来修饰人 I felt bored when I was alone. 我独自一人时感到无聊。boring 意为“令人感到无聊的”常用来修饰事或物 This lesson is too boring.这节课太无聊了归纳类似用法的单词还有:interested adj.感兴趣的; interesting adj. 有趣的excited adj.激动的; exciting adj.令人激动的中考链接The film was so_that soon all the children in the cinema began feeling_with it a

8、nd they went out one by one.A.bored ; boring B.boring ;boring C. bored ; bored D.boring ; bored解析the film为物,boring意为“令人感到无聊的”,常用来修饰事或物; all the children为人,bored意为“无聊的;厌烦?的”,常用来修饰人。故D选项正确答案 D12.Whats sb like? 某人是什么样的人? Whats sb like?表示某人是个什么样的人,此句主要是对某人的总体印象,包括个性、为人等内在品质,因此要根据实际情况回答。辨析 Whats he like?

9、和What does he look like?Whats he like?他是个什么样的人?用来询问他的个性、性格。What does he look like?他长什么样?用来询问他的外貌特征。-Whats Tom like?汤姆这个人怎么样?- He is very friendly.他很友好。-What does Tom look like? 汤姆长什么样?- -Hes very tall. 他个子很高例单项选择中考链接:-_ -He is friendly.A.How is he? B. What does he look like? C. What does he like? D.

10、What is he like?解析 A项意为“他身体怎么样?”; B项意为“他长相如何?”; C项意为“他喜欢什么?”;D项意为“他性格怎么样?” 答案 D13.offer sb sth =offer sth to sboffer作动词,意为“主动提出,自愿给予”,相当于give,其后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,即offer sb sth(相当于give sb sth)= offer sth to sb(相当于 give sth tosb)。如:中考链接:根据句意及首字母提示完成单词The little boy o_ his seat to an old lady on the cr

11、owded bus.解析 句意:那个小男孩在拥挤的公共汽车上将他的座位主动让给了一位老太太。offer sth to sb将某物主动给某人。14.near the end of .拓展(1)end作名词,意为“末端,尽头” end of“在结束的时候,在.的尽头”;in the end“终于,最后”; no end“极其,非常”;end to end“首尾相接连成行”(2) end用作动词,意为“结束,终止中考链接1._thisyear,IllgotoBeijingforajob.A.Neartheendof B.Intheend C.Bytheendof D.Fortheendof2.You

12、canseetheshoppingmall_thestreet.A.intheendof B.bytheendof C.intheend D.attheendof15.seem to go faster考点:seem为系动词,表示“似乎,好像,看来”。 seem to do sth意为“似乎/好像要做某事”, 另外,seem后还可接名词(短语)、形容词作表语。16.spend;take;cost;pay 区别词条含义 用法spend指花费时间/金钱”, 主语必须是人,常用结构为“人+spend time/money on sth意为“某人在某事上花费时间或 金钱 或“人+ spend time

13、/ money( in)doing sth意为“某人花费时间/金钱做某事” take指花费时间 常用于“It takes/took sb some time to dosth句式cost指某东西花费某人多少钱 它的主语一 般为表示物的名词,通常不 用表示人的名词 pay 意为“ 支付;偿还” 主语一般是人,结构为“人+pay+金钱+for sth意思是“某人为某物花费多少钱 中考链接:- Do you know how much Mary_these books?- -They_only 200 yuan!A.spent ;cost B.paid for,spent C.paid for;co

14、st D.cost ; spent17.farther 与further区别考点: farther 一般只用于表示有形距离的“较远,更远”. further 既可以表示有形距离的 “较远,更远”,还可以表示“进一步的”。中考链接: It is said that his brother will go to American for _(far study.17.fewer.than ; less.than 在做题时注意than 前部省略号部分是可数名词还是不可数名词。可数用fewer.than 不可数用less.than. The fewest 和the least 用法同上。中考链接Bob

15、 knows how to cut the cost of the project. Im sure he can do the work with _money and _people.A.less;less B.fewer; more C.more; fewer D.less; fewer19.副词的最高级注意事项1) 能够准确判断句中用形容词还是副词。2) 副词修饰动词,最高级前的the 可省略3).副词最高级的特殊变化4).副词最高级前a bit; a little; much 等修饰词。20.have+一段时间+off 有.时间的假期中考链接Im sorry you didnt ha

16、ve your day off B.on your day off your off day D.on your off day21.the number of . .的数量 a number of . 许多. 这两者主要考察be动词的,注意牢记短语的意思。中考链接-What _the number of the students in your school?-About two thousand. A number of them _from the;are;is C.are;is D.are;are22. fini

17、sh doing sth做完某事拓展:在英语中有些动词,若后面的宾语为动词,必须用其动词名词形式,而不能用动词不定式。常见的这类动词有:finish(完成), enjoy(享受),mind(介意), practise(练习) 等。中考链接My little brother didnt go to bed until he finished _his homework last B.doing do D.did23.other; the other; others; another other 意思是“其他的,别的” 常用作定语 the other 是指两者中的另

18、一个人或者物,常用于one.the other句型others 是代词,单独使用,意思是 “别人,别的事物,主要表示“其余一部分但不是全部”another 用作代词,指不定数目中的另一个人或者物中考链接-Have you watched the TV report about MERS? -Yes, its _new dangerous disease.A.the other B.another C.others D.other形容词的比较级与最高级的热门考点1.A.than B的句型than是比较级的标志词,也是单选题和单词拼写题的字眼。Jack is _than Tom.A .tall B

19、. taller C.the taller D.the tallestNow I have_(多)homework than before.2.of the two的结构中形容词的比较级前须要有定冠词the.He is the shorter of the two.3.形容词比较级前用不定冠词表示类指,翻译成“一个.”。-How do you like the movie we saw yesterday?-Wonderful.I have never seen a better one than this one.4.any other+名词单数与 any+名词单数的区别any other+

20、名词单数 表示比较的两个对象在同一个范围,此时可以用the other+名词复数和the rest of+名词复数替换。Suzhou is larger than any other city in Jiangsu.=Suzhou is larger than the other cities in Jiangsu.=Suzhou is largerthan the rest of the cities.any+名词单数表示比较的对象不再同一个范围内。China is bigger than any country in Africa.Shanghai is more beautiful th

21、an any city in of +adj(est)+名词复数China is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.6.形容词比较级前的修饰语a little / a bit / a little bit / any / no/ far / by far/ even/ much/even和much只可以修饰形容词或副词的比较级。The weather in Suzhou is even_(热).This time I did much_(差)in sports.7.指示代词在比较级中的考点The weath

22、er in Beijing is better than that in Tianjin.The book on the desk is much more interesting than that/the one in the drawer.The goods in this shop are cheaper than those/the ones in Zhangs shop.当名词有后置定语修饰,为了避免重复,需要借助代词代替已经出现的名词。指代可数名词单数用that/the one;指代可数名词复数用those/the ones;指代不可数名词只用that。但是当名词有前置定语,那么

23、只能用one/ones.The red pen writes better than the blue one.8.the+比较级+句子 , the+比较级+句子 越.越.The harder you study,the better grades you will get.The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes you will adj/adv(原级)+as. 和.一样在否定句第一个as可以换成soHe is as careful as Jack.I can play piano as well as Tom.I could

24、nt speak French so fluently as native speakers.10.less adj/adv(原级)+than. 不如.He is less careful than Tom.11.倍数的表达法一倍是once,两倍是twice,三倍及以上是数词+times倍数+as +原级 +as My school is three times as large as yours.倍数+比较级+thanMy school is three tomes bigger than yours.倍数+what 从句My homework is three times heavier

25、what I used to have.倍数+the seize/area/width/length/height/weight等+ofThis door is three times the width of that door.倍数+that/those of +对象The length of this ruler is nearly three times that of that ruler.频考易错的语法知识1、数量的比较(1)more+c/u+than 比多, fewer+c+than 比少, less+u+than 比少 eg: Millie has more tomatoes

26、than Daniel. Millie has fewer bananas than Kitty. Millie has less rice than Daniel.(2) the most +c/u 最多, the fewest +c 最少, the least +u 最少eg: Kitty has the most eggs. Daniel has the fewest tomatoes. Millie has the least juice.2、副词的比较级的几种表达形式:原级表达法:eg: He runs as fast as Mike. He runs 3 times as fast

27、 as Mike. 他跑得比Mike快2倍原级否定表达法:He doesnt run as/so fast as Mike.带有than的表达法:He runs 3 times faster than Mike. 他跑得比Mike快3倍带有than和范围的表达法:He runs faster than any other student /the other students in his class. =He runs faster than any girl student in his class. =He runs (the) fastest in his class.特殊疑问词表达法

28、:Who runs faster, Jack or Mike?比较级+and+比较级:表越来越 如:faster and faster; more and more beautifulthe+比较级,the+比较级,表示“越越”如:The harder he studies, the better he does.The more carefully you do your homework, the fewer mistakes you will make.副词最高级的几种用法:介词短语表示范围:He draws (the) best in the class /of his friends

29、/among the six students.特殊疑问词表达法:Which season do you like (the) best, spring, summer or autumn?梅中2017-2018年第一次月考二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)在下列各题从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。21.I think English is _ unimportant subject.I dont think so. It is _useful tool when we talk with foreigners. A. a, an B. an, a

30、C. a, a D. an, an22. We all like to make friends with Simon because he has a good _ of time.A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense23. Lucy liked all the dresses, but she took the _ one to save money for Project Hope. A. cheaper B. more expensive C. cheapest D. most expensive24. It is getting cold. Its _ colder today than it was yesterday. A. muc

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