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1、西工大学年度九年级第一学期期末考试英语试题完成2014 2015年度第一学期期末考试九年级英语试卷第I卷(选择题 共65分)听力部分I. 听对话,选答案(共15小题,计15分)II. 听短文,选答案(共5小题,计10分)笔试部分III.语言知识(共10小题,计10分)本题共有10个小题,请从每个小题的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。21. The pink pencilcase _ because she doesnt like pink at all.A. must be Gina B. must belong to GinaC. cant be Ginas D. cant belong to

2、 Gina情态动词根据下文的“because she doesnt like pink at all.”可知,这个粉色的文具盒肯定不是Gina的。语气坚决的否定推测应用cant,故排除A、B两项。粉色的文具盒不是Gina的,也就是不属于Gina,故答案选D。22. Sam, please answer my last question. Sorry, Miss King. I didnt catch your last question. I _ your first question.A. was thinking about B. thought up C. was coming up w

3、ith D. came over to 时态;词义辨析think about意为“考虑”;think up意为“想出”;come up with意为“提出,想出”;come over to意为“过来”。句意: Sam,请回答我的最后一个问题。 对不起,金老师。我没听到你的最后一个问题。我想出了你的第一个问题。根据前一句时态可知,此句应用一般过去时,故答案为B。23. Xian has sure changed a lot. More new subway lines _ in a few years. Till then will the traffic in Xian be better a

4、nd better.A. complete B. are completed C. was completed D. will be completed时态;被动语态句意:西安已经改变了很多。在短短几年后,更多新的地铁线路将完成。接下来,西安的交通状况会越来越好。根据时间状语in a few years可知,此句应用一般将来时;主语是subway lines,和complete之间是被动关系,故应用被动语态,被动语态的结构为:be + 动词的过去分词。故答案选D。24. _ will your father come back from Shanghai? He has been in Sha

5、nghai for three days. He will be back in two days.A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far词义辨析How long意为“多长”,对时间或长度提问;How often意为“多久一次”,对频率提问;How soon意为“多久”,对时间提问,用于一般将来时;How far意为“多远”,对路程提问。句意: 你爸爸什么时候从上海回来? 他已经在上海三天了。两天后将回来。故答案选D。25. The T shirt is made _ cotton and cotton can be made _ dif

6、ferent kinds of clothes.A. of; from B. into; of C. of; into D. into; from词义辨析be made from 和be made of 均意为“有制成”,制成品中看不出原材料时,用be made from,制成品中能看出原材料用be made from;be made into意为“制成”。句意:这件T恤衫是棉质的,面能制成各种不同种类的衣服。T恤衫能看出原材料,故答案选C。26. All of us _ arrive at 7:00, but we arrived 30 minutes late.A. are suppose

7、d to B. were supposed toC. have to D. ought to时态;词义辨析be supposed to意为“被期望,被要求”;have to意为“必须”;ought to意为“应该”。 ought to不能用于虚拟语气中,故排除;根据后半句用了一般过去时可知,前半句也应用一般过去时,故排除A、C两项。答案选B。句意为:要求我们所有人7点到达,但是我们晚了30分钟。27. Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? I am afraid _ day is possible.A. either B. neither C. some D.

8、any词义辨析either意为“任何一个”;neither意为“两个都不”;some意为“一些”;any意为“任何的”。句意: 你周一来还是周二来? 恐怕两天都不可能。根据答语中的I am afraid可知,两天都不行,故答案选B。28. _? Im sorry, but its not permitted to do so.A. How is it going with you B. Is that Larry speakingC. Would you mind my smoking here D. Would you like some help交际用语“How is it going w

9、ith you? ”意为:你进来如何?“Is that Larry speaking?”意为:是Larry吗?(电话用语)“Would you mind my smoking here?”意为:你介意我在这儿吸烟吗?“Would you like some help?”意为:你需要帮助吗?根据大雨的“Im sorry, but its not permitted to do so.”可知,C项符合题意,故答案选C。29. Li Gen never knew the news that Chinese mens football team won the first game in the As

10、ian Football Cup _ he read the paper.A. when B. after C. until D. as soon as连词when意为“当的时候”;after意为“在之后”;until意为“直到”;as soon as意为“一就”。句意:直到读了报纸之后Li Gen才知道中国男队赢了亚洲杯足球赛第一局。notuntil意为“直到才”,never是否定词,故答案选C。30. I wonder _. A. who did better at math B. he will come back from SwitzerlandC. whether she has m

11、arried for years D. the things and people who he met in her camp宾语从句结合题干和选项可知,若后跟A、B或C时,题干均是一个含有宾语从句的主从复合句,若后接D项,它是一个含有定语从句的主从复合句。且先行词是the things and people,有人有物,故关系代词应用that,且其中的her应该为his才符合题意,故排除D;B项不符合句意;C项后接段时间,故应用延续性动词be married,综上所述,故答案选A。句意:我想知道谁更擅长数学。IV.完形填空(共10小题,计10分)阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各个小题的四

12、个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。James and Jack were brothers from a family with eight children. They both loved _(1)_ very much, but the family was so poor that it was impossible to send _(2)_ of them to study at the art college at the same time. After many discussions, the two boys finally _(3)_ a plan. They

13、would toss (抛) a coin. The loser would go down into the mines (煤矿) and, with his earnings to support his brother studying at the college. Then, when the brother who won the toss finished his studies, after four years, he would support _(4)_ brother studying at the college.James won the toss and Jack

14、 went down into the mines. James worked with all his heart and his paintings were much _(5)_ than those of most of his teachers, and by the time he _(6)_, he was beginning to make a lot of money for his paintings.When James returned, the family held a big dinner for his great success. Soon after the

15、 meal began, James stood up from his seat to drink a toast (祝酒) to his dear _(7)_. He said,“Jack, now you can go to the art college and your _(8)_ will come true. I will take care of you.”But Jack said _(9)_,“Brother, the four years in the mines has done too much to my hands, so its too _(10)_. Now

16、I cant even hold a glass.” To show his great love and respect, James drew his brothers hands with fingers towards the sky. He called his drawing “The Praying Hands”, which became very famous years later.(1) A. sports B. books C. music D. painting逻辑推理根据下文的“he was beginning to make a lot of money for

17、his paintings.”中的paintings可知,他们兄弟俩都喜欢画画,故答案选D。(2) A. any B. all C. both D. neither不定代词any意为“任何一个”;all意为“所有”;both意为“两者都”;neither意为“两者都不”。of后的them指的是James and Jack两兄弟,故答案为选C。(3) A. looked out B. worked out C. took out D. got out词义辨析look out意为“当心”;work out意为“制定出”;take out意为“取出”;get out意为“泄露,出版”。句意:讨论了很

18、多次后,两兄弟制定出一个计划。故答案选B。(4) A. other B. the other C. others D. the others词义辨析other意为“其他的”;the other意为“(两者中的)另一个”;others意为“其他人”;the others意为“其他的”,指在一定范围内的其他全部。根据文章可知是James and Jack两兄弟的计划,由此可知句意为:抛硬币赢了的一个人去完成他的学业,四年后供养另外一个在大学学习。这里指的是两者中的另一个,故答案选B。(5) A. better B. worse C. cheaper D. older逻辑推理;词义辨析better意

19、为“更好”;worse意为“更糟糕”;cheaper意为“更便宜”;older意为“更老,更旧”。根据下文的“When James returned, the family held a big dinner for his great success.”可知,James很成功,故这里是说James用心工作,他比他的很多老师画得更好。故答案选A。(6) A. arrived B. finished C. graduated D. waited逻辑推理;词义辨析arrive意为“达到”;finish意为“完成”;graduate意为“毕业”;waite意为“等待”。根据下文的“he was be

20、ginning to make a lot of money for his paintings.”可推知,等到他毕业的时候,他开始画画赚很多的钱。故答案选C。(7) A. brother B. sister C. father D. mother逻辑推理根据下文“Jack, now you can go to the art college and your _(8)_ will come true. I will take care of you.”中的Jack可知,James是对他的兄弟说话呢,故答案选A。(8) A. way B. idea C. dream D. practice词义

21、辨析way意为“方法”;idea意为“注意”;dream意为“梦想”;practice意为“练习”。根据此句中的come true可知。句意为:Jack,现在你能去艺术学校了,你的梦想将实现。我会照顾你的。故答案选C。(9) A. happily B. easily C. angrily D. softly逻辑推理;词义辨析happily意为“快乐地”;easily意为“轻而易举地”;angrily意为“生气地”;softly意为“柔和地,温柔地”。句意:Jack轻轻地说:“兄弟,在矿井里的四年中,我的手承受了太多,所以太_了,现在我甚至连一个玻璃杯都拿不起。”根据句中的Brother可知,他

22、的态度是温和的,故答案为D。(10) A. early B. late C. good D. helpful逻辑推理;词义辨析句意:Jack轻轻地说:“兄弟,在矿井里的四年中,我的手承受了太多,所以太迟了,现在我甚至连一个玻璃杯都拿不起。”根据下文的“Now I cant even hold a glass.”可知,这里是说学画太迟了,故答案选B。 V. 阅读理解(共15小题, 计25分)第一节:根据下面一篇短文的内容判断判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“A”表示,错误的用“B”表示。(共5小题,计5分)AThe BobcatThe bobcat can be found almost every

23、where in the US, except for the plain areas of midwest. An adult bobcat can be up to 36 inches long with a small, black, 5inch tail that is tipped in white. Its a member of the cat family and is twice the size of a house cat (but, not nearly as friendly!). It has a yellowish coat with black spots on

24、 the front and its legs and underbelly (腹) are gray.Bobcats eat mostly small animals like rabbits. They have been known to kill small deer. Bobcats hunt by sight and sound. They have a deep and scary growl (咆哮).Bobcats like staying alone most of the time. Kittens (baby bobcats ) are born in the spri

25、ng.(1) Bobcats live everywhere in the United States.细节理解根据文章第一段第一句“The bobcat can be found almost everywhere in the US, except for the plain areas of midwest.”可知,此句和短文内容不符,故答案选B。(2) A bobcat is as big as a house cat.细节理解根据文章第一段的第三句“Its a member of the cat family and is twice the size of a house cat

26、(but, not nearly as friendly!).”可知,野猫是家猫的两倍大,故此句和短文内容不符,故答案选B。(3) Bobcats eat small animals like small deer.细节理解根据第二段前两句“Bobcats eat mostly small animals like rabbits. They have been known to kill small deer.”可知,野猫吃小鹿的,故此句和短文内容相符,故答案选A。(4) Bobcats like living together since they are born in spring.细

27、节理解根据文章最后一段第一句“Bobcats like staying alone most of the time.”可知,野猫喜欢独居,故此句和短文内容不符,故答案选B。(5) Bobcats get food with their sights and hearings.细节理解根据文章第二段第三句“Bobcats hunt by sight and sound.”可知,野猫靠视觉和味觉捕食,故此句和短文内容不符,故答案选B。第二节:阅读B,C,D三部分内容,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(共10小题,计15分)BHere is a really

28、good story about why its important to always follow directions. Once you read it, youll never have trouble following directions again.Once a teacher handed out a test to her students. It was a long ten page test. At the end of class, some students thought they did very well. They got most of the que

29、stions correct. But nobody passed! After the teacher had graded the tests, she pointed out the directions at the top:“Write your name on the top of Page 1 and hand the test in. Do not complete any of the questions.” You can bet those students wished they had read the directions rather than finished

30、the whole 10 page test!Reading directions carefully can mean the difference between an A and an F in school. Read the directions from the beginning to the end before you do anything else. Make a list of any material you will need. Gather it up! After you have everything you need, read the directions

31、 again carefully. Do you understand every step? Do you still have question? Ask your teacher, parent or a friend for help. Follow the directions carefully, step by step.If you follow all these steps, you will do all your schoolwork correctly.46. (1) The students didnt pass the test because _.A. the test was very difficultB. the test was too long for the students to completeC. the students didnt read the directionsD. the teacher didnt grade their test at all.逻辑推理根据文章第二段第五六七八句“But nobody passed! After

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