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1、航空英语专业词汇UNIT 1Engine Failure 发动机故障PART 1 Phraseology 专业术语1.engine trouble (failure) 发动机故障 2.engine shutdown 发动机停车 overheat, to over-temp 超温 4.engine flame out 发动机熄火,停车5.engine runs smoothly 发动机工作稳定 6.engine runs rough 发动机工作不稳7.engine is low on power 发动机马力低(马力上不去)8.engine surge 发动机喘振 9.thrust rev

2、ersers 反喷装置10.bird,water ingestion 发动机吸进了鸟和水 11.vibration 振动12.aborted engine start 发动机起动中断 13.loss of all engines 全部发动机停车(失效)14.engine fire, severe damage or separation 发动机着火严重损失或分离15.engine inflight start 发动机空中起动16.stalled engine 失速的发动机PART 2 Examples 实用例句1. Request priority landing at Fuzhou Airp

3、ort due to engine failure.由于发动机失效,我们请求在福州优先落地。2. Engine No.2 is overheating, probably due to bird ingestion on take-off, Request priority landing .二发超温,可能是起飞时进了鸟,请求优先落地。3. No. 4 engine flameout after take-off, Request to return to land with one engine inoperative.起飞后第四发动机熄火,请求一发失效返航着陆。4. CA110 abort

4、ed (rejected) take-off, due to No.1 engine failure. 国航110,中断起飞,因为第一台发动机失效。5. Take-off aborted, engine No.2 was low on power. 中断起飞,二发马力上不去。6. Due to mechanical trouble, Ill land with one engine inoperative. 由于机械故障,我将一发不工作落地。7. Right (left) side two engines inoperative, request priority landing with t

5、wo engines and getemergency facilities ready (necessary equipments) please.左(右)侧两台发动机失效,请求两发工作优先落地,请准备急救设施(必要设备)。8. CA981 fired on engine No.2 coming for landing.CA981 二发着火,返回着陆。9. Engine on fire, the cause of the fire is unknown, smoke steadily dispersing. 发动机着火,着火原因不明,烟雾正在消散。 10. We are declaring

6、in emergency, No. 3 engine fire, warning light remains illuminated.Request immediate(emergency) landing.我们宣布紧急状态,三号发动机着火,火警灯一直闪亮,请求立即着陆。11. No. 2 engine fire, fire is extinguished. Request priority landing. 二发着火,火已熄灭,请求优先落地。12. Request emergency landing and get ready extinguish facility on ground (

7、to provide fireFighting squads available on both sides of the runway). 请求紧急落地,并准备地面灭火设施(在跑道两侧提供消防队)。UNIT 2Fuel Problem 燃油问题PART 1 Phraseology 专业术语1.low fuel 低燃油量 2.dumping fuel (fuel dumping) 放油3.defuelling 抽油 4.fuel jettison, fuel dumping 放油5.minimum fuel operation 最少燃油操纵 6.jettison (pump, valve) 放

8、油泵(活门)7.crossfeed valve 交输活门 8.main tank boost pumps 主油箱所有增压泵9.override /jettison pumps 超控/放油泵 10.fuel filter light fails 燃油油滤灯失效11.fuel emergency 燃油紧急状态 PART 2 Examples 例句1. We are declaring in emergency. Would you give us an area for dumping fuel (to dumpfuel) (jettison fuel).我们宣布紧急状态,请指示放油区。2. Re

9、quest fuel dumping (fuel jettison) due to heavy. 因为飞机载重太重,请求放油。3. Could we dump fuel at this position?我们能在此位置放油吗?4. I have about 40,000 LBS of fuel to dump before attempting a normal weight landing.我的飞机大约有40,000磅油需放掉(我的飞机需要放掉大约40,000磅的燃油)以达到正常重量落地。5. I have 45tons of fuel to be dumped, we need 15min

10、. to dump fuel. 我的飞机需放掉45吨燃油,需要15分钟。6. I have finished dumping, returning for a normal weight landing.我已完成放油,返回作正常重量落地。7. Our endurance is about 40minutes, We would like to refuel at . 我们的续航油量大约四十分钟。我们想在 地加油。8. CA931-fuel leak on right wing, coming back, Request clearance to Beijing direct.CA931 右翼漏

11、油返航了,请求直接飞向北京。9. Request priority landing due to short of fuel. 燃油不足,请求优先着陆。Unit 3 Electrical system 电气系统故障PART 1 Phraseology 专业用语1. Electrical smoke or fire 电气冒烟或着火2. 1 or 2 generators inoperative 一台或两台发动机不工作3. Loss of all generators 全部发动机失效4. Generator off 发电机断开5. DC bus isolation relays 直流电汇电条隔离继

12、电器6. Tie breakers 汇流条断电器7. Generator field 发电机励磁8. Essential power 主电源9. Generator breakers 发电机断电器PART 2 Examples1. Electrical smoke(fire),its source cannot be located, smoke continues,request to make a priority landing.电气冒烟(着火)、烟(火)源不明,继续冒烟,请求优先落地。2. Electrical smoke, smoke stops(decrease),request

13、to return to airport. 电气冒烟,冒烟已停(减小)请求返回 机场落地。3. We lost all generators, request deviating to Shanghai airport. 我们失去了所有发电机,请求备降上海机场。4. We fly with backup electrical source, request priority landing. 我们用备用电源飞行,请求优先着陆。5. Our APU is inoperative and need ground power on arrivel.APU不工作,到达时需用地面电源。6. APU is

14、 failed, request ground power for 1RS.APU失效请求地面电源提供1RS。Typical sentence 典型例句Electrical smoke(fire) 电气冒烟或着火Unit 4Hydraulic System Failure 液压系统故障PART 1 Phraseology 专业用语1. Two hydraulic systems inoperative 两套液压系统不工作2. Single hydraulic system leak or loss 一个液压系统漏油或失效3. Low hydraulic pressure 液压压力低4. Hyd

15、raulic leak 液压渗漏5. Alternate brake hydraulic source 备用刹车液压源6. Pressure control valves 压力控制阀7. Relief valves 泄压阀PART 2 Examples1. Braking action is poor due to low hydraulic pressure, request to taxiback for check.由于液压低,刹车效应差,请求滑回检查。2. A minor hydraulic leak detected, we are unable to stop the leakin

16、g, request to taxi back. 飞机出现一点漏液压现象,我们无法停止漏油,请求滑回。3.No hydraulic pressure, gear extension system failure. 无液压,起落架放出系统失效。4.Hydraulic braking impossible after landing due to hydraulic trouble. 落地后由于液压故障液压刹车无效。5.Hydraulic system failure ,request to return to land. 液压系统失效,请求返回落地。6.We rushed out of the

17、runway due to hydraulic system failure, request ground rescue and evacuation. 我们由于液压系统失效而冲出跑道,请求地面援救和紧急撤离。7.Unable to taxi any further due to hydraulic trouble .Brakes and steeringinoperative.因液压系统故障不能再滑行,刹车和前轮转弯操纵失效了。Unit 5Landing Gear System Failure 起落架系统故障PART 1 Phraseology 专业用语1. Partial main ge

18、ar landing 部分主起落架着陆2. Alternate landing gear extension (人工)备用放起落架3. Overweight landing 超重量着陆4. Gear lever 起落架手柄5. Wing gear 机翼起落架6. Body and nose gear 机身和前起落架7. Gear extension 放起落架8. Retract the gear 收起落架9. Burst tyre 轮胎爆破10. Airport assistance 机场方面的协助11. Rescue vehicle 救援车PART 2 Examples 例句1. I hav

19、e trouble extending the landing gear on account of hydraulic system failure. 由于液压系统故障,我放起落架有困难。2. We are lowering the landing gear by manual gear extension procedure.我们正用人工放起落架程序放起落架3. Now landing gear fully extended.现在起落架完全放出了。4. We do not have the green light on the main gear, only the nosegear wi

20、ll come down. We will try again.主起落架绿灯不亮,只有前轮放下,我们将再试一次。5. The system must be jammed, we will perform a wheels up landing.request foam carpet and instructions for dumping fuel.系统卡阻,我准备收轮迫降,请求铺泡沫并指导放油区。6. We are coming back due to burst tyre during gear retraction. 我们返航了,因为收轮时起落架的轮胎爆了。7. AIR CHINA 92

21、1 nose gear is not extended, we are extending it manually, please give us long down wind heading, we will call you when we are turningbase.国航921前起落架未放出,我们正人工放前起落架,请给一个长三边航向,可以三转弯时将叫你。8. AIR CHINA 933 is going to land with partial landing gear. request emergency facility standing-by.国航933准备部分起落架着陆,请求

22、紧急设备待命。9. Our nose gear is not displayed to be down. please give us visual information if it is in place.我们前轮显示未放下。请目视一下是否放下了。10.CA 101 left body gear is not extended, we try to land with the rest of the landing gear. CA101左机身起落架未放出,我试图用其余的起落架着陆。11.Take-off aborted, undercarriage fire, emergency eva

23、cuation. 中止起飞,起落架失火,紧急撤离飞机。12.Nose gear still appears to be jammed, we will have to make an emergency Landing on runway 18. 前轮仍卡住没放下,我们只能在18号跑道上紧急落地。13.We have landing gear trouble, We would like to go around. 我们起落架有问题,我们想复飞。14.We have got to go around, we are having difficulties with the landing ge

24、ar. 我们要复飞了,起落架有问题。15.We must have a flat tyre on the nose gear. 前轮肯定有个轮胎漏气了。16.Request airport assistance, we have just swung off the runway due to burst tyre. The passengers are going to stay on board until you send round the rescue vehicles. 请求机场协助,由于轮胎爆炸了。我们偏出了跑道,客人都在飞机上等着, 等你派救援车来。17.Landing gea

25、r still jammed, request to make a belly landing. 起落架系统仍卡阻,请求机腹着陆。18.We have landing gear trouble, now overshooting. 我们起落架故障,现在复飞。PART 3 New Words 单词Extend 伸、伸展account 原因、理由on account of 由于manual 手工的、用手操作的jam 果酱、阻塞(机器等)的轧住perform 履行、执行foam 泡沫carpet 地毯undercarriage 起落架assistance 援助、帮助flat 扁平的burst 爆裂、

26、胀破rescue 营救、援救vehicle 车辆、运载工具retract 收回、缩回swing 摆动、转向belly 腹部fuselage damaged 机身受损blanket 床单woolen blanket 毛毯 UNIT 6 Rapid Depressurization 急剧释压PART 1 Phraseology 专业用语1Cabin altitude rapid depressurization 座舱高度急剧释压2Emergency descent 紧急下降3Oxygen masks and regulators 氧气面罩和调节器4Oxygen diluter lever 氧气稀释

27、手柄5Pack valves 组件活门6Communication 机组通讯7Passenger oxygen 旅客氧气8Differential pressure 压差9Bleed air 引气10. Duct pressure low 管道压力低11. Outflow valve 排气活门PART 2 Examples1. Cabin is decompression now. Request descent immediately。座舱失压,请求立即下降。2. Emergency descending now due to lack of cabin pressurization.由于座

28、舱压力低,现在紧急下降。3Cabin steadily decompressed.客舱不断失压。4Pressurization system failure, request emergency descent to FL140.增压系统失效,请求紧急下降到FL140。 5Pressure is back to normal at this altitude. All passengers are O.K. Request further descent.压力在此高度上已恢复正常,所有旅客都无问题,请求继续下降。 6Cabin altitude rapid depressurization.机

29、舱高度快速释压。 7Cockpit windshield broken, cabin decompressed, emergency descending to FL100.机舱风挡破碎,座舱释压,紧急下降到FL00。 8Left cabin door opened in flight, explosive decompression in cabin, emergency descending to 8000Ft. 左客舱门在空中打开,客舱忽然失压,紧急下降至8000Ft.10. CA981 emergency descent from FL330 to 14000Ft, due to su

30、dden depressurization. CA981因为忽然释压紧急下降从高度FL330到14000英尺。 PART 3 New Words 单词、词汇Depressurization 减压、释压Oxygen 氧、氧气Regulator 调节器Diluter 稀释器Differential 差别的、不同的Different 差异的、不同的Decompression 减压器Windshield 风挡Explosive 爆炸性的、爆发性的Explosion 爆炸陆空无线电通话 Air/Ground Radio exchangeIt may be indication failure 可能是指示

31、失效Unable to extinguish fire 不能灭火The engine(number)is burning 发动机(号数)着火Fire warning light is on 火警灯亮Suspecting fire in the forward compartment 可能前货舱失火There is smoke of unknown 在驾驶舱出现来源不明的烟origin in the cockpit Have you extinguished the fire 火已经灭了吗?Cleared to avoid weather only within 仅在航线内同意避免雷暴 the route Mayday, Mayday, Mayday,CA982,CA982, 遇到灾难,因双方失效CA982,unable to maintain height due to two CA982不能保持高

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