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TEM4 听力试题分析SET 5.docx

1、TEM4 听力试题分析SET 5TEM-4 听力试题分析 SET 5 PART III LISTENING COMPREHENSION 20 MIN. In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything once only.Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Mark the correct response for each question on your answer sheet. SECTION ASTATEMENTIn this section you wil

2、l hear nine statements.At the end of the statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following nine questions.1. Who is the speaker?A. An insurance agent.B. A fireman.C. A safeguard.D. A politician.2. What can we infer about Susan?A. She dresses fashionably as she spends plenty of m

3、oney on them.B. She looks fashionable though she doesnt spend much on dresses.C. She doesnt spend much money on her dresses.D. She often spends too much money on her dresses.3. What does the statement mean?A. The room was too dry.B. The room was not dry enough.C. The paint was wet.D. The paint was t

4、oo dry.4. We learn from the statement thatA. Lucy is very interested in video games.B. Lucy shows no interest in video games.C. Lucy often plays video games if she is free.D. Lucy plays better than her friends.5. What can we learn about Andrew?A. His petrol is used up.B. He just got his car filled.C

5、. His car had a little petrol left when reaching the garage.D. He had a car accident.6. The speaker suggests thatA. appearances are not important.B. appearances are everything.C. lothes make the men.D. we should never trust appearances.7. What does the speaker say about Thurber?A. He is a great writ

6、er.B. His blind eye prevented him from writing good novels.C. His success depended on his childhood experience.D. He worked so hard in writing as to lose one of his eyes.8. What does the speaker imply?A. I knew the time of the concert from him.B. He didnt tell me the time of the concert.C. He told m

7、e the time of the concert, but it was unnecessary.D. The concert began before I knew the time.9. The speaker suggests thatA. we should read every two lines carefully.B. we should find hidden and implied meanings.C. we should keep our eyes open for the book.D. we should get the meaning of every word.

8、SECTION BCONVERSATIONIn this section, you will hear eight short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following eight questions. 10. Whats the womans reply?A. She agrees to dine out.B. She opposes to dining out.C. She as

9、ks for the reason for dining out.D. She is hesitant.11. What will the man probably do next?A. Turn off the recorder.B. Turn up the recorder.C. Go to the hospital.D. Continue to play the record.12.What does the woman mean?A. The man should be patient.B. The man is mistaken.C. She misses her friend ve

10、ry much.D. She is waiting for a call.13.What is happening to the mans letters?A. They are being mailed to the womans place.B. They are being forwarded to his new flat.C. They are being mailed to his old address.D. They are being held at the post office.14.Why is the man worried?A. He cant get the bo

11、oks he needs.B. He cant find his watch.C. He must read a lot of books.D. He doesnt like the course.15.What does the man mean?A. He has got the clothes.B. He has no intention to get the clothes.C. The woman shouldnt look at the clothes.D. The clothes are not clean.16.What does the woman suggest that

12、the man do?A. hold the towel.B. go sailing next week.C. buy some towels at once.D. postpone buying towels.17.The woman call the man toA. confirm a staff meeting at 4 oclock.B. confirm a meeting at 2:30.C. confirm an appointment at 4.D. confirm an appointment at 2:30.SECTION CNEWS BROADCAST Question

13、18 is based on the following news item.At the end of the news item you will be given 10 seconds to answer the following question. Now listen to the news.18.Whats the doctors attitude toward British couples planning millennium babies?A. Disapproving.B. Supportive.C. Surprised.D. Critical.Questions 19

14、 and 20 are based on the following news item.At the end of the news item you will be given 20 seconds to answer the following two questions. Now listen to the news. 19.The peace talks between rebels and the Zairian governmentA. have been cancelled.B. are put to a later time.C. took place according t

15、o schedule.D. took place ahead of schedule.20.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The talks are to take place in South Africa.B. The President has denied to meet with the rebel leader.C. The rebel leader didnt turn up for safety concerns.D. The government still takes control of more part of

16、 Zaire.Questions 21, 22 and 23 are based on the following news item.At the end of the news item you will be given 30 seconds to answer the following three questions. Now listen to the news. 21.Who has survived the crash?A. Dianas driver.B. The French judge.C. The bodyguard.D. Dianas boyfriend.22.Tre

17、vo Rees-Jones has come to Paris toA. receive medical treatment.B. conduct the inquiry.C. answer judges inquiries.D. investigate the accident.23.How many times has Rees-Jones come to Paris for the inquiry?A. Once.B. Twice.C. Three times.D. Four times.Questions 24 and 25 are based on the following new

18、s item.At the end of the news item you will be given 20 seconds to answer the following two questions. Now listen to the news. 24. The Russian officials visit to China aims atA. strengthening security cooperation between the two sides.B. expanding into central and eastern Europe.C. discussing about

19、border issues.D. reaching a bilateral agreement in economy.25.Russia expects to establish closer relationships with all of the following EXCEPTA. China.B. IranC. NATO.D. India.KEY TO LISTENING COMPREHENSION1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A11.A 12.B13.A14.C15.B 16.D17.C18.A19.B20.C21.C 22.C 23

20、.D24.A 25.CEXPLANATION OF LISTENING COMPREHENSION PART III LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION ASTATEMENT1. “我认为你们的保险单没有规定对待火灾造成的损失的保障。”本题要求判断说话人的身份。 如果只听到只言片语,如policy就会受到D: 政治家 的干扰, 或fire而受到B: 消防队员 的干扰;只有听清全文,联系上下文,才可判断出这里policy意思是“保险单,保险契约”,而非“政策”,也才能推测出其职业应为A: 保险代理人。2. “尽管Susan在银行有大笔存款, 但她的衣服却一点儿也不时髦

21、。”由though引导的表示让步功能的分句, 暗示Susan尽管有钱却不买时髦的衣服,即在衣服上花费不多,C最切合题意。 anything but: 除之外,恰恰不,决不另外:nothing but: 除之外没有,只不过,仅仅all but: 几乎,差不多3.“油漆匠建议等房间墙壁干一些后再粉刷。”换句话说房间的墙壁不够干而不能粉刷, 与油漆没关系。因此应选B。4.“Lucy宁可什么也不做, 也不愿整晚打游戏机。”也就是说Lucy最不愿意玩游戏机了。 B最接近原意。.would rather than = would soonerthan: 宁可而不, 最好而不另外:rather than:

22、与其不如,不是(而是)如:He lay rather than sat in his armchair. (与其说他是坐不如说他是躺在扶手椅里。)5. “Andrew的车刚开到车库, 汽油就用完了。”A: 他的汽油用完了;B: 他刚给车加满油;C: 到车库时,他的车还剩一点油;D: 他遇到了车祸。了解词组run out of (用完,耗尽)也就能选出A为正确答案。 另外: run short of: 缺少,快用完6. “外表可能是靠不住的。”也就是说不能以貌取人,依赖外表作出判断,D: 不要相信外表 与此含义最接近。7. “Thurber在童年时的一次事故中弄瞎了一只眼睛, 但他仍在写作生涯中

23、获得了成功。”despite of = in spite of : 尽管,任凭,是表达转折, 让步关系的介词词组。文中说尽管Thurber在失去一只眼睛的不利情况下,仍成为了个成功的作家。 A:他是个伟大的作家 与此最接近。8. “他其实不必告诉我音乐会的时间, 我已经知道了。”作为情态助动词,need一般只用于否定句和疑问句。“neednt + 不定式完成体”表示过去本来不必做某事却做了。因此原句可理解为“其实他不必告诉我, 但他告诉了。” 所以C为最佳选择。另外:“neednt do / dont need to”表示没有必要而不去做。9. “在阅读过程中, 我们必须从字里行间领会隐含之意

24、。”in the course of : 在过程中理解词组read between the lines: (从字里行间言词行动中) 领会言外之意体会隐含之意 就不难理解本题的真实含义,从而选出正确答案B。SECTION BCONVERSATION10. M:“今晚出去吃饭, 你反对吗?”F:“好的, 为什么不呢?”这里句型 “Would you have any objection to: 你反对吗” 表示请求, “why not” 表示同意,赞同,意思是“为什么不去呢?”而不是询问原因,所以选A。11. F:“亲爱的, 你能否换个时间再放录音机? 我有点儿头疼。”M:“当然可以。 实在对不起

25、, 我没有想到你能听见。”问M接下来可能会做什么。 F因为头疼, 委婉地请求M换个时间听录音机,M表示同意,那么M接下来肯定会A: 关掉机器。turn off: 关另外:turn on: 开turn up: 声音调大turn down: 声音调小12. M:“祝贺你! 我知道你找到了个新工作。 什么时候开始上班?”F:“你肯定想的是别人。 我还在等消息呢。”从F的回答看,她还在等通知,M一定是把她和别人搞混了, 所以选B。13. F:“为什么最近打开我的信箱,却总发现寄给你的信?”M:“哦,对不起。 直到我找到新的公寓前,我都让邮局把我的信件转到你的地址。”问M的信件怎么了。 从对话中得知,M

26、正在寻找新的住房,所以他让邮局把他的信都寄到了F的信箱里,因此答案为A。have sb do sth 意思是 have sth done:让某人做某事。14. M: “我觉得会计学课程很有用, 但很难。我永远也读不完书单上的书。”F:“别担心。无论如何你都能找到时间读的。”为什么M担忧呢? 从他所说的话来看,他觉得会计学课程难是因为书单太长,担心读不完,因此选C。 15. F:“是否得有人到干洗店去把衣服拿回来?”M:“别看着我!”F要找个人去取衣服,M却说别看着他,是什么意思呢? 如果单从字面上看是很难理解的, 但是根据语境提示信息,我们可以猜测F看着M,想让他去,但M那么说,暗示他不想去。

27、所以B为正确答案。16. M: “我想停一下去买些新毛巾。”F:“如果我是你, 就会推迟几天。下周就有些不错的减价销售。”F建议M怎么做呢? F用虚拟语气,委婉地提出她的意见,即先别买,等下周降价再说。 词组hold off是中心词, 意思是“推迟, 拖延”, 相当于“set sth back,delay,call off,postpone”, 所以 D为最佳选择。 B 是语音干扰项。另外:for sale: 待售,出供出售on sale:廉价出售sale by bulk: 成批出售the summer sales: 夏季大减价17. F:“你好,Larry 先生,我是Elizabeth Br

28、own,我打电话是想确认一下咱们今天下午四点钟的约会。”M:“喔,让我查一下。星期三2:30,职员会议,是的,Brown 太太,我想我没问题。”本题问为什么F给M打电话。比较一下四个选项就能发现它们之间的相同之处:都是确认, 以及不同之处:确认什么及何时,这就提醒我们在听的时候重点留心这两点,把复杂的内容简单化, 从而得出正确答案C。SECTION CNEWS BROADCAST18. 测试态度的推测题。由文中“warnnot to try”,可以推测医生对待世纪婴儿的计划不赞同。 答案为A。19. 细节内容测试题。从文中首句的关键词 “postpone” 里可以得到线索,选出答案为B。 20

29、. 测试新闻后半部分的理解。答案为C。21. 测试谁的细节题。从文中可直接找到答案C。22. 目的测试题。根据文中相关内容推断答案为C。23. 细节内容测试题。根据文中 “This is the fourth time he has traveled to Paris”可以推测答案为D。24. 有关目的的细节测试题。根据新闻前两句可直接得出答案A。25. 细节内容测试题。根据文中最后一句,可以排除NATO, 因此答案选C。TAPESCRIPT OF DICTATION PART IIDICTATIONListen to the following passage. Altogether the

30、 passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check

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