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1、人教PEP版小学六年级英语上册课课练习题集小学英语六年级上册堂堂清训练题Unit1 How do you go there? Period 1一. 英汉互译1.步行 2.乘自行车_ 3.乘公共汽车 train subway_二. 单项选择题 1. Howyou go to school? I go to school on foot.A. do B. does C. are2. How do you go to school?I go to schoolbusA. on B. by C. take3. How do you go to Canada? I go to sch

2、oolplane A. on B. by C. take4. do you go to school? I go to schoolbikeA. What, on B. What, by C. How, by Period 2一. 连词成句1. you, how , to, do , go, school?2. by, I, to, go, school, bike3. to, I, on , the, park, go, foot二. 英汉互译1.你怎么去上学?2.我通常步行去上学3.有时我骑自行车去上学三. 根据首字母填单词1. I go to school by b,my home is

3、 far from school2.I go to school o foot, what about you ?3.H do you go to school? I go to school by bus Period 3 一、 单项选择1. do we go to the park?A. How B. What c. Where 2. We go to the parkbike.A. on B. by C. take3. See you 2 oclock. A. on B. in C.at二、选出下列单词中不同类的一项,把正确的答案填在左边的括号里。 ( )1、A、yellow B、rul

4、es C、red ( )2、A、on foot B、by plane C、by ( )3、A、school B、China C、Canada ( )4、A、fifth B、one C、fourthPeriod 4一. 单项选择 a red light.A. Go B. Stop C. Wait2. at a yellow light. A. Go B. Wait C. Stop3. Lookthe traffic lights. A. in B. at C.on4. Goa green light. A. in B. at C. on二.英汉互译1,交通灯 2.交通规则3.去上学 4红

5、灯停5.绿灯行 6.黄灯等三.连词成句1. traffic look the look at lights2. the traffic remember rules3. at wait yellow light stop at light aPeriod 5一. 单项选择1. Why do you go there by plane? its far.A. And B. Because C. But2. Yellow means.A. Stop B. Go C. wait3. We live onsecond floor.A. the B. a C. /4. How can It

6、he library? A. gets to B. get C. get to5. You can go therethe No. bus.A. take B. by C.on二.根据问句选出适当的答句( )1.Can I go by bus? A. Great.( )2.Where is the post office? B. Its near the zoo.( )3.See you at 4 0clock . C. Sure.( )4.Lets go to the supermarket. D. See you then.( )5.How do you go to school? E.

7、On foot.三按要求完成下列各句1.We often go to zoo by bus(对画线部分提问) often go to the zoo?2.看交通灯!黄灯亮时等一等(汉译英)。Look at the ! a yellow lightPeriod 6一、完成句子。1.我怎样才能到达北海公园 Can I Beihai Park.2. 你可以成乘坐15路公共汽车You can go the 15 bus.3. 在这个国家,我们必须知道交通规则In the country, we know the .4.我步行回家,你呢?I go home . you?5汽车停在这个公共汽车站The b

8、us at this bus.二读一读并判断对错1. There always three lights: red, yellow and green.( )在每个国家总有三种交通灯;红灯,黄灯,绿灯2. Yellow light means “go”.( )黄灯意思是“行”3. In China, drivers drive on the right side of the road.( )在中国,司机靠马路右侧行车4. In the US, drivers drive on the left side.( )在美国,司机靠左侧行车5. If you go on foot, you dont

9、 have to know the traffic rules.( )如果你步行,你就不必知道交通规则Unit 2 Where is the science museum?Period 1一英汉互译1邮局 2. 医院 3.电影院4. 书店 5.图书馆 6.科学博物馆二单项选择1.Where the library?A is B are C do2. is the hospital? Its near the post office.A What B Where C When3. is the library. Its in front of the school.A What B When C

10、 Where三连词成句1is, where, library, the (?)2. post office, near, the, its (.)3 .hospital, the, where, is (?) 4. front, in, cinema, its, of, the(.) Period 2一 单项选择1.Excuse me, where is the library?Its the cinema.A next B next to C at2. There the cinema near here.Yes, there is.A are B is C do3. If you want

11、 to see a doctor, you can go to the .A hospital B library C cinema4. Is there a cinema near your home?A Yes, there isnt. .B Yes, there is. C No, there is.二翻译下面的句子1.我通常骑自行去上学。2. 它在书店附近.3.打扰一下,请医院在哪里?Period 3一、单项选择1.Its far the shopA. in B. for C. from2. I want buy a pair of shoesA. to B. in C. for 3.

12、 There a pair of socks over thereA. is B. are C. be4.Walk straight five minutesA. and B. to C. for5. The cinema is _the leftA. in B. on C. then6.Turn left the traffic lightsA. at B. on C. in二按要求完成下列句子。 1. left , bookstore , the , turn, at(连词成句) 2.The school is next the park(改为正确的句子)3.There is a cine

13、ma near here.(改为一般疑问句)4.The library is near the post office(对划线部分提问)5.Ican go there by the No.12 bus(对划线部分提问)Period 4一、 读一读,找出不同类的词( ) 1. A east B. west C. ear D. north( ) 2. A. museum B. post office C. music D. library( ) 3. A. plane B. cinema C. bike D. bus( ) 4. A.turn left B. go home C .turn rig

14、ht D. go straight二、 连词成句1. on , left, the , is , the, bookstore2. can, get, how, museum, I, to, the(?)3 .it, far, is, here, from. 4.want, buy, I, pair, to, a, shoes, of.Period 5一英汉互译 1Next to the cinema 2.after school 3. a pair of shoes 4.下车二.单项选择 1. Where is the post office?Its the cinemaA.of B.on

15、 How can I get to the cinema? Turn left the C.on三.根据汉语提示,完成句子A:(打扰了)where is the(邮局)B:Itsthe cinema(在东面)A:And then?B:Turn leftthe cinema(在电影院左拐)then (直走).Its on the_(右边) Period 6一.改错1. The library are in front of the school. can I get the shoe shop? 3.Happy birthday t

16、oo you? 4.The school is in the left. 5.I want some banana. 二.按要求改写句子 1.The museum is next to the hospital.(对划线部分提问) 2.The bookstore is far from here.(改为一般疑问句) 3.向西走三分钟,然后左转(根据汉语提示,完成句子) _three minutes, turn left .4.从我们学校前面的公共汽车站出发。Start from the our school.Unit 3 What are you going to do ?Period 1一、

17、 英汉互译:1 next week 2 this evening 3 this morning 4 this afternoon 5 去旅行 6 去看电影 7 明天 8 阅读杂志 二单项选择:( )1、My friends swim tomorrow . A go to B are going to C are going ( )2. What are you going to do tonight?A B on C at ( ) 3. Im going to Canada plane. A at B by C for ( ) 4. What you going to do this even

18、ing ?A is B are C do ( ) 5. are you going to do tonight ? A What B How C Where Period 2一 连词成句: 1weekend to you are what going do this ? _ 2. visit this weekend Im going to my grandparents _ 3. train Im by going _二 根据汉语完成句子: 1 What are you going to do (今天晚上). 2 Im going to (阅读杂志). 3 Im going to 去旅行).

19、Period 3一、 单项选择: 1 Im going to the museum Sunday. A by B in C on 2. He is going his friend. A to B and C with 3. What are you going to do the weekend ? A at B on C in二 连词成句。 1 have Im to going weekend a busy . _2 you are going what to on do the weekend ._ 3 going is to she some buy new books . _ 4 i

20、s going he to TV watch. _Period 4一 英汉互译: 杂志 漫画书 明信片 newspaper dictionary 二. 连线:plant roses 今天晚上this evening 明天上午tomorrow morning 一些明信片some post cards 种玫瑰花三 选不同类:( )1 A shoe store B bookstore C comic book( )2 A newspaper B busy C dictionary( )3 A this afternoon B tomorrow C MikePeriod 5一 选择:A What B

21、Where C When D How1.- are you going ? - Im going to 2 oclock in the afternoon2.- is Mike going to buy the plants ? - Hes going to the plant stop.3 .- are you going to school ? - Im going by bike. 4 .- are you going tobuy ? - Im going to buy a comic book.二、 用are . am . is . at . on 填空1The post office

22、 is the left.2. What you going to do this afternoon.3. See you 6 oclock.4. I going to plant roses .5. the school far from here?Period 6一连词成句:1 zoo the the Im to weekend going on (.) _2. going are this where you evening (?) _3. books Do have you comic any (?) _二、选择填空。( )-What are you going to do this

23、 afternoon ? - A Im going to buy a book. B Yes, he is. ( ) 2. -How does he go to the zoo ? - A By bus. B No. he doesnt.( ) 3. - When do you see a film ? - A No B this afternoon( ) 4. - Is it fine today ? - A Yes, Here you are. B Yes,it is. Unit 4 I have a pen palPeriod 1一 写出下列短语中画线单词的ing形式。1 dive 2

24、ride a bike 3 play the violin 4 make kites 5 collect stamps 二 调查你的同学并汇报。Name Hobby Period 2一 用所给的单词的适当形式填空。1.He (like) collecting stamps.2.I like (play) football.3.I (like) drawing pictures.二 连词成句。 1 does, he, what, like(?)_2 hobby, what, your, is(?)_3 like, collecting, I stamps(.)_4 colleting, he,

25、likes, stamps, too(.)_Period 3一 单项选择。1.What he like?A do B does2.Does he in the country? - No, he .A live, doesnt B lives, does3.What your hobby?A are B is4.He likes listening music.A in B to5.I live China.A at B in二 英汉互译。1.你的爱好是什么?2.I like collecting stamps.3.他喜欢画画。Period 4一 写出短语中动词的单三形式。1 teach English 2 go to work3 watch TV4 read newspaper二 单项选择1 your pen pal live in Shanghai?A Do B Does2 He in Beijing.A lives B live3 No, he A does B doesnt4 Yes, she A doesnt B doesP

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