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1、育儿故事關係代名詞關係代名詞代替名詞詞組,把一個子句引入另一個句子中。換言之,關係代名詞兼兩種功能:一個是代名詞,代替前面提到過的名詞,在關係子句中它是主詞或受詞。另一種功能就是連接詞,它把兩個子句連接起來,成為一個句子。先行詞(人) + whoThe boy is looking at us. 那個男孩在看我們。The boy wears a cap. 那個男孩戴一頂運動帽。 The boy who wears a cap is looking at us. 戴運動帽的男孩在看我們。 The man who wears sunglasses is my husband. 戴太陽眼鏡的男士是我

2、先生。 The girl who wears jeans is my daughter. 穿牛仔褲的女孩是我女兒。 The old man who is talking to my husband is my father-in-law. 正在跟我先生講話的那個老人家是我公公。The lady who is sitting next to me is Myrtle.現在坐在我旁邊的女士是Myrtle。The taxi drive who took me to the radio station was talkative.載我來電台的計程車司機話真多。I know the man who st

3、ands in the doorway. 我認識那個站在門口的人。Anne is the girl who is responsible for the project.Anne是這個企劃的負責人。先行詞(人) + whom.I met a pretty girl in the park yesterday.我昨天在公園碰到一位漂亮妹The pretty girl is your cousin. 那位漂亮妹妹是你表妹。 The pretty girl (whom) I met in the park yesterday is your cousin. 我昨天在公園碰到的那位漂亮妹妹是你表妹。

4、The gentleman (whom) you saw in the restroom is my boss.你在廁所看到的那個人是我的老闆。 The man (whom) you mentioned happens to be my uncle. 你提到的那個人碰巧是我叔叔。Mr. White is the man (whom) I like.Mr. White是我喜歡的人。He is the man (whom) I want to marry.他是我想嫁的人。He is the man (whom) I can depend on(=on whom I can depend).他是我可

5、以依靠的人。The girl to whom John is talking is his fiance.John正在跟她說話的那個女的是他的未婚妻。She has two sons, both of whom are in America now.她有兩個兒子,目前都在美國。He has two sisters over 30, neither of whom is married.他有兩個年齡已過30的姊姊還沒結婚。先行詞(事、物) + which/that.Some money is on the table. 桌上有錢。The money is mine. 錢是我的。The money

6、 which/that is on the table is mine. 桌上的錢是我的。I am looking for a book. 我在找一本書。 The book is about birds. 這本書是關於鳥的。 I am looking for a book which/that is about birds. 我在找一本關於鳥的書。Pollution is a problem which/that concerns us deeply. 污染是一個與我們很有關係的問題。I bought a skirt yesterday. 我昨天買了一條裙子。I like the skirt.

7、 我喜歡這條裙子。 I like the skirt (which) I bought yesterday. 我喜歡我昨天買的裙子。 I like the skirt (which) you are wearing. 我喜歡你現在穿的裙子I am looking for a book. 我在找一本書。 I put the book on the desk last night. 我昨晚把這本書放在桌上。 I am looking for the book (which) I put on the desk last night.我在找昨晚我放在桌上的那本書。 The movie (which/

8、that) we saw last night was full of violence.我們昨晚看的電影好暴力哦。The novel (which/that) Im reading is very interesting. 我現在正在看的小說好有趣哟。This is the hospital which I was born in (= in which I was born).這就是我出生的醫院。(157)關係代名詞that的用法(a)可代替who, whom, whichThe girl that wears jeans is my daughter.穿牛仔褲的女孩是我女兒。The bo

9、ok (that) you gave me is very interesting. 你送我的書很有趣。(b)有兩個先行詞,一個為人,一個為物The man and his monkey that are playing tricks on the street corner come from Japan. 在街角賣藝的人和他的猴子來自日本。Look at the girl and her dog that are crossing the street.看那個正在過街的女孩和她的狗。(158)(c)先行詞前面有序數、最高級形容詞、或the only, the very, the same等

10、This is the most magnificent hotel (that) I have ever seen.這是我所見過最華麗的飯店。Nelson is the only person (that) I know there.Nelson是那裡我唯一認識的人。Yesterday he told me the same story (that) you did. 昨天他說了一個你曾經跟我講過一模一樣的故事。Jack is always the last man that leaves the office.Jack總是最後一個離開辦公室的人。(d)先行詞有all, every, no,

11、 any等字修飾時All the audience that listen to our program will improve their English. 所有聽我們節目的聽眾英文都會進步。All the time that you spend will be worth your while.你花的所有時間都是值得的。(159)(e)先行詞為疑問詞who, what, which等字時Who that has a little common sense will make such a mistake?有任何一點常識的人,怎麼會犯這樣的錯誤呢?Who that is human wil

12、l not make a mistake?孰能無過?Who is the girl that has won the first prize?那個贏得頭獎的女孩是誰?(f) that前面不可有介詞或逗點This is the hospital in which I was born. 這就是我出生的醫院。= This is the hospital (that) I was born in.George is the man (that) I can depend on.George是我可以信賴的人。My father, who is in China now, is coming home

13、tomorrow.我父親現在在大陸,明天就要回來了。English, which is an international language, is a very important subject.英文是國際語言,是一門很重要的科目。(160)先行詞(人、事、物) + whose + N.We are looking for a girl. The girls name is Jennifer.We are looking for a girl whose name is Jennifer. 我們在找一個名字叫Jennifer的女孩。We are looking for a girl whos

14、e hair is long and straight.我們在找一個女孩,她的頭髮又長又直。Jennifer is a girl whose hair is strait and long.Jennifer是個頭髮又直又長的女孩。The girl whose hair is curly is not the Jennifer we are looking for.那個捲頭髮的女孩不是我們要找的Jennifer。Thats the man whose wallet was picked on the bus.那個就是皮夾在公車上被扒的人。I know the boy whose motorcyc

15、le was stolen. 我認識那個摩托車被偷的男孩。The woman whose house was broken into last night is my neighbor.那名昨晚家裡遭竊的婦人是我的鄰居。(161)先行詞(人、事、物) + whose + N.The notebook is my sisters. 筆記本是Peter的。The cover of the notebook is green. 筆記本的封面是綠色。 The notebook the cover of which is green is Peters. The notebook of which th

16、e cover is green is Peters. The notebook whose cover is green is Peters.綠色封面的筆記本是Peter的。The cat whose eyes are of different colors is not my pet.這隻眼睛不同色的貓不是我的寵物。(162)練習1. 把我誤認為是他女朋友的那個男孩覺得很尷尬。2. 正在跟警察說話的人是我的妹夫。3. 你幫助的那個女孩謝謝你了嗎?4. Mary正在跟他講話的那個男的是她未婚夫。5. 我昨晚去的音樂會好棒。6. 你跟你把她的茶打翻的那位女士道歉了嗎?7. 他正在看的那些照片是

17、我拍攝的Key1. The man who/that mistook me for his girlfriend felt embarrassed.2. The man who is talking to the policeman is my brother-in-law.3. Did the girl whom you helped thank you?4. The man to whom Mary is talking is her fianc.5. The concert (which/that) I went to was wonderful.6. Did you apologize

18、 to the woman whose tea you spilled?7. The pictures (which/that) he is looking at were taken by me.(163)關係副詞 地方+ where Thats the beach where we first met.那就是我們第一次相遇的海灘。It was under the table where I found my lost keys.就在桌子底下我找到弄丟的鑰匙。Room 203 is (the place) where we record our program. 203室是我們錄節目的錄音間

19、。The other day I visited the museum where there was an exhibition of Monets paintings. 前幾天我參觀了博物館,那兒正在展出莫內的畫。(164)關係副詞 時間+ when /理由+ why My grandfather was born in the year (when) the war broke out.我祖父是戰爭爆發的那一年出生的。July 2 is the date (when) my sister Amy and Justin will get married.七月2號是我妹妹Amy 和Justi

20、n結婚的日子。Next Sunday is the day when the opening ceremony will take place.下禮拜天是舉行開幕典禮的日子。Thats the reason (why) I cant come tomorrow.那就是我明天不能來的原因。I dont know (the reason) why Jack will be absent, too.我不知道傑克為什麼也不能去。(165)併合關係代名詞whoever = anyone who whosever = anyone whoseWhoever(=Anyone who) is your fri

21、end is also my friend.你的朋友就是我的朋友。Whoever/Whomever you invite is welcome.你邀請的任何人都受歡迎。Can I give the invitation card to whoever wants to come to your party?我可以把邀請卡送給任何想去你的舞會的人嗎?The joke is funny to whoever(=anyone who) understands Taiwanese.這笑話要聽得懂台語的人才覺得好笑。The joke will amuse whomever/whoever you tel

22、l it to.不論你跟誰講這笑話他都會覺得好笑。Whosever car it is shouldnt be parked there.不管這是誰的車,都不該停在那兒。(166)併合關係代名詞 what = the thing which whatever = anything which/thatWhat(=The thing which) is mine is mine and what(=the thing which) is yours is also mine. 我的就是我的,你的也是我的。What my five-year-old son said surprised me.我才

23、五歲的兒子說的話讓我很驚訝。Dont pretend to know what you dont understand.不要假裝知道你不懂的事情。No one knows what may happen next.沒有人知道接下來可能會發生什麼事。This is what I have always wanted. 這就是我一直想要的。What is one mans meat may be anothers poison.對某甲是肉的東西對某乙卻可能是毒藥。Whatever(=Anything that) happens is none of your business.不論發生什麼事都跟你

24、無關。Whatever you may do cant help him a bit.不論你做什麼對他一點幫助都沒有。(167)併合關係代名詞 whenever = anytime when wherever = any place whereIt doesnt matter whenever you come.你什麼時候來都沒有關係。Come over whenever you want to.你隨時想來就來。You may leave whenever(=anytime when) you want to leave.你想在任何時間離開都可以。You may go wherever you

25、 want to go.你想去哪兒都可以。If you could go wherever you want to, where would you go?如果你可以去任何你想去的地方,你會去哪兒?If I could go wherever I want to, Id like to go to Hualien.如果我可以去任何我想去的地方,我想去花蓮。You may live wherever you like.你高興住在哪兒都可以。If I could live wherever I want to, Id still like to live in Taipei.如果我可以住在任何我想

26、住的地方,我仍然想住在台北。(168)練習1. 我住的公寓很老舊了。2. 七點半是他飛機抵達的時間。3. 我們歡迎任何想來的人。4. 我聽到你說的話了。5. 她很容易和她碰到的人作朋友。6. 他總是心裡想到什麼就說了出來。7. 我不知道他今天為什麼缺席了。Key1. The apartment where I live is very old.The apartment which I live in is very old.2. 7: 30 is the time when his plane arrives.3. We welcome whoever wants to come. Whoe

27、ver wants to come is welcome. Anyone who wants to come is welcome.4. Ive heard what you said.5. She makes friends easily with whomever/whoever she meets.6. He always says whatever comes into his mind.7. I dont know (the reason) why he is absent today.(169)which可以代替整個子句Linda was not at home, which wo

28、rried me.Linda不在家,讓我很擔心。I dropped in on my sister on the way, which means Ill be late. 在路上我順道去看我妹妹,這意味著我會遲到了。She was one hour late, which upset me.她遲到一小時,讓我很惱火。She often helps me with my work, which I appreciate very much.她在工作上常幫我忙,這一點我非常感激。Andy was fired from his job, which surprised me greatly.And

29、y被炒魷魚,讓我嚇一大跳。He said that he was sick, which was not true.他說他病了,並不是真的。Linda and I had a long chat, which I believe helped soothe her mood.Linda跟我聊了很久,我相信有助她的情緒得到撫慰。(170)心語式插句 I think / I believe 我認為 / 我相信what is better 更好的what is worse 更糟的what you may call / what we may call /what is called 所謂的Mandy

30、 is what we may call a spoilt child.Mandy就是我們所謂的被寵壞的孩子。Her father lent her his car and, what is better, he gave her some money.她爸爸把車借給她用,更好的是他還給了她一些錢。The car broke down on the way back and, what is worse, she used up all her money. 車在回來路上拋錨,更糟的是她錢花光了。Fortunately, ahead of her she saw a woman who she

31、 thought was her aunt.幸運的是在她前面她看見一個她認為是她阿姨的女士。Her aunt was the one who she believed could help her. 她阿姨,她相信就是可以幫她的人。(171)關係子句簡化成片語I live in an apartment which was built 20 years ago. (子句) I live in an apartment built 20 years ago. (片語)我住在一間20年前建造的公寓。We are polite to the people who live in the same apartment building. (子句) We are polite to the peopl

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