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1、英美文学阅读建议书目英语学习精品英美文学阅读建议书目(精品书录)Jane Austen (1775-1817)简.奥斯汀Emma爱玛Mansfield Park曼斯菲尔德庄园Sense and Sensibility理智与情感Persuasion劝导Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见Louisa M. Alcott (1832-1888)露意莎.奥尔珂德Little Women小妇人Good Wives好妻子Anne Bronte (1820-1849)安.勃朗特The Tenant of Wildfell Hall怀尔德菲尔府的房客Agnes Grey艾格妮斯.格雷Charlo

2、tte Bronte (1816-1855)夏洛特.勃朗特Jane Eyre简.爱The Professor教师Emily Bronte (1818-1848)埃米丽.勃朗特Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄Francis Bacon ( 1561-1626)弗兰西斯.培根Essays弗兰西斯.培根论文集John Bunyan (1628-1688)约翰.班扬The Pilgrims Progress天路历程The Holy War圣战Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)刘易斯.卡罗尔Alices Adventures in Wonderland爱丽丝漫游奇境记Throu

3、gh the Looking Glass爱丽丝漫游镜中世界Joseph Conrad (1857-1924)约瑟夫.康拉德Lord Jim吉姆老爷Nostromo诺斯特罗摩The Secret Agent特务Heart of Darkness黑暗的心灵Youth青春The Shadow Line阴影线The Nigger of the Marcissus白水仙花号上的黑家伙Almayers Folly奥尔迈耶的愚蠢Stephen Crane (1871-1900)斯蒂芬.克莱恩Maggie- A Girl of the Streets街头女郎梅季The Red Badge of Courage

4、红色英勇勋章Wilkie Collins (1824-1889)科林斯No Name没有姓名The New Magdalen新玛格达琳The Woman in White白衣女人The Moonstone月亮宝石Willa Cather (1873-1947)薇拉.凯瑟Alexanders Bridge亚历山大的桥My Antonia我的安东妮亚O Pioneers!啊,拓荒者!The Song of the Lark云雀之歌The Troll Garden and Selected Stories特罗尔花园Charles Dickens (1812-1870)查尔斯.狄更斯A Christm

5、as Carol圣诞欢歌A Tale of Two Cities双城记American Notes旅美札记Barnaby Rudge巴纳比.拉奇David Copperfield大卫.科波菲尔Domby and Son董贝父子Bleak House荒凉山庄Great Expectations远大前程The Haunted Man and the Ghosts Bargain神缠身的人Hard Times艰难时事Nicholas Nickleby尼古拉斯.尼克贝尔The Mystery of Edwin Drood爱德温.德鲁德之谜Little Dorrit小杜丽Oliver Twist 雾都孤

6、儿The Old Curiosity Shop老古玩店Martin Chuzzlewit马丁.朱述尔维持Our Mutual Friend我们共同的朋友The Pickwick Papers匹克威克外传The Cricket on the Hearth炉边蟋蟀The Battle of Life人生的战斗Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)丹尼尔.笛福The Journal of the Plague Year瘟疫年纪事Robinson Crusoe-1鲁滨逊漂流记Robinson Crusoe-2鲁滨逊漂流记续集Moll Flanders摩尔.弗兰德斯Sir Arthur Con

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9、tory of Tom Jones, A Foundling弃儿汤姆.琼斯的历史Elizabeth C. Gaskell (1810-1865) 伊丽莎白.加斯克尔Mary Barton玛丽.巴顿Sylvias Lovers西尔维亚的恋人Cousin Phillis菲利丝表妹North and South北方与南方Wives and Daughters妻子和女儿Cranford克兰福德Ruth露丝Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)霍桑Twice-Told Tales重讲一遍的故事Mosses from an Old Manse古屋青苔The House of Sev

10、en Gables七个尖角阁的房子The Scarlet Letter红字The Snow Image雪的意象Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)托马斯.哈代A Pair of Blue Eyes一双碧眼Tess of the dUrbervilles德伯家的苔丝The Mayor of Casterbridge卡斯特桥市长Jude the Obscure无名的裘德Far from the Madding Crowd远离尘嚣The Return of the Native还乡Washington Irving (1783-1859)华盛顿.欧文The Adventures of C

11、aptain Bonneville博纳维尔上尉探险记The Sketch Book见闻札记The Alhambra爱尔汗布拉宫Henry James (1843-1916)亨利.詹姆斯The Golden Bowl金碗The American美国人The Aspern Papers阿斯本文件Daisy Miller戴西.密勒The Europeans欧州人The Sacred Fount神圣源泉Death of the Lion名流之死The Figure in the Carpet地毯上的图案The Turn of the Screw螺丝在拧紧Roderick Hudson罗德里克.赫德森T

12、he Lesson of the Master大师的教诲Washington Square华盛顿广场The Ambassadors奉使记The Portrait of A Lady贵妇画像James Joyce (1882-1941)詹姆斯.乔伊斯Dubliners都柏林人A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man艺术家青年时期写照Ulysses尤利西斯Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)托马斯.杰弗逊Autobiography自传Letters书信集Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)吉卜林Kim吉姆Puck of P

13、ooks Hill普克山的派克Rewards and Fairies投偿和仙子们The Jungle Book丛林故事Andrew Lang (1844-1912)乌德鲁.兰The Blue Fairy Book绿皮童话书The Red Fairy Book红皮童话书The Violet Fairy Book紫皮童话书The Yellow Fairy Book黄皮童话书D. H. Lawrence (1855-1930)戴.赫.劳伦斯Lady Chatterlays Lover查太莱夫人的情人Women in Love恋爱中的女人Sons and Lovers儿子与情人Jack London

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21、s泰特斯.安德洛尼克斯The Sonnets十四行诗The Winters Tale冬天的故事Robert L. Stevenson (1850-1894)史蒂文森Prince Otto奥托王子Treasure Island金银岛Across the Plains横穿普莱恩斯Kidnapped绑架In the South Seas在南海An Inland Voyage内河航程The Silverado Squatters西尔韦拉多-斯卡特斯Master of Ballantrae巴伦特雷少爷The Black Arrow黑箭Weir of Hermiston赫米斯顿的韦尔Travels wit

22、h a Donkey in the Cevennes骑驴游塞文斯山脉The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde杰基尔医生和海德先生的奇案Henry D. Thoreau (1817-1862)梭罗Walden沃尔登,或林中生活Mark Twain (1835-1910)马克.吐温The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝利.费恩历险记A Tramp Abroad国外漫游A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美国人The Adventures of T

23、om Sawyer汤姆.索耶历险记Life on the Mississippi密西西北河上The $30,000 Bequest三万元的遗产Tom Sawyer Abroad汤姆.索耶在国外Mark Twains Speeches演讲集The Innocents Abroad傻子出国记Tom Sawyer Detective汤姆.索耶探案The Prince and the Pauper王子与贫儿The Tragedy of Puddnhead Wilson傻瓜威尔逊的悲剧What is Man什么是人William Thackeray (1811-1863)威廉.萨克雷Vanity Fai

24、r名利场The Rose and the Ring玫瑰与戒指Edith Wharton (1862-1937)伊迪丝.华顿Bunner Sisters邦纳姐妹House of Mirth欢乐之家Summer夏天The Age of Innocence天真的时代The Reef暗礁H. G. Wells (1866-1946)赫伯特.乔治.威尔斯The War in the Air空中战争Ann Veronica安.维罗尼卡The Door in the Wall and Other Stories墙中之门The War of the Worlds星际战争The Invisible Man隐身人The First Man in the Moon最先登上月球的人Tono Bungay托诺.邦盖The Island of Doctor Moreau莫洛医生的岛屿The Time Machine时间机器Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)奥斯卡.王尔德An Ideal Husband理想丈夫A House of Pomegranates石榴房子A Woman of No Importanc

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