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1、英语课程与教学论试题与答案考前练兵-试题详解单选题(41)多选题(31)判断题(79)(1)We all know that the teacher needs to know his/her students, in the following items which one is the most difficult to ascertain().AsexBageCsocial backgroundDoccupation正确答案:C(2)()involves the organization of learning and teaching in such a way that the t

2、raditional notion of the average student and aiming for the middle in teaching is abandoned.Apair workBgroup workCteachers helpDindividualization正确答案:D(3)In your opinion, which one is the most typical macro planning ().Aunit planningBhalf a semester planningCone semester planningDwhole course planni

3、ng正确答案:D(4)The biggest problem for group work is the selection of group members. Below are some possible ways to group students. Each of them is appropriate except ().Agroup the students according to seating arrangementBstudents select their own group members (risky)Cgroup the students by drawing lo

4、tsDdivide the strong students and the weak students into different groups正确答案:D(5)()involves teachers identifying issues and problems relevant to their own classes.ALiterature reviewBQuestionnaireCAction researchDlassroom observation正确答案:C(6)For most people the term ”curriculum” includes those act a

5、ctivities that education have devised for _ ,which are represented in the form of a written document .AteachersBdesignersClearnersDstudents正确答案:C(7)Cognitive and interactional patterns cannot affect the way in which students?AperceiveBrememberCthinkDpractice正确答案:D(8)A () activity is used where the w

6、hole set of information is not revealed until all students have performed their part of the task.AjigsawBgap-fillingChungmanDbingo正确答案:A(9)Look at the following words, which one of the follow options is an example of anagram. _Aflow-fowlBman-meanChive-liveDhear-her正确答案:A(10)() relates to the truthfu

7、lness of the data.AvalidityBreliabilitCsubjectDobject正确答案:A考前练兵-试题详解单选题(41)多选题(31)判断题(79)(11)Which one do you think is not the correct statement().Aas an assessor, the teacher does two things, that is, correcting mistakes and organizing feedbackBthe most important and difficult role that the teacher

8、 has to play is to be an controllerCtask-based teaching methods encourage the teacher to participate正确答案:B(12)The root of a word is also called the _.AstemBsuffixCbase formDA or C正确答案:D(13)The Audio-lingual Method was developed in the () during World War II.AGermanBChinaCFranceDUnited States正确答案:D(1

9、4)Students work in pairs, each having similar pictures, but with differences. Through talking to each other, they have to find out the differences without looking at each others pictures. What is the name of this speaking activityAReaching a consensusBDescribe and arrangeCFind out the differenceDWor

10、k out the story正确答案:C(15)Learners may be unwilling or even refuse to learn the language of a nation which is () to their country in economy, culture or social progress.AinferiorBsuperiorCmore developedDhigher正确答案:A(16)Which is the pre-writing activityin which a student or group of students write dow

11、n as many thoughts as possible on a topic without paying attention to organization, sentence structure or spelling?ADescribingBpredictingCbrainstoring正确答案:C(17)Which of the following does not belong to cognitive strategies?AresourcingBself-managementCtranslationDinferencing正确答案:B(18)_ is the adding

12、of a letter or sound, or group of letters or sounds, to a word which changes the meaning or function of the word.AderivationBconversionCaffixationDbackformation正确答案:C(19)In the language focus phase, language analysis activities also provide a focus on form through ()processes.Ateachers instructionsB

13、language acquisitionCpeers helpDconsciousness-raising正确答案:D(20)David Nunan (1991) offers () points to characterize the Communicative Approach:AfiveBsixCsevenDfour正确答案:A考前练兵-试题详解单选题(41)多选题(31)判断题(79)(21)The first and most important step a teacher takes is to determine the () of an activity.AcourseBap

14、proachCobjectiveDcorrection正确答案:C(22)_is a word game in which you write answers to questions in a pattern of numbered boxes.AanagramBcrosswordCriddleDword puzzle正确答案:B(23)()utilize group of subjects in research. This method can also be used in experimental research.AA group studyBTeaching journalCLe

15、sson reportDAction research正确答案:A(24)The most common form of authority involved in developing language policy and planning is the ().AgovernmentBcourtCprocuratorateDPublic Security Bureau正确答案:A(25)()is an intensive study of a specific individual or specific context, which is usually based on the ass

16、umptionAAction researchBTeaching journalCLesson reportDA case study正确答案:D(26)How many crucial areas are included in the profession ().A6B5C4D3正确答案:A(27)Among speaking strategies, which involves using alternatives for words which you do not know?ATailoring message to competenceBParaphrasingCUsing fil

17、lers and hesitation devicesDAppealing for help正确答案:B(28)Which one of the charaters does not belongs to a good language learner?ABe creative and experiment with languageBlearns to live with errors and learn from errorsCrecites words without understandingDseeks out all opportunities to use the target

18、language正确答案:C(29)The first of the “natural methods”is ().ADirect MethodBGrammar-translation MethodCthe Audio-lingual MethodDSituational Language Teaching正确答案:A(30)Which expression is wrong about learning students names?()AHelp show students that the teacher is interested in them.BIt shows the teach

19、er is responsible.CThe teacher could ask individual students to assist with demonstrations.DThe teacher could ask individual students to assist with equipment in the class.正确答案:B考前练兵-试题详解单选题(41)多选题(31)判断题(79)(31)Who found a strong connection between aptitude and proficiency?AGardnerBKreshenCTerrellD

20、Carroll正确答案:A(32)One of the principles of the Direct Method is that classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the ()language.AnativeBanother newCtargetDfirst正确答案:C(33)()research must be analyticAexperimentalBdescriptiveCAction researchDA case study正确答案:A(34)In the learning the established u

21、nderstanding is typical by _ syllabus.AFormal and functionalBstructural and functionalCformal and structuralDtype A and type B正确答案:A(35)Doing a () involves achieving an outcome, creating a final product that serves some practical purpose.AhomeworkBcommunication taskCexerciseDlistening activity正确答案:B

22、(36)How many steps are there to teach free writing?A3B4C5D6正确答案:C(37)If we should not require native-like pronunciation, then what should be our realistic goal when we speak English in the classroom().AconsistencyBintelligibilityCcommunicative efficiencyDabove all正确答案:D(38)What arenot the causes of

23、an error().AovergeneralizationBundergeneralizationCsimplificationDdeduced errors正确答案:D(39)What Strategy does the repetition belong to?Ametacognitive strategyBcognitive strategyCsocial strategyDaffective strategy正确答案:B(40)Which opinion of using English in the classroom is wrong?()Ateacher-guided corr

24、ectionBgroup correctionCfocus correcting正确答案:C考前练兵-试题详解单选题(41)多选题(31)判断题(79)(41)What kinds of methods can you use when you observing lessons().Ausing videotapesBusing sheetsCusing checklistsDabove all正确答案:D考前练兵-试题详解单选题(41)多选题(31)判断题(79)(1)To help students carry on oral communication in English, what

25、 categories can teachers offer?Alanguage inputBspeaking rulesCspeaking strategiesDknowledge of social and cultural context正确答案:ABCD(2)What are the challenges in teaching large classes?()ALet every student like you.BKeep good discipline.CGive individual student attention.DManage classroom disruption.

26、正确答案:BCD(3)What are the two ways of grading a piece of writing? are “impression” marking and “split” marking.AimpressionBsplitCinductiveDdeductive正确答案:AB(4)Research is considered to be a process built around three key features:()AResearch questions and hypotheses are clearly articulatedBspecificatio

27、n of appropriate research methods for addressing and answeringCtherory of your resaerchDspecification of a research context for the questions正确答案:ACD(5)What are the cognitive processes result in the rules which compose the interlanguage?AOvergeneralisationBTransfer of TrainingCStrategies of L2 Learn

28、ingDStrategies of L2 CommunicationELanguage Transfer正确答案:ABCDE(6)Sensory Modality Strength categorizes learners as what?AvisualBauditoryCtactile-kinestheticDthinkingEanalytical正确答案:ABC(7)In the classroom there are some rules to follow for making instructions effective. Which rules do you think are p

29、roper().Ause simple instructions and make them suit the comprehension level of the studentsBuse the mother-tongue only when it is necessaryChardly use body language to assist the students understandingDwe want the teachers to be careful not to do all the talki正确答案:ABD(8)In the following, which are controlled writing activities?AcopyingBgap-fillingCMaking listsDSentence completion正确答案:AB(9)Effective teachers have command of at least three, broad knowledge bases that deal with ().Asubject matterBhuman development and learningCpedagogyDhealthy habbit正确答案:ABC(10)As a teacher, you need to

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